SWAG magazine

SWAG magazine www.swagmagazin.tumblr.com
SWAG is a Budapest based bilingual magazine about fashion and contemporar Basically the magazine is about Fashion, Beauty and Art.

SWAG magazine

Fashion / Models / Contemporary Arts


SWAG is a Budapest based bilingual magazine about fashion and contemporary arts. It is and online, digital magazine releasing on web and iPad (later issues). Its goals are to show all these elements in every detail and create a platform for mostly Hungarian and Central-Eu

ropean fashion, design, painting, sculpture, architecture and other parts of the art industry. SWAG is a half-yearly appearing Hungarian digital fashion magazine that gives something extra for those who are surrounded by fashion, art and other similar activities. Besides it is a nationally appearing media that forces and represents Hungarian fashion. The meaning of the magazine, the word is a slang for a good-looking person. David Nyiri
Editor-in-chief, Fashion Editor
[email protected]

Tamas Kovacs
Photo Director
[email protected]

Clare French
PR Communications
[email protected]


Rákóczi út 75






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A Vállalkozás Elérése

Üzenet küldése SWAG magazine számára:


További Média- és hírszolgáltató városi Budapest tematikájú vállalkozások

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