a path of success...

To Day Dr, Santosh Kumar Mukherjee's (Music Director) 97th Birth Day ............

To Day Dr, Santosh Kumar Mukherjee's (Music Director) 97th Birth Day ............



কঙ্কাল 3. লেক - Roopkund লেক, চামোলি, উত্তরাখণ্ড16,500 ফুট একটি উচ্চতা সময়ে, হিমালয়ের সবচেয়ে বসবাসের অযোগ্য অংশ মাঝখা...

কঙ্কাল 3. লেক - Roopkund লেক, চামোলি, উত্তরাখণ্ড
16,500 ফুট একটি উচ্চতা সময়ে, হিমালয়ের সবচেয়ে বসবাসের অযোগ্য অংশ মাঝখানে নির্জন Roopkund লেক, বরফ আচ্ছাদিত এবং শিলা-আকীর্ণ হিমবাহ দ্বারা বেষ্টিত এই ব্যবস্থার সবচেয়ে গুরত্বপূর্ণ. আরো জনপ্রিয় কঙ্কাল লেক বা রহস্য লেক নামে পরিচিত, এই লেকের মেরুদণ্ড-হিম আকর্ষণ এখানে আবিষ্কৃত হয়েছে যে 600 বিজোড় মানুষের কঙ্কাল হয়. এই ফিরে 9th সিই তারিখ এবং বরফ গলে যখন অগভীর হ্রদ নীচে স্পষ্ট দৃশ্যমান. স্থানীয়দের এই পরিপার্শ্ব একটি ভয়ানক ঝড় শেষ পর্যন্ত তাদের হত্যা করে, যা তাদের পথ, যিনি পাঠিয়েছেন স্থানীয় দেবতা, লাটু, ভয়ন্কর অর্জন করেছে যে বিশ্বাস

3. Lake of Skeletons - Roopkund Lake, Chamoli, Uttarakhand
At a height of 16,500 feet, in the middle of the most uninhabitable part of the Himalayas lies the secluded Roopkund Lake, covered in snow and surrounded by rock-strewn glaciers. More popularly known as Skeleton Lake or Mystery Lake, the spine-chilling attraction of this lake is the 600 odd human skeletons that were discovered here. These date back to the 9th CE and are clearly visible at the bottom of the shallow lake when the snow melts. The locals believe that this entourage had earned the fury of the local deity, Latu, who sent a terrible hailstorm their way, which eventually killed them.

Mayong, আসাম - কুহক ভূমিভাল কালো জাদু ভূমি, 40 কিলোমিটার Pobitora অভয়ারণ্য পাসে গুয়াহাটি শহর থেকে একটি গ্রামে হিসাবে প...

Mayong, আসাম - কুহক ভূমি
ভাল কালো জাদু ভূমি, 40 কিলোমিটার Pobitora অভয়ারণ্য পাসে গুয়াহাটি শহর থেকে একটি গ্রামে হিসাবে পরিচিত রহস্য কাফন Mayong একটি ষড়যন্ত্রের,. এটা জনপ্রিয় নাম Mayong বিভ্রম জন্য সংস্কৃত শব্দ, মায়া থেকে আসে বলে মনে করা হচ্ছে. পাতলা বায়ু মধ্যে অদৃশ্য পুরুষদের অনেক পরের, মানুষ প্রাণীদের মধ্যে রূপান্তরিত হচ্ছে, বা পশুর আছে magically Mayong যুক্ত হয়েছে, আয়ত্ত করা হচ্ছে. জাদু এবং যাদু ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে চর্চা ও প্রজন্ম পরে নিচে গৃহীত হয়. আয়ুর্বেদ এবং কালো জাদু অনেক প্রাচীন ধ্বংসাবশেষ এখন Mayong সেন্ট্রাল জাদুঘরে সংরক্ষিত আছে

Land of Black Magic - Mayong, Assam
A cloak of mystery shrouds Mayong, better known as the Land Of Black Magic, a village 40 kms from Guwahati city, close to Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary. It is popularly believed that the name Mayong comes from the Sanskrit word for illusion, Maya. Many tales of men disappearing into thin air, people being converted into animals, or beasts being magically tamed, have been associated with Mayong. Sorcery and magic were traditionally practised and passed down over generations. Many ancient relics of Ayurveda and black magic are now preserved in the Mayong Central Museum.

