The Rohingya Post

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The Rohingya Post THE ROHINGYA POST - the People's Post is a Rohingya media outlet founded and run by Rohingya citizen found to have the “genocidal intents”.

The inspiration behind the launching of, now The Rohingya Post ( came in June 2012 when the Burmese government and Rakhine extremist groups instigated the campaigns genocide against the Rohingya people in Arakan (Rakhine State). It was extremely important time to disseminate the truth behind the scenes of the atrocities to the global audience who has very

limited information on the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar (Burma). Rohingya are a native ethnic Muslim minority from Arakan, a western state of Burma, living many centuries. Before Rohingya are rendered stateless in own native soil, they have encountered many operations of dehumanization from various Burmese military junta since 1978 when the first state-sponsored campaign was launched displacing over 290,000 Rohingya to neighbouring Bangladesh. Rohingya have lost their nationality, dignity, home, land, property and faced human rights abuses such as restriction on religion, marriage, education, travel, arbitrary taxation, arrest, r**e, etc.. The year 2012 has been the greatest disaster for Rohingya as Rakhine extremists and the government forces launched the grass-root killings of Rohingya throughout Arakan making over 120,000 Rohingya displaced, killed and missing thousands, while the international community has remain silent neglecting the suffering state of Rohingya. When Aung San Suu Kyi came into power after the landslide victory in the general elections, two massive campaigns of genocide were undertaken by the military under her watch in September 2016 and August 2017. The first campaign expelled over 87,000 Rohingya into Bangladesh. The latter forced over 754,0000 Rohingya from nothern Arakan into Bangladesh refugee camps while at least 35,000 Rohingya were killed, hundreds of Rohingya women and girls were gang-r**ed and sexually assaulted, and more than 390 Rohingya villages were burnt down. During the ongoing genocide, hundreds of Rohingya citizen journalists who have sacrificed their loved ones, time, energy taking the great risk in reporting from the ground, have lost their lives. The Rohingya Post, the People’s Post is the dedication to the Rohingya citizen journalists who have lost their lives during the recent campaigns, which the U.N. As we commemorated the second year of Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day on August 25, it is the right time to dedicate our new website to the citizen journalists for their great personal sacrifice and loss, unremitting dedication and professionalism in making the voice of Rohingya heard in every corner of the earth.



A fire broke out in Balukhali Camp 11, at 2:40 pm local time on March 5.

Militant Arakan Army (AA) forces Rohingya Civilians to pay ‘hefty Taxes’ By The Rohingya Post“We have never expected to ...

Militant Arakan Army (AA) forces Rohingya Civilians to pay ‘hefty Taxes’

By The Rohingya Post

“We have never expected to pay taxes to AA. Now we are forced to pay taxes to both Tatmadaw (Myanmar Military) and AA when we are barely surviving or enough food to feed our children and women.”

Arakan Army, the militant group led by the Rakhine ethnic group, has imposed tax upon the Rohingya civilians in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State.

According to the local sources, AA has warned that whoever refused to pay tax to the group could face arrest and double-taxation. Rohingya villagers in Kyauktaw have been told to collect and pay taxes at their respective local AA offices.


By The Rohingya Post “We have never expected to pay taxes to AA. Now we are forced to pay taxes to both Tatmadaw (Myanmar Military) and AA when we are barely surviving or enough food to feed our children and women.” Arakan Army, the militant group led by the Rakhine ethnic group, has imposed tax...


Militant Arakan Army (AA) forces Rohingya Civilians to pay ‘hefty Taxes’

“We have never expected to pay taxes to AA. Now we are forced to pay taxes to both Tatmadaw (Myanmar Military) and AA when we are barely surviving or enough food to feed our children and women.”

Arakan Army, the militant group led by the Rakhine ethnic group, has imposed tax upon the Rohingya civilians in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State.

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At least 100 Rohingya stranded in boat, many dead, activists say -Up to 20 people have died of hunger or thirst on a boa...

