Why are Jay-Z, Beyonce and many of the other artists that they work with (such as Rihanna) so obsessed with the Illuminati? Why does Illumunati symbolism constantly show up in their music videos, their live performances and even in Jay-Z’s Rocawear clothing line? Is it just a coincidence that they flash hand signs representing the all-seeing eye of Horus and the Mark of the Beast during nationally televised events? If it was a one time thing, perhaps you could dismiss their behavior as a coincidence or as a publicity stunt. Sadly, the truth is that there is no way that all of this occult symbolism could get into their music videos and live performances by accident. There is an agenda at work here. Jay-Z, Beyonce and a whole bunch of other prominent artists are seducing our kids into the occult and they are making the New World Order appear to be hip, trendy and cool. When our young people use the same symbols or flash the same hand signs as their favorite artists, most of them are not even aware of what they are doing. But they are slowly being conditioned to accept the values and the belief systems behind those symbols and hand signs.
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