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The Cell Church Missions Network came into being in Hong Kong around about 1997, actually as the missions arm of the then newly developing Hong Kong Cell Church Network. This network of churches from various denominations were sharing resources, working together in training and outreach… and beginning both short term and long term mission involvement together. CCMN is not an organization as such,

but rather a description of something which is happening to varying degrees all over the world today: cell churches networking and cooperating together to fulfill the Great Commission, both locally and cross-culturally. A key factor in the success of this networking to date is expressed in the motto, "No control; no glory!" No one tries to control anyone else… and everything is done so that God alone receives glory. Anything done together does not belong to any one group or person, but to God!

CCMN國際短宣運動2025 CCMN International STM Movement 2025短宣小冊子出左啦,請按以下連結下載:

CCMN International STM Movement 2025


The STM brochure 2025 has been released! Please click the link below to download it: (For overseas only)


應許之城宣教刺激會「火煉試驗中的應許」續集 - 特別嘉賓與大家分享「德著」日期:27/11/2024 (三) 時間:7:30pm-9:30pm 地點: 牧鄰教會 (紅磡馬頭圍道21號義達工業大廈7樓A)分享嘉賓:阿德夫婦 & 阿勁嘉惠夫婦內...

「火煉試驗中的應許」續集 - 特別嘉賓與大家分享「德著」

日期:27/11/2024 (三)
地點: 牧鄰教會 (紅磡馬頭圍道21號義達工業大廈7樓A)
分享嘉賓:阿德夫婦 & 阿勁嘉惠夫婦


活盡宣教刺激會日期:13/11/2024 (三) 時間:10am-12pm 地點:神召會頌恩堂 (上水新成路21號金湖居地下)分享嘉賓:泰南宣教士平姐 & Fiona 內容:我們首次在平日日間時段舉辦刺激會,特別歡迎長者及牧者們。讓我們一同...


日期:13/11/2024 (三)
地點:神召會頌恩堂 (上水新成路21號金湖居地下)
分享嘉賓:泰南宣教士平姐 & Fiona



Smart Team 心聲「去短宣啫,為咩要搞咁多嘢?」(短宣而已,何必大費周章?) #11 這個運動需要你在Smart Team 服侍了20多、經歷過無數風雨的元老級人馬Kathy說︰「今天有了這班好隊工,在這個宣教運動背後拼搏,一齊緊張...

Smart Team 心聲
#11 這個運動需要你
在Smart Team 服侍了20多、經歷過無數風雨的元老級人馬Kathy說︰

Voices of Smart Team
“Why do you put so much effort as it’s just a short mission trip?”
#11: Engagement in the Movement
“Today I see a beautiful team who presses on for the mission movement. Together we take the responsibility seriously; we play the roles well; we offer our support wholeheartedly. I am so grateful and thankful for the team. I never take it for granted. There are so many things taking place in the movement. We need people to join in. We need you in the movement.”
-Kathy, the beginning staff from HK Smart Team, has been serving it and encountering good times and bad times for more than 20 years.

Smart Team 心聲「去短宣啫,為咩要搞咁多嘢?」(短宣而已,何必大費周章?) #10延續宣教運動參與了這場運動15年的前土耳其宣教士、現任巴西Smart Team隊長Luciana說︰「打從心裡要多謝Ben Wong牧師,路途雖遙遠...

Smart Team 心聲
參與了這場運動15年的前土耳其宣教士、現任巴西Smart Team隊長Luciana說︰
「打從心裡要多謝Ben Wong牧師,路途雖遙遠也一年多次飛過去燃點我們,我也效法他的榜樣飛過來與你們一起。今次是我第一次去短宣;回巴西後,我也想成為一代人的榜樣,可能下年就能帶一隊人去短宣。短宣不是單一的活動,是一場運動,我也想在巴西延續這個宣教運動。」

Voices of Smart Team
“Why do you put so much effort as it’s just a short mission trip?”
#10: Sustainable Mission Movement
“In my heart, I am so thankful for Pastor Ben Wong, who has been taking the trouble to fly to Brazil several times a year to ignite us. I am following his example and have flied to meet you all for unity. This is my first-time STM. Back to Brazil, I want to be an example of my generation; perhaps, I can bring a team to STM next year. STM is not a program, but a movement; and I want this movement in Brazil.”
-Luciana, Leader from Brazil Smart Team and a former missionary of Turkey, has been in the movement for 15 years.

