Audio Quants

Audio Quants Experts in acoustic storytelling // Wir produzieren Dein Hörbuch!

ENDSPURT!!! Viele von euch warten schon ungeduldig auf das Ergebnis unseres diesjährigen Autoren-Wettbewerbs. Viele, vie...

ENDSPURT!!! Viele von euch warten schon ungeduldig auf das Ergebnis unseres diesjährigen Autoren-Wettbewerbs. Viele, viele tolle Bücher und Manuskripte wollten von uns gelesen werden. In wenigen Tagen ist es soweit, und wir geben den glücklichen Gewinner bekannt. Stay tuned!

So sieht’s aus, wenn unsere Studio-Katze eine Maus 🐭 fängt 🙀

So sieht’s aus, wenn unsere Studio-Katze eine Maus 🐭 fängt 🙀

+++ BUCH-AUTOREN aufgepasst! +++ Hier kommt DIE Chance: Gewinne eine Hörbuchproduktion für Dein Buch! Bewirb Dich jetzt,...

+++ BUCH-AUTOREN aufgepasst! +++ Hier kommt DIE Chance: Gewinne eine Hörbuchproduktion für Dein Buch! Bewirb Dich jetzt, Einsendeschluss ist der 31.08.2023.


Mach mit beim Autorenwettbewerb von Audio Quants und gewinne eine Hörbuchproduktion. Bewirb Dich jetzt mit Deinem Buch!

Auch Herman Melville ist als Autor raus.

Auch Herman Melville ist als Autor raus.


Derek Dean about his new audiobook "Placebo effect", read by Craig Van Ness. Available on every major streaming service!


Heute macht euch unser Sprecher Thomas Fedrowitz mal etwas Appetit 😋 auf das neueste Hörbuch 🎧📖 von Frank Esser. "Deine Sünde ist Dein Tod", der vierte Teil der Lukas Sontheim-Reihe, erscheint im Laufe des Sommers

Kurzes Treffen mit Jenny Löffler in Berlin zur Besprechung anstehender Projekte. Ihr dürft gespannt sein! 😉

Kurzes Treffen mit Jenny Löffler in Berlin zur Besprechung anstehender Projekte. Ihr dürft gespannt sein! 😉

+++ Jetzt im Vorverkauf! +++ Der neue Mystery-Thriller von Erfolgs-Autor Frank W. Haubold als Hörbuch. Nichts für schwac...

+++ Jetzt im Vorverkauf! +++ Der neue Mystery-Thriller von Erfolgs-Autor Frank W. Haubold als Hörbuch. Nichts für schwache Nerven!

Infos hier: oder überall, wo es Hörbücher gibt!

Ein Mystery-Thriller von Erfolgs-Autor Frank W. Haubold mit historischem Hintergrund – nichts für schwache Nerven!

Hoch die Hände - Wochenende! Das Wetter 🌨 sieht eher nach einem gemütlichen Couch-Aufenthalt und passender Lektüre für d...

Hoch die Hände - Wochenende! Das Wetter 🌨 sieht eher nach einem gemütlichen Couch-Aufenthalt und passender Lektüre für die Ohren aus 🎧 Wie wär's mit einem spannenden Thriller von Thomas Matiszik? Gelesen von Jenny Löffler!

„Tiefschwarze Schuld“ hat bis zu seinem fulminanten Finale einige überraschende Wendungen parat und punktet mit Härte, Authentizität und schwarzem Humor.


Achtung Science-Fiction Fans!

+++ Neues Hörbuch +++

Hört rein:

Wir haben "Die Schatten des Mars" des preisgekrönten Autors Frank W. Haubold als Audiobook vertont.

Dabei geht es um mehr als Science Fiction und die Besiedelung des Mars: Ewige Seifenblasen, eine gläserne Stadt, eine Primaballerina im Rollstuhl. Es geht aber auch um Wiedergutmachung, Heimat, Sehnsucht und die wahre Liebe.

Frank W. Haubold Christian Intorp


Heute schon Gänsehaut gehabt? 😱 🎧

+++ Neuer Hörbuch-Thriller +++

Und überall, wo es Hörbücher gibt!!!

