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Italy is scheduled to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2024, signifying a noteworthy change in it...

Italy is scheduled to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2024, signifying a noteworthy change in its involvement since becoming the first major Western nation to join the program in 2019. Despite previous warnings from the United States about potential risks related to technological control and infrastructure vulnerabilities, Italy proceeded with its participation.

Recent developments under the leadership of Italian PM Giorgia Meloni prompted a re-evaluation of the nation’s stance on the initiative. Meloni expressed intentions to withdraw from the deal, initially championed by President Xi Jinping, and communicated this decision to Beijing through a letter, notifying them of Rome’s decision not to renew the 2019 agreement, set to expire in March 2024.

China’s foreign ministry on Thursday defended the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) after Italy officially withdrew from the Chinese infrastructural project, stating that it holds “enormous appeal and global influence.” However, the Chinese response did not specifically criticize Italy. “China firmly opposes smearing and undermining cooperation in developing the Belt and Road Initiative, and opposes confrontation and creating division among the camps,” said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin in a routine briefing on Thursday. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The President of the exile Tibetan government Sikyong Penpa Tsering delivered a poignant statement during the commemorat...

The President of the exile Tibetan government Sikyong Penpa Tsering delivered a poignant statement during the commemorative event to celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize conferment on His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Sunday, highlighting the ongoing conflicts, such as the devastating situation in the Middle East and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as grave global concerns.

“The simultaneous celebration of the Nobel Peace Prize Day and International Human Rights Day on 10th December reflect humanity’s common aspiration for the realisation of peace and human rights across the world. However, this aspiration is becoming more distant from us. There is no end in sight to the ongoing devastation in the Middle East conflict and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, among other violent conflicts are a matter of grave global concern,” he said.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering also reiterated His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s stance concerning the ongoing conflicts worldwide, notably highlighting the situation between Palestine and Israel in Gaza and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Tibetan leader reiterated His Holiness’s profound concern over these conflicts and emphasised the imperative need for non-violence in resolving global disputes. “His Holiness the Dalai Lama said the conflict between Palestine and Israel in Gaza is unimaginable and expressed deep concern over why such sort of violence takes place among those people who claim to hold religious principles,” he remarked. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Chinese authorities in Dhamgzhong County has reportedly imprisoned Semkyi Dolma, a Tibetan woman, on alleged charges of ...

Chinese authorities in Dhamgzhong County has reportedly imprisoned Semkyi Dolma, a Tibetan woman, on alleged charges of transmitting ‘State Secrets’ abroad, according to Tibettimes.

Under the backdrop of stringent internet regulations in China, and in Tibet, an escalated surveillance system has led to a surge in arrests and detentions. Among those affected, Semkyi Dolma finds herself incarcerated over allegations of communicating with foreign entities, organizations, and individuals, purportedly involving the dissemination of information abroad.

As per credible sources, Semkyi Dolma was suddenly arrested in October, followed by a notification to her family on December 2, informing them of her prison sentence of one and a half years. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The 24th EU-China Summit, held on December 7-8 in Beijing, witnessed high-level engagements between the European Union a...

The 24th EU-China Summit, held on December 7-8 in Beijing, witnessed high-level engagements between the European Union and China. European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang, where the EU leaders reiterated concerns about human rights violations, including the situation in Tibet.

The joint press conference held by European Union leaders following the EU-China Summit provided a platform to address various issues discussed during the high-level meetings. President Charles Michel, in his remarks, said “For the European Union human rights and fundamental freedoms are universal and we will never turn a blind eye to human rights cases. Today we welcome China’s resumption of the human rights dialogue. It’s a step in the right direction and today we continued this conversation at the highest level. We also highlighted cases of specific concern, such as the human rights violations in Tibet.” is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The next edition of theGyalyum Chemo Memorial Gold Cup (GCMGC ) football tournament is slated to take place at the Hunsu...

The next edition of theGyalyum Chemo Memorial Gold Cup (GCMGC ) football tournament is slated to take place at the Hunsur Rabgayling Tibetan Settlement in south India,the apexTibetansports body, Tibetan National Sports Association (TNSA) announced Thursday. The anticipated kick-off date for the tournament is tentatively set for May 15, 2024. Clubs aspiring to participate in this event are urged to carefully review the terms and conditions stipulated by TNSA before initiating the registration process.

