Every kid from 🇦🇪 has had the best childhood days when it came to snacks. You know you are a 90’s kid if you still smile when there is the #omanchips gifted to you😍
Yes, gifted🥹
Being in india, I have eaten many chips but nothing matches up to the taste of this. Call it nostalgia or maybe just the knife cutting the potato with the red and blue color packet, I’m sure there is a 🇦🇪 kid in all of us who still would swap a plane ticket just to buy more of this or has one of those friends who carry the same in their luggage when they fly to 🇮🇳.
I’m sure it won’t be long before @lulu_mall @lulumalltvm starts selling Oman Chips too. And that is the day when i intend to buy a whole year’s stock to fulfil my adulting life with coffee and Oman chips💙✨
Here’s to hoping @yusuffali.ma brings the most delicious chips to Mumbai soon.
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