Podcast con Yael Ahava

Podcast con Yael Ahava mundolumbroso.com Yael Ahava Lumbroso enterprises.

Our Podcast has changed name its name from Podcast with Yael Ahava to Mundo Lumbroso.Our name are Patrice Avraham and Ahava Lumbroso.We have been in the communication a music Industry for 30 years.



СОФИЙСКИЯТ ЛАДИНО КЛУБдокументален, 26 мин., език: ладино, български, английски; с български и английски субтитри, България / САЩ, 2015Сценаристи, режисьори ...


I want to apologize not to have the Parashá Podcast today,my husband had an emergency and we had to go to the hospital.Everything is ok now Baruch Hashem with his health.Shabbat Shalom.


Muchas gracias a todas las personas que se han inscrito.Bienvenidos a Mundo Lumbroso./Podcast con Yael Ahava.


My life with Apple.

My transition to the Apple ecosystem has been one of the most significant technological changes I have made. This decision was not impulsive but the result of careful evaluation of what I truly needed: security, design, and efficiency in my daily life. Over time, I have confirmed that this choice has been an investment in quality, privacy, and a seamless technological experience.

One of the main reasons behind this change was security. Apple has a strong focus on data protection and user privacy. Its operating system is designed to minimize vulnerabilities, with features such as end-to-end encryption in iMessage and FaceTime, as well as Safari’s tracking prevention, which blocks advertisers from collecting information without my consent. Additionally, tools like Face ID and Touch ID have made accessing my devices much more secure and convenient, eliminating the need for complex passwords that could be vulnerable. Knowing that my personal information is protected without the need for additional software has given me peace of mind that I didn’t find with other platforms.

Beyond security, design was another key factor. I have always admired Apple’s aesthetics, but over time, I realized that it is not just about appearance—it is about functionality. Apple devices are designed to provide ergonomics, comfort, and an intuitive user experience. The integration between hardware and software is flawless, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Retina displays enhance visual quality and reduce eye strain, which is essential for someone who works extensively with technology. Moreover, the minimalist design is not only visually appealing but also makes everything more intuitive and easy to use.

Another fundamental aspect has been the efficiency and productivity that the Apple ecosystem offers. Before switching, using multiple platforms meant relying on external solutions to sync my files, which often led to compatibility issues. Now, synchronization between my MacBook, iPhone, and iPad is effortless. Features like Handoff allow me to start a document on one device and continue on another seamlessly. AirDrop makes file sharing instant and hassle-free, eliminating the need for emails or third-party cloud services. Having all my notes, reminders, and documents automatically synced has made my workflow much more efficient.

While Apple products are more expensive than other brands, I see them as a long-term investment. The quality and durability of these devices have allowed me to use them for extended periods without the need for frequent replacements. Additionally, Apple’s software updates last much longer than those of other operating systems, ensuring my devices remain functional for years. Another advantage is that Apple products retain good resale value, meaning that if I ever want to upgrade, I can recover part of my investment.

In conclusion, fully transitioning to the Apple ecosystem has been one of the best technological decisions I have ever made. The combination of security, design, and productivity has transformed the way I interact with technology. Now, I can focus on what truly matters: creating, learning, and living with peace of mind, without worrying about compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, or devices becoming obsolete too quickly. More than just a brand preference, this shift has been an evolution in how I work and organize my digital life.

Ahava Lumbroso.


Shalom everybody.

My husband, Patrice Avraham, will now be part of the programs that were formerly under “Podcast with Yael Ahava” for the past three years.

I have worked very hard on this project, and it has now been three years since Podcast with Yael Ahava was born. But now, the team is growing, and I must say to my husband: Welcome to Podcast with Yael Ahava!

From now on, it will become Mundo Lumbroso. It’s a great moment!

My husband has worked in radio for many years when he was in Toulouse. He was a famous radio host. Due to his work in music, he hadn’t been able to join the project until now. But today, we celebrate his entry into the Mundo Lumbroso team!