At least 100 Rohingya stranded in boat, many dead, activists say

-Up to 20 people have died of hunger or thirst on a boat carrying ethnic Rohingya that has been stranded at sea for two weeks off India’s coast, two Myanmar Rohingya activist groups said.

The boat with at least 100 people is currently in Malaysian waters as members of the Muslim minority continue to escape violence in Myanmar and hardship in Bangladesh refugee camps.

“We estimate that probably as many as 20 have died… some from hunger and thirst, and others jumped overboard in desperation. This is absolutely awful and outrageous,” said Chris Lewa, director of the Arakan Project, which works to support Myanmar’s Rohingyas.

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Human Rights Day: The Human Rights of Rohingya too are universal, inalienable Press ReleaseOn Human Rights Day, the Euro...

Human Rights Day: The Human Rights of Rohingya too are universal, inalienable

Press Release

On Human Rights Day, the European Rohingya Council (ERC) renews the calls to protect the Rohingya population which is on the verge of total destruction as a whole.

Myanmar, which was one of the first 48 nations in favour of adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, continues to ignore the fundamental human rights of the Rohingya community.

Since the country’s first military dictator General Ne Win came into power in 1962, the human rights of the community have been reduced to none. The community has been stripped of their citizenship in 1982. The freedom of religion, movement, expression, education, healthcare, livelihood, marriage, legal assistance, and among others are completely being removed for decades. The community is also subjected to arbitrary taxation, land confiscation, forced-labour, torture, arrest, enforced-disappearance, extrajudicial killing, sexual harassment and r**e.

The international community’s decades of failures have paved the way for Myanmar Military (Tatmadaw) and the military-back as well as civilian governments to openly commit a wave of genocidal campaigns against the Rohingya community as recently as 2017.

As of today, only approximately 480,000 Rohingya remains inside Myanmar including over 100,000 of them who are still confined to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps since 2012. The community inside Myanmar continues to suffer unimaginable human rights abuses and the ongoing genocide at the hands of the military, and their villages are often used as battlegrounds in the fight between the military and Arakan Army (AA).

There is no place a clear witness of the failures of the world as the refugee camps in neighbouring Bangladesh where over a million Rohingya take refuge where they continue to linger without the sight of returning home or rebuild their lives with education. Nearly 850,000 Rohingya were forced into Bangladesh between 2016 and 2017. 52% or more than 500,000 of the Rohingya refugees are under 14. They are trapped in limbo with no education, home, future or safety. They are forced to relive the unbreakable cycle of traumas of genocide and the sight of no future.

Hundreds of Rohingya continue to flee the refugee camps and Myanmar in search of a better life and safety for the loved ones despite the danger and uncertainty the perilous sea journey holds.

As the European Rohingya Council dictates this statement on Human Rights Day, there are hundreds of Rohingya men, women and children are adrift in the Andaman Sea as their boat engine broke down with no nation willing to rescue or provide a safe haven.

The failures to uphold the indispensable human rights and to hold General Min Aung Hlaing and the military accountable for the genocide against the Rohingya community, have empowered the generals to stage the coup in February 2021 and unleash human rights abuses across the country.

On this day, the European Rohingya Council urges the international community, particularly Southeast Asian nations, to rescue the sea-borne Rohingya adrift in the sea before it is too late as their food and water running out.

The European Rohingya Council also re-double our calls on the international community to show a unified support to finally put an end to the human rights abuses that the community faces for generations in Myanmar, and hold Myanmar and the generals accountable for the genocide and crimes against humanity at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The European Rohingya Council urges the international community to continue supporting the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, particularly providing the vital education which is a universal and inalienable rights.


Human Rights Day: The Human Rights of Rohingya too are universal, inalienable Press Release December 10, 2022 On Human Rights Day, the European Rohingya Council (ERC) renews the calls to protect the Rohingya population which is on the verge of total destruction as a whole. Myanmar, which was on

Nearly 200 Rohingya stranded at sea near Thailand, call for rescueBy The Rohingya Post“The rations are running out. Most...

