
lowcalex HI GUYS! This is Lowcalex, I make videos of cooking and eating low calories, yet satisfying food! Pl

🍜明太子奶油雞肉偽烏冬 Mentaiko Cream Chicken 'Udon'🍜326 kcal - C 15g | P 42g | F g (per serving)🎞️可到我的YouTube Channel看詳細教學及吃播 Plea...

🍜明太子奶油雞肉偽烏冬 Mentaiko Cream Chicken 'Udon'🍜
326 kcal - C 15g | P 42g | F g (per serving)

🎞️可到我的YouTube Channel看詳細教學及吃播 Please check out tutorial video and mukbang on my YouTube channel 🎞️

📋材料見圖二 (Please see ingredients in photo 2)

1. 用鹽和黑胡椒調味雞肉
2. 切開明太子外膜, 取出魚子 (急凍明太子購自 )
3. 煎熟雞腿肉後, 取出備用
4. 同一個鍋中倒入牛奶, 煮沸後加入澱粉使牛奶變濃稠 (我用了大豆渣粉)
5. 加入明太子, 再以鹽, 黑胡椒和辣椒粉調味. 之後再加入脫脂芝士片
6. 當醬汁變得更濃稠後 (視乎個人喜好), 加入蒟蒻烏冬 (醬汁的熱量其實不高, 因此不喜歡蒟蒻口感的話, 用普通烏冬/意大利面也OK)

1. Season the chicken thigh with salt and pepper
2. Cut through the membrane of mentaiko and take the roe from it (mentaiko bought from )
3. Sear the chicken thighs, take them out for later use when they are cooked
4. In the same pan, add in milk. Add in starch when it is boiled to thicken the milk (I used okara powder)
5. Add in mentaiko, season with salt, black pepper and chilli powder. Then add in fat free cheese slice
6. When the sauce is thickened (depends on your personal preference), add in konjac udon (The calories of the sauce is not high, so it is absolutely fine to use regular udon or pasta)

#食譜 #煮食 #低卡 #低熱量 #健康 #減肥 #減脂餐 #高蛋白 #明太子奶油烏龍麵 #明太子奶油烏冬 #蒟蒻麵 #卡路里 #減脂食譜 #大豆渣粉 #奶油烏冬

🌯無油香蔥肉鬆卷蛋 Oil Free Meat Floss Cake Roll with Green Onion🌯193 kcal - C 23g | P 24g | F 7g (per serving)📋材料見圖二 (Please see...

🌯無油香蔥肉鬆卷蛋 Oil Free Meat Floss Cake Roll with Green Onion🌯
193 kcal - C 23g | P 24g | F 7g (per serving)

📋材料見圖二 (Please see ingredients in photo 2)

1. 杏仁奶加熱至70°C, 倒入已過篩的大豆渣粉和蛋白粉中, 攪拌均勻
2. 面糊冷卻後, 加入5個蛋黃, 攪拌均勻
3. 打發蛋白至濕性發泡 (蛋白呈大彎勾), 打發途中分3次加入代糖
4. 先將一部分蛋白加入蛋黃糊, 用翻拌手法混匀. 攪勻後, 將蛋黃糊加入到蛋白霜中, 再次用翻拌手法混匀.
5. 把蛋糕糊倒入模具 (我用的是28cm x 28cm的模具), 把蛋糕糊表面抹平後, 加入肉鬆和蔥花.
6. 蛋糕糊送入已預熱的烤箱, 上下火170°C, 中层, 烤18分钟
7. 烘烤蛋糕時做沙拉醬, 把圖二的材料混合好即可
8. 蛋糕烤好後, 放涼至手溫溫度. 之後在蛋糕上放上一張牛油紙, 再把整個蛋糕翻轉.
9. 在蛋糕的反面塗上沙拉醬和灑上肉鬆, 然後卷起蛋糕 (建議看看一些教學~), 把蛋糕放入冰箱冷藏15-30分鐘定型
10. 根據個人喜好把蛋糕卷切成幾份, 並在2邊塗上沙拉醬, 之後灑上肉鬆

1. Heat the almond milk to 70°C, pour it into the okara powder and whey ioslate (sifted), mix well
2. After the batter has cooled, add 5 egg yolks and mix well
3. Whip the egg whites until foamy, add sweetener in 3 times when whipping
4. Add part of the meringue to the egg yolk mixture, mix well. Add the entire egg yolk mixture into the meringue, mix well
5. Pour the cake batter into the mold (I used a 28cm x 28cm mold), smooth the surface of the cake batter, then add the meat floss and chopped green onion on top of it.
6. Put the cake batter into a preheated oven, bake it for 18 minutes at 170°C
7. Make salad dressing when baking the cake, just mix all ingredients according to photo 2
8. After the cake is baked, let it cool to hand temperature. Then put a piece of butter paper on the cake and flip the whole cake over.
9. Spread salad dressing and sprinkle meat floss on the reverse side of the cake, then roll up the cake (Highly recommend you to watch some tutorials), put the cake into the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes to set
10. Cut the cake roll into several pieces according to personal preference, spread salad dressing on 2 sides, and sprinkle with meat floss

#食譜 #煮食 #低卡 #低熱量 #健康 #減肥 #高蛋白 #卷蛋 #肉鬆 #無油料理 #蛋糕卷



As I have some milk left after making the Spicy Creamy Glass Noodle, so to use up all of them, I have decided to make this creamy salmon. Just like last video, I replace fresh cream with milk to lower the calories of this dish. This dish looks very high-end, but it’s actually very easy to make! This dish is very delicious as the flavour of salmon and cherry tomato has infused into the sauce! You guys must try it out!!