The podcast’s name was previously Podcast with Yael Ahava, now as we told you, The program and our enterprise is Mundo Lumbroso a legal enterprise, in Jerusalém Israel In the legal name name of Yael Ahava Lumbroso enterprise.
The Podcast program will continue with the same format:
• Podcasts in multiple languages
• Cultural discussions
• Inner healing, personal growth, and self-help
• Teachings on Torah and Judaism and Kabbalah
• Programs about Israel, its innovations, services, and much more!

At this moment, Mundo Lumbroso supports Lev La Lev Orphanage in Netanya, so all forms of support are welcome.

Thank you very much!

Ahava Lumbroso.

Shalom everybody.We have new news to tell.My husband Patrice Avraham Lumbroso is gonna be part of the Podcast program.Ma...

Shalom everybody.We have new news to tell.My husband Patrice Avraham Lumbroso is gonna be part of the Podcast program.Mazal tov.

My husband, Patrice Avraham, will now be part of the programs that were formerly under “Podcast with Yael Ahava” for the past three years.

I have worked very hard on this project, and it has now been three years since Podcast with Yael Ahava was born. But now, the team is growing, and I must say to my husband: Welcome to Podcast with Yael Ahava!

From now on, it will become Mundo Lumbroso. It’s a great moment!

My husband has worked in radio for many years when he was in Toulouse. He was a famous radio host. Due to his work in music, he hadn’t been able to join the project until now. But today, we celebrate his entry into the Mundo Lumbroso team!

The podcast’s name was previously Podcast with Yael Ahava, but the program will continue with the same format:
• Podcasts in multiple languages
• Cultural discussions
• Inner healing, personal growth, and self-help
• Teachings on Torah and Judaism
• Programs about Israel, its innovations, services, and much more!

At this moment, Mundo Lumbroso supports Lev La Lev Orphanage in Netanya, so all forms of support are welcome.

Thank you very much!

This keeps the original tone and warmth of your message. Let me know if you’d like any tweaks!


Trabajamos muchísimo,pero necesitamos más likes y que se subscriban en el canal de You tube de mundolumbroso.Porque es la única forma de que podemos monetizar el canal.¿ Nos ayúdan?Quiero escucharlos interactuar con ustedes.No se les olvide escuchar los Podcast con Yael Ahava en todas las plataformas digitales.Están buenísimos.Hay más de 200 programas.Los últimos programas están hechos con mi esposo.Quien fué un gran locutor de Radio en Toulouse Francia.Están en varios idiomas.
Shavua tov para todos.
Ahava Lumbroso.


Los vídeos de You tube se mueven con likes,vistas subscripciones y,lo mismo es en las plataformas como Spreaker,Amazon,Spotify y todas las plataformas digitales.El trabajo que hacemos es constante para llevar buen contenido.Pero necesitamos de sus vistas de sus likes y que lo compartan.Porfavor ayúdenme a llegar a 500 subcripores y muchas más vistas.Si llegamos a 500 subscriptores voy a hacer escoger al azar un subscriptor para enviarle un regalo muy especial desde Jerusalén.¿Me ayudan hacer el reto?
Vamos todos.
Un abrazo gigante.
Todo lo bueno.
Yael Ahava


Am Israel Chai! A Speech of Pride, Courage, and Redemption

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, we are not here to mourn. We are not here to lower our heads or to hide. We are here to lift our faces with pride, to look at the world with the strength and courage that runs through our veins. Because being Jewish is not just a right—it is a responsibility. It is the responsibility of being the people that Hashem chose, the people who received the Torah at Mount Sinai, the people who were called to be Or LaGoyim, a light unto the nations.

They have tried to break us, they have persecuted us, they have burned us, they have exiled us, but we always rise from the ashes. Because our strength does not come from the world—it comes from Hashem. He gave us the Torah, He gave us Eretz Yisrael, and He gave us the mission to bring the Geulah, the final redemption.