Autor: Thomas Matiszik
Erzählerin: Jenny Löffler
Produktion: Audio Quants
Verlag: Maritim Verlag

Ein Gerichtsvollzieher begeht Selbstmord. Ein angesehener Chefarzt springt in den Tod. Corinna Dupont – bisweilen leicht chaotische Ex-Polizistin mit messerscharfem Verstand und ausgeprägtem Gerechtigkeitssinn – erhält den Auftrag, die Wahrheit über die Geschehnisse herauszufinden. Die Spuren führen sie durch die dunklen Quartiere des Ruhrgebiets. Corinna Dupont wird dabei auch mit den Schatten ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit konfrontiert und gerät in einen Sog, der sie das Leben kosten kann.
Der temporeiche Pageturner überrascht mit unvorhersehbaren Handlungssträngen, die Thomas Matiszik gekonnt miteinander verknüpft.
Tiefschwarze Schuld ist der Auftakt zur Corinna-Dupont-Reihe.


Wir produzieren den nächsten Thriller!
„Todesprüfung“ 😱😧🫣 von Thomas Matiszik für Highscore Music

Der erste Teil „Tiefschwarze Schuld“ erscheint am 26.8.2022 auf allen bekannten Plattformen. Stay tuned!

The audiobook Tiefschwarze Schuld (Deep Black Guilt) – by author Thomas Matiszik and narrated by Disenchantment's Jenny ...

The audiobook Tiefschwarze Schuld (Deep Black Guilt) – by author Thomas Matiszik and narrated by Disenchantment's Jenny Löffler – will be published on 26 August to all major audio streaming platforms including Audible, Spotify, Apple Music and more!
Thomas says 'When the team at , the production company of the audiobook, suggested Jenny Loeffler to me, I was immediately thrilled and on fire, as I knew Jenny's voice from the Netflix series , in which Jenny gives her voice to the main character!'
Published by Highscore Music
We're so excited for the world to hear this!

Testimonial time! From talented science fiction author Frank W. Haubold - Schriftsteller who's entrusted us with the del...

Testimonial time! From talented science fiction author Frank W. Haubold - Schriftsteller who's entrusted us with the delicate task of transforming his written space opera The Shadow Of Mars (Die Schatten des Mars) to audio format for the world to hear. 🎉🔉


Dublin meets Budapest!
zu Besuch in Maritims Eastern European
Letzte Abstimmung zur neuen hochkarätigen Hörspielserie - coming very soon………

On Foot From Pakistan To Germany audiobook written by Niaz Qureshi, by BBC actor Nick Ellsworth now available on your su...

On Foot From Pakistan To Germany audiobook written by Niaz Qureshi, by BBC actor Nick Ellsworth now available on your subscription services Spotify, Deezer and Nextory. Soon to be released on Audible and Storytel! Have a listen to this true story of one man's courage to embark on an adventure to cross a continent in a time when all odds were against him.


Transcending beliefs and borders, Niaz Qureshi’s From Pakistan to Germany on Foot recalls one man’s trek from East to West in the 1960s. This memoir explores a rapidly widening spectrum of human culture at a time of modern and traditional Schism.

Commandingly retold by Nick Ellsworth and scored by Farida Gasser, this audiobook brings Qureshi’s journey to life with all the vividness of a Sir David Attenborough documentary.

However, From Pakistan to Germany… also reminds of the present. Qureshi’s journey is still undertaken by many today under less appealing circumstances, and his writing offers you a chance to experience what a mighty expense of energy is needed to bridge such an expanse of space.

The new crime thriller book Tiefschwarze Schuld (Deep Black Guilt) by Thomas Matiszik is now officially released and doi...

The new crime thriller book Tiefschwarze Schuld (Deep Black Guilt) by Thomas Matiszik is now officially released and doing super well! One of the most popular radio stations in Germany, WDR has done an official podcast about the release! We're excited to release the audio version too 🎉 published by Empire-Verlag

Der in Recklinghausen geborene und in Holzwickede lebende Autor und Konzertagent hat schon eine derbe, deftige Krimitrilogie um den Ruhrgebietskommissar Peer Modrich geschrieben. Diesem Stil ist Matiszik auch im Auftaktband der Corinna-Dupont-Serie treu geblieben.

We're very excited to announce our new collaboration with crime thriller author, Frank Esser Autor. 'With such finely tu...

