Rebel Telly

Rebel Telly Working class media. Voice of the Red Network. Social media TV channel set up by socialist activists to challenge the status quo and take on the establishment.

Voice of the "Red Network".

Making a fortune from the housing crisis!

Making a fortune from the housing crisis!

Boston born John Grayken is one of Ireland's richest billionaires worth almost €6 billion.

He became an Irish citizen in 1999 and has made a killing through property investing and funds like Lone Star.

These are the men who have created the housing crisis. These are the men our government serves.

We need to unite and fight the real enemy of the working class - rich parasites and their pet politicians!

Money from death!

Money from death!

As thousands die - War profits rise!

Since the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022 profits have been skyrocketing for the arms industry.

Swedish arms company SAAB, which makes fighter jets and granade launchers, increased profits by 94% (€220 million) in the first 9 months of 2023 alone.

Since Sweden joined NATO last year SAAB's share price has gone up by 200%. This means that Chairperson Marcus Wallenberg's personal shares are now worth about €8 million, up from about €2 million.

The SAAB CEO also said that they expect growth in profits and sales over the next decade!

Death and destruction- whether in Ukraine, Gaza or Yemen- is making these rich people even richer.

Other arms companies whose shares have skyrocketed include British BAE Systems, French Thales, US companies Lockheed, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman.

Simon Coveney recently spoke at an event organised by the arms industry. Fine Gael would love for Ireland to join NATO so that these war companies can increase profits.

Socialists are clear in our defence of Irish neutrality. The fight against war and the arms industry must be a fight against the capitalist system that rates profits above the lives of working class people.

Last week it was revealed that 85% of a new housing estate in North Dublin was sold to British a vulture fund.Last night...

Last week it was revealed that 85% of a new housing estate in North Dublin was sold to British a vulture fund.

Last night South Dublin County Council rejected a PBP motion to compulsory purchase 10 derelict sites that could have been used for social housing.

There are more than 166,000 empty homes in the 26 counties, that doesn't include derelict sites!

The biggest landlord is a vulture fund. Private investment companies and local councils sit on huge land banks waiting for the price to go up so they can sell for profit.

Both houses of the Oireachtas are full of landlords, the highest concentration being in Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael where government Ministers like Health Minister Stephen Donnelly & Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, are registered as landlords.

Many more TDs & Senators are landlords & plenty of other public representatives have financial interests in housing as well as holding "large property portfolios".

It's very clear that the Irish political class has a vested interest in housing for profit. Landlord TDs have always voted for their own financial interests.

They voted to overturn the eviction ban, leading to a tsunami of evictions in 2023. But 2024 is looking just as bleak.

They have voted against enshrining the right to housing in the constitution more than once.

In already stretched & impoverished communities, the government have made people fight for scraps. Landlord TDs and Cllrs for mainstream parties have stirred up racial tensions, lamenting the lack of resources in communities and ensuring locals will blame migrants and not them.

Migrants arriving from war zones or fleeing persecution didn't cause the housing crisis nor are they to blame for a historic lack of community resources. 100 years of capitalist policies from Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and the parties that propped them up, are to blame.

Michael Lowry took massive bribes from billionaire Denis O’Brien. Now he's speaking at anti-refugee rallies alongside Ma...

Michael Lowry took massive bribes from billionaire Denis O’Brien.

Now he's speaking at anti-refugee rallies alongside Mattie McGrath. The result?

Crowds in Roscrea shouting in the face of children instead of challenging the rich and their political pets like Michael Lowry.

Many working class people know divide and conquer is the oldest game in town!

As thousands die - War profits rise!Since the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022 profits have been skyrocketing for the...

As thousands die - War profits rise!

Since the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022 profits have been skyrocketing for the arms industry.

Swedish arms company SAAB, which makes fighter jets and granade launchers, increased profits by 94% (€220 million) in the first 9 months of 2023 alone.

Since Sweden joined NATO last year SAAB's share price has gone up by 200%. This means that Chairperson Marcus Wallenberg's personal shares are now worth about €8 million, up from about €2 million.

The SAAB CEO also said that they expect growth in profits and sales over the next decade!

Death and destruction- whether in Ukraine, Gaza or Yemen- is making these rich people even richer.

Other arms companies whose shares have skyrocketed include British BAE Systems, French Thales, US companies Lockheed, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman.

Simon Coveney recently spoke at an event organised by the arms industry. Fine Gael would love for Ireland to join NATO so that these war companies can increase profits.

Socialists are clear in our defence of Irish neutrality. The fight against war and the arms industry must be a fight against the capitalist system that rates profits above the lives of working class people.