And now, in these times, we must rise. We cannot wait any longer. This is the moment! The Mashiach is near, and each of us has a role in bringing the final redemption. Every mitzvah, every act of kindness, every word of Torah that we teach brings us closer to the day when we will see the Beit HaMikdash, the Third Temple, rebuilt in Jerusalem.

So to every Jew, I say: lift your voice. Do not be afraid to say who you are! Do not be afraid to defend Israel, the Holy Land that Hashem promised us! Israel is not just a country; it is our home, our identity, our very essence. And just as we protect our homes and our families, we must protect and care for Israel with all our hearts.

We are lions, strong and assertive, because we know that our courage comes from Hashem’s protection and blessings. We are not a people who fear; we are a people who move forward with faith, with strength, and with the responsibility of bringing light to the world.

And that light, my brothers and sisters, can only shine through unity. Enough with divisions, enough with discord among us! It is time to unite as one nation, with true love for one another. Because when Am Israel is united, nothing and no one can destroy us.

Let every Jew in the world raise their voice with pride! Because we are Am Israel Chai! Because redemption is near! Because Hashem is with us! And because this is the time to rise and shine as the nation that will illuminate the entire world!

Am Israel Chai! The people of Israel live, and will live forever!


¡Am Israel Jai! Un Discurso de Orgullo, Valentía y Redención

Queridos hermanos y hermanas,

Hoy no estamos aquí para lamentarnos. No estamos aquí para bajar la cabeza ni para escondernos. Estamos aquí para levantar nuestras caras con orgullo, para mirar al mundo con la fuerza y la valentía que llevamos en nuestra sangre. Porque ser judío no es solo un derecho: es una responsabilidad. Es la responsabilidad de ser el pueblo que Hashem eligió, el pueblo que recibió la Torá en el Sinaí, el pueblo que fue llamado a ser Or LaGoyim, luz para las naciones.

Nos han intentado doblegar, nos han perseguido, nos han quemado, nos han exiliado, pero siempre renacemos de las cenizas. Porque nuestra fuerza no proviene del mundo, proviene de Hashem. Él nos dio la Torá, nos dio la tierra de Israel y nos dio la misión de traer la Geulá, la redención.

Y ahora, en este tiempo, más que nunca, debemos levantarnos. No podemos esperar más. ¡Este es el momento! El Mashiaj está cerca, y cada uno de nosotros tiene un papel en traer la redención final. Cada mitzvá, cada acto de bondad, cada palabra de Torá que enseñamos, nos acerca al día en que veremos el Beit HaMikdash, el Tercer Templo, reconstruido en Jerusalén.

Por eso, a cada judío le digo: levanta tu voz. ¡No tengas miedo de decir quién eres! ¡No tengas miedo de defender a Israel, la Tierra Santa que Hashem nos prometió! Israel no es solo un país, es nuestra casa, nuestra identidad, nuestra razón de ser. Y así como protegemos nuestras casas y a nuestras familias, debemos proteger y cuidar a Israel con todo nuestro corazón.

Somos leones, fuertes y asertivos, porque sabemos que nuestro coraje viene de la protección y la bendición de Hashem. No somos un pueblo que teme, somos un pueblo que avanza con fe, con fuerza y con la responsabilidad de traer luz al mundo.

Y esa luz, hermanos y hermanas, solo se enciende con unidad. Basta de divisiones, basta de discordia entre nosotros. Es tiempo de unirnos como un solo pueblo, con amor verdadero los unos por los otros. Porque cuando Am Israel es unido, nada ni nadie puede destruirnos.

¡Que cada judío en el mundo levante su voz con orgullo! Porque somos Am Israel Jai. Porque la redención está cerca. Porque Hashem está con nosotros. Y porque este es el momento de alzarnos y brillar como la nación que iluminará al mundo entero!

¡Am Israel Jai! ¡El pueblo de Israel vive y vivirá para siempre!!

Ahava Lumbroso.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00


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