Commit First - Sagi Shrieber

Commit First - Sagi Shrieber Commit First is a Podcast and Community for Family & Freedom Oriented Entrepreneurs

To all my friends here that are small business owners AND run ad campaigns:  I'd love your advice!We're currently workin...

To all my friends here that are small business owners AND run ad campaigns: I'd love your advice!
We're currently working with one of our (very cool) clients on an app to help form Ad Strategy & Creative.
We would LOVE your opinion about what's single biggest challenge you think small business owners running ad campaigns tackle.

We would love if you could answer here:

Thanks so much in advance 🙏
If you have a friend who's a small business owner doing paid ads - feel free to tag them here as well.

Facebook friends - I need your help 😇😱What's the best most simple CRM for agencies & small businesses?I'm not a corporat...

Facebook friends - I need your help 😇😱
What's the best most simple CRM for agencies & small businesses?

I'm not a corporate, I don't have thousands of clients.
I just need a simple CRM to track leads, clients & my team. Preferably even if it integrates with whatsapp. Because all my life is in whatsapp 🤪

Thanks so much for any of you that will answer 🙌


We've all been there: you're in a toxic environment, and it feels like you can't escape.

But the real beauty of this world is that we are the only ones who can define our true essence. We're the only ones who can create boundaries that define us as individuals—and we do that by stepping out of toxic environments and into nourishing spaces.

Watch our full episode to learn how to embrace your spiritual journey of self-discovery and stand strong in your own beliefs!

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When you're in the aftermath of a failed relationship, it can be hard to see the silver lining. But after a breakup, wha...

When you're in the aftermath of a failed relationship, it can be hard to see the silver lining. But after a breakup, what's really important is looking forward and seeing the opportunities for growth and evolution.

Even if your last relationship didn't work out, you're still here—and that means your future relationships will be even better than ever!

Listen to our full episode:
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The nervous system is the master of all things.

It's a system that governs our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The more we understand our nervous system, the better we can manage ourselves to thrive in business and personal relationships.

In this episode, we'll be talking about how to unlock the key to thriving in business, relationships, and life by understanding and operating our inner machinery. It's time to teach and learn what truly matters!

Watch our full episode below!
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When we're not getting the love and affection we deserve, what do we do?

We find a way to fill in the gaps with fantasies. We daydream about being adored, about having riches at our fingertips. We dream of the perfect partner who will make us feel like the most important person in the world.

But dreaming is just fantasy—it's not real. It doesn't help us grow or change anything. It just keeps us stuck in a cycle of wanting things that are out of reach, and feeling disappointed when we don't get them.

So instead of daydreaming about being adored, or having riches, or finding your true worth—why not work on nurturing genuine connections with people who really care about you? You'll have more than enough wealth to go around then!

Watch our full episode here:
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It's easy to get caught up in the fantasy of your relationship with someone you love. You start living their life, and they become more important than you are—more important than your own needs and desires. You give up on yourself, and you give up on them.

But what if it were possible to break those bonds? What if you could embrace reality and cultivate self-love without sacrificing your relationship with the person you love?

If that sounds hard for you right now, it might be because your relationship with them is so entangled with their fantasies that it makes it hard for either of you to see what's real. But there's a way to break free from this cycle—and it starts with one simple question: "What do we need from each other?"

Once we take a step back from the drama of our relationships and look at them objectively, we can start asking ourselves questions like these:

"What do I need?"

"How can I get it?"

"Who can help me get it?"

Click the link below to watch the full episode and see how you can break those bonds that are holding you back from loving yourself!
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If you're reading this, you are an inherently creative person. And that's amazing.

As a creative professional, I'm always trying to learn more about the amazing things that I'm capable of and how to bring them out from within. But it's not about learning; it's about taking ownership of your genius and using it for good.

I believe that every human being has a unique genius inside them, and we can use our gifts to improve the world around us, even if that means making little changes here and there in our daily lives.

Working on your creativity is more than just practicing drawing portraits or singing in the shower—it's about waking up each day with the intention of improving yourself and the people around you, as well as making your mark on the world around you in a positive way.

You just have to believe in yourself. Take that extra step and keep going.
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The thing about the world is that it's full of people who are gifted in one way or another. Some people are just given the gift of being able to focus on one thing and do it well, and that becomes the definition of their existence.

