ODFC - Uttar Pradesh

ODFC - Uttar Pradesh ODFC operates as an extended resource arm of the local financial organizations.

The OZG District Finance Center (ODFC) is a holistic project by OZG Finance Group and Sudesh Foundation. We promote Development Finance & Economic Security, which is a part of poverty alleviation projects mainly for lower and middle-class households in India. We primarily offer auxiliary financial services, virtual resources, subscriptions and awareness projects in association with various financi

al institutions. We operate as an extended resource arm of local financial institutions like banks, NBFC, MFI and fintech mobile apps. OZG डिस्ट्रिक्ट फाइनेंस सेंटर (ODFC) OZG फाइनेंस ग्रुप और सुदेश फाउंडेशन की एक समग्र परियोजना है। हम विकास वित्त और आर्थिक सुरक्षा को बढ़ावा देते हैं, जो मुख्य रूप से भारत में निम्न और मध्यम वर्ग के परिवारों के लिए गरीबी उन्मूलन परियोजनाओं का एक हिस्सा है।

हम मुख्य रूप से विभिन्न वित्तीय संस्थानों के सहयोग से सहायक वित्तीय सेवाएँ, आभासी संसाधन, सदस्यता और जागरूकता परियोजनाएँ प्रदान करते हैं। हम बैंकों, एनबीएफसी, एमएफआई और फिनटेक मोबाइल ऐप जैसे स्थानीय वित्तीय संस्थानों की विस्तारित संसाधन शाखा के रूप में काम करते हैं।


Chat 24/7 Go to: www.odfc.in - & Saving Accounts

DeFi is coined with two words 'Decentralised' and 'Finance'. DeFi allows crypto users greater control over their funds. It consists of multiple financial products and services, which are easily accessible to anyone from anywhere via the Internet.

Before starting you should be aware that, buying or selling crypto assets is taxed at a standard rate in India. Any kind of cross-border transactions are regulated by FEMA law and guidelines provided by the Reserve Bank of India. Please, get advice from ( ) as per your requirements. Email: [email protected]

How to start with DeFi?
It is important to do your research about the various aspects of a DeFi protocol. This post is provided here on the ODFC page of your place to educate yourself about DeFi as there are several risks associated with it. Risks such as rug pull scams, fake projects, exit scams, and others, so learn about them before investing in any DeFi protocol.

Here are some of the steps to get started with DeFi:

1) Set up a Crypto Wallet -

Crypto wallets are digital wallets that allow you to store crypto and interact with various DeFi protocols. Usually, there are two types of digital wallets: Cold and Hot wallets. Choose a that best serves your financial interests and goals. Get help from Support Chat 💬 and subscribe to the exclusive services.

2) Acquire Crypto Coins -

As you may know in , where you need a bank account/UPI to load cash in your trading account to invest money in the stock market, similarly here you need to acquire to participate in and interact with various . Some wallets are on crypto exchanges, where you can purchase crypto coins. Most protocols are built on the platform, so it is advisable to start with ERC-20 tokens.

Full post on website. @ www.ODFC.in

*Positive Pay System for Cheques*  is a mechanism created by the National Payment Corporation of India ( ) for which cus...

*Positive Pay System for Cheques*

is a mechanism created by the National Payment Corporation of India ( ) for which customers have to give information about the cheque being issued by them to the bank where they have their bank account. This information has to be shared before presenting the cheque for clearance.

🔖 Wef. 07/July/2023, submitting positive pay details in case cheque value ₹500000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs) and above will be mandatory.

🔖 Stale cheque (3 months older from the date of confirmation) will not be accepted.

💗 https://www.odfc.in

*Register for the webinar on the Positive ! It's FREE for .*

*Follow ODFC on social media. It will help you stay updated with your & things for FREE.*

पॉजिटिव पे सिस्टम भारतीय नेशनल पेमेंट कॉर्पोरेशन (NPCI) की ओर से बनाया गया एक मेकैनिज्म है जिसके लिए #ग्राहकों को उनके द्वारा जारी किए जा रहे चेक की जानकारी उस #बैंक को देनी होती है जहां उनका #बैंकअकाउंट होता है। #क्लीयरेंस के लिए चेक पेश करने से पहले इन जानकारी को शेयर करना होता है।

🔖 07/July/2023 से ₹500000/- (पांच लाख रुपये) और उससे अधिक मूल्य के चेक के मामले में पॉजिटिव पे सिस्टम अनिवार्य होगा।

🔖 पुराने चेक (कन्फर्मेशन की तारीख से 3 महीने पुराने) स्वीकार नहीं किए जाएंगे।

✉️ [email protected]

*सोशल मीडिया पर #ओडीएफसी को फॉलो करें। यह आपको मुफ़्त में अपनी #बैंकिंग और #फाइनेंशियल चीज़ों से अपडेट रहने में मदद करेगा।*

Go to📱instagram.com/odfcindia

        and all other   have been looting heavily from the   under the pretext of a stupid  , which supports   the   so ...

and all other have been looting heavily from the under the pretext of a stupid , which supports the so that they can collect funds to promote banking for the .

