Stimulart - Interreg Central Europe

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Stimulart - Interreg Central Europe Five cities, nine partners, one common goal; to stimulate CCI in mid-size Central-European cities. T

Here is a video (in IT) that was prepared as part of the local dissemination strategy and represents the results of STIM...

Here is a video (in IT) that was prepared as part of the local dissemination strategy and represents the results of STIMULART project. The results were also discussed during the last stakeholder workshop on March 15h, in Vittorio Veneto.

We wanted to   once, again for your participation at our   of the STIMULART Interreg CE project. You can see some profes...

We wanted to once, again for your participation at our of the STIMULART Interreg CE project.
You can see some professional photos of the conference here.
As I said, it's not a message, however, the project is coming to its end soon... ☹️
We will keep in touch, for sure, but we wanted to wish you all good luck with all your future projects and cooperation! 😊👏🖇

📸: Gémesi Balázs

(HUN content)Kedves Követőink,a héten lezajlott a STIMULART projekt záró konferenciája, melyről az eddig megjelent magya...

(HUN content)

Kedves Követőink,

a héten lezajlott a STIMULART projekt záró konferenciája, melyről az eddig megjelent magyar nyelvű sajtótermékeket alább elérhetitek, és néhány amatőr képet láthattok. 🧐

Köszönjük előadóinknak a tartalmas előadásokat, ill. minden vendégünknek a részvételt, akár online, akár személyesen volt velünk! 😊 (HÍR18 - A JÁSZSÁG HÍRADÓJA - 2022.03.02. - 4:10 perctől)

We have selected the 3rd STIMULART Award winner(s) around 2 weeks ago, in Jászberény. (HU)The topic of the 3rd Award was...

We have selected the 3rd STIMULART Award winner(s) around 2 weeks ago, in Jászberény. (HU)

The topic of the 3rd Award was: "My creative movie" and young creatives from the age group of 14-20 could apply.

The aim of the competition was to create short videos that show how the young generation of Jászberény experiences creativity in their "everyday lives".

The jury selected the winner(s) out of 30 applications:

1. place - Gergő Rabi-Nagy - Logiscool- a creative place
2. place - Hanna Habencius - My life, as a mentor

Special award: István Hőgye - My grandma

(The winning movies can be watched in the RoomLi Centre.)
Congrats to the competitors and especially to the winners!🥳🥳🥳

The Naumburg „team“ visited the Kamnik team in advance of our 5th Partner Meeting. After dinner with colleagues at Repni...

The Naumburg „team“ visited the Kamnik team in advance of our 5th Partner Meeting. After dinner with colleagues at Repnik on Thursday, the Kamnik team organized an individual tour on the industrial heritage trail on Friday.

Thank you for the inspiring insights into a very promising !

Kreativna četrt Barutana

Partner Meeting in Kamnik is happening now❗️

Partner Meeting in Kamnik is happening now❗️

Dietro la porta un nuovo meeting Stimulart - Interreg Central Europe per i team di Bclever e del Comune di Vittorio Veneto.

Behind the door a new Stimulart - Interreg Central Europe meeting for the teams of BCLEVER and the Municipality of Vittorio Veneto.

Our 10-day Pop Up Festival "Naumburg Kreativ" ended on Sunday. With 30 events at different locations in the city, we ful...

Our 10-day Pop Up Festival "Naumburg Kreativ" ended on Sunday. With 30 events at different locations in the city, we fully showed Naumburg's potential!

10 colorful days full of painting🎨, music🎸, dance💃, and networking 🔗 events - new ideas, and wishes for the city as well as the one or other friendship emerged from the creative exchange.

We thank all hard-working helpers, colleagues, and cooperation partners, and of course our local CCIs! 🙏

Hey Facebook, let's start the week with some STIMULART news!The Amberg team visited Jászberény in the framework of the p...

Hey Facebook, let's start the week with some STIMULART news!

The Amberg team visited Jászberény in the framework of the pilot implementation peer-review visit. This was an amazing opportunity for the Jászberény and Amberg team to discuss pilot concepts, most recent cultural projects and for the Amberg team to visit some of the most interesting CCI venues in Jászberény, such as the Lehel Movie, which is the major cultural venue in Jászberény or a local CCI company, the Perlaki Reklám Kft.
The main event of the visit was the opening ceremony of Jászberény’s pilot, Roomli-a kreatív pont, where the Amberg team could not only talk with the creative team behind the pilot, but they could also check out all the CCI products already in place.