Nearly 200 Rohingya stranded at sea near Thailand, call for rescue

By The Rohingya Post

“The rations are running out. Most of the people onboard are sick and malnourished. Women and children will not survive. We plead again to rescue us.”

A boat carrying 196 Rohingya, mostly young adults, women and children, has broken down at sea near Thailand en route to Indonesia.

On November 22, the wooden boat left Bangladesh seeking to reach Indonesia through the perilous long journey.

The Rohingya Post has reached a 24-year-old Rohingya passenger onboard the boat through a mobile phone.

“After the engine broken down, we cried and pleaded to two Thai fishing boats to help us rescued. They were not able to help us. Instead, they have given us some fresh drinking water,” he told the Rohingya Post.

He also claimed that four of his fellow Rohingya men have jumped into the water trying to reach and leave with the fishing boats. The men have subsequently drowned in the strong currents.

“The rations are running out. Most of the people onboard are sick and malnourished. Women and children will not survive. We plead again to rescue us,” the man cried out for help.

The ongoing genocide in Myanmar and the protracted refugee crisis with no sights of hope in Bangladesh have forced many Rohingya to seek the dangerous journey to reach Southeast Asian nations. Hundreds of Rohingya men, women and children have vanished in seas or fallen in the hands of human traffickers in the flight to seek safety and a better life.


By The Rohingya Post “The rations are running out. Most of the people onboard are sick and malnourished. Women and children will not survive. We plead again to rescue us.” A boat carrying 196 Rohingya, mostly young adults, women and children, has broken down at sea near Thailand en route to Indo...

US-Bangladesh-Myanmar: Why US Rohingya rehabilitation announcement is appreciable? By Samina Akter"At the diplomatic lev...

US-Bangladesh-Myanmar: Why US Rohingya rehabilitation announcement is appreciable?

By Samina Akter

"At the diplomatic level, there should be an effective discussion with the friendly countries to resolve the Rohingya problem. It needs to be established that the Rohingya problem is not just a problem of Bangladesh and Myanmar – it is humanitarian and global."


By Samina Akhter According to the announcement of the State Department, US State Department Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Immigration Julieta Valls Noyes arrived in Bangladesh on a four-day visit on Saturday (December 03). She visits the Rohingya camp in Cox's Bazar. Con

First They Targeted Our Culture and Language:Threats to Rohingya Language, Culture and Identity in Myanmar and Banglades...

First They Targeted Our Culture and Language:
Threats to Rohingya Language, Culture and Identity in Myanmar and Bangladesh

By The Rohingya Language Preservation Project

Executive Summary:

A people are defined by and remain “a people” because of and through their language and culture. If their language and culture are erased, that reality also contributes to and reinforces the various physical acts of violence that seek to “destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” which are enumerated in the definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention. The killings and other horrific violence go hand in hand with the cultural and
linguistic repression, and together they aim to “destroy” a people, leaving nothing and no one behind.

In recent years, the majority of the attention dedicated to the Rohingya crisis has understandably focused on physical violence and destruction, including killings, r**e and the burning of villages in Myanmar. However, very little consideration has been given to the violence that has been employed against Rohingya culture. For decades, the former Myanmar governments and the current junta have suppressed Rohingya cultural expression with the intention of eroding Rohingya cultural identity. Even now, five years on from the genocidal attacks conducted by Myanmar’s military, 900,000 Rohingya continue to experience the attrition of their language and culture, as they live in exile in the refugee camps in Bangladesh. The restrictions imposed on Rohingya refugees by the Government of Bangladesh exacerbate the damage to Rohingya culture and identity that was initiated in Myanmar. It is within this context that this participatory research was conducted, in hopes of understanding Rohingya perceptions on the state of their
language and the intersection of language, culture, identity, and rights.

