The Human Factor

The Human Factor India's foremost HR Magazine from IIPM Think Tank-Planman Knowledge Center and Daily Indian Media. A

The Human Factor brings out 3 quarterly supplements viz Count Your Chickens before They Hatch (the Leadership Quarterly), Discover The Diamond In You (the Success Quarterly); and the quarterly journal Theory I Management (the Case Studies Quarterly)


Yes! That’s true. Assuming every 100 years accommodates 3 generations, it means it will take your 300 generations to accommodate that kind of wealth. If we were to give you ₹1000 daily instead, then 30,000 generations. And we are only talking of NM not yet of . What has he or any Billionaire on the face of earth done to deserve so much more?

This budget, the government must introduce a .

The richest 1% in India owns more than 40 per cent of the country's total wealth, while the bottom 50% of the population owns one 3% of wealth.

If India's billionaires are taxed once at 2 per cent on their entire wealth, it would support the requirement of Rs 40,423 crore for the nutrition of malnourished in the country for the next three years.

"A one-off tax on unrealized gains from 2017-2021 on just one billionaire, Gautam Adani, could have raised Rs 1.79 lakh crore, enough to employ more than five million Indian primary school teachers for a year," says Oxfam India’s report, Survival of the Richest.

Enough of praising Billionaires—Time to tax the s of India so that workers can work 32 hours a week and soon only 24 hours a week— something that thinks needs to happen.

Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri


Honorary Director of IIPM Think Tank - Publications and Faculty Research, Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri was felicitated, yet again!

Must read

Must read

didn’t lose to . India lost to in Rajababu Stadium.
By Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri

The Awesome Captain of Team India was gracious not to blame anyone for the loss. But I know who he had in mind to blame—Rajababu & .

Read on patiently. This post isn’t sarcasm.

Why does a country get excited when they are hosting a cup? Because they know they will have home ground/condition advantage. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A COUNTRY GIVING ITSELF HOME GROUND DISADVANTAGE??

We in INDIA did that. The final should have been played in , , or even . But never in Ahmedabad. And I’m talking about the PITCH (and not the classsless behaviour that they were inspired to display during the India-Pakistan match). The pitch of Wankhade etc would have given us an even playing condition irrespective of the toss and in an even playing condition AT THIS POINT OF TIME, NO TEAM CAN DEFEAT INDIA. But due to rajababu and his politics and fe**sh to have the match in Rajababu stadium, we gave our own team a home team Disadvantage. With the evening due there, any team batting second would get a huge advantage and with the slow pitch any team batting first would find it tough to score.

Ideally any big final should have no advantage for teams.

That’s why finals are best of 7. So that a good individual performance on a good day doesn’t decide the fate of a better opposition.

In (soccer) they play 2 matches— one each in the grounds of each team.

And that’s why intelligent people are saying ODIs should become two innings of 20 overs or 25 overs each so that batting conditions have no role in the result of the match.

But since it’s not so yet, the least BCCI should have made sure is that immense hardwork of team India doesn’t go waste. But BCCIs focus was more on the new colour of Teams Clothing in the dressing room.

Never before have we entered the final as the best team in the world. In 1983 & 2011 we won the cup due to that made a good team become best on the day. In 2003, clearly Australia were the best team and we were second best. But this time WE WERE THE BEST. Absolutely the best. Statistically and on the basis of performance. Out of the top 8 batsmen of World Cup 4 were Indians one was Australian. Out of the top 8 Bowlers of World Cup, 3 were Indians 1 was Australian. The RO-KO jodi was at peak. ROhit having hit the maximum boundaries in World Cup history and KOhli having taken the maximum runs by running between the wickets in World Cup history. Our batsmen couldn’t be bowled out even once till the finals. We were ICC ranked No.1 team in tests, ODIs and T20s. Our bowling attack as combo, had never been more lethal in history. We took 98 of the 100 wickets before the final.

We were the best team that lost not to anyone else but to our own country’s pathetic politics and the need to cater to a megalomaniac.

Virat Kohli Rohit Sharma
Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri


Here’s wishing India’s only real Megastar, a very 🎂🎂🎂

Seen here in the pic with our editor-in-chief Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri in one of our past events!!

Shah Rukh Khan Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri IIPM Think Tank - Publications and Faculty Research


’s intellectual nosedive!

