If Wealth is lost, something is lost
If Health is lost, everything is lost
Though Medical Science has found remedies for almost all of the Infectious diseases, they are at cross roads when it comes to Degenerative Disorders, like Diabetes, Cardiac Disorders, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Oesteo-arthritis etc. Though these are called 'life style' diseases, in actual terms they are Degenerati
ve Disorders where medicines have very limited role to play. The only option is to prevent degenerations or to slow down the degenerative process and of course if some one is in a degenerative phase, reverse the process. Productivity of an individual and hence that of an organization or society is based on the well-being of the individual. Wellness Community because we want to create a highly productive and energetic society which can contribute towards the upliftment of the world through technological/scientific/ intellectual/spiritual and materialistic advancement. Wellness Community works with a mission to create Physically (health), Intellectually, Socially, Spiritually, and Financially RICH families all over the world. The message which needs to be carried across the world is that 'the key to good health is in your hands. Wellness community becomes an advocate to this philosophy. Our attempt is to take the wellness revolution to the grass root levels with the support of thousands of Independent Wellness Clubs, which promotes 'Healthy & Wealthy Living' by working on all four factors of Optimal Health; Good Nutrition, Physical Exercise, Mental Attitude and Relaxation. We welcome you to be part of this Global Wellness Community. You experience the positive impacts of 'Optimal Health' and be an apostle of 'Optimal Health' to millions of families.