Smart Team 心聲「去短宣啫,為咩要搞咁多嘢?」(短宣而已,何必大費周章?) #9 一個貢獻的平台背後得到一個成熟的團隊全力支援的Smart Team 隊長Daniel說︰「我自己都在短宣裡經歷,14歲時就已去短宣。這裡不只是看到短...

Smart Team 心聲
#9 一個貢獻的平台
背後得到一個成熟的團隊全力支援的Smart Team 隊長Daniel說︰

Voices of Smart Team
“Why do you put so much effort as it’s just a short mission trip?”
#9: A Platform for Contribution
“I went to my first STM at 14. I experienced God in STM. I do not see STM only. It can be projected into a mission 3.0 version. It is a church movement about mission where God has been calling us into it. Mission is not a ministry. STM is working like a platform for inputs and contribution. Gratefully, I have seen His many works.”
-Daniel, Leader from HK Smart Team, has been backed up by his sophisticated team in full force.

Smart Team 心聲「去短宣啫,為咩要搞咁多嘢?」(短宣而已,何必大費周章?) #8宣教工人仍在堅持拋開短宣的勞累與孤單感,從新得力的台灣Smart Team同工李芯說︰「來到香港,進入短宣營,在宣教之夜裡,聽到宣教士尚且在外面努力著...

Smart Team 心聲
拋開短宣的勞累與孤單感,從新得力的台灣Smart Team同工李芯說︰
「來到香港,進入短宣營,在宣教之夜裡,聽到宣教士尚且在外面努力著,那我還有甚麼好害怕和擔心呢? 歷奇時,看見大家搬石頭呀、搬三角錐(雪糕筒)都提醒我,我有沒有用盡我的生命去為神呢? 期望台灣有更多人可以一起跳進這個宣教運動的海裡。」

Voices of Smart Team
“Why do you put so much effort as it’s just a short mission trip?”
#8: Field Workers’ Persistence
“During the Mission Night in the camp in HK, I learnt of the life stories of a resilient missionary. What else do I fear and fret for? At the game time, I saw participants moving rocks and traffic cones. Have I gone that far for God? I hope more Taiwanese will jump into the sea of this mission movement.”
-Ellie, the coworker from Taiwan Smart Team, putting aside her weariness and loneliness after Taiwan STM, has been rebooted in the camp.

Hello everyone, I'm Hugo from SCC (GC congregation), the summer volunteer of Smart Team for this summer.Before going to ...

Hello everyone, I'm Hugo from SCC (GC congregation), the summer volunteer of Smart Team for this summer.

Before going to be the volunteer at Smart Team, many people asked me about my expectations for volunteering there. At that time, I knew nothing about the work at Smart Team, so I couldn't respond. I just went with the attitude to help something. I have no clear idea until the first day of work that I learned Smart Team is a team serving in the mission network, spending a lot of time hosting people from different places. This prompted me to challenge myself to interact more with strangers, but working and eating with a group of unfamiliar people was already a big challenge for me.

On the second day, some people from a church in Taiwan happened to visit our church, and colleagues at Smart Team let me choose whether to participate in hosting them. To push my limits, I decided to join. That day we had time together. I was initially super worried about this, fearing we might run out of topics or feel awkward, but I pushed myself to engage in conversation. Through the interaction, I met Brother Qiang, a young theology graduate in Taiwan. We shared many things about spirituality and the difficulties and challenges encountered on our faith journeys. Normally, I wouldn't open up to someone I had just met a few hours ago about my weaknesses and innermost thoughts, but that day God opened my mouth and heart, and I felt very grateful.

I volunteered at Smart Team two days a week, mainly assisting in organizing the supplies needed for STM teams. I used to be someone who valued order greatly. Throughout the process, there were constantly supplies being delivered to be given to missionaries, without a clear deadline, and supplies kept coming in, which was a big shock to me. I couldn't stand the lack of a clear deadline and the continuous influx of supplies, disrupting the initial plans and organization of items. Although I couldn't accept this situation, I didn't express it because God reminded me that love and grace should not be limited, the supplies being sent were out shows great support and love for the missionary work, and I had no right to be angry. All supplies were items to be given to the missionaries, needed to be clearly distributed to different mission fields and ensured they were correct. Since the STM only happen once a year, so the supplies have to arrive the field correctly this time, so I knew my responsibility was significant. After the STM training camp ended, all supplies had been distributed to the teams, and for me, that was accomplishing a significant task.

However, a few days later, a colleague informed me that some supplies were missing, asking if I had noticed. When she asked, I remembered that some supplies had been placed in the wrong location and were sent to the wrong field. I felt deeply responsible for this because I remembered the incident but didn't catch the mistake at the time. This plunged me into deep self-doubt, negating all my contributions and even offering to pay for shipping to get the supplies to the correct place. Later, during team time at Smart Team, I found out that someone was returning to Hong Kong soon and could take the supplies to the right place. This made me realize that even when I make mistakes, God will help me.

