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Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to eme...

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, then you might want to dial down a bit. Both the iPhone 8 and iPhone X ship with the same old accessories as before. There’s absolutely nothing new or extra from Apple’s end....

Now that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been announced, more official details regarding the headsets are starting to emerge. We know that the smartphones are the first from Apple that support fast charging, and now we also know what ships inside the box. If at this point you are feeling excited, the...

भिवंडी: मागील 10 डिसेंबर रोजी भिवंडीत एटीएम मशीन कापून सुमारे 27 लाख रुपयांची रोकड चोरीला गेल्याची घटना उघडकीस आली होती,...

भिवंडी: मागील 10 डिसेंबर रोजी भिवंडीत एटीएम मशीन कापून सुमारे 27 लाख रुपयांची रोकड चोरीला गेल्याची घटना उघडकीस आली होती, या प्रकरणी पोलिसांनी मुख्य आरोपीला राजस्थानमधून अटक केली असून या प्रकरणी या आरोपीसह 5 जणांना अटक केली आहे. आहे. भिवंडीत 10 डिसेंबर रोजी अज्ञात आरोपींनी बँकेचे एटीएम मशीन कापून सुमारे 27 लाख रुपयांची रोकड लंपास केली होती. बँकेत लावलेल्या सीसीटीव्हीमध्ये त्यांचे चित्र स्पष्ट दिसत नव्हते, मात्र तांत्रिक तपासाअंती पोलिसांना ते मिळाले....

भिवंडी: मागील 10 डिसेंबर रोजी भिवंडीत एटीएम मशीन कापून सुमारे 27 लाख रुपयांची रोकड चोरीला गेल्याची घटना उघडकीस आली ह...

खामगाव- भ्रष्टाचारावर कठोर नियंत्रण आणण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्रात शिंदे-फडणवीस सरकार लोकायुक्त कायद्याचा मसुदा विधिमंडळात संमत...

खामगाव- भ्रष्टाचारावर कठोर नियंत्रण आणण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्रात शिंदे-फडणवीस सरकार लोकायुक्त कायद्याचा मसुदा विधिमंडळात संमत करून घेत असताना राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेसचे नेते मात्र भ्रष्टाचाराच्या आरोपावरून तुरुंगवास भोगणारे माजी गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख यांच्या जामीनमुक्तीचा सोहळा साजरा करीत आहेत हे भ्रष्टाचाऱ्यांचे उदात्तीकरण करणाऱ्या या नेत्यांमुळे व संस्कृतीमुळे महाराष्ट्राची मान लाजेने खाली गेली आहे, अशी कठोर टीका भाजपाचे जिल्हाध्यक्ष आमदार ॲड.आकाश फुंडकर यांनी केली आहे. देशमुख यांना प्रकृतीच्या कारणावरून याचना केल्यामुळे न्यायालयाने जामिनावर सोडले असताना, तुरुंगाबाहेर येणाऱ्या देशमुखांना स्वातंत्र्ययोद्ध्यासारखा सन्मान देत त्यांची मिरवणूक काढणाऱ्या राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेसचा भ्रष्टाचाराने बरबटलेला चेहरा पुन्हा एकदा समोर आला आहे, असेही भाजपा जिल्हाध्यक्ष आमदार ॲड आकाश फुंडकर यांनी प्रसिद्धी पत्रकात म्हटले आहे....

खामगाव- भ्रष्टाचारावर कठोर नियंत्रण आणण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्रात शिंदे-फडणवीस सरकार लोकायुक्त कायद्याचा मसुदा विध.....

जळगाव जामोद : पोलीस स्टेशन हद्दीमध्ये येत असलेल्या माऊली भोटा येथील साठ वर्षीय मानसिक रुग्ण वृद्धाने झोपेत असलेल्या पत्न...

