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Rupture Media Rupture Radio and Rupture ecosocialist quarterly are produced by members of RISE, a revolutionary ec

Are you interested in reading "White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism" and discussing it with others?Jo...

Are you interested in reading "White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism" and discussing it with others?

Join our Ecosocialist Reading group! We will meet over zoom, and take the book bit-by-bit as a group.

Sign up here:

A limited number of FREE tickets for the upcoming talk by Paul le Blanc in Dublin are available now.Paul will discuss hi...

A limited number of FREE tickets for the upcoming talk by Paul le Blanc in Dublin are available now.

Paul will discuss his new book on Lenin, do an interview with Rupture Radio, Q&A from the crowd + have plenty of time to sign your book & chat.

A talk by US-based socialist activist and acclaimed historian Paul le Blanc on his new book "Lenin - Responding to catastrophe, forging revolution",…

New on our site: Cian Prendiville and Patrick Flynn reflect on last month's PBP AGM ahead of a crucial period for the so...

New on our site: Cian Prendiville and Patrick Flynn reflect on last month's PBP AGM ahead of a crucial period for the socialist left in Ireland.

by Cian Prendiville and Patrick Flynn This year’s People Before Profit AGM was an important step forward in building People Before Profit as Ireland’s 32-county ecosocialist party. Here, outgoing PBP Steering Committee member Cian Prendiville and Galway-based PBP member Patrick Flynn report on s...


Issue 10 of Rupture - 'An Ireland for All'.

Analysing the rise of the far-right in Ireland & how we can fight it, as well as articles on the next steps for the climate movement, how capitalism creates climate refugees & the feminist struggle in Ireland.

We're almost 5 years on from the explosion of XR & Climate Strikes. The climate movement has become increasingly anti-ca...

We're almost 5 years on from the explosion of XR & Climate Strikes.

The climate movement has become increasingly anti-capitalist, but covid, war & the cost of living crisis got in the way too.

Here Owen McCormack outlines his thoughts on the next steps for the climate movement:

Owen McCormack Climate movement today

Today's feature covers the recent Citizens Assembly on Drugs and the case for decriminalisation and the full legalisatio...

Today's feature covers the recent Citizens Assembly on Drugs and the case for decriminalisation and the full legalisation for drugs

Covered are the contributions from Michael O'Sullivan, former head of the Garda drug squad, Aisling Golden of Solas Project and People Before Profit Reps

Full article -

A reflection on September 2nd’s Citizens Assembly on Drugs.   Cian McGrath Last Saturday’s Citizen Assembly on Drugs featured several radical and timely interventions aiming to contribute to a holistic approach to the relationship between addiction, poverty, deprivation and class. Unfort

The far-right are trying to paint themselves as some sort of guardians of women & children. They are nothing of the sort...

The far-right are trying to paint themselves as some sort of guardians of women & children. They are nothing of the sort.

They are abusers, and apologists.

In this piece for Rupture Stephanie Hanlon exposes the lies and moral panic of the far right and their attempts to skapegoat migrants.

Stephanie Hanlon In recent months, there have been many reports of protests around the accommodation of refugees in Ireland. These protests have largely been whipped up by far-right agitators spreading malicious, racist rumours. They have spread stories about violence against women to create a fe

Today's feature from Michael Tuohy covers the recent scandal dominating world football  With the Spanish team on top of ...

Today's feature from Michael Tuohy covers the recent scandal dominating world football

With the Spanish team on top of the world, the misogynistic heart still beating beneath football’s skin insists on dragging them down

"Even as they reached the pinnacle of this game, a certain type of man, with a certain attitude towards women, continued to undervalue them. Continued to treat them like an item, rather than a human being."

Spanish Women On Top of The World - Misogyny tries to drag them back down Michael Tuohy

We got to interview Irish feminist legend Goretti Horgan about her life on the left & lessons from the various movements...

We got to interview Irish feminist legend Goretti Horgan about her life on the left & lessons from the various movements she's been involved in.

Here's part 2 dealing with the abortion rights movement from the 19080s to the debates in the Repeal campaign, the struggle in the north today and the need for socialist-feminism.

Samantha O’Brien From our inception, a key focus of Rupture has been making the history of socialist struggle in Ireland widely accessible. As part of this, we have published interviews with key activists, notably our interview with Laurence Cox on the history of environmentalism in Ireland publ

A new shift to the left by the Democratic Socialists of America provides fresh hope, and important lessons for those of ...

