We have so little control over the things that happen in our own lives. So one of the top 3 things I try to control is the people I surround myself with. When I meet someone new that makes time fly, that raises my vibrations and that I can laugh effortlessly with, I make a conscious effort to see them again and keep them in my life in one way or another. So anyway these two awesome guys from Finland, the creators of - these guys were High Vibes. We only had 2 hours to shoot 16 looks one day before they were flying out of Bali back to Europe, and we did it all while joking, laughing, collaborating artistically, and disagreeing honestly. It was my first time working with them and it was a dream shoot. And I thought to myself after the shoot - these are the clients that I want, this is the standard I want to set in my life, because it is possible to work with people who are both talented and, to put simply, NICE. Now I don't know if I'm just lucky or I've subconsciously attracted wonderful clients through my intentions - but I've noticed the quality of the people I work just get better and better. It's great and I'm aware of it and I'm grateful.