This report presents results from mixed methods research. Data was collected through 285 individual interviews with randomly selected Rohingya respondents in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar and on Bhasan Char Island. This Rohingya-led, participatory research was conceptualised, planned and executed by a team of 23 Rohingya researchers.

This report provides new and important findings, including the following:

• Rohingya language plays a critical and central role in Rohingya cultural identity
• Rohingya language is currently changing as Rohingya assimilate to the Bangladesh context
• Rohingya language–and therefore Rohingya identity–is at-risk for the Rohingya population in Bangladesh, as our language continues to disappear
• Maintaining a distinct Rohingya identity is seen as important to increase legitimacy and rights upon return to Myanmar
• Preservation of Rohingya language and identity among Rohingya communities in the camps is extremely important both for existential reasons and to increase the likelihood of a return to Myanmar with legitimacy and rights

The findings in this report provide important information that should be utilised by 1) our Rohingya community as we work for language, cultural and identity preservation. Additionally, these findings have implications for 2) humanitarian organisations, who should position Rohingya-speaking staff in roles that interface with the refugee community and ensure the use of Rohingya language–not Chittagonian–in all programs. 3) The National Unity Government (NUG) now resisting the junta who took over in the February 1, 2021 coup, must urgently recognise the Rohingya ethnicity and remove practices and policies aimed at Rohingya cultural destruction. 4) The Government of Bangladesh must remove restrictions on Rohingya cultural events, freedom of movement, and the ability to work in the camps. 5) Lastly, the international community must exert pressure on both the current junta and the Government of Bangladesh to remove extreme restrictions that contribute to the repression and destruction of Rohingya culture.

Our hope is that these findings will demonstrate the great importance that the Rohingya community places on preserving Rohingya language, culture and identity. Additionally, we hope that our community living in the refugee camps will respond to these findings by placing a greater emphasis on using Rohingya language within the community and in conversations with family and friends. Working together with our international partners and allies, we hope
to preserve the Rohingya language as we await a dignified return to Myanmar’s Rakhine State in the future.

Read full report:

On October 13, a Rohingya mother and her two-year-old son have been injured in a landmine explosion in Pa Laung, Khaung ...

On October 13, a Rohingya mother and her two-year-old son have been injured in a landmine explosion in Pa Laung, Khaung T**e village tract, Kyauktaw, Arakan State.

By The Rohingya Post Kyauktaw, Arakan State: On October 13, a Rohingya mother and her two-year-old son have been injured in a landmine explosion in Pa Laung, Khaung T**e village tract, Kyauktaw, Arakan State. The explosion happened at around 6:00am local time when Ayesha Khatun was inside her hous

Two Rohingya community leaders killed in Bangladesh A mob of a dozen people hacked to death two Rohingya community leade...

Two Rohingya community leaders killed in Bangladesh

A mob of a dozen people hacked to death two Rohingya community leaders in Bangladesh, police said Sunday, as security worsens in camps housing almost a million refugees.

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By AFP COX'S BAZAR: A mob of a dozen people hacked to death two Rohingya community leaders in Bangladesh, police said Sunday, as security worsens in camps housing almost a million refugees. Bangladesh has been housing Rohingya refugees in a vast sprawl of camps since they fled a military crackdow

Video of Burning Rakhine Village in N. Maungdaw Surfaces on Social Media =====================================A video sh...

Video of Burning Rakhine Village in N. Maungdaw Surfaces on Social Media
A video showing ‘Pha Wat Chaung,’ a Rakhine village in northern Maungdaw, being on fire surfaced early me morning today.

The footage shows the Myanmar junta military extinguishing the fire and blaming the Arakan Army (AA) rebels — a Rakhine Buddhist rebel group engaging in fightings with the military — for putting the village on fire and fleeing the scene afterwards. However, according to some locals, they were most highly the Myanmar military that set the village on fire.

“The AA rebels were in the Rakhine village. But they had left the village earlier. The Myanmar military afterwards entered the village and the village was on fire after that,” said a nearby villager.