1. স্টোন levitating - Shivapur, মহারাষ্ট্রকোথাও পুনেতে, Shivapur নামক একটি খেয়ালী সামান্য পল্লী মধ্যে, বলতে একটি ঐন্দ্র...

1. স্টোন levitating - Shivapur, মহারাষ্ট্র
কোথাও পুনেতে, Shivapur নামক একটি খেয়ালী সামান্য পল্লী মধ্যে, বলতে একটি ঐন্দ্রজালিক গল্প আছে যে হযরত কমর আলী দরবেশ মিথ্যা. বর্তমান মাজার 800 বছর আগে, একটি ব্যায়ামাগার ছিল. কমর আলী নামে একজন সুফি সাধক সেখানে কুস্তিগীরদের দ্বারা উপহসিত ছিল. Saint শরীরের নির্মাণে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে যে শিলা উপর একটি বানান স্থাপন. 70 কেজি রক মাত্র 11 আঙুল টিপস তা স্পর্শ এবং জোরে তার নাম ধরে ডাকতে ডাকতে দ্বারা প্রত্যাহার করা যেতে পারে. আজ পর্যন্ত, কমর আলী স্টোন magically তার নাম chanting দ্বারা প্রত্যাহার করা যেতে পারে!

01. Levitating Stone - Shivapur, Maharashtra
Somewhere in Pune, in a quaint little hamlet called Shivapur, lies the Hazrat Qamar Ali Darvesh that has a magical story to tell. The current shrine was a gymnasium, 800 years ago. A Sufi saint called Qamar Ali was taunted by the wrestlers there. The saint placed a spell on the rocks that were used for body-building. The 70 kg rock can only be lifted by 11 finger tips touching it and calling out his name loudly. Till date, the Stone of Qamar Ali can be magically lifted by chanting his name!

15 - aug- 2015. Happy Independence Day

15 - aug- 2015. Happy Independence Day

আপনারা জানেনঃ-পুরীর শ্রী শ্রী জগন্নাথ মন্দির নানাঅলৌকিক রহস্যে ভরা।আমরা এখানে তা তুলে ধরছিঃ(1) এই মন্দিরের কোনো ছায়াপরে...

আপনারা জানেনঃ-

পুরীর শ্রী শ্রী জগন্নাথ মন্দির নানা
অলৌকিক রহস্যে ভরা।আমরা এখানে তা তুলে ধরছিঃ
(1) এই মন্দিরের কোনো ছায়া
পরে না।
(2) মন্দিরের চূড়ার পতাকা
বায়ুর উল্টো দিকে ওড়ে।
(3) মন্দিরের উপর আজ
পযন্ত কোনো পাখি বসতে
দেখা যায়নি।
(4) মন্দিরের ওপর দিয়ে কোনো
বিমান,পাখি উড়ে যেতে পারে না।
(5) মন্দিরের সিংহ দ্বারে
সমূদ্রের ঢেউয়ের শব্দ শোনা যায়।
(6) মহাপ্রসাদ রান্না হয় পরপর
সাতটি মাটির পাত্রে একসাথে(একটির উপরে আরেকটি বসানো হয়) কিন্তু
রান্না হয় উপরের
হাঁড়িতে সবার প্রথমে।
(7) ভক্ত সংখ্যা কম বেশি হলেও
প্রসাদের কম বেশি হয় না।কেউই অভুক্ত থাকেন না।
(8)মন্দিরের রান্নাঘরের ভিতর দিয়ে গঙ্গানদী প্রবাহমান,যা বাইরে থেকে দেখা যায় না।