We're very excited to announce our new collaboration with crime thriller author, Frank Esser Autor. 'With such finely tuned storytelling and gritty narratives, the real mystery is how much longer Frank Esser will remain one of literature’s best kept secrets.' Read more in our latest Audioquants article!

With this latest agreement, Frank Esser’s unflinchingly bleak take on thrill fiction will be produced in audiobook format by Audio Quants for German listeners.


'From Pakistan To Germany By Foot' audiobook will be officially released by this Friday 25th March! Here's esteemed actor and voice artist Nick Ellsworth who narrated Niaz Quereshi's courages account of the journey he embarked on to leave his home Pakistan during the sixties in search of a better life in Germany. Follow the link to hear a sample! 👂🏻📖 🔉

We did it again! 🎉🤝

We did it again! 🎉🤝

Es gibt großartige Neuigkeiten bei mir. Ich darf freudig verkünden, dass ich meinen ersten Vertrag für ein Hörbuch unterschrieben habe - genaugenommen gleich für mehrere :-)
Nach ganz tollen Gesprächen, fiel mir die Entscheidung überhaupt nicht schwer, und ich kann es kaum erwarten Karl, Lukas und Jana im Hörbuchformat zu hören. Aber ein bisschen wird es noch dauern. Mehr Infos bekommt ihr dann demnächst auf allen Kanälen.
Wer von den dreien ist denn euer Favorit?

Read about the importance of turning your written book into an audiobook! 📕👂🏻Some great benefits here in our blog articl...

Read about the importance of turning your written book into an audiobook! 📕👂🏻Some great benefits here in our blog article shared by Tahlia Newland Editor, Author & Artist! Get in touch with Audio Quants today to hear about how we can turn your written titles into audio masterpieces!

Today I’m sharing a guest post from Alicia Gerrard, the director & founder of Audio Quants. Producing an audiobook is not cheap, but Alicia points out some of the reasons why the investme…

🔊We're so excited to share the news that we will produce and deliver the English version of German space opera masterpie...

🔊We're so excited to share the news that we will produce and deliver the English version of German space opera masterpiece 'The Shadow of Mars' by award-winning author Frank W. Haubold - Schriftsteller on all major audio streaming platforms across the globe!

'The works of Frank Haubold narrate battles and romances of cosmic proportions'

Great news for German listeners too - The episodic sci-fi novel will also be published in German by the illustrious Highscore Music 🎉

Click below to read the full article 👇🏻

Like many of his characters, Frank Haubold is highly decorated. His accolades, however, do not come from protecting the universe but from storytelling.

Thinking about pursuing a career in voice acting? Audio Quants has some tips to share about breaking it into the industr...

Thinking about pursuing a career in voice acting? Audio Quants has some tips to share about breaking it into the industry! For more tips, advice and job casting alerts - subscribe to our newsletter!

Even the pros who could sell Christmas trees in January. But it seems hard for a voice actor. Here’s how you can turn your raw talent into a thriving career!

Audio Quants would like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2022! Stay tuned for news and updates about our newe...

Audio Quants would like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2022! Stay tuned for news and updates about our newest projects to be released.
This year we will be teaming up with some incredible authors to produce and distribute audiobooks and podcasts for all kinds of audiences!

📙👂🏻 If you're an author who wants your story to be heard as well as read, find us through and feel free to have a listen to our work while you're there 😊

To our community - authors, voiceover artists, directors, sound engineers, publishers to name but a few! - we wish you a very happy New Year with lots of exciting audio work ahead! 🎉✨

What's better than rehearsing alone?David Huntington, Nadine Wild-Palmer, Ryann Ramos Nolan, David Duclos, Rory Dunne, R...

What's better than rehearsing alone?

David Huntington, Nadine Wild-Palmer, Ryann Ramos Nolan, David Duclos, Rory Dunne, Richard Ashwell-Voice Actor, Erik Forsström, Colin Cassidy VOICE ACTOR, Joe Rawlinson-Hunt

Our lovely voice actors agree: a table read together! ❤

We are producing the next episodes for our Jules Verne audio series "The New Adventures of Phileas Fogg" for Highscore Music. Stay tuned!

There might be nothing exciting about a table read. But this isn’t just a normal table read for us at Audio Quants.