The point at which something becomes an issue is when you start acting improperly—doing things you're not passionate about or skilled at doing. To determine if you're doing too much, consider whether you're having to manipulate the system in order to get things done. If so, stop!

Watch the full episode here:
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Random question: Who would you love to see me interview next on the podcast?


You only get one life, and it's up to you to live it.

Don't waste your time doing things that don't make you happy. If there's something in your life that isn't working for you, figure out how to make it better, and then do it!

There's no reason we should spend our entire lives doing anything other than what we love, so start thinking about what makes you feel truly alive, and then go do it!

If you're ready to start living a better life and achieve your life goals, this episode of the Commit First podcast can help you get started.

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As we make our way through life, we're often faced with choices that can seem overwhelming and paralyzing. We want to do...

As we make our way through life, we're often faced with choices that can seem overwhelming and paralyzing. We want to do the right thing, but we don't know what that is. We need to make a big decision, but we're afraid of making the wrong one.

But here's the thing: big decisions are designed to be made with clarity, not a certainty. If you were certain about everything you did in your life, you would never be able to change or grow. You'd be stuck in your ways forever! That's why it's so important to make decisions based on what you know now—and then be open to learning more as time passes.

Struggling with a big decision? Your answer is nearby.

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When you believe in yourself and what you're doing, there is nothing that can stop you. Nothing can hold you back from achieving your goals. And no matter what happens, know that God has got your back.

Have faith in yourself, your dreams, and your future. You have been guided here for a reason, and now it's time for you to take action! 🙏


When we hit rock bottom, it's easy to feel like nothing's ever going to be the same again. We feel like we're broken, and we might never be able to get back up.

But here's the truth: when you hit rock bottom, you've got so much more power than you did before. You know what you're capable of now because you've been through it all before. And this time around, you're bringing all that experience with you as you rise back up to the top.

So if I could create a million dollars from the person I was then, how much could I create with the person I am now? And that's exactly what these people did—they created their own success stories by turning their pain into something positive.

Hear it here first!
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In this new age, we are all too familiar with the idea of "signs" and "warnings" when it comes to romance. But why do we ignore them? Why do we continue to engage in behaviors that can cause us to harm?

The answer is simple: We've been taught to believe that there are no consequences for our actions. The world is a very different place today than it was when many of us were children, but our basic human nature remains the same.

We want nothing more than to feel loved, valued, and safe—but when we don't feel those things, we can go looking for them anywhere we can find them. And if you don't have anyone around who will help you figure out what's happening inside yourself and how you can make things better, then you might just find yourself following the wrong path.

Our sexual, romantic, and financial identities are shaped by our upbringing and culture. It's up to each one of us to decide whether or not those identities should remain intact or if they need some tweaking, because if we don't take ownership of ourselves now, then who will?

Tune in now!
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You know what they say: the best things in life are worth the risk.

But sometimes, our brains are just not on the same page as our bodies. Your body is experiencing something, but your brain might not be able to grasp it right away. That's where these tools come in! They monitor and help you manage your emotional state so that you can slow down and keep up with what you already know intellectually. And over time, as you take on more risks and tolerate more risks, you'll find yourself becoming more comfortable with taking risks.

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Your small choices determine how your life unfolds. The little decisions you make during the day are what count the most

The world is full of big choices, but it's your small ones that really matter. You decide whether to be kind to someone or rude; you decide to say yes or no; you decide whether to bring yourself down or lift yourself up.

It's easy to get caught up in the drama of big decisions, but don't forget about those smaller moments when you can set an example for others through your actions and words. Develop your moral character and strive to be your best human being!


So you're trying to solve a problem. You've got ideas, and you're ready to dive in and get it done.

But hold up! First, you need to talk to someone who's already solved that problem.

You don't need more speculation here—talking to the right people will give you actionable steps that can help you get closer to your goal. It's not about theorizing what might work for you if you were in their shoes; it's about learning from their successes and failures so that you can avoid those missteps yourself!

And if talking to someone who's already solved the problem isn't an option… well then, be your own mentor!

Tune in now!
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There's a big difference between your purpose and your job.

Your job is external, and it's something that you choose to do because it gives you financial security and allows you to contribute to society in a way that matters to you.

Your purpose is internal, and it's not based on the work that you do—it's rooted in who you are and who you're becoming.

