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The Ancient 4,500-Year-Old Tunic at the Egyptian Museum.                                         Part 4

The Ancient 4,500-Year-Old Tunic at the Egyptian Museum.

Part 4


পাকিস্তানকে হারিয়ে ৬ উইকেটে জয়লাভ ভারতের। ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দলকে অভিনন্দন।
আমাদের ভারত 🇮🇳 মহান

Ten Unknown Facts About  1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germa...

Ten Unknown Facts About
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.
10. Cultural Impact: BMW's vehicles often become cultural icons, featured in fi

Ten Unknown Facts About   1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germ...

Ten Unknown Facts About

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.

3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.

5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company

6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.

7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.

8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.

9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.

10. Cultural Impact: BMW's vehicles often become cultural icons, featured in f

Ten unknown Facts About  1. The first film ever made was "Roundhay Garden Scene" in 1888, directed by French inventor Lo...

Ten unknown Facts About

1. The first film ever made was "Roundhay Garden Scene" in 1888, directed by French inventor Louis Le Prince.

2. The first Hollywood film was "The Squaw Man" in 1911, directed by Oscar Apfel and Cecil B. DeMille.

3. The first 3D film was "The Power of Love" in 1922, directed by Nat G. Deverich and Harry K. Fairall.

4. The first film with sound was "The Jazz Singer" in 1927, directed by Alan Crosland.

5. The longest film ever made was "Ambian" in 2016, directed by Anders Weberg, with a runtime of 720 hours.

6. The highest-grossing film of all time is "Avengers: Endgame" in 2019, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo.

7. The most Academy Awards won by a single film is 11, achieved by "Ben-Hur" in 1959, "Titanic" in 1997, and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" in 2003.

8. The first film to feature a computer-generated image (CGI) was "Westworld" in 1973, directed by Michael Crichton.

9. The first film to use motion capture technology was "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" in 2001, directed by Peter Jackson.

10. The highest-paid actor of all time is Keanu Reeves, with a salary of $250 million for "The Matrix" trilogy.


জ্ঞানী চিত্তসংযম করে নিজেকে চুপ রাখবে‌ন। জ্ঞানীর ক্ষুধা-তৃষ্ণায় কাতরতা লোপ পাবে। জ্ঞানী জ্ঞানার্জন ও ঈশ্বরসাধনায় নিজেকে অন্তর্মুখী রাখবেন। জ্ঞানী অলস হ‌ইবেন না। জ্ঞানী ভাগ্যাপেক্ষা কর্মকে গুরুত্ব দেবেন। জ্ঞানী প্রেম করবেন। বিবাদ থেকে দূরে পালিয়ে যাবেন। জ্ঞানী অপরের চাকুরী পরিত্যাগ করিবেন। জ্ঞানী কেবল ঈশ্বরকে নিবেদিত ভোগকেই প্রসাদস্বরূপ গ্রহণ করিবেন। জ্ঞানী উদরপূর্তির হেতু জীবহত্যা করবেন না বা করাবেন‌ও না। জ্ঞানী সঙ্গত্যাগী ও নির্ভীক হ‌ইবেন। জ্ঞানী অলস হ‌ইবেন না। জ্ঞানী বুদ্ধিমান ও কৌশলাবলম্বী হবেন। জ্ঞানীর কাছে তুলনায় ধন হল অসুর আর সময় হল দেবতা। জ্ঞানী সময়কে অনন্ত গুরুত্ব দেবেন। জ্ঞানী আবশ্যিকভাবে ব্রহ্মমুহূর্তেই শয্যাত্যাগ করবেন। জ্ঞানী প্রতিদিন ব‌ই পড়বেন অনেকটা ক্ষণ। জ্ঞানীর ত্রিভুবনে জ্ঞান আর ঈশ্বর ছাড়া কিছুই প্রাপ্ত করার নেই। জ্ঞানী কেবল একজন সনাতনী‌ই হবেন। জ্ঞানী স্বধর্মরক্ষার জন্য নির্দ্বিধায় ধর্মনির্দেশিত পথে অস্ত্র‌শস্ত্রও ধরবেন ও অধর্মের নাশ ঘটাবেন।

জ্ঞানী ঈশ্বরভক্তির কারণ দ্বারা আত্মবিশ্বাস বিসর্জন‌ও দেবেন না।

হরে কৃষ্ণ 🙏 🙏 যখন এই গাছটা ডাষ্টবিনে বড় হচ্ছিলো কেউ ফিরেও তাকায়নি, কিন্তু এখন হাজারো মানুষ তার কাছে আসে ৷ চলন্ত রাস্তা...