AA Rebels Gang R**e Rohingya Woman in Buthidaung By The Rohingya PostButhidaung, Arakan state — A group of Arakan Army r...

AA Rebels Gang R**e Rohingya Woman in Buthidaung

By The Rohingya Post

Buthidaung, Arakan state — A group of Arakan Army rebels gang r**ed a Rohingya woman, a mother of an infant child, in Buthidaung Township on October 1, 2022.

“A group of AA rebels broke into the house of SA and held him against their guns. And they r**ed his wife one by one after that. At the end, they shouted out for help to the villagers, the rebels fled.

“Before committing the r**e in the said household, they tried to do the same in other households, too,” said a villager.

The regional commander of the AA rebels, Maj. Naing Win, was said to have paid a visit to the place of the r**e incident. Instead of taking complaint from the victims, he rather threatened the villagers not to tell anyone or report to the media.


RP Correspondent Arakan Army (AA) rebels have ganged a Rohingya woman in Buthidaung Township according to reliable sources. Buthidaung, Arakan state — A group of Arakan Army rebels gang r**ed a Rohingya woman, a mother of an infant child, in Buthidaung Township on October 1, 2022. The name of the

Abdul Karim Sahitya-Visharad the Discoverer of   Our Culture and HeritagesBy Aman UllahBecause of the collections of man...

Abdul Karim Sahitya-Visharad the Discoverer of Our Culture and Heritages

By Aman Ullah

Because of the collections of manuscripts of the poets Arakan by Munshi Abdul Karim Sahitya Vishared above mentioned our glorious past were restored and preserved in the history of Arakan otherwise all these were remained under the dark side of the history. Because of him we can today take pride of our glorious history and our cultural identity otherwise we cannot able to recognize and preserve them. He was a real discoverer of our culture and heritages. Really his collections of Puthis represents a clear picture of our glorious past.


By Aman Ullah (On the Commemoration of the 151st Birth Anniversary Abdul Karim Sahitya-visharad) October 11, 2022 is the 151st birth anniversary of Abdul Karim Sahitya-visharad. Abdul Karim Sahitya-visharad, a litterateur, historian of Bangla literature and collector and interpreter of old Bangla

More Casualties as AA Rebels and Myanmar Military Continue to Battle near Rohingya Villages in Maungdaw=================...

More Casualties as AA Rebels and Myanmar Military Continue to Battle near Rohingya Villages in Maungdaw
One more Rohingya civilian was shot dead as the Arakan Army (AA) rebels and the Myanmar military continue to battle near the Rohingya villages, while a group of armed men in AA rebel unforms raided a Mosque causing disturbances to the those offering prayers and robbing them in northern Maungdaw

By RP Correspondent | October 10

Maungdaw, Arakan State — A Rohingya civilian was killed as his head was decapitated by the flying artilleries at around 2:00am on October 10 as the battles between the AA rebels — who have taken their positions/bases in and around Rohingya villages — and the Myanmar military continue to rage in Maungdaw and Buthidaung Townships for about a month.

The name of the victim was “Sirazul Haque (aka Antura), 32, S/o Hamidul Hoque, and was from the village of Kuir Khali (Leik Ya in Burmese), region 4, in northern Maungdaw bordering Bangladesh. Some villagers said that the killing was likely due to the artilleries fired by the Myanmar military while others claimed that it was due to the firing by the AA rebels as the place of the death is near to the place where the AA rebels are taking their grounds.

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One more Rohingya civilian was shot dead as the Arakan Army (AA) rebels and the Myanmar military continue to battle near the Rohingya villages, while a group of armed men in AA rebel unforms raided a Mosque causing disturbances to the those offering prayers and robbing them in northern Maungdaw By

Arakan Army’s Crimes against Humanity on Rohingya Civilians, AlarmingThe European Rohingya Council (ERC) condemns Arakan...

