- Made in Hungary - Made in Hungary Tourism, gastronomy, culture. All what is Hungarian! - Made in Hungary! Our mission is to advance this.

Our team is made up of people who want to create something really interesting and precious. All of us has the feeling that Hungary gives us a lot of beautiful and exciting themes, which deserved for introduction. With my contributors we would like to show our homeland’s wonderful landscapes and sights. We are proud of them, and we know that the visitors will be enjoy this journey too. We would lik

e to make this more interesting and unique: we shoot self-made videos, personally seek for the hungarian countryside’s treasures, etc… We lead our passengers and hopefully larger and larger Community with our way of sight. Have a pleasant journey


Csapatunk olyan emberekből áll akik szeretnének valami igazán értékeset, és izgalmasat alkotni. Mindannyian úgy érezzük, hogy rengeteg olyan témát nyújt Magyarország ami bemutatásra érdemes – és a mi küldetésünk hogy ezt segítsük. Munkatársaimmal minden erőnkkel azon leszünk, hogy megismertessük a nagyvilággal szülőföldünk csodálatos titkait : büszkék vagyunk ezekre, és tudjuk, hogy mások is nagyon élvezik majd az utazást. Mindezt szeretnénk minél egyedibbé tenni: saját készítésű videókat forgatunk, személyesen kutatjuk fel a magyar vidék kincseit, stb… Egy kicsit a mi szemünkkel is kalauzoljuk útitársainkat, a reményeink szerint egy egyre gyarapodó Közösséget. Kellemes utazást kívánunk!

Brief resume about the Hungarian foods made with paprika.

Brief resume about the Hungarian foods made with paprika.

I’ll go bail that if you ask anybody in the world which nation can be connected with the world “goulash”, most of them reply immediately, and they will say “Hungarian”. Well, yes! We have become a goulash world-power in the last 100 years. It is not a problem at all! We must be proud of [....

🌿 Zöldvesszős kosárfonó tanfolyam indul – Fedezd fel a természetes alkotás örömét!

🌿 Zöldvesszős kosárfonó tanfolyam indul – Fedezd fel a természetes alkotás örömét!

Imagine sitting in a park, charging your phone, and connecting to free Wi-Fi—all powered by the sun. Welcome to the worl...

Imagine sitting in a park, charging your phone, and connecting to free Wi-Fi—all powered by the sun. Welcome to the world of smart solar benches, a revolutionary addition to modern cities. These benches are not just about convenience; they represent a step towards a sustainable, connected, and tech-friendly urban lifestyle.

Imagine sitting in a park, charging your phone, and connecting to free Wi-Fi—all powered by the sun. Welcome to the world of smart solar benches, a revolutionary addition to modern cities. These benches are not just about convenience; they represent a step towards a sustainable, connected, and te...

One of the most special kinds of dessert wines is the ice wine, which is beloved among others of its high natural sugar ...

One of the most special kinds of dessert wines is the ice wine, which is beloved among others of its high natural sugar content. Although it has centuries-old traditions abroad, in Hungary it is only produced in bigger quantities since the middle of the 90-s.

One of the most special kinds of dessert wines is the ice wine, which is beloved among others of its high natural sugar content. Although it has centuries-old traditions abroad, in Hungary it is only produced in bigger quantities since the middle of the 90-s. [ebayaffiliate] The first records have b...

☕ SZOMSZÉDASSZONY ELMEHET, ITT PLETYKÁLNI NEM LEHET! Szakácsné, légy mindig ébren, hogy az étel oda ne égjen!...

☕ SZOMSZÉDASSZONY ELMEHET, ITT PLETYKÁLNI NEM LEHET! Szakácsné, légy mindig ébren, hogy az étel oda ne égjen!...

Hollókői Nyár

Hollókői Nyár

Különleges programokkal várják a látogatókat a nyár folyamán Hollókőn.

Június 26-án soha nem látott, a Skanzen történetének egyik legnagyobb viharkára sújtotta múzeumunkat jégesővel és özönví...

Június 26-án soha nem látott, a Skanzen történetének egyik legnagyobb viharkára sújtotta múzeumunkat jégesővel és özönvízszerű esővel, aminek eredményeképp több tájegységünkben és épületünkben komoly károk keletkeztek.

Budapest is a city that truly has it all – rich history, stunning architecture, relaxing thermal baths, vibrant culture,...

Budapest is a city that truly has it all – rich history, stunning architecture, relaxing thermal baths, vibrant culture, delectable cuisine, and lively nightlife. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or simply looking to relax and enjoy beautiful surroundings, Budapest promises an unforgettable experience. Make sure to add this enchanting city to your travel bucket list!

Budapest is a city that truly has it all – rich history, stunning architecture, relaxing thermal baths, vibrant culture, delectable cuisine, and lively nightlife. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or simply looking to relax and enjoy beautiful surroundings, Budapest promises an unforgetta...

Jó étvágyat kívánunk!

Jó étvágyat kívánunk!

Hungary boasts a rich heritage of traditional crafts, from intricate embroidery to fine pottery.These crafts not only pr...

Hungary boasts a rich heritage of traditional crafts, from intricate embroidery to fine pottery.

These crafts not only preserve the country’s cultural legacy but also offer unique products that stand out in the global market. To successfully bring these traditional Hungarian crafts to an international audience, businesses must focus on recruiting skilled artisans and leveraging modern marketing and technological strategies.

Hungary boasts a rich heritage of traditional crafts, from intricate embroidery to fine pottery. [ebayaffiliate] These crafts not only preserve the country’s cultural legacy but also offer unique products that stand out in the global market. To successfully bring these traditional Hungarian crafts...

Lángos is the Hungarian name of a flat cake that today is deep-fried from a potato-based dough. It was originally made f...

Lángos is the Hungarian name of a flat cake that today is deep-fried from a potato-based dough. It was originally made from a piece of bread dough that was kept back when baking the family’s bread, and cooked at the front of the oven close to the flame (láng) to provide breakfast for the whole family on baking day.

Lángos is the Hungarian name of a flat cake that today is deep-fried from a potato-based dough. It was originally made from a piece of bread dough that was kept back when baking the family’s bread, and cooked at the front of the oven close to the flame (láng) to provide breakfast for the whole [...


Minden évszakban🥰

Fotó: Oláh Judit

“Through the greenwood going / I saw a blue violet growing / I saw it start to wither / Can I water this flower?”

“Through the greenwood going / I saw a blue violet growing / I saw it start to wither / Can I water this flower?”

“Through the greenwood going / I saw a blue violet growing / I saw it start to wither / Can I water this flower?” [ebayaffiliate] Small boys learn this rhyme when they are still in the kindergarten, and they sing it to girls on Easter Monday. They promptly sprinkle the girls with eau de cologne ...


Magyar Kincsek Alapítvány


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