The tournament however, will be held with new guidelines as far as participating teams are concerned. The statement announced that when the tournament is hosted at South Tibetan Settlements, there will be no constraints on the number of teams participating from North, Central, and Northeast India. Meanwhile, the teams representing the South will be composed of teams from the five major settlements which include Dekyi Larso, Lugsum Samdupling, Mundgod, Hunsur, and Kollegal. Additionally, one team each from Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh/Pondicherry, Mysore & Bangalore, and Mangalore/Goa/Darwar. International teams are also invited, with one team each from North America, Europe, Australia, Pokhara, and Kathmandu.

Conversely, when the North Tibetan Settlements play host to the GCMGC in the subsequent year, there will be no limit on the number of teams from South, Central, and Northeast India. The North teams will comprise entities from the host region, alongside two teams from Uttarakhand and one team each from various regions including Dharamshala, Chauntra/Bir/Tashijong, Sirmour District, Delhi, Punjab & Union territory of Chandigarh, Ladakh, Orissa/Bandra/Mainpatt, and Northeast. Similar to the South Tibetan Settlements’ arrangement, international teams will have one team each from North America, Europe, Australia, Pokhara, and Kathmandu. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Two Tibetan women were reportedly arrested on Nov. 23 in Sershul County, Eastern Tibet by Chinese authorities for dissem...

Two Tibetan women were reportedly arrested on Nov. 23 in Sershul County, Eastern Tibet by Chinese authorities for disseminating religious teachings via social media platforms.

The arrested women, Tsomo and Nyidon were detained for allegedly sharing religious teachings through WeChat a micro messaging App. They used the WeChat to share audio tracks discussing introductory aspects of Buddhism and talks about accumulating religious merits. These teachings were disseminated within the two WeChat groups, which collectively had a significant membership base interested in religious discussions and content related to Tibetan Buddhism. The groups comprised 320 and 469 members, respectively.

As of now, there is no information regarding the current location and condition of Tsomo and Nyidon. Their whereabouts and well-being remain unknown. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Karmapa Thaye Dorje, foremost leaders of the Karma Kagyu lineage, issued a joint stateme...

Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Karmapa Thaye Dorje, foremost leaders of the Karma Kagyu lineage, issued a joint statement on December 4, 2023, to affirm their collective responsibility and agreement in recognising another key religious figure in the lineage, Shamar Rinpoche. The statement emphasized the need for a unified approach to avoid disagreements and divisions within the Karma Kagyu lineage.

In what is seen as yet another move to mend past rift and misunderstanding in the Karma Kamtsang lineage, the two Karmapas expressed their joint responsibility to recognize Shamar Rinpoche’s reincarnation and ensure his education, empowerment, transmissions, and pith instructions. The statement asserted that Shamar Rinpoche’s reincarnation is a crucial point of concern within the Kamtsang and hence interference from uninvolved parties in this process would not be accepted. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Chinese authorities have recently imposed a requirement to denounce the exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai L...

Chinese authorities have recently imposed a requirement to denounce the exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama among Tibetans seeking public sector employment in Tibet, according to Radio Free Asia.

A directive issued by the Chinese government this month stated that individuals applying for public sector jobs to be deemed “trustworthy and reliable citizens,” by denouncing the Dalai Lama, abstaining from any form of separatism, and pledging unwavering loyalty to the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). A source inside Tibet told RFA that it is difficult for college graduates in Lhasa to find jobs. “I have been observing this for a while. A female graduate may find a very regular job of childcare in childcare centers, but it’s impossible to get a government job,” the same source said.

Following a workshop convened by Chinese authorities in October, over 400 teachers and students in the Ngari prefecture of western Tibet were compelled to participate in a workshop on “anti-separatism.” During the workshop, attendees were instructed to express their loyalty to the state ideology and condemn any beliefs or actions associated with separatism, including what the authorities categorised as “separatist ways” of the Tibetan spiritual leader. Moreover, explicit directives were given, prohibiting the engagement in any religious activities within the premises of educational institutions. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. Secretary of State and a key figure in shaping American foreign policy, particularly wi...

Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. Secretary of State and a key figure in shaping American foreign policy, particularly with China has died at the age of 100 at his residence in Connecticut. Known for his commitment to realism in international relations, Kissinger’s influence extended beyond his lifetime, particularly in normalizing relations between the United States and China.

Kissinger’s stance on Tibet was notable, acknowledging that Tibet was historically a part of China. He recognized that the issue was complex and cautioned against oversimplification, emphasizing the sensitivities surrounding Tibet.