जळगाव जामोद : पोलीस स्टेशन हद्दीमध्ये येत असलेल्या माऊली भोटा येथील साठ वर्षीय मानसिक रुग्ण वृद्धाने झोपेत असलेल्या पत्नीचा मानेवर कु-हाडीचा घाव घालत खून करून स्वतःही घराच्या छताच्या लोखंडी अँगल ला दोरीच्या सहाय्याने गळफास घेऊन आत्महत्या केल्याची घटना आज दिनांक 28 डिसेंबर रोजी उघडकीस आली. सविस्तर असे की जळगाव जामोद तालुक्यातील माऊली भोटा येथील रहिवासी असलेले बुधाजी वानखडे हे मानसिक रोगी असल्यामुळे गावाजवळ असलेल्या शेतामध्ये वृद्ध व त्याची पत्नी असे दोघेजण झोपडी मध्ये राहत होते....

 जळगाव जामोद : पोलीस स्टेशन हद्दीमध्ये येत असलेल्या माऊली भोटा येथील साठ वर्षीय मानसिक रुग्ण वृद्धाने झोपेत असले....

बुलडाणा : शिवसेना महिला आघाडीच्या उप जिल्हा प्रमुख पदी सौ पद्माताई नितीन परदेशी यांची 25 डिसेंबर रोजी नुकतीच नियुक्ती कर...

बुलडाणा : शिवसेना महिला आघाडीच्या उप जिल्हा प्रमुख पदी सौ पद्माताई नितीन परदेशी यांची 25 डिसेंबर रोजी नुकतीच नियुक्ती करण्यात आली. सदर नियुक्ती आपणास नेमून देण्यात आलेल्या कार्यक्षेत्रात आपण संपूर्ण शक्तीनिशी सर्व घेऊन स्वर्गीय शिवसेनाप्रमुख बाळासाहेब ठाकरे यांच्या आशीर्वादाने पुनीत झालेल्या शिवसेना (उद्धव बाळासाहेब ठाकरे) या आपल्या पक्षाची ताकद वाढवून संघटन मजबूत करावे यासाठी नियुक्ती करण्यात आली असून असे नियुक्तीपत्र प्रा.नरेंद्र खेडेकर जिल्हा संपर्कप्रमुख शिवसेना यांनी दिले आहे....

बुलडाणा : शिवसेना महिला आघाडीच्या उप जिल्हा प्रमुख पदी सौ पद्माताई नितीन परदेशी यांची 25 डिसेंबर रोजी नुकतीच नियुक...

मुंबई: माजी गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख हे आज तुरुंगातून बाहेर येणार आहेत. त्यांच्या जामीन आदेशाला स्थगिती देण्याची केंद्रीय अ...

मुंबई: माजी गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख हे आज तुरुंगातून बाहेर येणार आहेत. त्यांच्या जामीन आदेशाला स्थगिती देण्याची केंद्रीय अन्वेषण विभागाची (सीबीआय) विनंती मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाने मंगळवारी फेटाळून लावली. त्यामुळे अनिल देशमुख यांचा आर्थर रोड तुरुंगातून सुटका करण्याचा मार्ग मोकळा झाला. राज्याचे माजी गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख यांना अंमलबजावणी संचालनालयाने (ईडी) 2 नोव्हेंबर 2021 रोजी प्रथम अटक केली होती. ईडीचा मनी-लाँडरिंगचा खटला गेल्या वर्षी 11 मे रोजी नोंदवण्यात आला होता, हा खटला सीबीआयने 21 एप्रिल रोजी नोंदवलेल्या एफआयआरवर आधारित होता....

मुंबई: माजी गृहमंत्री अनिल देशमुख हे आज तुरुंगातून बाहेर येणार आहेत. त्यांच्या जामीन आदेशाला स्थगिती देण्याची के...

खामगाव : वेगवेगळ्या भागातून दुचाक्या लंपास करणारी टोळी पोलिसांनी ताब्यात घेतली आहे. दुचाकीचे स्पेअरपार्ट काढून चोरटे विह...