Arakan Army’s Crimes against Humanity on Rohingya Civilians, Alarming

The European Rohingya Council (ERC) condemns Arakan Army (AA) in the strongest terms for its atrocious crimes perpetrated against the Rohingya population in northern Arakan State of Myanmar. We also express our concerns on safety and security of the remaining Rohingya population in Arakan State where clashes between Myanmar Military and Arakan Army intensify.

Besides widespread arbitrary arrests, abductions and extortions, there are serious allegations and crimes of sexual abuses and r**es that Arakan Army has committed against Rohingya women and girls before and after the fighting erupted between the two armed groups.

The conducts of Arakan Army are not dissimilar to those of Myanmar Military, which amount to crimes against humanity.

It is also a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) that sets out the responsibilities of the state and non-state armed groups during the armed clash. Arakan Army violates the responsibilities by its deliberate actions while Myanmar Military continues to fail to protect the Rohingya civilians through provisional measures set out by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Arakan Army’s Crimes against Humanity on Rohingya Civilians, Alarming Immediate Release October 10, 2022 The European Rohingya Council (ERC) condemns Arakan Army (AA) in the strongest terms for its atrocious crimes perpetrated against the Rohingya population in northern Arakan State of Myanmar. W

Arakan Army AA Kills famous Rohingya teacher as it ‘deliberately’ targets Rohingya population in Myanmar By The Rohingya...

Arakan Army AA Kills famous Rohingya teacher as it ‘deliberately’ targets Rohingya population in Myanmar

By The Rohingya Post

On October 8, Arakan Army (AA) shot a renowned Rohingya man to death in Gu Dar Pyin village, Buthidaung, Rakhine State.

Sheikul Islam, 48, was among the Rohingya villagers who were forced to take refuge in a nearby village after fighting broke out between Myanmar Military and Arakan Army stationed in his village on September 25.

According to a number of villagers, Mr. Sheikul Islam was killed by the Rakhine militant group while returning to his refuge after feeding pets and animals left behind in his house in Gu Dar Pyin.

Mr. Sheikul Islam had studied and graduated from University of Sittwe with Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science in Physics. He was serving as a volunteer teacher in his village until his death.

For 15 months, Mr. Sheikul Islam was detained in Buthidaung Prison and severely tortured by Myanmar Military at the heights of campaigns of genocide against Rohingya in 2016.

The killing of Mr. Sheikul Islam comes after a series of abuses and crimes that have been ‘deliberately’ committed against the Rohingya population by Arakan Army in Buthidaung township.

On September 23, at least four Rohingya including two women and eight-year-old girl were severely injured in the clashes between Myanmar Military and Arakan Army both of which have chosen Rohingya village Haran Hali as their battlegrounds.

September 25, Rohingya villagers from Gu Dar Pyin were forced to flee as the fighting between the two armed forces intensified in the Rohingya village. Mr. Sheikul Islam was among them.

On September 8, two Rohingya families, mostly women and children, fled into Bangladesh seeking refugee after going through harrowing abuses at the hands of both Myanmar Military and Arakan Army in Buthidaung. Dildar Begum (aged 20) whose husband was killed by Arakan Army, has recounted that the militant group had attempted to sexually abuse her and lured her to convert to Buddhism after killing her husband Shahidullah. Abul Wafa, another man who fled along with Dildar Begum, has also said, “whenever Rakhine rebels see beautiful [Rohingya] women, they try to abuse them.”

Arakan Army has been accused of serious cases of sexual abuses and r**es against Rohingya women and girls in Rakhine State, where the militant group also heightens abductions and extortions of the Rohingya community.

On October 8, 25-year-old Raul Amin who lives on selling chicken, was abducted by Arakan Army in Tha Peik Taung village tract, Myauk Ywar, Buthidaung while he went out to buy livestock. A day before Raul Amin’s abduction, U Mohammed Salim from Taung Ywa village was serious injured in a land mine planted at the Rohingya village.

Arakan Army continues to deny the well-documented allegations of killings, bodily harms, use of Rohingya villages as battlegrounds, destruction of physical structures, abductions, extortions, sexual abuses and r**es.

