MICROBES is the abbreviation of Media Informasi, Cerita, Referensi, Obrolan, dan Berita Sema FTb. The second ed is "Food and Health" on November 2008, and the third is "Science Issue" on March 2009. Then in the period 2009-2010, we add more staff!
- "Youth Power" released on August '09
- "Mistery" released on November '09
- "Time to Celebrate!" released on January '10
- "The Art of Hedonism" rel
eased on March '10
- "Biotechnology Around Us" released on August '10
- "Tini but Mighty" released on September '10
- "Forensic" released on December '10
- "The Art of Hedonism" released on February '11
- "Culinary (Virion Version)" released on July '11
- "Undercovered by Diversity" released on August '11
- "The M-Files" released on October '11
- "Christmas Invasion (Virion Version)" released on December '11
- "Science in Rhythm" released on February '12
- "Indonesia Through the World's Eyes (softcopy)" released on July '12
- "Behind the Ordinary" released on August '12