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Rangpo Police have arrested Buddha Tamang, a resident of Deorali, Gangtok, based on reliable information, and seized a c...

Rangpo Police have arrested Buddha Tamang, a resident of Deorali, Gangtok, based on reliable information, and seized a considerable quantity of contraband substances being smuggled into Sikkim. Personnel from Rangpo police station intercepted the suspect and recovered around 1560 capsules of spasmoproxyvon from Buddha Tamang's possession. A case has been registered against the accused under relevant sections of law, and he is being held at Rangpo police station for further legal proceedings.


[ सहयोगको अपील ]
AJNews24 का प्रमुख सम्पादक, पत्रकार सुरज राई को हाल सिलिगुढीको निजी अस्पतालमा उपचराधीन अवस्थामा रहेका छन् भने आज वहाँको अपरेसन हुन गइरहेको छ । उक्त अपरेसन मेजर हुनगएको कारण धेरै रकम लाग्ने भएको छ । त्यसर्थ परिवार पक्षबाट हजुरहरु समक्ष आर्थिक सहयोगको बिन्ती बसाल्दै सुरज राईको धर्म पत्नी निर्जला थापा राई।
Account Number : 34675970547


गेजिङ बर्मेक समष्टीको मेगिडाँडामा निर्माणधिन सांस्कृतिक केन्द्र तथा रिञ्छेन छोलिङ गुम्बाको विधिवत उद्घाटन आउँदो १ डिसेम्बर २०२४ को दिन हुन् गइरहेको छ। यस समारोहमा राज्यका मुख्यमन्त्री Prem Singh Tamang-Golay प्रमुख अतिथिको रूपमा उपस्थिति रहने छन्।

***Lost Report***Item Lost: Leather wallet (brown and black)Contents: • Driving License• PAN Card• Voter ID Card• ATM Ca...

***Lost Report***

Item Lost: Leather wallet (brown and black)


• Driving License
• PAN Card
• Voter ID Card
• ATM Card

Name on Documents: Suman Niroula

If Found, Please Contact: 7866027701

Thank you for your assistance!

Pic for Representative.

   प्रेस विज्ञप्तिसंस्कृति मन्थनको ८४ औ॓ प्रकरण भुगदेल गाउँमा सम्पन्न वर्तमान मुख्यमन्त्री सिक्किम सरकारका सल्लाहकार विष...

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

संस्कृति मन्थनको ८४ औ॓ प्रकरण भुगदेल गाउँमा सम्पन्न
वर्तमान मुख्यमन्त्री सिक्किम सरकारका सल्लाहकार विष्णु कुमार खतिवड़ाप्रति अभिनन्दन एवं वरिष्ठ नागरिक लोकपाल राईलाई नागरिक सम्मान प्रकट