Boston born John Grayken is one of Ireland's richest billionaires worth almost €6 billion.He became an Irish citizen in ...

Boston born John Grayken is one of Ireland's richest billionaires worth almost €6 billion.

He became an Irish citizen in 1999 and has made a killing through property investing and funds like Lone Star.

These are the men who have created the housing crisis. These are the men our government serves.

We need to unite and fight the real enemy of the working class - rich parasites and their pet politicians!

This government are encouraging a vulture takeover!85% of houses in a North Dublin estate were snapped up by a British v...

This government are encouraging a vulture takeover!

85% of houses in a North Dublin estate were snapped up by a British vulture.

Last year 43% of new homes in Ireland were bought by vulture funds.

Proposed increases in stamp duty from some in government and from Sinn Féin doesn't go far enough.

Ban these corporate vultures outright!



No Paddy's Day junkets to Washington this year, they should be cancelled!Don't greenwash genocide with a bowl of shamroc...

No Paddy's Day junkets to Washington this year, they should be cancelled!

Don't greenwash genocide with a bowl of shamrock!

Blog post by one of our crew on the Dublin riots.

Blog post by one of our crew on the Dublin riots.

“They opened the door and said, ‘Get out or we’ll kill you’.”  A racist mob of rioters had boarded a Dublin Bus on the bridge leading to Dublin’s O’Connell Street because the…

Joe Biden is supporting Israeli genocide against the Palestinians. All St.Patricks day visits to Washington should be ca...

Joe Biden is supporting Israeli genocide against the Palestinians.

All St.Patricks day visits to Washington should be cancelled by government parties and opposition.

Don't greenwash genocide with a bowl of shamrocks!

Record numbers homeless because this government:- lifted eviction ban- underspent housing budget- won't take Apple cash ...

Record numbers homeless because this government:

- lifted eviction ban
- underspent housing budget
- won't take Apple cash and use to build homes
- won't use budget surplus to build homes
- continues 40 year old policy of running down public housing stock to enrich private profiteers

Kick them out in coming elections, vote socialist.

Nearly 70% of Gaza's 439,000 homes and about half of its buildings have been destroyed. This is ethnic cleansing on a ma...

Nearly 70% of Gaza's 439,000 homes and about half of its buildings have been destroyed.

This is ethnic cleansing on a massive scale.

We have to make the national protest in Dublin on Saturday January 13th the biggest yet.

1pm Parnell Sq Dublin Sat January 13th.



As 2024 begins with renewed hope, it’s important that we know the battles the working class will face in the new year.

The Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Green Party government have proven time and time again that they will continue their neoliberal approach to housing: favouring tax cuts to landlords and their developer buddies while over 13,000 are left homeless.

We need the unions to come out of hiding and build a mass movement on housing where we call for Housing For All, we need to actively support those facing eviction, like at Tathony House.

We need feet on the street to show the government and the parasitic landlords that we won’t stop fighting. A large housing demonstration in Spring needs to be start of this movement.

The bombing of Gaza by Israel, backed by Western imperial powers has not stopped. In 2024 we must continue our support for the people of Palestine and continue to fight for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of all Israeli products.

We need to pressure our government and hold them to account while they cozy up to the EU, NATO and Western powers.

We must also ensure that the government do not destroy our neutrality. If neutrality is challenged, the working class will suffer most. We don’t want to fight wars for profit. At a minimum we call for enshrining neutrality in our constitution.

2023 saw fascists emboldened and take to the streets violently attacking workers. Racist riots and arson attacks were unquestionably avoidable and have lead to the government calling for more power to the Gardaí.

In practice, we know that new powers will lead to a crackdown on working class anger, trade union activity and on social movements.

We, the working class must be at the forefront of anti-fascist action in communities and in work places. It's imperative that socialists, unions and communities step up to the challenge and continue to meet fascists head on.

We need a big worker led anti-fascist march in the New Year with bus drivers and luas drivers at the front!

The approach by the Gardaí is to have a hands off, soft approach to the far-right and it is in the government’s interest to allow racist sentiment to fester, weaken and divide us.

We can’t let middle class fascist grifters control the narrative. Most working class are appalled by racist riots but they’re also appalled by the worsening housing crisis, the worsening cost of living crisis and the decimation of health, education and other public services.

It’s hugely important that working class people know who the real enemy is - the rich!

This year marks 13 years since Fine Gael came to power. In that time we’ve seen brutal austerity inflicted on the most marginalised. In the intervening years, political decisions by Fine Gael, supported at different times by Labour, some Independents, the Greens and Fianna Fáil have led us to a race to the bottom. We have had enough!