By Dr.

Narayana Murthy sir, till about a decade back when I used to write on , you used to be a constant example of many a good thing. And back in 2006 when I touched your feet, it was with heartfelt respect. Of course after giving India a million me-too Management writers, I stopped writing on Management & now I concentrate only on Economics & . Thankfully that requires a bit more IQ & education!

Evidently didn’t give that education to you, so here are 3 lessons for you.

1. While in the evolved world of today, it’s a shame to think of making people work beyond 32 hrs a week/ 4 days a week your talk of 70+ hrs a week only shows how backward your vision is.

Mr Murthy, were born to holiday, chase their , have s*x or simply laze around. They were born to travel, to play music, to make art, to write poems & to innovate. The last thing they are born to do is to get up at 6 in the morning to rush to office at 9 and work till 5pm. Oops! 9pm if one were to go by you.

Unfortunately they have to work to earn money to even have basic necessities met, thanks to Greedy Intellectually Dwarfed leaders like you who think no ends of their ability to distribute uninitiated half baked gyan only because they have made a billion dollar Corporation, aided heavily by paying really and mopping up land mass through government …. people who think that the 40/48 hrs a week isn’t enough of exploitation to give workers a substandard existence to make two ends meet.

It only strengthens the perspective that every is a failure of the state.

2. Like religion & marriage this 9-5 work is a man made system that's working as of now. But in a humane world of tomorrow, like the rest two, it's bound to disappear. In future human beings will do what they feel like and society will still take care of their basic needs, education, health & shelter. And it will be aided heavily by robots and . Fighting for such a future is what is the least expected from leaders like you— if not fighting for higher & reducing .

3. Lastly— In economics any turn from Left to Right is the beginning of Intellectual Death.

That seems to be your case. You were a leftist in your student days. To justify your initial right turn, you maintained you are a compassionate capitalist (which is absolutely fair in the ecosystem one lives in) but now you sound like a monstrous capitalist. Going by the way you became silent on matters of human & political importance since 2014, we already got a clear impression of your intellectual downfall. One only wonders if it’s your right wing, homophonic, anti-people, war mongering & soon to be ousted son-in-law taking a toll on you; Or it’s a fall of your own creation due to erosion of all human values which once made you different from all other corporate leaders.

IIIPMAArindam ChaudhuriAArindam Chaudhuri


Unbridled Naked greed & aggression is the real difference between ’s 20 Months v/s ’s 20 Days

by Dr.

Here are some quick facts:
>>In 20 days has killed 5k+ civilians in with about 2000

>>In 20 months roughly 10k+ civilians have been killed in with about 500 children

As rightly said, when creates endless violence for its greedy strategic interests it’s trying to protect peace. When or Palestine does it’s termed as Terrorism and Invasion.

Let’s talk about Russia vs Ukraine first. The fact is as per clearly stated agreements, & Ukraine should have simply agreed to stay unarmed and away from . And there wouldn’t have been this carnage. But Americans wanted to take the NATO borders till Russia. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons while breaking away from USSR in exchange from protection from — basically yielding to be under its umbrella. Then in 2021 it went to NATO asking for its membership. Which meant it first violated the pact with Moscow— so Moscow was no more bound by the pact. But Moscow didn’t immediately get into attack mode.

Moscow requested from NATO a guarantee that they will have no military presence/drills in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. NATO refused. What did they expect? Did they expect Russia to sit and watch them jump around its borders? No. By wanting to expand till Russian borders, it’s the west that forced Russia into war with Ukraine for its own security. There’s no way a or a Russia will allow a or Ukraine to be a western military point even if it means World-War 3.

As for democratic norms etc it’s as bad as the way US entered with an entirely false pretext of weapons of mass destruction, put its puppet regimes throughout Latin America, entered from Vietnam to Libya and created from to .. not to forget created it’s base in to arm while indirectly threatening .

Coming now to Israel. Since the formation of United Nations Human Rights Council ( ), just to condemn Israel alone for its grave violations of the Human Rights of people of , 45 resolutions have been passed. This is roughly 45% off all the resolutions passed! That’s exactly is what Israel has been doing to the Palestine over the years— blindly backed by Americans.

Needless to say assuming that a group of people are not worth being treated humanily meant that the gigantic attacks by was waiting to happen sooner or later.