Dear Sirs @ Reserve Bank of India
In the age of and ,
❌ - It is 100% unethical.


Are you facing problem with your or / / / ?

Contact to your nearest for quick solutions.

Find more @ www.odfc.in

Email ✉️ [email protected]

Chat 🔊 WA.ME/918779696580

  Checklist -List of documents required for filing FCGPR. RBI Compliance 🇮🇳 rbicompliance.com☎️ Chat ₹199 💬 8779696580📮 ...

Checklist -

List of documents required for filing FCGPR.

RBI Compliance 🇮🇳 rbicompliance.com

☎️ Chat ₹199 💬 8779696580

📮 Get FREE Advisory by Email 📧 [email protected]

The receiving company needs to complete the FDI Reporting in India by filing Form FCGPR within 30 days.

In case, the resident company doesn’t comply with the rules of filing the Form FCGPR, the RBI imposes a substantial penalty on non-compliance of regulations, referred to as “compounding”.

Visit to link below -

🇮🇳 rbicompliance.com

Chat 🔊 8779696580

Go to FAQ - instagr.am/femaconsultant

Happy Vishwakarma Puja!   is fully funded by the Government of India with an outlay of ₹13,000 Crore. Under the scheme, ...

Happy Vishwakarma Puja!

is fully funded by the Government of India with an outlay of ₹13,000 Crore. Under the scheme, the Artisans and Craftspeople will be registered free of charge through Common Services Centres using the biometric-based .


The following benefits will be provided to all Artisans and Craftspeople under -

1) Loan up to ₹1,00,000/- will be provided at 5% Interest Rate in 1st Phase. The tenure of 1st phase loan is 18 months.

2) Loan up to ₹2,00,000/- will be provided at 5% Interest Rate in 2nd Phase. The tenure of 2nd phase loan is 30 months.

3) Skill Training will also be provided.

4) A stipend of ₹500/- per day will be provided during the Training Period.

5) ₹15,000/- will be provided to Purchase Advance Tool Kit.

6) and Identity Card will also be provided.

7) Incentive of Rs. 1/- per Digital Transaction.

To learn more about district-specific financial services (Money Mkt.), please go to the website: www.odfc.in

Follow 💗 instagram.com/ODFCindia


Penalty for Non-filing of Form  RBI Compliance 🇮🇳 rbicompliance.com☎️ ₹199 💬 Chat 24/7 🔊 8779696580📮 Get FREE Advisory b...

Penalty for Non-filing of Form

RBI Compliance 🇮🇳 rbicompliance.com

☎️ ₹199 💬 Chat 24/7 🔊 8779696580

📮 Get FREE Advisory by Email 📧 [email protected]

In case, the resident company doesn’t comply with the rules of filing the Form FCGPR, the RBI imposes a substantial penalty on non-compliance of regulations, referred to as “compounding”.

The receiving company needs to complete the FDI Reporting in India by filing Form FCGPR within 30 days of the due date, and the penalty for non-filing of Form FC-GPR would include:

📌 ₹5000 or

📌 1 % of the total amount of investment, which can up to a maximum of ₹5 Lakh or

📌 Part thereof for the first six months of delay and after that rate will be 2 times.

This compounding amount to be transferred into an RBI’s designated bank account.

Visit to link below -

🇮🇳 instagr.am/

Go to FAQ - fema.ozgindia.com

📮 Get FREE Advisory by Email 📧 [email protected]

☎️ ₹199 💬 Chat 24/7 🔊 8779696580

What is an Unclaimed Deposit?In case savings (or a current)   doesn’t have any transactions for more than 2 years then i...

What is an Unclaimed Deposit?

In case savings (or a current) doesn’t have any transactions for more than 2 years then it becomes . If a/c is remain inactive for more than 10 years then it is deemed as .

Email: [email protected]

RBI - - Unclaimed Deposit Search Portal

Now with launch of UDGAM – the Centralized RBI Portal to Track Unclaimed Deposits, it will become easier for people to search for their unclaimed deposits in a user-friendly manner. In India, there are thousands of crores (₹35,000 Crore as per 2022-23 data) lying in various banks as unclaimed deposits.