Guys, we have some incredible news for you! 😊 The Roomli-a kreatív pont (aka Jászberény's pilot project) launching event...

Guys, we have some incredible news for you! 😊

The Roomli-a kreatív pont (aka Jászberény's pilot project) launching event have been organized last Friday, and we must say that it was awesome. 👌🥂🥳

The venue had been fully reconstructed and furnished in the last few months based on plans of a local interior designer (Balázs Sisa), and vendors and suppliers had been selected. You can find lots of CCI products, in place already, also, you can use this place as a meeting spot, to get in touch with your old and new clients or buyers. As the name says, it is a creative point, where you can launch workshops, or can create exhibitions. The possibilities are endless, come and check out what holds this place to you!?

📸 by: Gémesi-Balázs

Hey facebook followers, there are some interesting STIMULART news! Check it out 👀:The Jászberény team held marketing and...

Hey facebook followers, there are some interesting STIMULART news! Check it out 👀:

The Jászberény team held marketing and entrepreneurship training for the CCI in Jászberény.
They had two speakers, Csilla Himer and Dóra Dudás, who gave interesting presentations in the topics of Entrepreneurship basics – Planning and pricing basics and Effective marketing on a small budget.
The objective of the ROOMLI - the creative point complex is to support the companies operating in the local creative sector in gaining market share and selling their products, to provide a common platform for basic activities and collaborations, and to enrich the economic and cultural and community life of Jászberény and Jászság. This training was an important step in achieving this objective.

HEY there! Check out the Jászberény team's peer-review visit to Kamnik! The Jászberény and Kamnik team discussed the out...

HEY there! Check out the Jászberény team's peer-review visit to Kamnik!

The Jászberény and Kamnik team discussed the outcomes of the Stimulart strategy-making process. Additionally, they shared their experience and ideas regarding the preparations for the pilot actions. The location of the meeting was in the former factory hall now the event hall of Barutana, where presentations on the strategy, the new cultural venue, and other CCI topics of local concern were delivered. The Jászberény PPs also visited the Kikstarter (home to start-up innovative enterprises) and the Cultural House located on the same former industrial site.
The second day of the visit was centred around tourism attractions, the achievements of the local tourism sector, and its link to CCI activities.
On the third day, the Jászberény team travelled to Skofja Loka to visit the pilot (the Creative HUB) of Interreg Central Europe, IndoCult project as well. This was also of high interest for Jászberény due to its similar ambitions in Stimulart (Roomli the Creative hub).

Many thanks to Maja, Anej, and Sinan for organizing the rich and memorable program.

Hey there, check out some STIMULART news ❗👀The Naumburg team visited Amberg in the framework of the STIMULART peer-revie...

Hey there, check out some STIMULART news ❗👀

The Naumburg team visited Amberg in the framework of the STIMULART peer-review visit. The Amberg team showed them the city, while introducing them to some of Amberg’s important CCI Stakeholders.

They had a chance to visit some of the vacant spaces (Stadtlabor, Spitalkirche and Ringtheater) in the city centre of Amberg, which are intended to be reused or is already being reused as coworking space and info point for the citizens.

CCI in Kamnik – The Creative District BarutanaCheck out the new video how the Municipality of Kamnik is revitalising ind...

CCI in Kamnik – The Creative District Barutana

Check out the new video how the Municipality of Kamnik is revitalising industrial areas by promoting cultural and creative industries. ❗️
Individuals are already reviving the creative spirit in the abandoned part of the city with their content. Cultural and creative industries have already become an important part of the strategy of revitalization of Kamnik's degraded industrial areas. By watching the video, get to know some of the pioneers of the mentioned activities in Kamnik. 🔨⛏➡️👩‍🎤🕺🎨🎷

The Municipality of Kamnik is revitalising industrial areas by promoting cultural and creative industriesIndustry has been the driving force behind the devel...

Hey there! 👀👋If you are interested in CCI in general, or especially in KAMNIK, check out this new video about their CCIs...

Hey there! 👀👋
If you are interested in CCI in general, or especially in KAMNIK, check out this new video about their CCIs and a sneak peek about their Pilot project, Barutana Creative District! 👇

The Municipality of Kamnik is revitalizing industrial areas by promoting cultural and creative industries.The industry has been the driving force behind the ...