Best:- Mile Sur Mera Tumhara





Geeta died of cirrhosis of the liver on 20 July 1972 Mumbai.
Notable songs[edit]
further information: List of songs recorded by Geeta Dutt She is supposed to have sung over 1200 songs in Hindi films. In addition she has sang songs in many Indian regional languages including Marathi, Bengali, Maithili, Bhojpuri and Punjabi. She has sung in Nepali evergreen movie Maitighar.[5]
Some of the songs sung under S. D. Burman's direction:[6]
• "Mera Sundar Sapna Beet Gaya" (Do Bhai – 1947 )[7]
• "Woh Sapne Waali Raat" (Pyaar – 1950)
• "Tadbir Se Bigdi Hui Taqdeer" (Baazi – 1951)
• "Aan Milo Aan Milo" (Devdas – 1955 ) With Manna Dey
• "Aaj Sajan Mohe Ang Lagalo" (Pyaasa – 1957)
• "Hum Aap Ke Aankhon Main" (Pyaasa – 1957)
• "Hawa Dhire Aana" (Sujata – 1959)
• "Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Haseen Sitam" (Kaagaz Ke Phool – 1959)
Some Of The Songs She Sung Under O. P. Nayyar'S Direction:[8]
• "Zara Saamne Aa" (Baaz – 1953)
• "Babuji Dhire Chalna" (Aar Paar – 1954)
• "Thandi Hawa Kali Ghata" (Mr. & Mrs. '55 – 1955)
• "Jaane Kahan Mera Jigar Gaya Ji" (Mr. & Mrs. '55 – 1955)
• "Jab Badal Lehraya" (Chhoomantar – 1956)
• "Mere Zindagi Ke Humsafar" (Shrimati 420 – 1956)
• "Jaata Kahan Hai" (CID – 1956)
• "Aye Dil Hain Mushkil" (Aka "Bombay Meri Jaan") (CID – 1956), With Mohammed Rafi
• "Chor, Lutere, Daku" (Ustad – 1957)
• "Mera Naam Chin Chin Chu" (Howrah Bridge – 1958)
• "Kaisa Jadoo Balam Tune Dara" (12 O'clock – 1958)
Some Of The Songs Sung Under Hemant Kumar'S Direction[9]
• "Jai Jagadish Hare" Composed By A Sanskrit Poet Jayadeva Circa 1200 AD (Anand Math - 1951)[10]
• "Na Jaao Saiyaan Chhuda Ke Baiyaan" (Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam – 1962)
• "Kaise Roko Ge Aise Toofan Ko" (Anandmath – 1952 ) With Talat Mahmood
• "Madbhari Hain Pyar Ki Palken" (Fashion – 1957)
• "Na Yeh Chand Ho Ga" (Shart – 1954)
• "Piya Aiso Jiya Mein Samaye Gayo" (Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam – 1962)
• "Chale Aao Chale Aao" (Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam – 1962)
Madan Mohan's Direction
• "Aye Dil Mujhe Bata De'"(Bhai Bhai – 1956)
For Movie Anubhav (1971)
• "Mujhe Jaan Nah Kaho Meri Jaan" (Anubhav – 1971) Music: Kanu Roy
• "Mera Dil Jo Mera Hota" (Anubhav – 1971) Music: Kanu Roy
• "Koi Chupke Se Aake" (Anubhav – 1971) Music: Kanu Roy
Several Songs From Jogan:
• "Ghunghat Ke Pat Khol"
• "Mein Tou Girdhar Ke Ghar Jaon"
• "Mat Ja Mat Ja Jogi"
• "Dag Mag Dag Mag Dole Naiya"
• "Mein Tou Prem Diwani"
Some Bengali Songs:[11]
• 'Shachimata Go Char Juge Hai' (1950)
• 'Ekhan-O Dustar Lajja' (1952)
• 'Ei Sundar Swarnali Sandhyay' (Hospital, 1960; Music: Amal Mukherjee)
• 'Katha Achhe Tumi Aj Asbe (Kanu Ghosh 1960)
• 'Ei Mayabi Tithi' (Shonar Horin, 1959; Music: Hemant Mukherjee)
• 'Tumi Je Amar'[12] (Harano Sur, 1958; Music: Hemant Kumar)
• 'Nishiraat Banka Chand Aakashe' (Prithibi Aamare Chaay, 1957; Music: Nachiketa Ghosh)
• 'Jhanak Jhanak Kanak Kankan Baaje'
Government recognition[edit]
A postage stamp, bearing her face, was released by India Post to honour her on 3 May 2013.

