Will India be able to become the world leader with biofuel ?#flexfuel #jitendradeshbhakt #toyota
Why global oil markets are afraid of this secret fuel of India ?/Will this fuel from India be able to destroy the world oil market? #India'ssecretfuel
India has recently seen the launch of new flex fuel vehicles that run on ethanol, marking a significant development in the automotive industry. One notable example is the Toyota Innova Hycross Flex Fuel prototype.Toyota unveiled a prototype of the Innova Hycross with a flex-fuel hybrid powertrain in India. This vehicle is designed to run on a blend of ethanol and gasoline, making it a flex fuel vehicle.The launch of such flex fuel vehicles aligns with the Indian government's efforts to promote alternative fuels and reduce emissions. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari unveiled this prototype, highlighting its significance.
so the question is
1.What's different about flex fuel?
2.How can it help Indian farmers?
3.How could it lower the price of gasoline?
4.When and why did it start?
#nitingadkari #politics #geopoliticsnews #indianfarmer #jitendradeshbhakt
#jitendrasingh #ethanol #flexfuel
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=ethanol fuel kaise banta hai
=ethanol price in india
=ethanol fuel
=toyota ethanol car price in india
Will India be able to become the world leader with biofuel ?#flexfuel #jitendradeshbhakt #toyota
Why global oil markets are afraid of this secret fuel of India ?/Will this fuel from India be able to destroy the world oil market? #India'ssecretfuel
India has recently seen the launch of new flex fuel vehicles that run on ethanol, marking a significant development in the automotive industry. One notable example is the Toyota Innova Hycross Flex Fuel prototype.Toyota unveiled a prototype of the Innova Hycross with a flex-fuel hybrid powertrain in India. This vehicle is designed to run on a blend of ethanol and gasoline, making it a flex fuel vehicle.The launch of such flex fuel vehicles aligns with the Indian government's efforts to promote alternative fuels and reduce emissions. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari unveiled this prototype, highlighting its significance.
so the question is
1.What's different about flex fuel?
2.How can it help Indian farmers?
3.How could it lower the price of gasoline?
4.When and why did it start?
#nitingadkari #politics #geopoliticsnews #indianfarmer #jitendradeshbhakt
#jitendrasingh #ethanol #flexfuel
=flex fuel cars in india
=ethanol fuel kaise banta hai
=ethanol price in india
=ethanol fuel
=toyota ethanol car price in india
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881 days continuous rain|Most consecutive days of rain in the world #rain #worldlongestrain #india Most consecutive days of rain in the world | An incredible 331 consecutive days of measurable rainfall were recorded at Maunawili Ranch, Maui, in 1939-40. If you include a trace of rain, the record is 881 consecutive days, or nearly three straight years, at Honomu Maki, Oahu, from 1913 to 1916 (Google)#longest rain ever #rain #worldlongestrain #india #usa
india's passport strengthened , can go to 57 countries indian without visa
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Why you will not be able to reach these galaxies even if you are immortal | क्यों आप अमर होकर भी इन गैलैक्सी पर नहीं पहुंच पाएंगे #space #immortal #Galaxy #shorts #reels
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