The winners of the Competition 🏆 for the best product under the slogan Time capsule – a message for the 21st century” wi...

The winners of the Competition 🏆 for the best product under the slogan Time capsule – a message for the 21st century” within the StimulArt project was announced 📣 by the mayor of Kamnik, Matej Slapar, on 24 May. Congratulations 🎊🎊🎊 for the winners, Klemen Urbanija and Janja Stopinšek , who have presented themselves with a handmade leather bag 👜. The bag is made of leather tanned with chestnut tannins. Both, leather and wood were important materials in Kamnik’s past.❕ The bag is made entirely by hand – cut, perforated and sewn with a saddle stitch that prevents tearing.🥇

ENG 👇Dear Followers, please find below a new tv-interview 🎤on YouTube about the Hungarian pilot project, the roomLi Crea...

Dear Followers, please find below a new tv-interview 🎤on YouTube about the Hungarian pilot project, the roomLi Creative Shop in Jászberény. In the video, you can see 👀 the new venue of the shop almost fully reconstructed.

(The video is available only in HUN.)

Kedves Követőink,

az alábbi videóban bemutatásra kerül a STIMULART projekt keretében megvalósuló pilot project, a roomLi Kreatív pont. A videóban többek között szó esik a bolt helyszínéről, a jövőbeli beszállítókról és a Kreatív pont jövőjéről is.

Mi az a STIMULART Project és hol tart? Milyen motivációk alapján szeretne paradigmaváltást elérni a jászsági, szűkebben a jászberényi kulturális közéletben? ...

Let’s name the Creative Shop in Jászberény! 🇭🇺 🎊The 4th stakeholder meeting in Jászberény was held online in two parts i...

Let’s name the Creative Shop in Jászberény! 🇭🇺 🎊

The 4th stakeholder meeting in Jászberény was held online in two parts in December 2020 and February 2021. On the first occasion local stakeholders could share their thoughts on the draft CCI Strategy and Action Plan. On the second occasion, stakeholders had the opportunity to take part in naming the long-awaited Creative Shop, which will be at the Déryné Center.

In Vittorio Veneto 🇮🇹 creative industries went “on-line” once again! 💻Italian stakeholders had their 3rd meeting online ...

In Vittorio Veneto 🇮🇹 creative industries went “on-line” once again! 💻
Italian stakeholders had their 3rd meeting online on 12 February 2021, discussing the Municipality of Vittorio Veneto’s local strategy, which aims at enhancing the innovative role of cultural and creative industries for competitive growth. Stakeholders shared their thoughts on:
- Whether there is an untapped demand for cultural and creative services and products
- Whether there are some cultural products or services that cannot find a market space
- The city’s pilot project


Hello, our long-time no see Fb followers!
We have some good news here.. 🤩🥳
The STIMULART project PILOTs have already started to be implemented.
As a very first step, in Jászberény, 🇭🇺, the new venue of the Creative Shop, which is at the Déryné Center - will be completely reconstructed and refurbished.
The reconstruction works started this week, we will keep you posted about the changes!🔨🛠
Also, the venue will serve as a POP-UP store in Jászberény for a short period this Spring, before the Creative Shop opens in Summer. 📅📍💯 Are you excited?! Cause we are, definitely!

Let’s all congratulate the winners of the 2020 StimulART Award "Time capsule - a message for the 21st century" from Ambe...

Let’s all congratulate the winners of the 2020 StimulART Award "Time capsule - a message for the 21st century" from, Germany 🏆:

🥇1st place: Marion Mack, artist, for her project “Homeland/Frozen in Time” (Orig: Heimat/Frozen in Time). The winner is a decorative object made out of glass, salt and iron - all three being defining traits of Amberg’s cultural and industrial heritage - the combination of which produces really interesting and unexpected results.
🥈2nd place: Stefan Stock, artist, for “The Guardian” (Orig: “Der Wächter”), a figure with integrated lighting, consisting almost exclusively of repurposed parts from and relevant to Amberg’s identity.
🥉3rd place: Herzing GmbH - Technik in Metall, a metal processing company, for their “Beer bottle” (Orig: “Bierflasche”) hinting at the city’s long beer brewing history. The statue is welded from a garden chair made out of metal, also with reference to the key role the material plays in Amberg’s industrial heritage.