A new shift to the left by the Democratic Socialists of America provides fresh hope, and important lessons for those of us in Ireland.

The DSA is the largest socialist organisation in the USA in decades, Stephan Kimmerle from Seattle DSA and the Marxist Reform & Revolution caucus reports on the recent DSA convention which saw a new left-leading leadership elected:

The rise of socialist ideas in the US over the last decade, from the Bernie campaigns to the growth of the Democratic Socialists of America has been a source of hope and optimism for leftists over the last decade. In the last couple of years however, in particular since the election of Joe Biden as

An average of 20 million people a year are already being forcibly displaced by weather-related events.There could be any...

An average of 20 million people a year are already being forcibly displaced by weather-related events.

There could be anywhere from 200 million to 1.2 billion climate refugees by 2050.

At the same time, a climate-denying far-right is growing and will undoubtedly try to whip up hatred of those fleeing capitalist climate disaster.

In this article, Diana O'Dwyer warns that we face a real threat of twenty-first-century eco-fascism and discusses how the socialist left can fight this.

Diana O’Dwyer In 2009, the government of the Maldives held a cabinet meeting underwater to highlight the danger of the country being completely submerged by rising seawater. Ministers in scuba gear got a lot of headlines but little or nothing has been done since to prevent the Maldives and other


Guardians of the Banks?

Cian McGrath writes about the Garda operation at Bank of Ireland ATMs across the country last night - and poses 5 key questions for the Garda commissioner to answer.

Check out the article and the questions here:

To understand the roots of the recent ripple of reaction, it is necessary to look back to the political and social devel...

To understand the roots of the recent ripple of reaction, it is necessary to look back to the political and social developments which have brought us to this point.

In the current issue of Rupture Paul Murphy TD reviews the last decade of struggles, the hope and optimism it bred, and the reaction and despair that have also arisen.

Paul Murphy   “Despair has raised them to their feet fascism has given them a banner.” Leon Trotsky, What Is National Socialism? (June 1933)

Thank you to everyone who attended this years' Ecosocialist Summer Camp and made it such an enjoyable weekend!We had som...

Thank you to everyone who attended this years' Ecosocialist Summer Camp and made it such an enjoyable weekend!

We had some great discussions and debates, educational workshops, a high-stakes table quiz, a barnstorming Céilí and much more. It wouldn't have been possible without everyone helping out, participating in the discussions and making it such a lively, friendly and political space.

We were delighted to see the camp grow even bigger this year, and plans are already afoot to make next years bigger and better - so watch this space!

New on our site, Cian Prendiville makes the case that we need to fight against RTÉ's cronyism  and the licence fee, and ...

New on our site, Cian Prendiville makes the case that we need to fight against RTÉ's cronyism and the licence fee, and instead demand a new vision of public broadcasting — an RTÉ for the people.

by Cian Prendiville

Now on our website, Paul Murphy TD reviews Matt Huber'sbook “Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warmin...

Now on our website, Paul Murphy TD reviews Matt Huber's
book “Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet”.

by Paul Murphy Review of Matt Huber’s Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet

The struggle in Mayo against the Corrib Gas project was a long and hard fight, but it continues to inspire environmental...

The struggle in Mayo against the Corrib Gas project was a long and hard fight, but it continues to inspire environmental activists today. William Hederman writes in Rupture Issue 9 about the Shell to Sea Campaign and how it relates to climate activism today.

Read this and other articles on our website (link in bio)

'Not content to pollute our lakes, rivers, and streams, chemical companies have now succeeded in poisoning the rain.' In...

'Not content to pollute our lakes, rivers, and streams, chemical companies have now succeeded in poisoning the rain.' In her regular 'Tipping Point' column, Jess Spear looks at the latest climate and biodiversity news.

by Jess Spear The Tipping Point is a regular column on recent climate and biodiversity news. Wildfires & methane “I wanted to be eaten by a dinosaur, Jurassic era, and in those days it wasn’t that hard— photons banged me, my four exposed connector electrons were all quivering tetrav

Following the devastating loss of John Molyneux last weekend, Paul Murphy TD reflects on the incalculable contribution J...