Congratulations David Holmes on being nominated in two categories for the VOX annual voice over awards! David brings the...

Congratulations David Holmes on being nominated in two categories for the VOX annual voice over awards! David brings the characters of Colonel Munro & The Creature to life in our Audio play series 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg' published by Highscore Music and currently in production.

David is nominated for:
Best male voice performance and
Best imaging, S&P or Promo Voice

Winners to be announced at the event this Saturday 6th November.

The very best of luck David!

Some shots of our cast read-through last night for our next 3 episodes of 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg' published by ...

Some shots of our cast read-through last night for our next 3 episodes of 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg' published by Highscore Music

Well done all! Next stop, recording!

Find 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg' on Spotify, Napster, iTunes and more!

🔊Click this link to apply:

🔊Click this link to apply: or email your mp3 file to [email protected]

🎙Audition side included 🧐

Colonel Munro Ep. 4
👂🏻British accent
👂🏻Must have home recording studio
👂🏻Sample deadline 11th October

💥Voice actors (male, 50s) with home recording studios to send samples for the role of Colonel Munro in the audio play series 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg', based on the Jules Verne books. 💥

Published by Highscore Music

Robur The Conqueror.🎙Audition side included 🧐👂🏻British accent👂🏻Must have home recording studio👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labell...

Robur The Conqueror.
🎙Audition side included 🧐
👂🏻British accent
👂🏻Must have home recording studio
👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labelled with your first and last name along with your rates to [email protected]
👂🏻Sample deadline September 30th

💥We're looking for voice actors (male 40-50yrs) to send samples for the role of Robur The Conqueror in the audio play series 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg', based on the Jules Verne books. 💥

Published by Highscore Music

👂🏻Listen to episode 1 'Kidnapping On The High Seas' here

🎙Audition side included 🧐👂🏻Finnish Accent 👂🏻Must have home recording studio👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labelled with your first ...

🎙Audition side included 🧐
👂🏻Finnish Accent
👂🏻Must have home recording studio
👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labelled with your first and last name along with your rates to [email protected]
👂🏻Sample deadline September 24th
💥We're looking for voice actors (male 30s) to send samples for the role of Albin Jesper in the audio play series 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg', based on the Jules Verne books. 💥
Published by Highscore Music
👂🏻Listen to episode 1 'Kidnapping On The High Seas'!


Introducing Mike Davison as Ned Land! Master harpooner on the high seas. Listen to 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg' Ep. 1 here:

Published by Highscore Music

🎙Audition side included 🧐👂🏻Must have home recording studio👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labelled with your first and last name alo...

🎙Audition side included 🧐
👂🏻Must have home recording studio
👂🏻Send .mp3 samples labelled with your first and last name along with your rates to [email protected]
👂🏻Sample deadline September 24th

💥We're looking for strong actors (male 40-50yrs) to send samples for the role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the audio play series 'The Adventures Of Phileas Fogg', based on the Jules Verne books. 💥

Published by Highscore Music

👂🏻Listen to episode 1 'Kidnapping On The High Seas'! 👇🏻

'The tongue can paint what the eyes can't see.' Chinese proverb.We create images based on what we hear. When we are not ...

'The tongue can paint what the eyes can't see.' Chinese proverb.

We create images based on what we hear. When we are not given an image, we are encouraged to use our imaginations. When we use our imaginations, we have no limitations. When we have no limitations, anything can be possible.

Find us at

Voiceover Casting! Must be available to record in studio in Dublin 18 between 20th-27th September  Dublin-based adult ma...

Voiceover Casting! Must be available to record in studio in Dublin 18 between 20th-27th September

Dublin-based adult male & female Mid-Atlantic/neutral American accents who can sound very childlike, fun and upbeat. 3-4 days studio recording (no editing or mixing required from artists - engineer present during recording)

Click below or email [email protected] to apply! Please quote us your fee per studio recording day.

Adult Male and Female Vo with Childlike Voices for Childrens Characters from The Mandy Network in Dublin

All the qualities of a HD movie, without the movie. Follow Audio Quants for paid voice over casting notices, job posting...

All the qualities of a HD movie, without the movie. Follow Audio Quants for paid voice over casting notices, job postings, tips and latest news on audio productions!


The Black Church, St. Mary's Place



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