হরে কৃষ্ণ 🙏 🙏
যখন এই গাছটা ডাষ্টবিনে বড় হচ্ছিলো কেউ ফিরেও তাকায়নি, কিন্তু এখন হাজারো মানুষ তার কাছে আসে ৷ চলন্ত রাস্তার পাশে অবহেলিত ভাবে জন্মানো ❝সূর্যমুখী❞ ফুলটা দেখে অবাক হয় খুশি হয় ।। ফুলটা কারো জন্য একটা শিক্ষা।।
ঠিক তেমনি ভাবে আপনি যতক্ষণ না সফল হবেন,
মানুষ আপনাকে অবহেলা করে দূরে ছুড়ে ফেলে দিবে ডাষ্টবিনের পাশে ফুল গাছ বড় হওয়ার মতো,,,
আর যখন আপনার সফলতার ফুল ফুটতে শুরু করবে,
তখন হাজারো মানুষ আপনার কাছে ছুটে আসবে।
হরে কৃষ্ণ 🙏🙏

The history of  began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the s...

The history of

began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the second is the discovery that some substances are visibly altered by exposure to light[2]. There are no artifacts or descriptions that indicate any attempt to capture images with light sensitive materials prior to the 18th century.

View from the Window at Le Gras 1826 or 1827, believed to be the earliest surviving camera photograph. [1] Original (left) and colorized reoriented enhancement (right). Around 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulze used a light-sensitive slurry to capture images of cut-out letters on a bottle.

However, he did not pursue making these results permanent. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood made the first reliably documented, although unsuccessful attempt at capturing camera images in permanent form. His experiments did produce detailed photograms, but Wedgwood and his associate Humphry Davy found no way to fix these images. In 1826, Nicéphore Niépce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but at least eight hours or even

several days of exposure in the camerawere required and the earliest results were very crude. Niépce's associate Louis Daguerre went on to develop the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced clear, finely detailed results. On August 2, 1839 Daguerre demonstrated the details of the process to the Chamber of Peers in Paris. On August 19 the technical details were made public in a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in the Palace of Institute. (For granting the rights of the inventions to the public, Daguerre and Niépce were awarded generous annuities for life.)[3][4][5] When the metal based daguerreotype process was demonstrated formally to the public, the competitor approach of paper-based calotype negative and salt

শুন,মিশ্র,কলিযুগে নাহি তপ-যজ্ঞ।যেই জন ভজে কৃষ্ণ, তাঁর মহাভাগ্য।।

শুন,মিশ্র,কলিযুগে নাহি তপ-যজ্ঞ।
যেই জন ভজে কৃষ্ণ, তাঁর মহাভাগ্য।।

"লৌকিক ধন ধন নহে" "তোমার শ্রেষ্ঠ ধন পরমার্থ। "-হরে কৃষ্ণ 🙏🙏        #মহাকুম্ভ

"লৌকিক ধন ধন নহে"
"তোমার শ্রেষ্ঠ ধন পরমার্থ। "
-হরে কৃষ্ণ 🙏🙏

The history of   ❤️began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, th...

The history of ❤️
began with the discovery of two critical principles: The first is camera obscura image projection, the second is the discovery that some substances are visibly altered by exposure to light[2]. There are no artifacts or descriptions that indicate any attempt to capture images with light sensitive materials prior to the 18th century.

View from the Window at Le Gras 1826 or 1827, believed to be the earliest surviving camera photograph.[1] Original (left) and colorized reoriented enhancement (right).
Around 1717, Johann Heinrich Schulze used a light-sensitive slurry to capture images of cut-out letters on a bottle. However, he did not pursue making these results permanent. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood made the first reliably documented, although unsuccessful attempt at capturing camera images in permanent form. His experiments did produce detailed photograms, but Wedgwood and his associate Humphry Davy found no way to fix these images.

In 1826, Nicéphore Niépce first managed to fix an image that was captured with a camera, but at least eight hours or even several days of exposure in the camera were required and the earliest results were very crude. Niépce's associate Louis Daguerre went on to develop the daguerreotype process, the first publicly announced and commercially viable photographic process. The daguerreotype required only minutes of exposure in the camera, and produced clear, finely detailed results. On August 2, 1839 Daguerre demonstrated the details of the process to the Chamber of Peers in Paris. On August 19 the technical details were made public in a meeting of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Fine Arts in the Palace of Institute. (For granting the rights of the inventions to the public, Daguerre and Niépce were awarded generous annuities for life.)[3][4][5] When the metal based daguerreotype process was demonstrated formally to the public, the competitor approach of paper-based calotype negative an

সত্য গীতার বাণী সত্য সনাতনী 🙏🙏❤️♥️♥️❤️🙏🙏🙏সবাই আমার চ্যানেলটাকে সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন বন্ধুরা 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️ ...




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