Reserve Bank Information Technology Pvt Ltd ( ), Indian Financial Technology & Allied Services (IFTAS) and participating banks have collaborated on developing the portal. At the time of launch, the search facility will be available for data on unclaimed deposits of only 7 banks on the portal. These are ( ), National Bank, Central Bank of India, Ltd., Ltd., India Ltd., and . The facility for the remaining Banks in India on the portal will be made available in a phased manner by 15 October 2023.

This post is created by the - CMS team as per information available on the RBI portal. Please, contact your bank or ODFC - 24/7 Support Chat in case you require services regarding Unclaimed Deposit.

Email: [email protected]

आरबीआई - यूडीजीएएम (लावारिस जमा - सूचना तक पहुंच का प्रवेश द्वार) वेबसाइट लिंक

लावारिस जमा (पैसा) क्या है?

यदि किसी बचत (या चालू) बैंक खाते में 2 वर्ष से अधिक समय तक कोई लेनदेन नहीं होता है तो यह निष्क्रिय हो जाता है। बैंक को ग्राहक से ई-मेल, फोन, एसएमएस संदेश और/या डाक/कूरियर सेवाओं आदि के माध्यम से संपर्क करना आवश्यक है। लेकिन अगर इस खाते/जमा में 10 या उससे अधिक समय तक खाताधारक की ओर से कोई गतिविधि (जैसे जमा या निकासी) नहीं होती है तो ऐसे खातों को लावारिस जमा माना जाता है।

RBI - UDGAM - #लावारिस जमा खोज पोर्टल

#रिज़र्वबैंक सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी प्राइवेट लिमिटेड (ReBIT), #भारतीय वित्तीय प्रौद्योगिकी और संबद्ध सेवाएँ (IFTAS) और भाग लेने वाले बैंकों ने पोर्टल विकसित करने में सहयोग किया है। लॉन्च के समय, पोर्टल पर केवल 7 बैंकों की लावारिस जमा पर डेटा खोजने की सुविधा उपलब्ध होगी। ये हैं - भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (एसबीआई), #पंजाब नेशनल बैंक, सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, #धनलक्ष्मी बैंक लिमिटेड, साउथ इंडियन बैंक लिमिटेड, डीबीएस बैंक इंडिया लिमिटेड और #सिटीबैंक। पोर्टल पर भारत के शेष बैंकों के लिए सुविधा चरणबद्ध तरीके से 15 अक्टूबर 2023 तक उपलब्ध कराई जाएगी।

यह पोस्ट #आरबीआई पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध जानकारी के अनुसार #ओडीएफसी - सीएमएस टीम द्वारा बनाई गई है। यदि आपको लावारिस जमा के संबंध में सेवाओं की आवश्यकता है तो कृपया अपने बैंक या ओडीएफसी - 24/7 सपोर्ट चैट से संपर्क करें।

Email: [email protected]

*Be an ODFC Ambassador for your District.*🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ TrainingEmail resume to: wfh@ozgian.com➡ ODFC Ambassadors (DS...

*Be an ODFC Ambassador for your District.*

🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ Training
Email resume to: [email protected]

➡ ODFC Ambassadors (DSA) are selected based on a passion for their District/City, interaction skills, multiple years of experience in financial sector, and dependability factors.

➡ ODFC Ambassador/DSA Fee ₹192/year. DM to join our Announcement/Regional Group for Updates and informative posts.

➡ is a self-sustainable organization. It was set up by Finance Group. ODFC is available in all districts of India, Please, find your district/city at ozgindia.com

🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ Training
Go to Website: wfh.ozgian.com

*Be an ODFC Ambassador for your District.*🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ TrainingEmail your resume to: wfh@ozgian.com➡ ODFC is a self-...

*Be an ODFC Ambassador for your District.*

🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ Training
Email your resume to: [email protected]

➡ ODFC is a self-sustainable organization. It was set up by OZG Finance Group. ODFC is available in all districts of India, Please, find your district at ozgindia.com

📌 Quick Joining @ ODFC -

➡ 1) If you are working with any of RBI-registered & and dealing in banking/financial products/services. Simply, email your visiting card/resume, including your Aadhar card and pay the membership fee of ₹192/year.

➡ 2) Learn about the list of products/services exclusively available for your district, start selling/referring and get the payout in your a/c.

🏠 WFH √ OZGIAN √ Training
Go to Website: wfh.ozgian.com




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