
RCH2000 RCH 2000 is Haiti's premiere entertainment and news station.




Prizon Kraze Kwadebouke, moun sove!!!


Welcome to RCH 2000


Eske Ayisyen pare vreman pou Ayiti change?




Bas ft JCole - Tribe!

Nice colors, its always so nice to see that flag and the peoples!

Bas ft JCole - Tribe


Rch2000 - live sports


Yo di mange an pa sanble li gout!

Eske se vre? lol

Joyce is full of life!

Look at the beauty of these dishes. How can you NOT love Haitian food! Bon bagay!

And Joyce brought life out of this video!

Malcolm "MJ" Harris

Malcolm "MJ" Harris

Watch this video and let it inspire you to go after your dreams!

Cathy Hughes (Founder of Radio One, the largest African-American owned and targeted multi-media company in the United States) has been my role model since I was in kindergarten listening to her in my mom's Chevy Nova on 1450 WOL-AM in DC...

Her life showed me what was possible for my own life.


Bon bagay men bon talan

Milien Pierre-Jean

Haitian artist is real real nice. We do have talent and I appreciate them all.

Thank you!


Bel emission!

M tap renmen nou mete bagay sa yo live sou fb Chak jou.

L’Ambassadeur du Venezuela visite des chantiers à Jacmel

L'ambassadeur du Venezuela, Pedro Antonio Canino Gonzalez , visite des chantiers a Jacmel!

L’Ambassadeur du Venezuela visite des chantiers à JacmelVendredi, dans le cadre de la cérémonie de prestation de serment du Comité jacmelien du Mouvement Bolivarien, qui s’est déroulée à l’ancienne École des Sœurs de Saint Joseph de Cluny, l’Ambassadeur du Venezuela en Haïti, Pedro Antonio Canino Go...

Pep Ayisyen ak pep Ameriken an se fre ak se nou ye


Pep Ayisyen ak pep Ameriken an se fre ak se nou yePep AyisyenPep AyisyenPep Ayisyen ak pep Ameriken an se fre ak se nou ye. Nou pa gen anyen kont bel peyi sa a ki se « EtaZini », sitou EtaZini se peyi zanmi peyi nou Ayiti li ye, men genyen yon Politik injis e ki pa ekitab ke kek gwo otorite nan Depa...

Haïti – Sports : Médaille en Judo pour Linouse Desravine !

Linouse Desvraine - Medaille pou Ayiti!

Haïti – Sports : Médaille en Judo pour Linouse Desravine !Après une série de défaites et d’éliminations peu glorieuses, en football, cyclisme, tennis de table, athlétisme (800m) la judokate haïtienne Linouse Desravine, grimpe sur le podium et remporte la première médaille [Bronze] pour Haïti.En trip...

Jada Pinkett Smith

The destructively hateful nature of man, in the face of defeat!

"What could the death of one wretched Negro mean to me?"

That was Napoleon Bonaparte after being asked about his dishonorable treatment and eventual death of Toussaint after Toussaint pulled off the first successful slave revolt in history in Haiti.

This statement hit me hard this morning as I read up on some of the first battles in our history in resisting human trafficking. What hurt deeply was the reality of how this attitude still exists as ferociously today as it did then in 1803. The only difference now is that the business of human trafficking has expanded. But Napoleon's statement reminded me of how important it is that we constantly keep ourselves open to understanding new things and people who are different than ourselves in order to diminish the kind of ignorance that Napoleon's statement captures. It's attitudes like that of Napoleon that keep the likes of slavery, genocide, femicide and racism... alive.




Jay Lamothe's Photo from October 25, 2013: rizez Check out our photo gallery.

Arrest of Lawyer Andre Michel

Lawyer prosecuting Martelly's wife and son is placed under arrest and the people protest.

Disorder is prevailing as a crowd has amassed in the streets of Port-au-Prince after police conducted on Tuesday evening the arrest of the Human Rights Lawyer André Michel, who has pursuing a corruption suit against First Lady Sophia Martelly and her son Olivier.

Haiti Quake Camp Population Drops Below 200,000

Camp Population Decreases!

A humanitarian agency for the United Nations says the number of Haitians still displaced by the 2010 earthquake has dropped below 200,000. It says 171,974 people are now living in the gloomy shelter camps. That marks an 89 percent decline since the camp population peaked in July 2010 at 1.5...


Jean Claude Duvalier leaving Haiti in 1986

Documenting and archiving the Haitian experience.


Saut D'Eau


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