Media is the mirror of our society which delivers economic and political transparency through various channels like online, print and electronic. These days, there is huge impact of paid news which distracts people’s thought. Corporate houses and public relation agencies are also using paid news to promote their products and services; which are examples of paid news. Due to this, credibility of me
dia houses has decreased. the Indian media and its journalistic practices have been criticised for breaking the trust of the public. Indian media have successfully succeeded in growing their economy through cross-ownership and advertorials. Under the influence of profit making, commercial interests which are controlling the news content, as editorial contents are being sold like other commodities. This commercialization of the media content is evident in phenomena like paid news.News is meant to be objective, fair and unbiased. This is the only difference between news and opinions. But, recently, the lines between news and advertisements are blurring because paid advertisements are deceived as news which favours a particular organization or a person by selling editorial spaces. The media organizations misguide the readers by providing no true information to them. By doing this, the media questions its own credibility and is fast losing the trust of the society. The readers/viewers cannot distinguish the difference between a news report and advertorials. Paid News and the Private Treaties Phenomenon
1. “Paid news is run to pass off an advertisement, apiece of propaganda and advertisement...pass that as news, pretend that it is news that is “paid news” – by P. Sainath. It is a deal signed by the media organizations with an individual especially corporate houses and the candidate standing for elections, assuring them a fixed amount of coverage through advertisements and news reports in favour of them. In addition, additional fee can be charged to run negative campaign against their rivals. The paid news operation is done secretly and no disclosure is made before such news printed or broadcasted. Journalists willing or otherwise practice this phenomenon on a large scale. Journalists who do not wish to practice this phenomenon are either sacked from their organizations or the individuals are denied coverage and also suffer media blackouts.
2. The advertisers, who are ever anxious to catch consumers off guard, believe that 'simply there cannot be a better way of breaking into consumer mind space than disguising the brand messages as news, which is more credible and convincing than raw advertising,' says Santosh Desai, managing director and CEO, Future Brands. Such content is priced more than the regular advertising rates. Join us @ & latest updates on news postmortems. Read our latest blogs at
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