MUISC DEPARTMENT:-GEETA DUTT ( INFORMATION ):-Personal life:- During Geeta's recording of songs for the movie Baazi, she...



Personal life:-

During Geeta's recording of songs for the movie Baazi, she met its young and upcoming director, Guru Dutt. Their romance culminated in marriage on 26 May 1953. Geeta went on to sing some of her best songs in his movies while continuing to sing in other assignments as well.
Geeta and Guru Dutt had three children: Tarun (b. 1954), Arun (b. 1956), and Ninā (b. 1962). Tarun committed su***de in 1985. Arun Dutt died in 2014.
In 1957, Guru Dutt launched a movie, Gauri, with Geeta as its singing star. It was to be India's first movie in CinemaScope, but the project was shelved after only a few days of shooting. By then, their marriage was on the rocks: Guru Dutt had got romantically involved with Waheeda Rehman, and Geeta had taken to drinking. The break-up of their marriage affected Geeta's singing career.
Meanwhile, in distant Bengal, Geeta Dutt's songs were on every Bengali cine buffs lips as her dulcet voice crooned for Bengal's Queen of Hearts Suchitra Sen in some of biggest hits of the late 50s. "Tumi je amar" (Harano Sur, 1957) caught the fascination of the youth, portraying a romance that was passionate yet dignified. With music directors Hemant Mukherjee (better known as Hemant Kumar in Bombay film industry) (Harano Sur) and Nachiketa Ghosh (Prithibi Amare Chaaye, 1957 and Indrani, 1958), Geeta Dutt came up with songs that were hauntingly melodious, youthful and heartwarming. At a time when Sandhya Mukherjee's voice was synonymous with Suchitra Sen, Hemant Mukherjee and Nachiketa Ghosh picked Geeta Dutt.[2]
In 1958, S.D. Burman had developed discord with Lata Mangeshkar as a playback singer, and he attempted to work with Geeta as the main singer of his compositions rather than the upcoming Asha Bhosle who, he felt, was relatively raw. However, out of her personal problems, Geeta would not practice her art sufficiently and failed to meet Burman's demanding standards. (He and O.P. Nayyar then started to work with Asha and helped her blossom as a singer.)
Guru Dutt's magnum opus Kaagaz Ke Phool came in 1959 in which Guru Dutt himself starred in the lead role with Waheeda Rehman. The film was in a way reflective of his own views on life and the transitory nature of fame and success in the film world.
Geeta Dutt came up with one of her best renditions in the heart-rending "Waqt ne kiya kya haseen sitam," composed by S. D. Burman and penned by Kaifi Azmiwhere she poured out her pain, anguish and pathos in every word. However, the box-office disaster of Kaagaz Ke Phool (which is now considered a classic) left them shattered, financially and emotionally.[2]
In 1964, Guru Dutt died from a combination of alcohol and an overdose of sleeping pills. (His death was widely perceived as a su***de following two earlier attempts.[3]) Geeta then suffered a serious nervous breakdown and ran into financial problems. She tried to resume her singing career, cutting discs at Durgā Pujā and giving stage shows. She performed in a leading role in a Bengali movie, Badhu Baran (1967), and sang admirably Anubhav (1971), which was her final performance to the music of Kanu Roy as she died of liver cirrhosis in 1972, at the age of 41.[4]

MUSIC DEPARTMENT:-GEETA DUTT ( INFORMATION):-Career:-K. Hanuman Prasad took Geeta under his patronage, trained and groom...