रिनाक, २३ नोभेम्बर:
पाकिम जिल्लाको रिनाक जीपीयूअन्तर्गत भुगदेल गाउँमा शुक्रबार २२ नोभेम्बरको दिन नेपाली संस्कृति परिषद् सिक्किमको तत्परतामा संस्कृति मन्थनको ८४ औ॓ प्रकरण पूर्व विधायक तथा वर्तमान सिक्किम सरकारका मुख्यमन्त्रीका सल्लाहकार विष्णु कुमार खतिवड़ाको प्रमुख आतिथ्यमा सम्पन्न गरियो।
ग्रामीण सेवा समिति, नारी समर्पण समितिका सदस्यहरूको समन्वयमा आयोजित एक साहित्यिक तथा संस्कृतिमा आधारित सो कार्यक्रमको अध्यक्षता रिनाक-तारपिन क्षेत्रीय समष्टिका जिल्ला पञ्चायत सदस्य बबिता गदाईलीले गरेकी थिइन् भने विशिष्ट अतिथिको रूपमा रिनाक खण्ड विकास अधिकारी शान्ती कुमार ढुङ्गाना उपस्थित थिए। अन्य अतिथिहरूमा नेपाली संस्कृति परिषद् सिक्किमका उपाध्यक्ष नरेन्द्र छेत्री, परिषद्कै पाकिम जिल्ला शाखाका अध्यक्ष गणेश कुमार प्रधान, शिक्षा विभागका समन्वयक एनटी भोटिया, प्रधानाध्यापक रिनाक बजार स्कूल टीएन पौड्याल, रिनाक ग्राम पञ्चायत सभापति निर्मला कालीकोटे, पंचायत सदस्य डेभलपमेन्ट वार्ड पुष्पा शर्मा, लगायत पूर्व शिक्षकद्वय केके खाती र राजेन प्रधान, पूर्व चियरम्यान सन्तोष कुमार प्रधान, रिनाक क्षेत्र स्तरीय अध्यक्ष महेन्द्र सुब्बा, सहित भूतपूर्व कर्मचारी, भाषा-संस्कृति प्रेमी, युवावर्ग, विद्यार्थी तथा स्थानीय आम साधारणको समागम रहेको थियो।
मुख्य अतिथि सल्लाहकार खतिवड़ाको करकमलबाट दिप प्रज्जवलनपछि शुरू गरिएको कार्यक्रममा नेपाली तिथि-गतेको विवरण संस्कृत शिक्षक कमल भट्टराईले राखे भने अमृत वचनको प्रस्तुति क्रमैले अबिरमान राई अनि सुजाता नौबागले दिए। पीके नृत्य प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र रिनाकद्वारा मनमोहक नृत्य, नृत्यकार सोनिया राईद्वारा साकेला नृत्य, सरिता छेत्री, कौशिक, सुभेक्षा छेत्री, रमेश शर्मा आग्रीगाउँको स्वरचित कविता पाठ, विद्यार्थीमाझ हाजिरी-जवाब प्रतियोगिता पछि कार्यक्रममा ग्रामीण सेवा समितिद्वारा रिनाक क्षेत्रका पूर्व विधायक तथा सिक्किम सरकारका मुख्यमन्त्रीका सल्लाहकार विष्णु कुमार खतिवड़ाप्रति समिति तथा गाउँ विकासमा गरेका सहयोग-सेवाको निम्ति अभिनन्दन प्रकट गरियो भने आजसम्म ३७ जना वरिष्ठ नागरिकहरूलाई सम्मान गरि सकेको संस्कृति मन्थनले सोही गाउँका एक वरिष्ठ नागरिक लोकपाल राईलाई उनको उल्लेखनीय ग्राम तहको सामाजिक कार्यको निम्ति 'वरिष्ठ नागरिक स्वास्थ्य सेवा सम्मान' द्वारा कदर गरियो।
मुख्य अतिथिको रूपमा बोल्दै विष्णु कुमार खतिवड़ाले विशेष संस्कृति मन्थनले युवा भाई-बहिनीहरूका लागि राम्रो काम गरिरहेको मन्तव्य राख्दै रिनाक क्षेत्रमा केही परे आफ्नो तर्फबाट पूर्ण सहयोग गर्ने बताए भने विशिष्ट अतिथिको आसनबाट रिनाक बीएसीका बीडीओ एसके ढुङ्गानाले रिनाक वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार शिव कुमार राईको जन्मस्थल हो, उनीबाट हामीले आर्शीवाद पाएका छौ, तर अझपनि हामीले साहित्य-संस्कृतिमा धेर पहल गरिनुपर्ने आवश्यक छ। संस्कृति मन्थनले कला, नेपाली भाषामाथि धेरै उदाहरणीय कार्य गरिरहेको तथापि धेरै युवा पिड़ीलाई समावेश गराउनुपर्ने अनि खण्ड प्रशासनिक केन्द्रबाट हरतरहले सहयोग गर्ने वचन राख्दै संस्कृति मन्थनको १०० प्रकरणको निम्ति हामी सबै जुट्नुपर्ने सुझाउ राखे। कार्यक्रमको सभाध्यक्ष बबिता गदाईलीले आफ्नो संस्कृति, कला र भाषाको संरक्षण गरौ भन्दै हामी नेपाली जातिले पनि एकता बनेर काम गरौ भन्ने आह्वान गरिन्। संस्कृति मन्थनको एक कर्मठ सदस्य गजेन्द्र दाहाल 'निर्मोही' द्वारा सञ्चालित कार्यक्रममा संयोजक तथा सिक्किमका एक वरिष्ठ नाटककार थमन नौबागले संस्कृति मन्थन कार्यक्रममाथि टिप्पणी राख्दै सबैको साथ र सहयोगले आज ८४ प्रकरणमा पुग्न सकेको, अतएव हामीले एकसय (१००) प्रकरणलाई राज्य स्तरीय नै एक नमुनाको रूपमा आयोजन गर्ने विचार राखे। यस्तै प्रकारले भुगदेल गाउँका ग्रामीण सेवा समितिका अध्यक्ष तथा एक सक्रिय युवा समाज सेवी सुकबीर भुजेलले आफ्नो समितिसहित कार्यक्रममाथि प्रकाश पार्दै कृतज्ञता ज्ञापन गरेका थिए।


