From Fr Martin Hogan, , The Word is Near You- On Your Lips and in Your Heart. Order from www.messenger.ie/bookshop, €19.95 plus postage.
14th February, Ash Wednesday Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
The word ‘Lent’ comes from an old English word meaning ‘Season of Spring’. Lent always coincides with the season of Spring. Spring is a season of renewal, when nature is renewed. The trees, shrubs and plants that look rather dead during winter start coming to life again in a wonderful way. Lent is a season of spiritual renewal in our own lives. It is a time when we try to renew our friendship, our relationship, with Jesus. Jesus’ friendship with us never dies; it never withers. His love for us never changes, regardless of what we do or fail to do. He is completely faithful to us. However, our friendship with him, our response to his friendship, can die back; it can wither. Lent in our lives can be like the season of Spring in nature. It is a time when our friendship with the Lord can come more fully to life. In today’s gospel reading, Jesus puts before us three ways of renewing our friendship with him, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In prayer we become aware that the Lord is present to us and we become present to him. We need to be present to our friends if our friendship is to grow, and the same is true of our friendship with the Lord. Lent is a season when we give a little more time to prayer. When we hear the word ‘fasting’ we think mostly of giving up some food or drink. However, it could be understood as giving up and letting go of whatever is holding back our friendship with Jesus. What is it that is causing us to turn away from the Lord, to take a different path to the one he shows us in the gospels? In Lent we look at what may be damaging our spirit, weakening our faith, and we try to fast and step back from it. Almsgiving can be understood as any form of loving service of others. During Lent we look at ways we can give ourselves more generously to those in need, after the example and in the Spirit of Jesus. These are three paths we can take that will help to renew our friendship with Jesus. Lent is seven weeks long, so we are given plenty of time to take these paths. If we turn aside from any one of them during that time, we needn’t get discouraged. We just start again. Lent finishes with Easter and on Easter Sunday we are invited to renew our baptismal promises. As we work to renew our friendship with Jesus during the seven weeks of Lent, we are preparing ourselves to say a renewed ‘yes’ at Easter to our baptism and its calling.
Note: page refreshed for each following day by 5 p.m.
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