Following the devastating loss of John Molyneux last weekend, Paul Murphy TD reflects on the incalculable contribution John made to the socialist movement.

by Paul Murphy The news that John Molyneux has died is devastating. The loss of John to the socialist movement is incalculable. I got to know John relatively late in my political life. Before he moved to Ireland because of his love for Mary Smith, he was someone I only knew from articles he had w

We were very sorry to hear of the death of John Molyneux, our comrade in People Before Profit, editor of Irish Marxist R...

We were very sorry to hear of the death of John Molyneux, our comrade in People Before Profit, editor of Irish Marxist Review, Socialist Workers Network stalwart, writer and activist. This magazine benefited enormously from his generous contributions and we offer our condolences to his loved ones, friends and comrades.

His contribution to Rupture issue 8 went online two days ago. It’s typical of our experience of him - always interested in discussing ideas seriously, willing to engage with other’s views openly and debate in a friendly but sometimes pretty vigorous way

by John Molyneux In our last issue, Rupture published a piece from Paul Murphy and Jess Spear entitled ‘The Necessity of Ecosocialist Degrowth’ , which argued for the use of ecosocialist de- growth in order to counter the climate and biodiversity crises. In line with Rupture's commitment

New on our site: "Rather than being an outside threat, the real causes of the continued commodification of sports are co...

New on our site: "Rather than being an outside threat, the real causes of the continued commodification of sports are coming from inside the house - with the logic of capitalism bringing us to this current point."

With the 2022 World Cup kicking off in Qatar on Monday, Rupture contributor Ciarán Mac Aodha Bhuí analyses the spectacle surrounding the tournament, the recent trend of sportwashing, and the need for a turn towards grassroots sports to counter football’s continued commercialisation. Despite year...

New on our website: "We need to break the connection between research and profit, providing those who wish to continue t...

New on our website: "We need to break the connection between research and profit, providing those who wish to continue their research with stable long-term employment in the area as opposed to employment dictated solely by what is profitable."

As part of a series of articles analysing the impact capitalism has upon science, Owain Gallbhreatnach turns to the recent controversy surrounding Alzheimer’s research to outline the need for a scientific system unbounded from the profit motive. " Is science unscientific now? " seems a

🚨 New Episode - Interview with Brazilian socialist MP  🚨Listen to Luciana Genro discuss Bolsonaro, how he was beaten, wh...

🚨 New Episode - Interview with Brazilian socialist MP 🚨

Listen to Luciana Genro discuss Bolsonaro, how he was beaten, what Lula's government will bring and what the socialist left is doing to continue the fight against Bolonarism and fascism.

Brazil's far-right, Trump-like president Bolsonaro has been booted from office, beaten in the recent election by centre-left candidate Lula da Silva. This week Cian sits down with Brazilian socialist MP Luciana Genro to discuss Bolsonaro's time in power, how he was beaten, what Lula's government wil...

If you’re still looking for a copy of Rupture Issue 8, we’re happy to announce that it’s now available from  in London!

If you’re still looking for a copy of Rupture Issue 8, we’re happy to announce that it’s now available from in London!

Following the passing of the Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill, we analyse the bill, where it falls short, a...

Following the passing of the Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill, we analyse the bill, where it falls short, and what can be done to push for radical action supporting minority language rights.

Even if you’ve been following the media as of late, the recent passing of the ‘Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill’ is unlikely to have crossed your radar. With attention largely being focused on

New on our website: Following a recent workshop held by People Before Profit's Rural Caucus, Barry Ferguson reflects on ...

New on our website: Following a recent workshop held by People Before Profit's Rural Caucus, Barry Ferguson reflects on the state of Ireland’s agri-food system and the need for a socialist alternative.

What do we want to eat and who do we want to produce it? As we fight for an ecosocialist future, we need to connect the right for farmers to produce food for local people with the right for working people to access affordable, healthy food.

'This is not the activity of a national bourgeoisie interested in securing its own position independent of imperial powe...

'This is not the activity of a national bourgeoisie interested in securing its own position independent of imperial powers.' In our latest issue, Críostóir Fuilálainn traces the argument that the southern Irish state is a neo-colony.

by Críostóir Fuilálainn The term neo-colonialism is best regarded as existing in the same relation to imperialism that neoliberalism does to capitalism. No Marxist would argue that neoliberalism initiates a definitive break from capitalism, or that the same forms of industrial exploitation we see

"Within just 3 days we had organised a walkout of hundreds of students. This signals to me that students are at a breaki...