Many human rights observers warn the threats posed by Arakan Army on the remaining Rohingya population in Myanmar, and call on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to include “all the arm [sic] groups in Arakan State” as the World Court has already placed on Myanmar to protect the Rohingya population from the ongoing genocide.

Arakan Army was founded in April 2009 and has transformed into one of the largest armed groups in Myanmar under commander Major General Twan Mrat Naing. It was designated as “a terrorist group” by Myanmar in January 2019 before it was removed following the coup.

By The Rohingya Post On October 8, Arakan Army (AA) shot a renowned Rohingya man to death in Gu Dar Pyin village, Buthidaung, Rakhine State. Sheikul Islam, 48, was among the Rohingya villagers who were forced to take refuge in a nearby village after fighting broke out between Myanmar Military and

Rohingya village used as ‘battleground’ by Myanmar Military, Rakhine’s AA By The Rohingya Post“The situations of Rohingy...

Rohingya village used as ‘battleground’ by Myanmar Military, Rakhine’s AA

By The Rohingya Post

“The situations of Rohingya in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships are extremely dire. We are used as the pawns by the military and AA. They bring their fight to Rohingya villages. Our villages are used as the battlegrounds for their fight. We have nowhere to go. We are not safe anywhere,” a Rohingya villager from Buthidaung told The Rohingya Post.

On Friday, September 23, at least four Rohingya have been injured in the clashes between Myanmar Military and Arakan Army (AA) in Thapet Daung (Harang Hali), Tha Peik Taung village tract, Buthidaung, Rakhine State.

Among the injured are two Rohingya women aged 27 and 57, who do not want to be named.

The village is currently being occupied by a 200-strong junta forces, leaving the Rohingya villagers trapped in the fight between the junta and AA.

While Rakhine villagers from around the clashes have been evacuated to safety in advance, Rohingya are either trapped or forced to flee their village without safety.

While fleeing, an eight-years old Rohingya boy was shot in her leg sustaining major injuries.

As clashes escalate in northern Rakhine State, Rohingya villages are used as battlegrounds causing terror, injuries, abuses and treats at the hands of both Myanmar Military and Arakan Army.

By The Rohingya Post On Friday, September 23, at least four Rohingya have been injured in the clashes between Myanmar Military and Arakan Army (AA) in Thapet Daung (Harang Hali), Tha Peik Taung village tract, Buthidaung, Rakhine State. Among the injured are two Rohingya women aged 27 and 57, who d

U.N. investigator says Facebook provided vast amount of Myanmar war crimes information

U.N. investigator says Facebook provided vast amount of Myanmar war crimes information

GENEVA, Sept 12 (Reuters) - The head of a U.N. team of investigators on Myanmar said on Monday that Facebook has handed over millions of items that could support allegations of war crimes and genocide. The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) aims to build case files for proceedin

Recently-fled Rohingya families recall harrowing abuses at hands of Myanmar Military, Rakhine’s AA Rebels ______________...

Recently-fled Rohingya families recall harrowing abuses at hands of Myanmar Military, Rakhine’s AA Rebels
By The Rohingya Post

The testimonies paint extremely distressing picture of Rohingya who face both the military’s ongoing genocide and human rights abuses of AA rebels. After five days of shelter in Kutupalong Refugee Camp, the two families were forced to leave the camp.

On September 8, two Rohingya families, mostly women and children, fled into Bangladesh seeking refuge after going through harrowing abuses at the hands of both Myanmar Military and Rakhine’s Arakan Army (AA) rebels in Buthidaung township.

The recently renewed fighting between the miliary and AA rebels have caused fear, trauma and abuses to the remaining Rohingya people in Rakhine State.

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By The Rohingya Post The testimonies paint extremely distressing picture of Rohingya who face both the military’s ongoing genocide and human rights abuses of AA rebels. After five days of shelter in Kutupalong Refugee Camp, the two families were forced to leave the camp. On September 8, two Rohing



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