*Call for paper*
*CSS Publishing menerbitkan jurnal multidisiplin ilmu. Bebas biaya publikasi, dikelola secara profesional, editor dan reviewer dari lintas perguruan tinggi dan berpengalaman menulis di journal terindex scopus.*
Untuk bergabung ke group WA:
Segera kunjungi journal dari Centre Scientific Studies di:
Jurnal yang kami kelola adalah:
1. BUSINESS: Scientific Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/business
2. EDUCATION: Scientific Journal of Education https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/education
3. AZZAHRA: Scientific Journal of Social and Humanities https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/azzahra
4. NIZAM: Scientific Journal of Islamic Studies https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/nizam
5. ARRAZI: Scientific Journal of Health https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/arrazi
*Jurnal Pengabdian:*
6. NGABDI: Scientific Journal of Community Services https://journal.csspublishing.com/index.php/ngabdi
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