As we enter a new election cycle and with the potential of a snap general election, many will look to Sinn Féin as the great hope of the working class. However it’s clear that they will not rock the boat.

They have nailed their colours to the mast, they have lost any semblance of left wing rhetoric and have darted towards the right. They only seek to gain power and eventually become the main party in government in the South.

The working class socialist left needs to hold them to account and challenging them when they step out of line. We cannot seek to join them in managing a rotten capitalist system.

That means socialist TDs voting to oust Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael but maintaining independence from Sinn Féin and supporting them case by case if they form a government with Labour, the Soc Dems or Greens - none of whom can be trusted.

In reality SF are on course to coalition with Fianna Fáil. They must be told by all workers that that is a deep betrayal of votes for change.

We need to represent the interests of the working class as we have done many times before with support for strike actions and the campaign against water charges. If we don’t, the failure of centrist politics will lead to despair and create a vacuum that the far-right will seek to exploit.

2024 is the year we must challenge the rotten political order. In the words of the great James Connolly: “The time has passed for patching up the capitalist system, it must go.”

They wanna give landlords MORE tax breaks claiming it will increase supply. But why doesn't the state supply housing lik...

They wanna give landlords MORE tax breaks claiming it will increase supply.

But why doesn't the state supply housing like it did in the past when Ireland was broke?

Because they don't want to bring down the incomes of housing profiteers - developers, landlords, vultures.

Solving the housing crisis means breaking the hold of the landlord establishment and the first step in doing that is voting socialist in the coming local elections.



National Protest!

National Protest!

As 2024 begins with renewed hope, it’s important that we know the battles the working class will face in the new year.Th...

As 2024 begins with renewed hope, it’s important that we know the battles the working class will face in the new year.

The Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Green Party government have proven time and time again that they will continue their neoliberal approach to housing: favouring tax cuts to landlords and their developer buddies while over 13,000 are left homeless.

We need the unions to come out of hiding and build a mass movement on housing where we call for Housing For All, we need to actively support those facing eviction, like at Tathony House.

We need feet on the street to show the government and the parasitic landlords that we won’t stop fighting. A large housing demonstration in Spring needs to be start of this movement.

The bombing of Gaza by Israel, backed by Western imperial powers has not stopped. In 2024 we must continue our support for the people of Palestine and continue to fight for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of all Israeli products.

We need to pressure our government and hold them to account while they cozy up to the EU, NATO and Western powers.

We must also ensure that the government do not destroy our neutrality. If neutrality is challenged, the working class will suffer most. We don’t want to fight wars for profit. At a minimum we call for enshrining neutrality in our constitution.

2023 saw fascists emboldened and take to the streets violently attacking workers. Racist riots and arson attacks were unquestionably avoidable and have lead to the government calling for more power to the Gardaí.

In practice, we know that new powers will lead to a crackdown on working class anger, trade union activity and on social movements.

We, the working class must be at the forefront of anti-fascist action in communities and in work places. It's imperative that socialists, unions and communities step up to the challenge and continue to meet fascists head on.

We need a big worker led anti-fascist march in the New Year with bus drivers and luas drivers at the front!

The approach by the Gardaí is to have a hands off, soft approach to the far-right and it is in the government’s interest to allow racist sentiment to fester, weaken and divide us.

We can’t let middle class fascist grifters control the narrative. Most working class are appalled by racist riots but they’re also appalled by the worsening housing crisis, the worsening cost of living crisis and the decimation of health, education and other public services.

It’s hugely important that working class people know who the real enemy is - the rich!

This year marks 13 years since Fine Gael came to power. In that time we’ve seen brutal austerity inflicted on the most marginalised. In the intervening years, political decisions by Fine Gael, supported at different times by Labour, some Independents, the Greens and Fianna Fáil have led us to a race to the bottom. We have had enough!

As we enter a new election cycle and with the potential of a snap general election, many will look to Sinn Féin as the great hope of the working class. However it’s clear that they will not rock the boat.

They have nailed their colours to the mast, they have lost any semblance of left wing rhetoric and have darted towards the right. They only seek to gain power and eventually become the main party in government in the South.

The working class socialist left needs to hold them to account and challenging them when they step out of line. We cannot seek to join them in managing a rotten capitalist system.

That means socialist TDs voting to oust Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael but maintaining independence from Sinn Féin and supporting them case by case if they form a government with Labour, the Soc Dems or Greens - none of whom can be trusted.

In reality SF are on course to coalition with Fianna Fáil. They must be told by all workers that that is a deep betrayal of votes for change.

