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Literasi Digital Anak Literasi Digital Anak atau LIGITA, diinisiasi oleh Idham Azhari...

The brutal war in Sudan is exacting a heavy price on the mental health of children like Dania.UNICEF and partners are pr...

The brutal war in Sudan is exacting a heavy price on the mental health of children like Dania.

UNICEF and partners are providing mental and psychosocial support, but children need peace.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Indonesia)

Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, remaja dan pemuda sedang mendiskusikan isu advokasi bagi anak muda. Para peserta terpilih mend...

Di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, remaja dan pemuda sedang mendiskusikan isu advokasi bagi anak muda. Para peserta terpilih mendapat pendanaan dari UNICEF untuk mengimplementasikan ide proyeknya dengan dukungan mentoring dan akses Jejaring ke mitra pembangunan terkait.​

Anak muda adalah mitra yang setara dalam pembangunan. Mereka berhak untuk berpendapat, terutama tentang isu yang berdampak pada hidup mereka. Maka dari itu, kita perlu memberikan dukungan, seperti dengan membangun kapasitas dan keterampilan mereka dalam beradvokasi dan mencari solusi inovatif dan inklusif untuk semua.​

Mari dukung anak muda untuk berpendapat, karena mereka adalah mitra pembangunan, pembuatan, maupun perubahan kebijakan!​

Credit: UNICEF Indonesia
Source: UNICEF Indonesia (Instagram)

Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas mengancam kesehatan anak-anak. Salah satu pemicunya adalah tidak mengonsumsi makanan ...

Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas mengancam kesehatan anak-anak. Salah satu pemicunya adalah tidak mengonsumsi makanan bergizi dalam jumlah yang cukup setiap hari. Akibatnya, anak rentan terkena penyakit kronis seumur hidupnya, seperti kanker, diabetes, dan penyakit jantung. Data Survei Kesehatan Indonesia (SKI) 2023 menunjukkan 9 dari 10 anak-anak, remaja dan orang dewasa tidak mengonsumsi buah dan sayur dalam jumlah yang cukup, yaitu kurang dari anjuran 5 porsi per hari.

Lindungi anak kita dari kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas dengan menciptakan kolaborasi lintas sektor dalam mengedukasi masyarakat, terutama orang tua/pengasuh dan guru, tentang pentingnya asupan bergizi, karena konsumsi yang makanan yang bergizi berdampak besar pada tumbuh kembang anak sepanjang hidupnya.

Credit: UNICEF Indonesia
Source: UNICEF Indonesia (Instagram)

Have you ever noticed that once you learn about something new, you start seeing it everywhere? This cognitive bias is kn...

Have you ever noticed that once you learn about something new, you start seeing it everywhere?

This cognitive bias is known as the frequency illusion. It’s when something you have recently noticed suddenly seems to appear with surprising frequency.

Frequency illusion is also known as the “Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon”. This term emerged in 1994, coined by Terry Mullen after he experienced this effect with the name of German terrorist group Baader-Meinhof. After saying the name once, all of a sudden he was hearing it everywhere.

Later, in 2005, Stanford linguistics professor Arnold Zwicky dubbed this the “frequency illusion”, bringing academic attention to the issue.

So, why does this happen? According to Zwicky, it’s primarily due to two psychological processes: selective attention and confirmation bias.

Selective attention causes us to unconsciously prioritize information that has recently been brought to our attention, making it more noticeable than before. Confirmation bias then reinforces this by filtering out instances that don’t fit our focused attention, making the newly noticed item seem even more prevalent.

Understanding the frequency illusion can be useful in fields like medicine, where it can be put to positive use to increase awareness of less-common diseases.

Next time you swear something has suddenly become a trend overnight, remember: It could be a cognitive trick.

Credit: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia (Instagram)

Misinformation can result in people being left uninformed and can put lives at risk.What we share online can have conseq...

Misinformation can result in people being left uninformed and can put lives at risk.

What we share online can have consequences in the real world.

Take a minute to pause and verify facts.

Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

Instead of being at school, children are fleeing violence.Instead of sleeping safely in their beds, they’re suffering in...

