@puneetsuper_staar reveals the story to in conversation with @tazmeenamna behind his “LEGENDARY” “ICONIC” Class apart catch Line!
#flyingdogtv #podcastindia #puneetsuperstar #superstar #puneetmeme #lordpuneet #comedyindia
Times have changed from roti kapda Makaan! But hustle to make our destiny remains the same or as Rockstar taught us “Jab tam taqleef na ho na life main, tab taj koi bada nahi banta hai” @kumudkmishra said it one dialogue and @puneetsuper_staar in another.
#rockstarmovie #ranbiralia #ranbirkapoor #imtiazali #bollywoodinspired #kunfayakun #puneetsuperstar #podcastlifestyle #lakshaychaudharyofficial #flyingdogtv #linespoetry #shiddat #hustlers
@tazmeenamna in conversation with THE LORD himself @puneetsuper_staar
#flyingdogtv #podcastindia #lordpuneet #puneetsuperstar #puneetsuperstarmemes #flirtindia
While @mrbeast has a set of social welfare projects in his kitty, @puneetsuper_staar is also on the same lines. Looks like creator circuit has resolved to change the world for all the good reasons.
#puneetsuperstar #contentcreator #mrbeast #philanthropy #podcastforchange #bestpodcast #lordpuneet
@puneetsuper_star and Maut ka Khel. Check out when he did the biggest Maut ka Khel of his life.
#lordpuneet #puneetsuperstar #chhapri #mautkakhel #instareel #flyingdogtv #fullvideo #madsh*t
Ek minute main jo hi sakta hai, vo facilities ussi kamrein main hai. : @shubh_manit
The question is kya hai vo? Janta jawaab maangti hai. #standupcomedyindia #pocketcomics #flyingdogtv #podcast #gauravkapoor #laughoutlouder #creatornetwork
Creating ART with haters around and manifesting that to attain peace. Been there, done that and still slaying at art form development. That’s just a glimpse of @hiten.noonwal . Catch more of it on the Bitch perfect podcast on the YT channel.
#hatersbelike #bitchperfect #onlinehate #cyberbullying #shinelikeadiamond #podcastinglife #hitennoonwal #fashionart #bodypositivemovement #changethegame #hatethegame #nottheplayer
The cuts that didn’t make, needless to say, our editors are overworked. Bad bitch cares? Let’s roll out the full cast soon on YT.
#bitchperfect #dojacat #kanyeloveskanye #podcastlife #mentalhealthrecovery #positivityiskey #tazmeenamna #goner #authorquotes #launchcontrol
Adani’s plan to sell Chawal through the NDTV takeover, breaking news by @adjournedpodcast where we have the finest minds @chaudharyanshul @actuallyronit and @dannishsiingh academically going through issue at hand.
#adani #ambani #breakingnews #ndtv #samdishbhatia #ravishkumar #prannoyroy #diwali2022
Presenting Sir Floyd. Our Creator’s Collective’s Mascot.
#flyingdogtv #gigeconomy #creatorscollective #launched
@tazmeenamna and @hiten.noonwal share the cute story of how they met at @kittysuindia and Hiten won the Prom Queen Award.
Link in BIO to the full Podcast!
#bodypositivemovement #sexualpositivity #mentalwellbeing #genderfluidity #queerpride #sexpodcast #promqueen #promking #powerofpositivity #itsokaytonotbeokay #chasethedream #hitennoonwal #bitchperfect #podcastlisteners #theflyingdog #flyingdogtv
Patiently waiting for episode 2, it’s been a while!
Let’s go hard on the next one! Any guesses on who do we have for this one?
#badbitch #bitchperfect #positivevibes #spiritualhealing #mentalwellness #lifestylepodcast #tazmeenamna #hitennoonwal #podcastmentalhealth #mentalhealthrecovery #wellnesslifestyle #makeupstyle #actionpodcast