The Swamp is a place that seems to be forgotten by everyone. On our last visit, Edil Mendez and I listened as residents shared their frustration—every politician comes through with promises, but none follow through. Their water and garbage issues remain unresolved. The focus is always on roads leading to tourist areas, justified by the need to keep the island’s economy running. Yet, administration after administration has come and gone, and The Swamp, home to native islanders, remains unchanged. So what’s the real issue?
According to the locals, the only politician in a position within the municipality of Roatan who has genuinely helped them is Jimmy Connor.
[Nuevo video en mi canal] Visito El Suampo, una de las comunidades más marginadas en Roatan. La colonia fue originalmente construida encima de un pantano para la gente de escasos recursos. Hoy sigue siendo una zona con poca infraestructura y una zona que constantemente está inundada. ¿Cómo vive su gente? ¿A qué se dedica? ¿Cuáles son sus dificultades, sueños, y esperanzas?
Muchas gracias Jose Lezama y Roatan Exclusive por apoyarnos como guías. Puedes contactarlos si necesitas guías, reservación de hotel o airbnb, transporte o actividades turísticas en Roatan, Honduras.