Instead of being at school, children are fleeing violence.
Instead of sleeping safely in their beds, they’re suffering in makeshift tents.
Instead of happy, healthy childhoods, they’re living through horrors.

A ceasefire is long overdue for the children in Gaza, who have lived through escalated violence in these 8 months.

We also continue to call for the unconditional release of all hostages and unimpeded humanitarian access.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Ratna, 17, terpaksa putus sekolah karena keadaan ekonomi. Cita-citanya yang tinggi harus ia pendam, dan beralih untuk be...

Ratna, 17, terpaksa putus sekolah karena keadaan ekonomi. Cita-citanya yang tinggi harus ia pendam, dan beralih untuk bertahan hidup seadanya.​

Pendidikan adalah jalan seorang anak untuk bisa mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi dirinya dan keluarganya. Namun, berbagai faktor dapat membuat anak tidak bisa melanjutkan pendidikan, mulai dari tidak adanya dukungan keluarga hingga permasalahan ekonomi seperti yang dialami oleh Ratna. UNICEF mendukung pemerintah dalam membantu anak-anak yang tidak bersekolah agar dapat kembali bersekolah, seperti melalui pendataan Anak Tidak Sekolah (ATS) yang ditindaklanjuti dengan intervensi penanganannya serta monitoring dan evaluasi secara berkelanjutan.​

Mari kita pastikan setiap anak bisa terus bersekolah, karena pendidikan dapat membuka banyak kesempatan bagi anak untuk memiliki hidup yang lebih baik.​

Credit: UNICEF Indonesia
Source: UNICEF Indonesia (Instagram)

When learning, don’t forget to put keywords and phrases into your own words. ✍ Save this post for later!Credit: LinkedIn...

When learning, don’t forget to put keywords and phrases into your own words. ✍ Save this post for later!

Credit: LinkedIn Learning
Source: LinkedIn Learning (Instagram)

Climate change is impacting almost every aspect of children’s health and well-being, from their first days of life to ad...

Climate change is impacting almost every aspect of children’s health and well-being, from their first days of life to adolescence.

From rising temperatures affecting school performance to droughts leading to undernutrition, floods leading to injuries and air pollution increasing adverse birth outcomes, the climate crisis is taking a toll on children’s health.

Leaders must take urgent .


Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Curiosity plays a major role in a person’s ability to learn and engage with new information. 🧠 Tag the Einstein in your ...

Curiosity plays a major role in a person’s ability to learn and engage with new information. 🧠 Tag the Einstein in your team below!

Credit: LinkedIn Learning
Source: LinkedIn Learning (Instagram)

Lem, 12, peeks out from his temporary shelter in  , in the southern   Strip.Every war is a war on children.In Gaza, more...

Lem, 12, peeks out from his temporary shelter in , in the southern Strip.

Every war is a war on children.

In Gaza, more than a half-million children are caught in the crosshairs, experiencing horrific violence and loss — with very little food, clean water, medicine and with nowhere safe to go.

The children of Gaza need lifesaving support. They need a ceasefire. And they need it now.

Source: UNICEF USA (Instagram)

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge – and key to its solution.We need to end our reliance on fossil fuels an...

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge – and key to its solution.

We need to end our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in alternative sources of energy that are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.

Renewable energy sources – which are in abundance through the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth – are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

Now is the time for breakthrough .

The future thanks you.

Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

No safety.Not enough aid or fuel.Aid routes blocked or difficult to access because of hostilities or logistical complexi...

No safety.
Not enough aid or fuel.
Aid routes blocked or difficult to access because of hostilities or logistical complexities.

UNICEF is doing everything possible on ground to help the children of Gaza.

But they need a ceasefire NOW.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Climate change is taking a toll on children’s health, right now. From weakened immune systems to changes in the way chil...

Climate change is taking a toll on children’s health, right now.

From weakened immune systems to changes in the way children’s brains and lungs develop, the health impacts compound as we deal with overlapping climate-related hazards.

The time for urgent is NOW.

© UNICEF/UN0476403/Pancic

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are a lifeline that we must nurture and protect.  Yet, human activity is driving bio...

Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are a lifeline that we must nurture and protect.

Yet, human activity is driving biodiversity loss around the world.

