Play! Média

Play! Média - We help businesses to tell their story with video.
- We also do broadcast live streaming on Ustream, Livestream or Youtube LIVE. Play!

Média provides award-winning video production, branded live streaming and other creative services. Our foundation is our unbeatable network of talented recent graduates, such as film directors, directors of photography, television reporters, graphic designers and visual effects editors, who are native to the new media environment and package their services for marketing and public relations campai

gns on a project-by-project basis. Key clients: Provident Financial, Grayling, Google, Prezi, Roche, Novartis, Unilever, MTG Group, Coordwell


Nagymező Utca 11


- Creative content and production for marketing campaigns.
- Broadcast live streaming on Ustream, Livestream or Youtube LIVE.


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