During this period at Smart Team, I heard many testimonies and sharings, experiencing more deeply the power of God and His control over everything. In the past, I was full of doubt and feel worried about my future, always hoping to earn much more money because money could provide me with a sense of security and fulfill my expectations for the future. But these thoughts were not based on God; they came from myself, wanting to control everything. God reminded me to trust Him, showing me His power and reminding me to believe in the Almighty God. I can trust Him and don't need to plan my own path because He is in control of everything.

Smart Team 暑期義工見證大家好,我是牧鄰教會GC聚會的Hugo,在剛剛的七八月我到了Smart Team當暑期義工。在去Smart Team做義工之前,許多人問及我對這次在Smart Team做義工有何期望。但當時我對Smart ...

Smart Team 暑期義工見證
大家好,我是牧鄰教會GC聚會的Hugo,在剛剛的七八月我到了Smart Team當暑期義工。

在去Smart Team做義工之前,許多人問及我對這次在Smart Team做義工有何期望。但當時我對Smart Team的工作一無所知,因此無法做出答覆,只是抱著去幫忙的心態。直到第一天開始工作,我才得知原來Smart Team是服事宣教網絡的團隊,會花費大量時間接待來自不同地方的人。這促使我決定挑戰自己多接觸陌生人,但與一群不太熟悉的人一同工作和用餐對我來說已經是一大挑戰。

剛去Smart Team的第二天,剛好有來自台灣教會的人前來探訪我們教會,Smart Team的同工讓我選擇是否參與接待。為了突破自己的極限,我決定一同參與。那天我們一起喝茶、逛街、享用下午茶,我原本對此充滿擔憂,擔心可能會沒有話題或尷尬,但我強迫自己和他們交談。在互動過程中,我認識了強哥,一位年輕的神學畢業生,我們分享並交流了許多關於靈性和在信仰旅途中遇到的困難與挑戰。平時的我不太可能向一個剛認識幾個小時的人敞開心扉談論自己的軟弱和內心深處的事情,但那天神打開了我的口和心房,讓我感到非常感恩。

我在Smart Team每週兩天做義工,主要協助整理和統計短宣隊需要帶的物資。我原本是一個非常重視秩序的人,在整個過程中不斷有人送來物資要交給宣教士,始乎沒有設下一個確實限期,對我來說是一大衝擊。我無法忍受沒有明確期限和源源不斷的物資送來,這破壞了原先的計劃和整理好的物品。雖然我無法接受這樣的情況,但我沒有表達出來,因為神提醒我,愛心和恩典不應該被限制,別人送來物資是出於對宣教工作的支持和愛,我無權也不應該感到生氣。所有物資都是要交給宣教士的物品,必須清楚分配到不同地方並確保正確。由於短宣活動一年只有一次,如果這次的物資不能送達目的地,就要等很長時間,因此我知道自己責任重大。在短宣訓練營結束後,所有物資都已發放給各短宣隊,對我來說是完成了這個重大的任務。

然而,幾天後,有同工通知我有些物資不見了,問我是否有留意到。當她問起時,我才想起有些物資放錯地方了,所以運送到了錯的工場,我為此深感自責,因為我記得這件事,但當時沒有發現錯誤。這使我陷入深深的自我懷疑中,否定自己的所有貢獻,甚至提出支付運費讓物資回到正確的工場。後來在Smart Team的團隊時間中,得知有人即將返回香港,可以順道帶去正確的地方。這讓我明白即使犯錯了,神也會幫助我。

在Smart Team做義工的這段期間,我聽了許多見證和分享,更深刻地體會到神的大能和他掌管一切。過去,我對自己的未來充滿懷疑和擔憂,總希望能賺取足夠金錢,因為金錢能給予我安全感和實現對未來的期望。但這種想法並非建基於神,而是來自我自己,希望自己能掌控一切。神提醒我要信靠他,他向我顯示了他的大能,提醒我相信的是那位全能的神,我可以信靠他,不需要籌算自己的道路,因為他掌管一切。





昨天(23/9)我們已聯絡到公民館館長及職員。他們再一次停水。道路雖然有地陷,有路可以入到鵠巢公民館。我們買好物資,昨晚已在家煮飯(150人份量)。今天(24/9) 10人隊入輪島!我們未知道交通情況,但正計劃下一步行動。請記念!




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