Hari pertama Cosmobeauté Indonesia 2019 berjalan dengan sukses berkat partisipasi Anda semua. Cosmobeaute Indonesia 2019 adalah acara tahunan yang tidak boleh dilewatkan bagi mereka yang mencari partner bisnis atau memperluas network dalam industri kecantikan. Catat dan masukkan Cosmobeaute Indonesia 2019 dalam agenda Anda dan buka kesempatan berkenalan dengan nama-nama besar dalam beauty trade.
Masih ada 2 hari lagi acara Cosmobeaute Indonesia, 18-19 Oktober ini jangan lupa datang dan saksikan berbagai acara serunya. Banyak hairdresser ternama dan juga berbagai produk kecantikan yang bisa anda jumpai hanya di Cosmobeaute Indonesia 2019.
#cosmobeaute #cosmo #beaute #2019 #jcc #fashion #hairdresser #makeup #trend #cosmohair
Ingin hapus tato sekarang lebih mudah, tanpa efek nyeri dan downtime. Dengan picocarelaser hanya 15 sampai 45 menit .
@hautarztlaserzentrum.de 👉 Tatto Olomouc Picolaser / Tattoo Removal with the Picosecond Laser (Advertising) 🎒 outpatient / outpatient ⏱ 15-45 minutes Pain no pain ☀️ good effects without downtime / good effects without downtime 💰99-399 € incl. VAT, per treatment 📞 🇩🇪0511-732058 / online Appointment via homepage: http://www.dermalasercenter.de 🇩🇪 We now offer the tattoo removal with one of the best tattoo laser, the Picocare , in our center. The Picocarelaser is one of the most powerful lasers currently available, with peak pulse times of 375-450 picoseconds and a peak power of 1.3 GW. With 4 wavelengths each tattoo ink can be treated. https://www.hautarzt-laserzentrum.de/leistungsspektrum/lasertherapie-und-pdt/tattoo-und-pmu/ 🇺🇸 We now offer the tattoo removal with one of the best tattoo laser, the Picocare, in our center. The Picocarelaser is one of the most powerful lasers currently available, with peak pulse times of 375-450 picoseconds and a peak power of 1.3 GW. With 4 wavelengths each tattoo can be treated. https://www.hautarzt-laserzentrum.de/leistungsspektrum/lasertherapie-und-pdt/tattoo-und-pmu/
#langenhagen #hannover #hannoverlieb #hannoverstagram #hannoverlove #hannoverlive #plasticsurgery # dermatology #dermatologist #skin doctor # dermatologist #drmatthias mania # laser therapy # laser therapy # laser treatment # laser treatment #estheticmedicine #tattooremovel #tattoo #pikolaser #picocare #picosure #wontech Unauthorized advertising. We do not receive any grants from companies. Advertising. We do not receive any donations from companies. For all images with images, the patients have agreed. For all images and videos, the patients have agreed.
Usia tak lagi muda? Jangan takut untuk keriput, karna saat ini masalah pada wajah seperti keriput, pembengkakan, dan pigmentasi bisa diatasi dengan face yoga dan pijatan yang teratur di TOP Chinese Traditional Medicine Zuzana Hausova .
@facefit.faceyoga So this is paradise on earth .. Actually paradise on my supposed "muscular" face 😊😊😊 I complement FaceFit with a regular massage and, if possible, such a special Guasha at the TOP Traditional Chinese Medicine expert Zuzana Hausová @guasha_therapy in Bratislava 👉I recommend for face firming, wrinkles, swelling and pigmentation. All bliss takes more than an hour💆♀️💆♀️💆♀️ The answer to that question how many years I am .. 46😊😊😊
#guasha #faceyoga #facialgymnastics # facelift # antiage #ivetastecova # tvarovajoga # tvarovecvicenie #facefit # cvicimfacefit # love life # tvarovajogaonline # tvarovagymnastika #tcm #tradicnacinskamedicina
Coba perawatan kecantikan tebaru yuk, dengan metode IPL bisa membuat wajah terlihat lebih bersih dari noda hitam dan bintik bintik .