"We are contaminating land, oceans, and freshwater with toxic pollution, wrecking landscapes and ecosystems, and disrupting our precious climate with greenhouse gas emissions,” said Secretary-General on Wednesday's , urging action to put biodiversity on a path to recovery.

From driving less to planting a tree to reducing food waste, we can all to protect our planet and common future.


Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

Mohammed, 14, holds his 2-year-old brother Khaled. Mohammed and his family have been displaced four times due to ongoing...

Mohammed, 14, holds his 2-year-old brother Khaled. Mohammed and his family have been displaced four times due to ongoing war in . They’re currently living in a tent.

"I miss my home, my room and my friends. This war has lasted for a long time, and I am afraid for Khaled,” Mohammad says.

They need a ceasefire. Now.

Source: UNICEF USA (Instagram)

Children are exposed to air pollution even before they are born. We could not agree more with 21-year-old Oumnia from Mo...

Children are exposed to air pollution even before they are born.

We could not agree more with 21-year-old Oumnia from Morocco. We need URGENT , for every child.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

We can all help counter hate speech through the power of kindness.From fact checking to supporting vulnerable communitie...

We can all help counter hate speech through the power of kindness.

From fact checking to supporting vulnerable communities to sharing messages of tolerance, there are multiple ways to say and cultivate respect.

It’s our shared responsibility.

Together, we can create safe spaces that respect human rights, diversity and tolerance.

Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

Mental and physical health are closely linked.Looking after your mental health can help increase feelings of happiness a...

Mental and physical health are closely linked.

Looking after your mental health can help increase feelings of happiness and overall well-being.

Taking action can help you reduce stress so you can feel better; inside and out:

🏋🏽 Exercise regularly
🍲 Eat healthy foods
😴 Get enough sleep
🍺 Limit alcohol intake
🗣 Talk about your feelings


Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

May is .

There is nowhere safe in  .Children need a ceasefire now.Credit: UNICEF USASource: UNICEF USA

There is nowhere safe in .

Children need a ceasefire now.


Banyak penyakit berbahaya yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi, seperti campak, polio, rubella, dan tetanus.​Sebagai oran...

Banyak penyakit berbahaya yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi, seperti campak, polio, rubella, dan tetanus.​

Sebagai orang tua, pastikan anak Anda sudah menerima rangkaian imunisasi rutin lengkap sesuai jadwal dan rekomendasi usia. Jika ada yang terlewat, pastikan imunisasi kejarnya dengan membawa anak ke fasilitas kesehatan dan pos imunisasi terdekat, baik itu posyandu, puskesmas atau rumah sakit.​

untuk tumbuh sehat, bebas dari penyakit berbahaya yang mengancam mereka.​

Credit: UNICEF Indonesia
Source: UNICEF Indonesia (Instagram)

Children’s developing bodies and minds are uniquely vulnerable to pollution, deadly diseases and extreme weather events....

Children’s developing bodies and minds are uniquely vulnerable to pollution, deadly diseases and extreme weather events.

Countries must protect children, empower them to be champions and urgently reduce emissions.

© UNICEF/UN0728569

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Saturday is   . 🦆Here, a pair of great white pelicans soars through the sky. Like all migratory species, white pelicans ...

Saturday is . 🦆

Here, a pair of great white pelicans soars through the sky. Like all migratory species, white pelicans know no borders. Their yearly migrations span Africa, Europe and Asia. At different points throughout the year, flocks can be found in places as far removed as Tanzania, Greece, Kazakhstan and India.

Birds take some of the longest journeys of any animal, facing many dangers along the way. From plastic pollution to habitat loss and the impacts of the climate crisis, migrating birds are increasingly under threat from human activity.

By taking we can protect migrating species and their global habitats.

📷: UNEP-AEWA / Sergey Dereliev

Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

Roads to ‘safe zones’ jammed.No fuel in 5 days, virtually no aid.No proper sanitation facilities.The situation in Rafah ...

Roads to ‘safe zones’ jammed.

No fuel in 5 days, virtually no aid.

No proper sanitation facilities.

The situation in Rafah is dire.

“I have been working on large-scale humanitarian emergencies for the best part of the last 30 years and I've never been involved in a situation as devastating, complex or erratic as this.