K. Hanuman Prasad took Geeta under his patronage, trained and groomed her in singing and later launched her into singing for movies. In 1946, she got the first break with an opportunity to sing in the mythological film Bhakta Prahlad for which Prasad was the music director. She was given only two lines to sing for a few songs. She was sixteen, and those two lines mesmerised everyone in the recording studio.
Ab jaani re pehchaani re
Suno suno vintee hamaari
Suno suno hari ki leela
Jaag uthe hum jaag uthe
In 1947, she got her break with Do Bhai. The music of Do Bhai became a hit with "Mera sundar sapna beet gaya" topping the charts. Geeta Roy's fresh and melodious voice combined vivacity and pathos in such a way that, despite a pronounced "Bengali lilt," the song touched the pulse of thousands of music lovers. In the same film she sang the evocative "Yaad karoge, yaad karoge, ik din humko yaad karoge." It was remarkable for a teenager to sing with such maturity.[2]
In the same year, she sang for Hunuman Prasad's other releases.
• "Naino Ki Pyali Se Hoto Ki Madira" (Rasili)
• "Neha Lagake Mukh Mod Gayaa" (Rasili)
• "Aaja ri Nindiya Aaja": a lullaby alongside the established playback singer Parul Ghosh (Nai Maa)
The uncanny ability of Geeta Dutt that made her race past her contemporaries was her unique versatility to sing any kind of song with the authentic tone, feeling, passion and emotion as demanded by the composition and the situation it was being picturised in. From a bhajan to a club song, from a haunting melancholic song to a peppy romantic number, she could traverse the range of music, seemingly effortlessly. This unique versatility helped Geeta (Roy) Dutt carve out a niche and cement her place even when the Lata Mangeshkar phenomenon was sweeping through the world of Hindi playback, following the runaway success of Aayega Aanewala in Mahal (1949). Geeta Dutt's chart-busting "Tadbeer se bigdi hui taqdeer bana le" in Guru Dutt's directorial debut Baazi (1951) was the turning point where "Geeta Roy's vivacity was matched every inch by Geeta Bali on-screen". S. D. Burman had turned a ghazal by Sahir Ludhianvi into a sensual club song much to the chagrin of the famed lyricist-poet: The ploy worked as Baazi proved a hit on the strength of that song alone.
S D Burman fully exploited Geeta Dutt's potential across the spectrum. "Aan milo shyam saanware" (Devdas, 1955), the duet with Manna Dey, has the unmistakable touch of the Baul folk music of Bengal. "Nanhi kali sone chali" (Sujata, 1959) is one of the most popular and heart-touching lullaby ever where Geeta Dutt's voice rings maternal love in every note. The bubbly exuberance of "Aye dil mujhe bata de" (Bhai Bhai, 1956) is in sharp contrast to the pathos of "Waqt ne kiya" in (Kaagaz Ke Phool, 1959).

GEETA DUTT:- Geetā Dutt (born Geetā Ghosh Roy Chowdhuri) (23 November 1930 – 20 July 1972[1]) was a prominent singer in ...


Geetā Dutt (born Geetā Ghosh Roy Chowdhuri) (23 November 1930 – 20 July 1972[1]) was a prominent singer in India, born in Faridpur before the Partition of India. She found particular prominence as a playback singer in Hindi cinema. She also sang many modern Bengali Bangladesh. Her family shifted to Calcutta in the early forties, leaving behind their land and properties. In 1942, her parents moved to an apartment in Dādar, Bombay. Geeta was twelve and continued her schooling at the Bengali High School

MUSIC DEPARTMENT:-Geeta DuttBirth name Geeta Ghosh Roy ChowdhuryBorn 23 November 1930Faridpur, BangladeshDied 20 July 19...


Geeta Dutt
Birth name Geeta Ghosh Roy Chowdhury
Born 23 November 1930
Faridpur, Bangladesh

Died 20 July 1972 (aged 41)
Mumbai, India

Occupation(s) Playback singer
Instruments Vocalist
Years active 1946–1971


Chandi Ghosh Road, Kolkata:/41


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