IntelliStudios, India’s First Full-Service LED-Enabled Virtual Production Stage in Chennai is set in a 13,000 SQFT floor, with 60 X 18 Ft Curved LED Wall, Unreal Engine Based Virtual Production Studio is integrated with state of art Camera Tracking. Production Houses can save time and money. 3D photorealistic environments shall highly reduce costs of creating massive sets and reduced cost of trave
l to outdoor shooting locations. Filmmakers can make real-time decisions and changes. Interact with digitally created objects and characters in real-time. IntelliStudios brings the live action set experience into the digital realm and allows to set up shots and to shoot several scenes with the same actors. DOP work with crews for pre-lights, choosing frames and sequences. Virtual backgrounds, physical set pieces and actors blend seamlessly together to produce final pixels in real time. IntelliStudios is powered with iPad controller for volumetric color correction, exposure control, time day, and lights. Using a virtual environment, teams can transition from one scene to the next without interrupting shooting. All of it is happening at one location! Digital assets can be changed up quickly, allowing filmmakers to shoot several scenes on the same day. Virtual background environments can be supplemented with a real physical foreground by your art team to provide a in depth hybrid environment that allows a world of opportunities to explore different environments. The current huge demand for content creation due to the significant boom of OTT and to create the content with quick turn around without affecting the cost and quality can be effectively achieved with Virtual Production Studio technology. World famous movies and series have started using Virtual Production Technology to a large extent across the globe and it’s the virtual production revolution wave we are in now that shall open fascinating avenues in film making.