खामगाव : वेगवेगळ्या भागातून दुचाक्या लंपास करणारी टोळी पोलिसांनी ताब्यात घेतली आहे. दुचाकीचे स्पेअरपार्ट काढून चोरटे विहिरीत फेकत होते. शेगाव रस्त्यावर विहिरीतून पोलिसांनी दुचाकी काढणे सुरू केले आहे. मागील काही दिवसांपासून दुचाकी चोरीचे प्रणाण वाढलं आहे. दुचाकी चोरणारी टोळीच बुलडाणा जिल्ह्यात सक्रिय होती. दरम्यान पोलिसांनी शेगाव येथील ईदगाह प्लॉट परिसरात राहणाऱ्या सैय्यद वसिम सैय्यद इस्लाम ( ३८ ) याला ताब्यात घेवुन दुचाकी चोरीबाबत विचारपूस केली होती....

 खामगाव : वेगवेगळ्या भागातून दुचाक्या लंपास करणारी टोळी पोलिसांनी ताब्यात घेतली आहे. दुचाकीचे स्पेअरपार्ट काढून...

संग्रामपूर : आरटीआय माहिती अधिकार कार्यकर्ता संग्रामपूर तालुका कार्याध्यक्षपदी आवार येथील एकनाथ दुतोंडे यांची निवड करण्य...

संग्रामपूर : आरटीआय माहिती अधिकार कार्यकर्ता संग्रामपूर तालुका कार्याध्यक्षपदी आवार येथील एकनाथ दुतोंडे यांची निवड करण्यात आली आहे. ही निवड सुभाष बसवेकर संस्थापक संचालक माहिती अधिकार कार्यकर्ता फेडरेशन पनवेल नवी मुंबई यांनी एक नियुक्ती पत्रक द्वारे केली एकनाथ दुतोंडे आहे. एक जवाबदार व दक्ष नागरिक म्हणून आपण महासंघाने आपणास दिलेली जवाबदारी समर्थपणे पार पाडावी, केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ हा जनसामान्याचा कायदा आहे....

संग्रामपूर : आरटीआय माहिती अधिकार कार्यकर्तासंग्रामपूर तालुका कार्याध्यक्षपदी आवार येथील एकनाथ दुतोंडे यांची ....

खामगाव-आज 22 डिसेंबर श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांची जयंती आहे. श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस साज...

खामगाव-आज 22 डिसेंबर श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांची जयंती आहे. श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस साजरा करण्यात येत असतो. त्या अनुषंगाने आज दि. २२ डिसेंबर रोजी जिजाऊ स्कूल ऑफ स्कॉलर्स अँड गुंजकर ज्युनिअर अँड सिनिअर कॉलेज आवार येथे गणित दिन साजरा करण्यात आला .यावेळी संस्थेचे अध्यक्ष तसेच गणित विषयाचे प्राध्यापक रामकृष्ण गुंजकर सर यांनी श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांच्या प्रतिमेला पुष्पहार अर्पण करून विनम्र अभिवादन केले....

खामगाव-आज 22 डिसेंबर श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांची जयंती आहे. श्रीनिवास रामानुजन यांच्या जयंतीनिमित्त राष्ट्रीय गणित ...

संग्रामपूर:- महाविकास आघाडीच्या हातून सत्ता बदल करून भाजपाने सोनाळा ग्रामपंचायत वर झेंडा फडकविला आहे. बूधवारी दूपारी ग्र...

संग्रामपूर:- महाविकास आघाडीच्या हातून सत्ता बदल करून भाजपाने सोनाळा ग्रामपंचायत वर झेंडा फडकविला आहे. बूधवारी दूपारी ग्रामपंचायत सभागृहात पार पडलेल्या सरपंच पदाच्या निवडणुकीत महाविकास आघाडीचा दारून पराभव झाला आहे. येथील सरपंचपदावर हर्षल खंडेलवाल यांनी ९ मते घेवून एकतर्फी विजयी मिळवला. महाविकास आघाडीकडून मुशिर अली नाशीर अली यांना ३ तर लुबना परवीन शे अफरोज यांना ४ मते मिळाली आहे. १ मत अवैध ठरले आहे....

संग्रामपूर:- महाविकास आघाडीच्या हातून सत्ता बदल करून भाजपाने सोनाळा ग्रामपंचायत वर झेंडा फडकविला आहे. बूधवारी दू...


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