a voyager of experiences deep, mysterious and ancient, aash*t singh is a digital visionary artist who expresses the essence of inward reflections of the mind & soul with the warmth of elemental environments and energy. a receptive & listening-soul allows aash*t to absorb the beauty in the patterns of life, death and all between, constantly creating & recreating the layers of meaning, intention and attention through his detailed fearless story-telling of images. always drawn to the deep transcendental states of the introspective self, in search of the essence, purpose and conviction that guides life on this plane and others, aash*t singh is the mind, spirit & hand behind his collection ‘the are’. ‘the are’ contains the entire spectrum of his work that is at once layered with the complexity of structured geometry, abstract imagery & subliminal photography along with a rare simplicity that leads to elevated states of consciousness.
‘the are’ is an acronym of a shloka: ii om antahkaranam rtambaram ekakinam svaha ii
which means it is the inner instrument (the self) that holds the ultimate truth alone i.e by and within itself. this beautiful philosophy is the backbone of aash*t’s creative journey and expression. ‘the are’ showcases inspiration and influence from aash*t’s deep dive into eastern & indian mythology, hindu deities & gods, exploration of religious concepts and rituals has lead to firm respect for the solar & lunar calendars. ‘the are’ aims to portray the inevitable balance f creation & destruction, and its duality by using organic patterns full of flora, fauna alongside bionic & mechanical concepts. the form, purpose, beauty, depth and realms of nature provide aash*t with an unquenchable source of inventiveness and wonder, and all this finds a home in ‘the are’. the layered, dreamy and ethereal tone of his artwork offers hallucinatory, epic stories that create lasting & deep connections with the onlooker. symmetry, singularity & balance make his artwork unequivocally unique.
aash*t also brings the volume of his long-term connection with psychedelic environments and music to ‘the are’. the “ever-enchanting and eternal psychedelic sounds have always provided (him) visions far beyond the intellect and reason’ and this forms the playground for aash*t to dissect, analyze and comprehend various facets of existence and being. the esoteric and dreamlike tones of the are highlights a subliminal intent, that is essentially psychedelic.
born into a family of the third generation of fine artists & soaked in a palette of artistic ideologies and forms, aash*t discovered his passion for art as a teenager, and he has never had to look back. young adulthood supplied aash*t with a perfect dosage of freedom to experiment with concepts, ideologies and art forms that brought a sense of dauntlessness and tangibility to his artistry. a postgraduate in fine arts from j.j. college of art, aash*t worked at a design house for 8 years before starting his own advertising & design agency in mumbai in 2014. his work has been showcased in various advertising & art magazines including luerzer’s archive, pool magzine & creative gaga. aash*t has also been awarded the top position in creative gaga’s curation of top 20 digital artists from india (2018) and 2019 saw his collaboration with antariksha sanchar- india’s first fantasy bharatnatyam opera presented by red bull music.
having dabbled in multiple genres, aash*t has created art for some of the most iconic psychedelic music record label like sangoma records, believelab, nano records, parvati records, banyan records, damaru records, sacred technology records, popol vuh records, monkey business records and many others including homegrown labels like trinetra records, backflip records etc. he continues to create artworks for promotional flyers for psychedelic gigs and festivals and gatherings in india and across the globe. as ‘‘the are’, aash*t has exhibited the repertoire of his art at various psychedelic festivals & gatherings including atman festival (sri lanka:2019) & chilltop festival (goa, india: 2019), the goa collective bazaar (2019).
colourful or otherwise, ‘the are’ creations carry with them a sense of primitiveness, fantasy and warm vividness that is altogether intriguing and enlightening. details dissected to further enhance the simplicity of each element in the vast playground of images lends ‘the are’ to be perceived in its entirety. a wholeness that is both soothing & meditative, ancient & progressive, this is aash*t singh & ‘the are’: a unique storyteller narrating stories with a digital paintbrush.