Riff Raff Audio Records

Riff Raff Audio Records Home for quality House music.


Úgy döntöttem, hogy végre kettészedem a Drum&Bass meg a Techno / House profilom, úgyhogy megcsináltam az új oldalam, a Yorinobu -t. Itt kizólag tört ütemhez köthető posztok lesznek, szóval senkit nem ér majd meglepetés. Nyugodtan meghívhatod a basszus alapú, tört ütemeket kedvelő ismerőseidet, ezzel is segítve, hogy a stílust szeretőkhöz eljussak. Előre is köszi 🙏😉


Drum & Bass enthusiast since 1999. Regular guest on Radio Tilos (HUN FM90.3) and Beat Safari events.


Dear current and future followers! This is an official announcement. After long consideration I've made a decision to change the label's name although it didn't have its first release yet. I realized, that the name is not catchy enough, not to mention, as Red Noir, it didn't even mean anything. So from now on, we are Riff Raff, and we are coming on ;) Stay tuned😉

No time to rest :) Please welcome my first track in  #2024. Since I haven't released anything in a while, I'll try to ma...

No time to rest :) Please welcome my first track in #2024. Since I haven't released anything in a while, I'll try to make it up this year. The plan is to release 2 tracks each month, either on Red Noir Records or on Maintained Altitude Records, which sounds managable, but see how it goes. The latter is for Techno, I won't forget about that obviously. Until then there's still lots to do...setting up the labels on bandcamp, not to mention social media and distibution. Enjoy this snippet ;)
2024! Gyere rám...nincs idő pihenni, máris itt az idei első zeném kóstolója, teszteld meg ;) Szerintem slágergyanús,meglátjuk hogy alakul.

No time to rest :) Please welcome my first track in 2024. Since I haven't released anything in a while, I'll try to make it up this year. The plan is to release 2 tracks each month, either on Red Noir

First project to be released in 2023 😉

First project to be released in 2023 😉

I'd define it as progressive vocal tech-house, but it's up to you ;) However it's one of the most complex tune I ever made.


To our future followers, this page was created way earlier than our first release would have come out. Everything is planned for 2023 to have a good start, so watch this space ✌️





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