However, former Tibetan MP Tenzin Khedup who served for three terms in the Tibetan parliament in Exile opined that Kissinger’s role in initiating China with the world was not without consequences. He told Phayul that Kissenger was “too accommodating to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and neglecting the interests and values of the United States and its allies. He underestimated China’s ambition and expansionism, and believed that China was not seeking world domination or challenging the US-led international order. He also overestimated the benefits of engaging China economically and diplomatically, and assumed that China would become more cooperative and moderate as it grew stronger and richer.”

“He cut off all US Government aid to the Tibetan exiles at Beijing’s insistence,” he further said. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) in a historic hearing on Nov. 29 unanimously approved the bipartisan ‘Promoti...

The House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) in a historic hearing on Nov. 29 unanimously approved the bipartisan ‘Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Conflict Act,’ also known as the Resolve Tibet Act. The bill is an amended House version of the legislation initially introduced last year by long-time Tibet supporter Reps. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., and Michael McCaul, R-Texas, alongside Senators Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Todd Young, R-Ind.

The bill recognises Tibet’s unresolved political status and holds China suspect of violating Tibetan people’s legitimate right to self-determination. The bill aims to counter the narrative propagated by the Chinese government, which asserts that Tibet has been an integral part of China since ancient times. Additionally, the HFAC-approved bill also makes clear that Tibet’s land mass does not only include the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) but also the significant Tibetan-inhabited areas in Gansu, Sichuan, Qinghai, and Yunnan provinces

“We thank HFAC Chair Michael McCaul, ranking member Gregory Meeks, and all the members of the committee for approving the Tibet bill, which builds on the incredible bipartisan support that the United States has always shown for our just cause,” President of the Tibetan government-in-exiled Penpa Tsering said after the approval of the bill, thanking all the concerned US officials for their support. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Chinese independent journalist Sun Lin, also known as Jie Mu, was reportedly beaten to death by Chinese state security p...

Chinese independent journalist Sun Lin, also known as Jie Mu, was reportedly beaten to death by Chinese state security police officers at his home in Nanjing on November 17, 2023. Lin, who had been active in journalism for over twenty-five years, had recently posted videos on social media depicting anti-Xi Jinping protests during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco.

A report by Reporters Without Borders revealed that Sun Lin’s death is directly linked to the Chinese regime’s decade-long crusade against press freedom. The incident unfolded when state security police officers forcibly entered Sun Lin’s residence, beating him severely. He was subsequently rushed to Jiangsu province Hospital but was pronounced dead three hours later.

According to reports from the news website Weiquanwang, Sun Lin’s family and friends were allegedly threatened by the local National Security Bureau not to speak about his death or engage in public mourning activities. As of Monday, November 20, Sun’s relatives had not been allowed to see his co**se, though doctors confirmed that his clothes were torn and in disarray upon admission. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

In the ongoing crackdown on Tibetan intellectuals and artists, reports indicate that China has sentenced a young Tibetan...

In the ongoing crackdown on Tibetan intellectuals and artists, reports indicate that China has sentenced a young Tibetan singer named Golog Palden from the Golog Pemajong District. Palden received a three-year sentence in Pemajong prison without a trial, as per Tibettimes.

According to the report, months ago, Chinese police in Tibet arrested singer Golok Palden from Pema Jong County on an alleged charge of singing a Tibetan patriotic song. Following a prolonged interrogation and detention, he was sentenced to three years imprisonment through a secret trial.

The source indicates that Golok Palden was denied a legal proceeding for his sentence. The absence of a court in Pemajong County necessitated the court proceedings to take place in Golok prefecture. However, police officials from Pemajong County verbally informed his imprisonment to his family without presenting any legal documentation. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

A Tibetan woman named Palyang (Ch. Bayang), is listed on the esteemed BBC “100 Women” for her outstanding efforts to cha...

A Tibetan woman named Palyang (Ch. Bayang), is listed on the esteemed BBC “100 Women” for her outstanding efforts to champion the ecological conservation of the Tibetan Plateau. Since 2018, Palyang has been actively monitoring the shifting landscapes, species dynamics, and water systems in the Tibetan plateau as a dedicated diarist and sustainability advocate.

Beyond mere documentation, Palyang has acquired skills in crafting environmentally friendly products such as lip balms, soaps, and belts, all designed to safeguard local water sources. Her initiatives not only contribute to environmental protection but also inspire and engage others to join the cause.