श्री सत्य साई बाबाको ९९औँ जन्म जयन्तीको अवसरमा श्री सत्य साई सेवा समिति सिक्किमद्वारा गान्तोकमा आयोजित शोभायात्रा।

Breaking News | CRIME Teacher Brutally Murdered and Buried at Home in Upper Singhik, ManganIn a shocking incident, Passa...

Breaking News | CRIME

Teacher Brutally Murdered and Buried at Home in Upper Singhik, Mangan

In a shocking incident, Passang Tinku Lepcha, a teacher at Government Senior Secondary School, Mangan, was found murdered and buried in the courtyard of his house in Upper Singhik.

The gruesome discovery was made during a local investigation. Authorities have sent the body for a postmortem to determine the exact cause of death.

Police officials have stated that the crime was carried out by an unidentified suspect. A detailed investigation is underway to track down and apprehend the culprit behind this heinous act.

News credit: The Sikkim Today.

CM Prem Singh Tamang-Golay shared through his Official Page.he Writes.As part of our preparations for tomorrow’s highly ...

CM Prem Singh Tamang-Golay shared through his Official Page.he Writes.

As part of our preparations for tomorrow’s highly anticipated exhibition match between Chief Minister XI, Sikkim, and GTA XI, Darjeeling, set to take place on the grand finale day of the prestigious Governor’s Gold Cup Football Tournament at Paljor Stadium, we procured football gear to ensure we are fully equipped for the match.

We warmly invite everyone, especially devoted football enthusiasts, to join us for this thrilling exhibition match and the highly anticipated final showdown of the tournament. Your presence and support from the stands will not only energize the teams but will also be a great encouragement to our very own Gangtok Himalayan SC, contributing to the electric atmosphere of this remarkable event.

    "Get ahead this winter! Join Winter Crash Course 2024-2025 for Class XII (CBSE) at Rhenock, East Sikkim. Hurry, limi...

"Get ahead this winter! Join Winter Crash Course 2024-2025 for Class XII (CBSE) at Rhenock, East Sikkim. Hurry, limited seats available!

This course is useful for the students who can't attend the regular classes due to their individual problems during school time.

Class XII Subjects: History | Geography | Political Science | Economics | English | Nepali

What are the benefits of choosing this Institute?

1.Well designed course content covering all subjects in depth.
2.Weekly Mock Test.
3.Regular feedback given on your performance.
4.Result oriented faculties.
5.Difficulties are discussed in class so that the student becomes absolutely clear.
6.Career guidance.
7.Seven days regular classes.
8.Special attention to weak students.
9.Timely completions of syllabus.
7.Course comprises of last years papers and sample questions with tricks and concepts.

Sanskrit, Karmakanda, Yog-Naturopathy, Jyotish (6 months), All modern & Sanskrit subject regular (Nursery - Class VIII).

Location: Adarsha Sanskrit Vidhyalaya, Near Radhakrishna (Thakurbari Mandir), Rhenock.

Contact For Registration: 6297223956/7865841943

    "Get ahead this winter! Join Winter Crash Course 2024-2025 for Class X (CBSE) at Rhenock, East Sikkim. Hurry, limite...

"Get ahead this winter! Join Winter Crash Course 2024-2025 for Class X (CBSE) at Rhenock, East Sikkim. Hurry, limited seats available!

This course is useful for the students who can't attend the regular classes due to their individual problems during school time.

Class X Subjects: Mathematics | Science | Social Science | English | Nepali

What are the benefits of choosing this Institute?