We need to represent the interests of the working class as we have done many times before with support for strike actions and the campaign against water charges. If we don’t, the failure of centrist politics will lead to despair and create a vacuum that the far-right will seek to exploit.

2024 is the year we must challenge the rotten political order. In the words of the great James Connolly: “The time has passed for patching up the capitalist system, it must go.”

James Connolly:"Opportunities are for those who seize them!"

James Connolly:

"Opportunities are for those who seize them!"

Ireland's billionaires and multi millionaires, the top 1%, have over €200 billion in wealth.10% of that wealth could bui...

Ireland's billionaires and multi millionaires, the top 1%, have over €200 billion in wealth.

10% of that wealth could build over 100,000 new homes.

But the Irish state serves to protect the rich and leaves us all fighting over scraps.

Even the government project billions in surplus next year but won't spend it on housing.

They only care about billionaire capitalists, vulture funds and wealthy landlords, not the working class!

Call centre worker?

Call centre worker?


⏳ Do you work for a call centre? We want to hear from you! Fill out the survey in our bio and get in touch with us today.

🔗 Access survey here:

20,000 murdered by Apartheid Israel and the Irish government refuse to expel the ambassador. That's because they're in t...

20,000 murdered by Apartheid Israel and the Irish government refuse to expel the ambassador.

That's because they're in the pockets of genocide Joe Biden and bought off by US corporations.

Giving the Guards facial recognition tech will destroy civil liberties. Remember: the 1990 Industrial Relations Act bans...

Giving the Guards facial recognition tech will destroy civil liberties.

Remember: the 1990 Industrial Relations Act bans real pickets and this tech will be used to follow workers like those at Debenhams when they break that rotten law.

They will track people on their way to protests and meetings increasing spying on resistance.

A person’s face will be treated like license plates, matching facial features to a database of images.

This tech is also known for its inability to correctly identify faces that are not white and male, due to inherent biases.

Don't let Fine Gael monitor our every move!



3000 people queued with their kids early this morning to get a Christmas voucher from the Capuchin centre in Dublin.Mean...

3000 people queued with their kids early this morning to get a Christmas voucher from the Capuchin centre in Dublin.

Meanwhile the top 1% of rich Irish people have €232 billion. They're not worried about the cost of living or the housing crisis.

Billionaires like Denis O'Brien never have to worry with an Irish state that serves their every need!

Well done Swedish workers!

Well done Swedish workers!

Tesla workers in Sweden have been on strike since the 27th October.

Elon Musk's company is refusing to agree to a collective bargaining agreement to give decent pay and working conditions for mechanics.

The trade union IF Metall is organising the strike but is also being supported by solidarity actions by other unions such as transport and electricians' unions.

For example dock workers are refusing to load Tesla parts and goods and electricians won't repair charging points or Tesla garages.

These solidarity actions are hugely impressive and show the power of workers when we stick together.

If Swedish workers win then Tesla and Elon Musk will be forced to engage with the union.

Though workers should be wary of timid collective bargaining agreements that call for no strike actions.

With spoiled billionaires like Elon Musk only strike action by workers will force him to give in.

Tesla workers in other countries should follow the lead of Swedish workers, fight for better pay and conditions, as part of the fight for a worker run socialist economy!

Shame on all health ministers!

Shame on all health ministers!

Aoife Johnston a sixth-year student from Shannon, Co Clare, went to A&E with sepsis and was left waiting 12 hours then died.

Government after government has run down the public health service to drive us into the arms of private hospital owning billionaires like Larry Goodman and Denis O'Brien!

Outsourcing and privatisation, neoliberal policies kill. Just like with cervical check.

Biden is arming and supporting genocide. Protest US embassy!

Biden is arming and supporting genocide.

Protest US embassy!

Aoife Johnston a sixth-year student from Shannon, Co Clare, went to A&E with sepsis and was left waiting 12 hours then d...

Aoife Johnston a sixth-year student from Shannon, Co Clare, went to A&E with sepsis and was left waiting 12 hours then died.

Government after government has run down the public health service to drive us into the arms of private hospital owning billionaires like Larry Goodman and Denis O'Brien!

Outsourcing and privatisation, neoliberal policies kill. Just like with cervical check.

Maurice McCabe reported corruption in the Guards and was rewarded by the top brass with a smear campaign falsely accusin...

Maurice McCabe reported corruption in the Guards and was rewarded by the top brass with a smear campaign falsely accusing him of child abuse.

Frances Fitzgerald knew about the smear campaign and resigned.

Now she's back a few years later running for an MEP seat for Fine Gael. They must think we are goldfish and don't remember what they did.

The establishment are rotten and need to be kicked out.



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