The BBC highlighted the ecological challenges faced by the Tibetan plateau, citing climate change-induced effects like escalating temperatures, glacial melt, and desertification. Palyang’s relentless dedication to recording ecological data, observing weather patterns, and studying plant life has positioned her as a prominent advocate for the preservation of this delicate ecosystem. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Four Tibetans from Eastern Tibet, who were previously detained and subjected to mistreatment last summer, were recently ...

Four Tibetans from Eastern Tibet, who were previously detained and subjected to mistreatment last summer, were recently arrested again and subsequently sentenced to prison in a secret trial, according to a research group Tibet Watch.

The four identified as Bamo, Gelo, Khori, and Tsedou from Awi-Kyil-Rigo village in Serthar County, were detained in 2022, alongside Shukdar, who passed away while in custody. The five were known in their village as the “Five Good People” and were held in high regard by locals.

Their arrest on August 24, 2022, by authorities in Serthar County was linked to accusations of engaging in religious activities such as burning juniper and reciting prayers. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

According to a circular issued by the Government of Sikkim’s Home Department, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the ...

According to a circular issued by the Government of Sikkim’s Home Department, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama is set to visit Gangtok, Sikkim on December 11, 2023. The spiritual leader’s visit, initially planned for October, was postponed indefinitely due to flooding in the state due to an outburst of a glacial lake.

The office of the Dalai Lama also confirmed the schedule. The octogenarian leader will give a one-day teaching on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva (laklen sodunma) in the morning at Paljor Stadium at the request of the Sikkim State Government on December 12 and then give a general teaching followed by the Ceremony for Generation of Bodhicitta (semkye) at Sed-Gyued Monastery on December 14 at Salugara in West Bengal. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

An uncharacteristic chatter is abuzz in sections of the Tibetan community these past few days. A YouTube vlog by a young...

An uncharacteristic chatter is abuzz in sections of the Tibetan community these past few days. A YouTube vlog by a young Tibetan mother lamenting her position of having to choose between her child and her beloved profession as a music teacher in a Tibetan school, here in the capital of the exile Tibetan set-up, drew sympathy and solidarity among many on social media. However, the support for the young mother has expectedly, not translated into condemnation for the policy, or lack thereof, that has given rise to this predicament.

People are beginning to see the matter as a new issue that has ruptured the social fabric and their way of life. Except that, neither the issue is new, nor the consequences it has on affected individuals. Challenges and difficulties of motherhood have existed since time immemorial and so have inadequacies of systems and policies. The Tibetan community in that respect is not immune.

Many Tibetan mothers have been silent sufferers, who while mending their body, brave against the societal, administrative and regressive norms and policies. Against the larger context of Tibetan movement and freedom, the plight of Tibetan mothers who produce the next generation of Tibetan people are left to fend for themselves. And no body, it seems, is coming to their aid.

Tenzin Dharpo and Tenzin Nyidon reports. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

Former Tibetan political prisoner Ven. Golog Jigme was honoured with the prestigious Democracy Award for his unwavering ...

Former Tibetan political prisoner Ven. Golog Jigme was honoured with the prestigious Democracy Award for his unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The award was conferred on Nov. 14 during NED’s 40th-anniversary presentation of the annual Democracy Awards and Democracy Service Medals.

Golog Jigme, a Tibetan activist, had experienced first-hand the oppression and suppression prevalent in his homeland under the Chinese government’s rule. In 2008, he was arrested by Chinese authorities for his involvement in a film project initiated by a Tibetan filmmaker, Dhondup Wangchen which documented the Chinese occupation of Tibet, particularly, the sentiments of Tibetans regarding Chinese rule and their aspirations during the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. He was arrested in 2009 for his alleged role in sharing information about the Tibetan Uprising in 2008 with the outside world. Subsequently, in 2012, Jigme faced another arrest, this time on charges of inciting Tibetan self-immolation protests. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPiE) will reconvene its sixth session from Dec. 25 to 29, the Parliamentary Secre...

The 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPiE) will reconvene its sixth session from Dec. 25 to 29, the Parliamentary Secretariat announced in an official circular on Thursday, adding that all members of the parliament must report to the Secretariat on Dec. 24.

The sixth session of the 17th Parliament was adjourned on the fourth day of the parliamentary session and a significant portion of the agendas tabled for the general session remained incomplete.