@nurse_yalda 💫 Intense Pulsed Light(IPL)💛 to minimize or remove🚫
* age spots
* sun damage
* freckles
* birthmarks
* varicose veins
* broken blood vessels on your face
* rosacea .
#laser#ipl #aniwrinkle
#botox #beauty #dysport #antiaging #beautiful#skincareroutine #facial #spa #aesthetics #fillers#juvederm #radiesse #crowsfeet #nurse_yalda#virginia #washingtondc #nurse #lipinjections#cheekfiller #jawlinefiller #medspa#nursepractitioner
Beauty Clinic
@drjasondiamond As seen yesterday, the#DiamondInstaFacial pairs beautifully with other treatments. Here, we addressed hyperhidrosis with Botox, which blocks the secretion of the chemical that activates the sweat glands. This in turn prevents the sweat glands from producing sweat. Retreatment is required every 4-6 months, on average, as nerves regenerate.
Address the skin. Address the sweat.
Loved seeing you @emersonryder_jewelry@alanasandsofficial!
@labellasocialite How cute is this?? Just add a Barbie to take it to the next level @amythemermaidx #hair#barbie #labellasocialite #pastel #rainbow #extra
Credit to Dr. Patric Cosmetic Surgery
@drpsullivan Circles under their eyes and “tired eyes” are frequent complaints. We are happy to supply more details of how we treat people with these problems using their own fat taken from their thighs. Patients have been very happy with the results and we have as well. If you have questions please comment below or call our office at 401-831-8300.⠀#eyelidsurgery #blepharoplasty #surgery#operating #operatingroom #liveplasticsurgery#livesurgery
@hypnaughtypower Yay or Nay?
Follow @hypnaughtylashes @hypnaughty.makeupfor more 💖
By @promisetamang .
#hypnaughtypower #hypnaughtymakeup
@pranadiansari15 Hi gurls❣️❣️
Biasanya setelah seharian beraktivitas aku suka pakek clay mask dari @lorealindonesia yang detoxifying clay mask... Biasanya sih aku pakek 3 hari sekali atau disaat aku ngerasa wajah aku lagi kusam, kotor, dan gradakan gitu..
. .
Aku suka banget final result dari detoxfying clay mask dari loreal ini. Karna bener” ini deep cleansing gitu... mukak aku jdi bersih banget, kinclong. Sering kejadian disaat aku jerawat (jerawat batu) dan aku maskeran pakek ini, dia langsung keluar gtu loh isinya. Tiba” setelah bilas masker udh kempes aja gitu jerawatnya wkwkw dan komedopun bener” berkurang banget, karna dia bener” deep cleansing. Pokoknya secinta itu sampe udh mau abis aja tuh as u can see on my video 😂😂. Secepatnya aku pasti bakal repurchase lagi masker dari@lorealindonesia inihh💕💕 #claymask#lorealclaymaskreview #detoxfyingclaymask#lorealindonesia #lorealclaymask #loreal#makeupaddict #makeupaddictsofficial#beautybloggers #beautygram @indovidgram@indobeautygram @getthelookid
@slaybaking Hacks!
Credit: @blusherglam
@renetjandra Once upon a time when my hair was purple.. 🤣
@farsalicare Rose Gold Elixir
@narsissist Natural Radiant Long Wear Foundation ; Orgasm Blush
@urbandecaycosmetics Naked Shape Shifter
@lorealmakeup True Match Super Blendable Concealer
@coverfx Perfect Setting Powder
@ctilburymakeup Airbrush Flawless Finish
@morphebrushes Continuous Setting Mist
@tartecosmetics Rainforest of the Sea Glow Highlighter
@patmcgrathreal Luxtrance Lipstick - Donatella .
@indobeautygram #indobeautygram #ibv#udindonesia #lorealindonesia#lorealtruematchconcealer #nars #narsorgasm#narsfoundation #coverfx #morphe #morphegirl#morphebrushes #tartecosmetics #beautyblenderid#patmcgrath @tampilcantik #tampilcantik