1.Well designed course content covering all subjects in depth.
2.Weekly Mock Test.
3.Regular feedback given on your performance.
4.Result oriented faculties.
5.Difficulties are discussed in class so that the student becomes absolutely clear.
6.Career guidance.
7.Seven days regular classes.
8.Special attention to weak students.
9.Timely completions of syllabus.
7.Course comprises of last years papers and sample questions with tricks and concepts.

Location 1: Kingstone, Near Rhenock Sr. Sec. School ground.
Location 2: Near Tarpin Secondary School.

Contact For Registration: 6297223956/7865841943

Bird's eye view of Intake village, Dentam, West Sikkim.     Photographed by: Chettri Raja IG

Bird's eye view of Intake village, Dentam, West Sikkim.

Photographed by: Chettri Raja

On the auspicious occasion of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's birth anniversary, we bow in reverence to His divine teachin...

On the auspicious occasion of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's birth anniversary, we bow in reverence to His divine teachings of love, service, and universal brotherhood. His message of selfless service and truth continues to guide humanity on the path of righteousness, love, and compassion.

As we commemorate this day, let us renew our commitment to His ideals of selflessness and harmony, which resonate deeply with our Sikkimese ethos. May His blessings inspire us to work collectively for the upliftment of society and spread the light of peace, harmony, and goodwill.

-CM Prem Singh Tamang-Golay

N.E.P India Foundation Karnataka invited political secretary to CM Mr.Jacob Khaling Rai as the chief guest alongside Beb...

N.E.P India Foundation Karnataka invited political secretary to CM Mr.Jacob Khaling Rai as the chief guest alongside Bebek Chettri Zilla panchayat, 02- Central Pendam as the special guest on the occasion of 11th Foundation day & Pre-Christmas Celebration at Bangalore.

The 84th edition of Sanskriti Manthan Mashik Karyakram was organised by Nepali Sanskriti Parishad, Sikkim, at Bhagdal Ga...

The 84th edition of Sanskriti Manthan Mashik Karyakram was organised by Nepali Sanskriti Parishad, Sikkim, at Bhagdal Gaon, Agrigaon, under Rhenock Consituency.

In this program, Bishnu Kr. Khatiwada, Advisor to HCM, presented as a Chief Guest, accompanied by Babita Gadaily, Zilla Panchayat-Rhenock Tarpin TC as a Guest of Honour, along with Special Guests SK Dhungana, BDO Rhenock, Nirmala Kalikotey, Panchayat President, Rhenock GPU, Mahendra S***a, CLC President, Rhenock Constituency, Sahityakar, students, and local citizens.

In this program, Shri Lokpal Rai, aged 84, of Bhagdal Gaon, Agrigaon, was honoured with Varishtha Nagarik Swasthya Sewa Samman.

Bal Natyakar Thaman Nawbag briefs about this program and also informs that they already honoured the various people of the society. This was the 84th edition, and now he will take this event till the 100th edition, and in that edition he urged everyone to support it, for which they will celebrate in grand manner.

In the speech, Bishnu Kr. Khatiwada appreciated organising this beautiful program in the small village of Rhenock. He said that he will support every event from his heart and urged everyone to come unite and let's save culture.

The main attractions of the event were dances, quiz competitions, Amrit Vachan, poem recitations, etc.

Report: Aakash Phuel.


84th edition of Sanskriti Manthan Mashik Karyakram was organised by Nepali Sanskriti Parishad, Sikkim at Bhagdal Gaon, Agrigaon under Rhenock Consitituency.

Report: Aakash Phuel.


All the youths are requested to participate on National Youth Festival 2025 through the link below.

Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 empowering Youth to Lead, Organised by Sports Authority of India STC Namchi, Sports and Youth Affairs Department GoS and Nehru Yuva Kendra, Namchi.
Here's the Video in Details.