"Within just 3 days we had organised a walkout of hundreds of students. This signals to me that students are at a breaking point, that any hint of action will make them jump to participate".

With students walking out across the country to protest the worsening housing crisis, People Before Profit member Ken Mooney gives us a report on how students can fight back.

We need collective action, not later, not in the future, but today. It is only through collective action, it is only when students unite with one voice can we win battles, can we win justice for all, a fair housing system that places the needs of people above the needs of profit.

New on our site from issue 8: Méabh Ffrench looks at how anti-trans conservatives and Transgender Exclusionary Radical F...

New on our site from issue 8: Méabh Ffrench looks at how anti-trans conservatives and Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) have both ended up working together much more closely than either would like.

by Méabh Ffrench

Fresh from issue 8 of Rupture, Pat Flynn argues for the necessity of preventing the further destruction of our boglands,...

Fresh from issue 8 of Rupture, Pat Flynn argues for the necessity of preventing the further destruction of our boglands, as their importance in terms of biodiversity and climate is difficult to overstate.

by Patrick Flynn Every summer I can recall, from my earliest memories of my childhood to the time my father and uncle became too old for rigorous labour and began to buy their fuel instead, was marked by visits to the bog. Historically, many smaller farmers and sections of the working class across

📚New episode - Audiobook of 'The Liberating Influence of the Transitional Programme📚This week we hit the books, recordin...

📚New episode - Audiobook of 'The Liberating Influence of the Transitional Programme📚

This week we hit the books, recording an audiobook of an old talk on how socialists can overcome liberal illusions & link today's struggles to the need for socialism.

This week's episode is slightly different - we recorded an audiobook version of an old talk from revolutionary Marxist theoretician George Breitman. This is an excerpt from a whole series of talks Breitman delivered in 1975 looking at the method behind the so-called 'Transitional Programme', which T...

New from issue 8: Diarmuid Flood traces the evolving analysis of imperialism and development, exploring how the working ...

New from issue 8: Diarmuid Flood traces the evolving analysis of imperialism and development, exploring how the working class of poor and 'developing' nations are exploited both by a domestic capitalist class and a global system reinforcing this exploitation.

by Diarmuid Flood If the free-traders cannot understand how one nation can grow rich at the expense of another, we need not wonder, since these same gentlemen also refuse to understand how within one country one class can enrich itself at the expense of another. Karl Marx [1] In Imperialism:

🚨New episode on fighting burnout 🚨The fight against capitalism is a marathon, not a sprint.This week Cian is joined by s...

🚨New episode on fighting burnout 🚨

The fight against capitalism is a marathon, not a sprint.

This week Cian is joined by sociologist Laurence Cox to discuss the bane of every activist's existence - burnout. What is it and how can we fight it?

This week Cian is joined by sociologist Laurence Cox to discuss the bane of every activist's existence - burnout. The pair outline where burnout stems from, the ways in which it changes how we organise, and what steps we can take on a personal and organisational level to go about countering and prev...

New from issue 8: Diana O'Dwyer  argues that socialist organisations developing a relevant, living transitional programm...

New from issue 8: Diana O'Dwyer argues that socialist organisations developing a relevant, living transitional programme is vitally important and that this need not come at the expense of connecting with and winning real struggles.

Article originally published in Issue 8 of Rupture, Ireland’s eco-socialist quarterly, buy the print issue:

'It is not the act of living that’s causing the crisis, it’s profit itself.' Ahead of the    protest in Dublin tomorrow,...

'It is not the act of living that’s causing the crisis, it’s profit itself.' Ahead of the protest in Dublin tomorrow, we share this article from our latest issue by Sami Mac Máistir looking at the current global inflation crisis.

by Sami Mac Máistir

Fresh on our site from our brand new issue 8: Paul Murphy TD analyses responses from the revolutionary left to the war i...

Fresh on our site from our brand new issue 8: Paul Murphy TD analyses responses from the revolutionary left to the war in Ukraine, arguing that advocating a socialist position independent of the imperialist camps is crucial.

by Paul Murphy The Russian invasion of Ukraine signals the opening of a new period of global disorder. It is marked by the continuing decline of US imperialism and the rise of China. Mounting tensions between imperialist powers are likely to be a dominant feature of the coming years. They bring wi



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