Mowval welcomes you with love!,we are here to help you out on automobile stuffs like car,bike and its technical specifications in tamil. We also provide upto date news and top10 list of anything on the earth in tamil as well as in english through Mowval news and mowval top respectively. Mowval Automobiles
This site provides in depth information of cars and bikes like technical specification,specia
l setup,Onroad price,provisions,variants. Also,we provide support for comparing specifications of two different cars or bikes.yes,,we also provide New arrivals of cars or bikes, intresting facts of some cars,automobile news and functions. Mowval Mobiles
This site provides technical specifications,performance,price details and mobile comparision in detail you can read in tamil as well in english. Mowval News
This site provides upto date news of all categories like sport,politics,entertainment,etc. Apart from this, you can write to [email protected] to post your very own poem , stories , advantage and disadvantage of your city in our site once after necessary approval process of mowval.Please make sure you are writing name,address and phone number of yours along with your content. Mowval Top10
This site puts everything in the universe in simple Top 10 list and touching every category we humans classified like sports,Business,Technology,Health,Entertainment etc. Also describes Good and bad of everything on the Earth with Top 10 List.