Indian cinema consists of films produced across India, including the cinematic culture of Mumbai along with the cinematic traditions of states such as Kerala, Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Assam, Orissa etc. Cinema as an entertainement medium gained popularity in the country as many as 1,000 films in various languages of India were produced annually. Enhanced technology paved the
way for upgradation from established cinematic norms of delivering product, radically altering the manner in which content reached the target audience. Indian cinema found markets in over 90 countries where films from India are screened. The country also participated in international film festivals. The Indian government extended film delegations to foreign countries such as the United States of America, Japan etc. India is the world's largest producer of films, making close to a thousand films annually. About 600 of the total films produced are in Telugu and Hindi, approximately 300 each, while the remaining are in other languages. However, Hindi films account for about half of the total revenue generated by cinema in India. The provision of 100% foreign direct investment has made the Indian film market attractive for foreign enterprises such as 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, and Warner Bros. Prominent Indian enterprises such as Zee, UTV and Adlabs also participated in producing and distributing films. Tax incentives to multiplexes have aided the multiplex boom in India. By 2003 as many as 30 film production companies had been listed in the National Stock Exchange of India, making the commercial presence of the medium felt.