When we lose our jobs or have to change careers, it can be devastating if our purpose was dependent on those things. But when we've found our true purpose, it doesn't matter what happens in our career—we'll still be able to find meaning in life because our purpose comes from within.

Tune in now:
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Moving on is rarely easy. But sometimes it's the most compassionate thing you can do for yourself. When you're ready to move on, it can be hard to know where to begin. The first step is to look within yourself and ask: What do I want? What do I need? What are my values?

Once you've figured that out, it's time to sit down with your partner and talk about what you want for the future of your relationship. Do you want to stay together? Or would you rather move on? It's important that both sides feel heard and respected at this point to reach a resolution that works for both people involved.

Moving on from a relationship isn't always easy, but it's possible—and often necessary to do to find happiness again.

Listen to our full episode:

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Are you battling to stay put? We've been there. And it's okay because so have most people.When we face things we don't u...

Are you battling to stay put? We've been there. And it's okay because so have most people.

When we face things we don't understand, our instinct is to defend ourselves against what we perceive as a threat. But all you are doing is trying to protect yourself from the unknown, which makes sense—because if something isn't familiar, it can be scary!

But what about when you know intellectually and experientially that something is not threatening? What happens when your body and emotional response make you do things that aren't harmful? How do you reconcile those two realities?

It's okay: this is normal! We frequently experience this phenomenon, so it's not just happening to you. And while it may not seem like much of a consolation at first—when your body acts in ways that make no sense at all—you're doing great! You're learning how to navigate something new and unfamiliar, and that's hard! Take a minute to congratulate yourself on how far you've come already.

To listen, click here:

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Character is how you respond in the face of adversity. It's the decisions you make when no one is looking. Character is the quality of your work—the discipline and focus that goes into it.

Character is what makes you who you are. It's your identity as a person, and it's unique to each of us. You can't buy character or fake it; it's something that develops over time as we learn through experiences and interaction with others.

So what does this mean for you? Well, if you want to take your life from good to great, start by building yourself from the inside out!


We are all so much more than our past experiences, but those experiences can still be real. We have no control over what happened to us in childhood or when we were abused as an adult, but we do have control over how we respond to it now. We can choose to react with fear and anxiety or we can choose to react with courage and compassion.

It's really simple: if you're feeling anxious, afraid, or angry, know that these feelings don't belong to you—they belong to your trauma. It's not your fault, but it's your responsibility to heal yourself so that you can heal others around you!

To listen, click here:

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We all want to be guided. We want to know what to do, whom to trust, and how to get from point A to point B. But the thing is, no one can tell you how to live your life for you—and it's totally okay!

Guidance is the compass that points you in the direction of your dreams. How will you know when you're on track? The answer lies within.

When I'm struggling with something challenging or unclear, I do my best to tune into my intuition as a way of getting guidance. When I feel unsure about a decision or idea, or if I'm just feeling lost in general…I take some time out for myself and connect with myself through meditation or prayer.

The more often we tune into our intuition and listen carefully for its guidance, the easier it becomes to hear over time. It becomes second nature! And once we've learned how to hear our own inner voice guiding us—we can always rely on ourselves for everything else too!


Fear is a powerful force. It can make you run for the hills and never look back, or it can inspire you to chase your dreams like nothing else.

I'm sure we've all had moments when we've been overcome by fear—but what if we could use that fear as fuel for our own journey?

Fear setting is one method of doing just that. It's about taking a look at what scares you and making it a part of your life plan, rather than something that holds you back.

You might be afraid of failure, the unknown, or being alone—and while those fears may seem huge and intimidating, they're actually made up of smaller fears. So what if instead of trying to ignore those fears, we embraced them? What if we used them as a tool to guide us toward our goals?

Listen to our full episode:
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Have you ever wondered how I managed to get where I am today?

Well, the answer is simple: Mentors.

When you're trying to achieve your full potential, it can be hard to know how to get there—especially when you're a young entrepreneur just starting out. That's why I work with mentors in every area of my life: spiritual, business, and even exercise! I get direction from these people because they keep me focused on what I want and help me develop the skills I need to get it.

It's important to remember that when you're working with mentors, they aren't there just so they can tell you what to do—they're there because they care about your success and want to help you succeed!

Who are your mentors? Comment it below!




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