👉 check out the photos for more info on each of the three objects

The Mayor of Amberg, Michael Cerny, officially announced the winners yesterday, 4 November, and congratulated them for their creativity in connecting their work to the cultural and industrial heritage of the city. Michael Cerny also highlighted the importance of for the city life and economy and reassessed his interest and support in the next phases of the StimulART project. Due to Coronavirus restrictions on public events, the award ceremony needed to be rheld online rather than as an in person event.

A special thank you to the local supporters of the competition: the Stadtmuseum Amberg, the Luftmuseum, Marcus Rebmann, photographer and member of the K*K Kultur-und Kreativwirtschaft Mittlere Oberpfalz, Sebastian V. D. Recke, President of K*K Kultur-und Kreativwirtschaft Mittlere Oberpfalz, and BÜRO WILHELM

Our Slovenian partners fight against COVID19.👊How can I help? Cultural and creative life is again facing challenging tim...

Our Slovenian partners fight against COVID19.👊

How can I help? Cultural and creative life is again facing challenging times due to the second wave of a spread of the COVID-19. Cultural and creative life was and still is on a standstill. In smaller towns, the suspension can be even more profound: empty city centre, closed public cultural institutions and spaces. In Slovenia we already experienced one lockdown in May, nowadays we are confronting the second one.

The StimulArt project wants to present the revitalizing and social power of cultural and creative industries in times of crisis. In June and in August in Kamnik we supported local young artists and creators. We have organised community events showcasing the cultural and creative industries as a tool to revive social life and creative businesses. Yes, we can help. Together. 🔗

It's nearly October, fall and cool nights have undoubtedly set in. All Stimulart locations dive into their own PR campai...

It's nearly October, fall and cool nights have undoubtedly set in. All Stimulart locations dive into their own PR campaign in the autumn time amid the restrictions due to Covid19 second wave. The city of Jászberény closed its own campaign by organizing the Stimulart - Creatives’ Night on the 25th of September. Thanks to mainly Jászkerület Nonprofit Ltd. (PP2) the people of Jászberény had a great time while also getting a lasting impression of the local CCI portfolio.
Visitors got involved in engaging and entertaining programs at the event venue called Főnix Creative Center based in the very heart of the city. The venue (in- and outdoors alike) offered a wide range of possibilities for the creatives to make themselves visible for the wider public. The outdoor fair and the vendors present offered creative products, culinary experience while a local DJ "played" the proper background music.
Meanwhile the ones staying indoors could join in the presentations of local entrepreneurs (a photographer with a studio, an ostrich farm owner, a glass jeweller running her own shop etc.). The audience could also learn about the marketing tricks for start-up creative enterprises. Logiscool made visitors merge into all sorts of virtual experiences, and the joy of game programming. In other smaller rooms of the venue kids were engaged by craftspeople and jointly created their own handcrafted products of all sorts to take home. The nearby Lehel Cinema housed a club concert (Harakyru Band) and late at night Birinyi Story-tellers shared folk tales with adults (only :).
The night was memorable for all participants and surely enhanced the awareness of locals of what cultural and creative industries can offer to all generations in Jászberény.

After months of delay and format changes due to Corona restrictions ⌛😷 🚫, we are happy to announce that tomorrow, 11/09,...

After months of delay and format changes due to Corona restrictions ⌛😷 🚫, we are happy to announce that tomorrow, 11/09, we organize the second training for creatives in
Titled “From Artist to Entrepreneur”, the online training 💻🎓will focus on the key skills and knowledge for artists, artisans and other creatives who are just starting their own business 🎭🎬🥁🎼🎨👩. Check out the intro video that our local partners from bewegewas have prepared ( in 🇩🇪). The third and last workshop, focused on business innovation for already established CCI companies will follow next week, on the 17/09. We'll keep you posted!

This is "Stimulart_pretalk" by bewegewas on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

The Stimulart partners of Jászberény organized the 3rd Stakeholder meeting in the City Library of Jászberény on the 3rd ...