In the Frame:-
Mr.Basant Pradhan, Deputy Director Sports and Youth Affairs Department GoS.
Smt. Sandhya Gurung (Dronacharya Awardee) Boxing.
Mr.Saurav Barman, District Youth Officer NYK Gangtok.
Mr.Rupen Pradhan SAI,STC Namchi Incharge and Miss. Karishma Rai International Footballer.

  l Press Release Namchi-November 22.A press conference was organised at the, Bhaichung Stadium today jointly by Sports ...

l Press Release
Namchi-November 22.
A press conference was organised at the, Bhaichung Stadium today jointly by Sports Authority of India, Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Namchi and Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) on the upcoming ‘Viksit Bharat Young Leaders’ Dialogue’ to be held during the National Youth Festival on January 11th and 12th of 2025 at New Delhi. During the 2-day event, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi shall be interacting with 3000 youth leaders at the Bharat Mandapam in the national capital.
The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue will provide a unique opportunity to young talent of India in the age group of 15-29 years to share theirs ideas on Viksit Bharat, and thereby enhance youth engagement in nation’s civic and political life.

The 3000 youth leaders for interaction with the Hon’ble Prime Minister will be selected through Viksit Bharat Challenge which will act as a preliminary round towards the main event at Bharat Mandapam. The first round of Viksit Bharat Challenge will kick off on 25th November with an all-India digital quiz contest at the My Bharat platform and will end on 5th December. This will test the participants’ knowledge and awareness of India’s landmark achievements.

The quiz contest winners will subsequently go through three more rounds in the form of an essay/blog writing competition, a State-level ‘Viksit Bharat Vision’ presentation and finally, a National Championship featuring the State-level winners at the Bharat Mandapam.
The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue – National Youth Festival 2025 will convene a vibrant assembly of selected youth from three distinct verticals. The first group comprises participants from the newly announced Viksit Bharat Challenge. The second group features talented youth emerging from district and state-level youth festivals, where they will compete in diverse categories such as painting, science exhibitions, cultural performances, declamation contests etc. The third group will include notable path breakers and youth icons from diverse domains, including entrepreneurship, sports, agriculture, and technology, among others.

Present on today’s press conference, the Dronacharya Awardee Sandhya Gurung, Karishma Rai International Football athlete, Sh. Basant Pradhan Deputy Drector (Sports and Youth Affairs Department, Govt. Of Sikkim) , Sh. Sourav Barman District Youth Officer (NYK) appealed to the youth of the state to participate in Viksit Bharat Challenge and get the opportunity to present their thoughts on India’s development to the Hon’ble Prime Minister.

Sh. Basant Pradhan Deputy Drector (Sports and Youth Affairs Department, Govt. Of Sikkim) addressed the media. The Dronacharya Awardee Sandhya Gurung also urged the youth to participate in the above said event.
The Incharge of SAI STC Namchi Sh. Rupen Pradhan also spoke and urged the Youth to actively participate in the above said event.
Sh. Sourav Barman District Youth Officer (NYK) did the presentation regarding National Youth Festival 2025.

  BRUTE 4.0 Trail Running Experience - Basar Arunachal pradesh.Today, Amar S***a, the renowned "Marathon Man of Sikkim",...

BRUTE 4.0 Trail Running Experience - Basar Arunachal pradesh.
Today, Amar S***a, the renowned "Marathon Man of Sikkim", and his team safely arrived in Basar, Arunachal Pradesh, for the upcoming Brute 4.0 Trail Run Championship, which will be held on 23rd November 2024. The team consists of eight runners, led by Amar S***a himself, all representing the Amar S***a Marathon Man Academy of Sikkim (AMAS). This Trail Run is officially recognised by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and serves as a crucial qualifier for the 2025 World Trail Run Championship, making it a significant event for all participants.
Team AMAS Participants and Their Distances:
1) Amar S***a - 60 km
2) Shanti Rai - 60 km
3) Nirmal Singer - 30 km
4) Anuda Tamang - 30 km
5) Bir Bahadur Rai - 30 km
6) Shiva Hang Limboo - 39 km
7) Ranjana Tamang - 10 km
8) Unisha Tamang - 10 km
The team is determined to deliver an exceptional performance, showcasing their endurance and skill while proudly representing Sikkim. This Championship offers a unique opportunity for runners to gain international recognition and secure valuable points for the World Trail Run Championship.
Supported by: Contractor Cum Social Worker Shri Jamyang Kunga Kaji sir, Proprieter Himalayan Enterprise, Geyzing West Sikkim, Yuma Fuel Center, Darap, West Sikkim and Western Modern English School, Darap West Sikkim.


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