Season 14 || Arena || #nagagaming #pubg #gaming #PUBGMOBILE #pubgindia
FPP || Arena || Road to 100 Follower ||
Hello freinds,
Here is the new gameplay.
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The Power of M416 || PUBG MOBILE || @NagaPatna
M416 - PUBG MOBILE. M416 Fires 5.56mm rounds with 30 bullets per Mag. It has both a single shot and a full auto mode. It can be equipped with lots of attachments to become an all-rounder at any distance.
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These Videos are for entertainment purpose only.
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Here is my new video with some action music. Keep supporting me on #youtube
Please subscribe my channel for more videos. Will try to #entertain you all with my improvement in gameplay.
One more video || Please support my youtube channel
The Ultimate Power of AKM |||
Thanks & Regards