Yesterday, I walked around Al-Mawasi, the so-called 'humanitarian zone' that people in eastern Rafah are being told to move to. More than 100,000 people have fled Rafah in the last 5 days and the stream of displacement continues.

At a time when people are being forced to pick up and move again, the lifesaving supplies that sustain and support them have been entirely cut off. Let’s be very clear – this will result in children dying. Deaths that can be prevented.”

- Hamish Young, UNICEF Senior Emergency Coordinator in the Gaza Strip.

UNICEF continues to call for an immediate ceasefire, for children to be protected and for the flow of aid and fuel.

Full statement in link in bio.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Fact: Stress impairs your brain’s ability to remember, having an effect on learning potential. What do you do to de-stre...

Fact: Stress impairs your brain’s ability to remember, having an effect on learning potential. What do you do to de-stress? 🛀

Credit: LinkedIn Learning
Source: LinkedIn Learning (Instagram)

Photo by Chris Burkard  | Why are glaciers ice blue? Ice absorbs red (long) wavelengths, while short (blue) wavelengths ...

Photo by Chris Burkard | Why are glaciers ice blue? Ice absorbs red (long) wavelengths, while short (blue) wavelengths are scattered and transmitted, producing the color commonly seen along Iceland’s southern coast.

Kötlujökull is an offshoot of Mýrdalsjökull, a glacier that's home to one of the magnificent ice caves accessible along the south coast of the island throughout the year. Formed by water freezing under the glacier, the multidimensional contours cast unique shadows reflecting natural light and giving the iconic blue ice space to shine. On a trip with my family last summer, I photographed the Katla Ice Cave with a 16-35mm lens, hoping to capture the true scale of the arch and the feeling of standing beneath it.

Credit: National Geographic
Source: National Geographic (Instagram)

There is nowhere safe to go in Gaza.More than 14,000 children have already reportedly been killed.UNICEF is warning that...

There is nowhere safe to go in Gaza.

More than 14,000 children have already reportedly been killed.

UNICEF is warning that a military besiegement and ground incursion in Rafah would pose catastrophic risks to the 600,000 children currently taking shelter in Rafah.

“Hundreds of thousands of children who are now cramped into Rafah are injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized, or living with disabilities. Many have been displaced multiple times, and have lost homes, parents and loved ones. They need to be protected along with the remaining services that they rely on, including medical facilities and shelter.” - Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director.

Children need an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

Read more in the link in bio.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

A young boy happily washes his hands in the Democratic Republic of Congo.⁣⁣Handwashing is a simple but effective way to ...

A young boy happily washes his hands in the Democratic Republic of Congo.⁣⁣

Handwashing is a simple but effective way to prevent the spread of many diseases and save lives. Yet, 2.3 billion people do not have a handwashing facility with water and soap at home.

is helping to improve access to water and sanitation services in schools and communities around the world, while also promoting important hygiene practices such as handwashing.⁣⁣

On Sunday's Day, help spread the word:

Clean hands save lives!⁣⁣


Credit: United Nations
Source: United Nations (Instagram)

The threat of an imminent military attack on El Fasher in Sudan risks a catastrophic escalation, endangering the lives a...

The threat of an imminent military attack on El Fasher in Sudan risks a catastrophic escalation, endangering the lives and well-being of 750,000 children.

UNICEF calls on parties to the conflict to urgently step back from such a dangerous confrontation.

Full statement in the link in bio.

Credit: UNICEF
Source: UNICEF (Instagram)

Photo by  | This ravenous trio is a group of young Torresian crows, found in the wild across Northern and Western Austra...

Photo by | This ravenous trio is a group of young Torresian crows, found in the wild across Northern and Western Australia, as well as on islands in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Throughout their range, these crows are capable of occupying almost any habitat type so long as there is a permanent source of water present and tall trees, used for nesting, nearby. Feeding mostly on grain and fruit, the birds are often labeled a pest species by farmers, as they're known to damage crops such as sweet corn, peanuts, and wheat. Photo taken at Pelican and Seabird Rescue Inc., in Australia.

Credit: National Geographic
Source: National Geographic (Instagram)


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