The Stimulart partners of Jászberény organized the 3rd Stakeholder meeting in the City Library of Jászberény on the 3rd of September.
As an intro to the afternoon co-working program snapshots of the peer review visit by the Vittorio Veneto team were shared (along with the lessons learnt from the partner city) and the main conclusions covered by the documents of the analytical phase were briefly discussed.
The main point however was launching the CCI strategic planning procedure relying on participative methods. The participants' involvement in the team work proved to be so intense that finally the vision, the main intervention fields and some apparently necessary solutions were covered in the afternoon leaving a wide range of topics for another stakeholder meeting projected for early November (action planning).
Besides sharing individual considerations, clashing viewpoints on feasible solutions (amid uncertainties due to C19), the afternoon was full of fun and getting to know each other better, which is a crucial step of enhancing cohesion in local / regional CCI.

Peer-review visit in Jászberény ☑️Using a still relatively consolidated and safe period regarding the C19 situation the ...

Peer-review visit in Jászberény ☑️

Using a still relatively consolidated and safe period regarding the C19 situation the first peer-review visit of took place on the 24-25th of August in Jászberény, when three colleagues (Valentina, Alessandro & Marco) representing Vittorio Veneto Municipality and Bclever 🇮🇹 visited the “capital” of the Jászság region. 🇭🇺

The aim of the two-day meeting was to enhance dialogue among Stimulart partners on a bilateral basis too. While having diverse CCI potentials and entrepreneurial culture the participants of the program managed to define common points of interest in and urban development and potential development models for the strategy making phase, which is due for the forthcoming months.

Besides the informal thematic discussions in the Town Hall, visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the local traditions and creative activities taking place on the ground. They visited the modern art symposium, where the artists were caught in the process of creation, got the taste of local gastronomy, heritage-based arts and crafts, folk-dance culture, all defined as key CCI potentials for the place. They also experienced cooperation in CCI by attending Guri beer house (selling crafted beer) where the brand and all marketing elements were designed by a local artist, present at the meeting.
Embeddedness of CCI in the local economy was also in the focus. After getting a visual impression about the dimensions of the local industrial areas, visits were paid to local economic players like the multinational Dometic Co. for low series special refrigerators and to Perlaki-Advertising Ltd. representing CCI micro-ventures.
While having a great time together the representatives of both cities gained useful experience, which will be shared at both locations extensively.

Here 👇is another creative from Italy, owner and creator of the unique GIAMBOOLAB – DEBORAH DE NARDI. 👚👕- What motivated ...

Here 👇is another creative from Italy, owner and creator of the unique GIAMBOOLAB – DEBORAH DE NARDI. 👚👕

- What motivated you to start and to pursue your creative activity? (training, hobbies, etc.)? Why do you think your activity can be considered creative?
I was driven by the desire to customize my outfit and the will to give free space to my creativity: I design every piece of my collections, and every piece is different from another.

- How much do you feel like working as a member of a creative community (creative cultural industry)?
I think that my creative community are the customers: I turn their ideas into concrete projects, and this helps me to feel as part of a complex system.

- Do you consider your business operation successful in the last 2-3 years (or less, if started more recently)? What does success in the cultural-creative sector mean for you? How do you measure it?
Yes, it gives me great satisfaction, especially thanks to the relationship I manage to establish with customers. From my point of view, I think I have been successful when I see my creations worn, as well as through the compliments of those who see their ideas realized in one piece thanks to my work.

- What's special about your artistic and creative work?
The things that I consider most special about my work are the uniqueness, the multiplicity of colors, shapes and materials with which I can create new designs.

- From your point of view, what are the characteristics of Vittorio Veneto's cultural and creative industries (CCI)? What are the opportunities that your town has to offer to the CCI?
I think the main characteristics of the Vittorio Veneto’s CCI are the rooting on the territory and the link with its history. Certainly the main opportunities are the co-working spaces, exhibition spaces and, generally speaking, the entire environment.

- Your very short biography:
I was born in Vittorio Veneto in 1974, I graduated from the Munari Institute of Art and a few years later in Industrial Design in Padua. After several professional experiences with architects and design studios, for several years I have been collaborating with an embroidery factory in the design and development of graphics for orders from international fashion and luxury companies. For three years I have been the owner of the GIAMBOOLAB creative laboratory.

- The values that inspire you:
Uniqueness, diversity and opportunity.

- Your favorite materials / supports:
Cotton, nylon, multicolor films and yarns.




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STIMULART – Interreg Central Europe

Five cities, nine partners, one common goal; to stimulate CCI in mid-size Central-European cities. This is the aim of the project and we will share our journey from idea to implementation with all of you.

Let's build culture&creativity together!