Now Hezbollah is joining in from Lebanon. It’s basically , & the versus the West— with a potential to turn into a 3rd with Russia, China & joining them.

And the fact is— the axis of Russia-China-Iran-North Korea is virtually impossible to defeat. It is the Americans and sleepy ’s ego that is responsible for all the painful deaths—none of which should have taken place.

Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri


BEING EDUCATED HAS SOME KEY ADVANTAGES!! For example you can talk to the PRESS!!

Happiest Birthday — the amazing 91 year old Educated PM we once had!

NB. These pics were just sometime before he invited me to join the Consultative Committees to the Planning Commission of India in the areas of Social Sector & Education

Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri
IIPM Think Tank - Publications and Faculty Research


Live life by & 💙💛💙

‘ ! God Doesn’t Exist’ — My 14th book ready to release soon!

Till then,
To live your life by & instead of hate and fairy tales, READ one of my previous books—
>The Intelligent Person's Manifesto for Success & Happiness<

PDF link👇🏿
download & circulate

Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri


GUIDE TO TRUTH— Finally ready with my next book 💛

To live your life by & , READ
>>The Intelligent Person's Manifesto for Success & Happiness!


>>On his birthday, here are 5 health secrets to learn from Rahul Gandhi> and its benefits are very well known! Walking 8000 steps daily has been proven to be the perfect recipe to great health and fitness. And can be done by anyone. It builds up leg muscles that’s a key to good health in old age. Only someone who can walk 8/10k steps a day can think of ramping it up to 30k steps a day for 150 days. Yes that’s what Rahul did! He walked 30k steps on an average daily!! Personally I walk 10k steps four days a week and 15k steps two days a week and I know how it helps keep my weight and leg muscles in shape.

>> have been shown to be a great barometer of strength and fitness. According to science those who can do 40 push ups a day have a 96% less chance of forming cardiovascular disease. It keeps your shoulder, chest, back muscles, cores and abs strong and in shape. Do I need to say more? Personally I can do upto 30. And I hope to reach that level soon.

>> , is not just about the ability to fight. It’s one of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to exercise. You are learning a new skill regularly and getting upgraded. Plus great cardio and an art form that’s great for brain health. I personally am. 3rd Dan Black Belt in Kick Boxing and the challenges in learing the art and getting better at it, keep me hooked. If it was some boring activity I might have left it long back.

>> benefits are absolutely stunning. From increasing immunity to brown fat in your body to dopamine levels to longevity. It is an unparalleled way of being fit. Everyone thought Rahul was being extra brave by walking in a T-shirt in winters in J&K and giving speeches in rain. I believe he was enjoying the immense benefits of cold exposure. I have recently started it and feel absolutely amazing after taking ice baths three days a week.

>>Finally, a diet with is the best recipe for longevity. It can add upto 20% to your life span apart from making you look younger and fitter. During an interview Rahul mentioned these two things specially. He eats light and doesn’t eat rice or wheat!! Add time restriction (eat all meals within 8-12 hours and fast for the rest of the day) to your eating plan and you have the most healthy eating habit one can. I have been doing it for years now. So has been my entire family including my son from his school days!

Go ahead and practice these 5 things and remain healthy and fit!

Like Rahul Gandhi is.

Happy Birthday to this health inspiration for the entire nation. And hopefully our next Prime Minister.

Arindam Chaudhuri Arindam Chaudhuri

Sipping tea and provoking thoughts! Stuff Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri enjoys the most! At the Power Brands Women in Leadership...

Sipping tea and provoking thoughts! Stuff Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri enjoys the most! At the Power Brands Women in Leadership and HR Excellence Awards!


SAKSHI JOSHI doesn’t speak against or , she speaks the truth for her love for ! No doubt she had to go Independent!
Hemkunt Foundation’s Irinder Singh Ahluwalia & Riju Jhunjhunwala of Jawahar Foundation could have sat and waited for the government to do something instead they jumped in as Pandemic Warriors and helped millions!

They are this years recipients of Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Awards! Was a pleasure hearing them speak with all their passion!!

An IIPM & The Daily Indian initiative kick starting the celebrations of IIPM!!

Arindam Chaudhuri

Human Factor!

Human Factor!


Planman HR , Naraina





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