The 17th TPiE was unable to convene the general session of this year due to the absence of the requisite quorum needed for the session to constitute, following a walk out by some members of the parliament. The remaining business of this year’s general session was postponed until further notice on Sept. 28. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

In a protest of solidarity and advocacy for human rights, activists representing Tibet, Uyghur, and Hong Kong jointly or...

In a protest of solidarity and advocacy for human rights, activists representing Tibet, Uyghur, and Hong Kong jointly organised a mass protest on the day of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, where Chinese President Xi Jinping is slated to attend. The demonstrators carried banners emblazoned with messages advocating for human rights and chanted slogans to raise their voices against alleged Chinese atrocities in their respective regions.

A 20-year-old Tibetan activist, identified as Tsela, garnered significant attention outside the hotel where Chinese President Xi Jinping was scheduled to meet with prominent U.S. business leaders during the APEC summit. The youth activist of the Students for a Free Tibet, climbed a flagpole roughly 25 feet off the ground, unfurling a Tibetan flag while chanting “Free Tibet.” Despite the heightened security and the presence of law enforcement officials, she remained perched on the flagpole for over an hour.

“Under Xi’s rule, we have witnessed the establishment of a residential school system that has ripped one million Tibetan children from their families, and the mass collection of DNA from Tibetan monks, nuns, and children. Xi Jinping now faces serious internal challenges to his power, that’s why our message is that Xi’s time as the dictator of China is up. It’s time for a new era of freedom for all people suffering under the CCP’s rule,” Tsela said. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

The publishing industry in Tibet has faced escalating control and censorship lately, with the Chinese government imposin...

The publishing industry in Tibet has faced escalating control and censorship lately, with the Chinese government imposing stringent restrictions on independent Tibetan publishing houses.

The Chinese government’s White Paper, released on Nov. 10, claimed to uphold “the study and use of the Tibetan language and script,” highlighting the statistics of publications and periodicals in Tibetan. The propaganda document asserted the publications of 17 periodicals, 11 newspapers, and 45.01 million copies of Tibetan-language books by the end of 2022 in the region. However, these claims stand in stark contrast to reports from independent sources, such as the TT report, which indicate that despite these statistics, the Chinese government’s policies and regulations have imposed severe limitations on the operational independence of Tibetan publishing houses. is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

In a yet another move that signals the power dynamics between Hollywood and China, entertainment giant Disney has banned...

In a yet another move that signals the power dynamics between Hollywood and China, entertainment giant Disney has banned Martin Scorsese’s 1997 film “Kundun” in all formats, in response to Chinese government pressure. The film captures the story of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama and the Chinese occupation of his homeland, produced by a major studio.

The controversy surrounding “Kundun” dates back to its inception in 1996 when cameras started rolling. According to reports from World of Reel, Disney received a call from the Chinese embassy expressing the government’s anger. A Chinese Film Bureau official stated, “We are resolutely opposed to the making of this movie. It is intended to glorify the Dalai Lama, so it is an interference in China’s internal affairs.”

The repercussions were swift, with Disney CEO Michael Eisner revealing to The New York Times that “all of our business in China stopped overnight.” Moreover, Martin Scorsese and some members of the cast remains banned from entering China due to his association with “Kundun.” is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.

In a bold and attention-grabbing act of protest, three activists from the San Francisco chapter of Students for a Free T...

In a bold and attention-grabbing act of protest, three activists from the San Francisco chapter of Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) on November 10 unfurled a large “Free Tibet” while also boldly proclaimed “Dictator Xi Jinping, Your Time is Up!” banner from the roof of the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The protest comes just days before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit where the Chinese President is scheduled to attend.

The incident had a significant presence on social media platforms, with pictures and videos quickly going viral. In a widely shared video on Twitter, activists can be heard chanting “Free Tibet”.

In a tweet following their high-profile protest in San Francisco, the activists who hung the banner emphasised their commitment to resisting Xi Jinping’s regime and supporting the Tibetan cause. The tweet read, “Xi can’t hide from the countless people united against his authoritarian regime. Generations of Tibetans will always resist his dictatorship until Tibet is free.”

Tenzin Namgyal, a 17-year-old Tibetan-American activist who was part of the unfurling said, “Since China’s President Xi last visited the US Tibetans have witnessed our language, religion and culture come under direct attack from Xi’s genocidal policies and we are facing the elimination of our distinct Tibetan language, culture and identity if the world doesn’t act.” is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.



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