The three decade old JANMABHUMI Malayalam Daily, published by the Mathruka Pracharanalayam Ltd, Kochi, India upholds the media maxim FACTS ARE SACRED, COMMENT IS FREE. JANMABHUMI always calls a spade as spade and that makes the newspaper refreshingly different from other Malayalam dailies. Besides being highly professional, the paper is inspired by the Indian ethos of journalism. The daily publish
ed simultaneously from Kochi, Kozhikode, Kottayam, Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur is independent in presenting news but nationalistic in its views. The JANMABHUMI team’s commitment, first and last, is to India and her people who take pride in being Indians, transcending caste, creed and colour. JANMABHUMI is the only Malayalam Newspaper which boldly challenged the suppression of civil rights in the country including freedom of expression and took up cudgels against the Emergency Regime. The paper had to pay a high price for its historic fight for freedom of the press. The dictatorial government had ordered closure of the newspaper, sealed the office building and put behind bar the Editor and the Publisher. The paper however resumed publication with added vigor after change of government and the withdrawal of the Emergency. The newspaper was relaunched by the noted economist Dr.K.N.Raj. JANMABHUMI always had legendary editors at the helm. They include Sri.P.V.K.Nedungadi, Prof.M.P.Manmathan, Sri.P.Narayanan, Sri.V.M. Korath and Prof.Thuravoor Viswambharan. For the past two years, Sri. Hari S.Kartha with proven track record in the profession is the Chief Editor. Smt.Leela Menon, the first ever woman journalist in Kerala is the Editor. Veteran media person Sri.P.Balakrishnan is the Managing Editor. A dynamic team comprising of Sri.Kummanam Rajasekharan as Managing Director and Sri.R.S.Nair as Deputy Managing Director heads the management.