Today is World suicide prevention day. At Panoplia, we are passionate about raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health. Our co-director Letizia shares some of the free resources available for anyone who's struggling.
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Today is World suicide prevention day. At Panoplia, we are passionate about raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health. Our co-director Letizia shares some of the free resources available for anyone who's struggling.
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A little teaser for episode 2 of Ignazia Discovers! Coming soon!
Oh what can be lost in translation!
Ciao! Ees me, Ignazia! I am so happy to finally meet, I wait so long…
Who’s Ignazia, you ask? She’s a regular girl from the North of Italy, she loves pizza, pasta, coffee… and Ireland!
Come along on this journey, meet Ignazia and find out why she loves Ireland so much, and why she absolutely must go there!
Created by Letizia Delmastro, written and directed by Eoin Wickham and Letizia Delmastro “Ignazia Discovers” is a labour of love from Panoplia Productions.
So come and discover Ireland with Ignazia in this series…just like máthair used to make!