Using mobile phone is a happy time pass . But it takes away the time for the school children. It spoils eyes.. Its takeaway the child's / student's eye power and makes them tired .. But what to do? They can't keep reading, writing , doing homework and helping parents..But what to do for a time pass that too in a holiday ? Can they play out? Parents are not allowing.. Can they get friends, join together and watch a movie in anyone's house? No ..parents are taking rest Children should keep quite. Can they sleep all the day? No its not possible..They love to sleep only on school days..! What to do.. Outside to a theatre? No parents not ready to get ready on holidays and keep going out... Can they go for lunch outside?? No Mothers are very fond of cooking special on a holiday only... What to do? *Asude* is an indoor woderful game which any number of children can play.. Even a single child without disturbing anyone.. But happily.. What is ASUDE? Call us or visit Thadaham or Brain light .. We have plans for your children..
9489855966 - Mrs.Padma
8220089835 - Mr.Abdul