Is mian liom thar cheann an coiste buíochas ó chroí a ghabháil libh uilig a ghlac páirt i gcomortas Bonn Ór Seán Ó Riada 2024. Gan gach uile duine agaibh ní bheadh comortas ann. Ár mbuíochas libhse a tháinig go Corcaigh in aineoin na stoirme agus ár mbuíochas leis an Óstán agus an foireann iontach a eagraig an ócáid agus an craoladh beo ar RnaG agus ar-líne. Ach go háirithe táimíd ana mhórálach as an dream óg ceoltóirí a leanan agus a thacaíon leis an gcomortas seo gach bliain. Go raibh maith agaibh.
On behalf of the Trust Committee i wish to thank you all who took part in the 2024 competition for the Seán Ó Riada Gold Medal. Without each and every one of you, there would have been no competition. Our thanks also to the finalists, and their supporters, who braved the storm to come to Cork. Our grateful thanks to the hotel and to the wonderful team who organized the competition and the live broadcast on RnaG radio and live streaming online. We are particularly proud of all the youthful supporters who travel each year to be with us and play great music late into the dark night. We appreciate you. Thank you all very much. peadar