🐟低卡奶油三文魚 Low Calories Creamy Salmon🐟
465 kcal - C 25g | P 52g | F 20g (per serving)


Please watch the video in my YouTube Channel or see my previous post for ingredients and directions🍳

#食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #減肥 #高蛋白 #奶油三文魚 #三文魚 #奶油鮭魚 #먹방 #咀嚼音 #健康飲食 #크림연어

🐟低卡奶油三文魚 Low Calories Creamy Salmon🐟465 kcal - C 25g | P 52g | F 20g (per serving)📋材料見圖二 (Please see ingredients in phot...

🐟低卡奶油三文魚 Low Calories Creamy Salmon🐟
465 kcal - C 25g | P 52g | F 20g (per serving)

📋材料見圖二 (Please see ingredients in photo 2)

1. 洋蔥、蘑菇和蒜頭切片、小蕃茄切開一半、菠菜去莖
2. 用鹽和黑胡椒調味三文魚兩邊
3. 煎三文魚,煎熟後備用
4. 同一個鍋中加入洋蔥和蒜頭,炒至半熟後加入蘑菇和小番茄。所有食材煮熟後加入牛奶
5. 牛奶煮沸後,加入菠菜。菠菜煮熟後,加入芝士片,攪拌均勻。
6. 如果想醬汁濃稠一點,可加入適量澱粉(我用了豆渣粉)另外,亦可在醬汁中加入鹽和黑胡椒調味
7. 加入三文魚到鍋中,帶皮一面朝上,並將醬汁淋在三文魚上。關蓋用小火煮3-5分鐘

1. Slice onion, mushroom and garlic, cut cherry tomato into half, remove the stem of spinach
2. Season both sides of the salmon with salt and black pepper
3. Cook the salmons, take them out for later use after cooked
4. Add in onion and mushroom to the same pan, stir fry them until half-cooked, then add in mushroom and cherry tomato. Add in milk after all ingredients are cooked.
5. After the milk is boiled, add in spinach. Add in cheese after the spinach is cooked, stir well
6. Add in any thickening agent (I used Okara powder) if you want a more thickened sauce. Also, season the sauce with salt and black pepper if you want
7. Put back the salmon to the sauce, skin side up, pour some sauce over the salmon. Close the lid and continue to cook the salmon over low heat for 3-5 minutes

#食譜 #煮食 #低卡 #低熱量 #健康 #減肥 #高蛋白 #奶油 #奶油三文魚


相信如果有看吃播的人應該都對辣奶油寬粉不陌生吧!所以這次我便做了這個低卡版的辣奶油寬粉。我只用了牛奶而沒有用奶油去做,但出來的效果也十分好!另外,我也用了蒟蒻寬粉代替普通寬粉,雖然我覺得也很好吃,但如果你不太喜歡它的口感的話,用普通的寬粉或意面也是ok的,畢竟醬汁的熱量也只有200 kcal/人份。食譜裡蝦的用量應該是正常2-4人份的量,但因為我想多食點蛋白質,所以影片中我是食了800g的蝦仁哈哈!這道菜看起來十分邪惡,但熱量其實並沒有很高,大家一定要試試看啊!

Hi guys! If you have ever watched Mukbang video, I believe you must be familiar with spicy cream Chinese glass noodles! So, this time I have made a low calories version of it. I used milk in this recipe instead of fresh cream, and it came out really great! Besides, I used konjac glass noodle to replace regular glass noodle, although I do enjoy eating it, its texture is different from regular glass noodle. If you don't like its texture, it is totally fine to use regular glass noodle or pasta as the calories of the sauce is just 200 kcal/serving. The amount of shrimp in the ingredient list is for 2-4 people, but since I wanna boost up my protein intake, so I had 800g of shrimp in the video haha! The calories of this recipe is much lower than it looks, you guys must try it out!

🦐低卡大蝦辣奶油偽寬粉 Low Calories Spicy Creamy Prawn ‘Glass Noodle’🦐
323 kcal - C 31g | P 40g | F 8g (per serving)


Please watch the video in my YouTube Channel or see my previous post for ingredients and directions🍳

#食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #減肥 #高蛋白 #生酮 #辣奶油 #寬粉 #먹방 #咀嚼音 #健康飲食

🦐低卡大蝦辣奶油偽寬粉 Low Calories Spicy Creamy Prawn ‘Glass Noodle’🦐323 kcal - C 31g | P 40g | F 8g (per serving)📋材料 Ingredients ...

🦐低卡大蝦辣奶油偽寬粉 Low Calories Spicy Creamy Prawn ‘Glass Noodle’🦐
323 kcal - C 31g | P 40g | F 8g (per serving)

📋材料 Ingredients (2-4 份/serving):
-400g 蝦 Prawn
-500ml 牛奶 Milk
-4 slices 脫脂芝士片 Fat Free Cheese Slice
-60g 韓式辣醬 Gochujang
-400g 蒟蒻寬粉 Konjac Chinese Glass Noodle
-2 tbsp 辣椒粉 Chilli Powder
-2 tbsp 醬油 Soy Sauce
-2 tbsp 蒜末 Minced Garlic
-2 tbsp 茄汁 Ketchup
-2 tbsp 代糖 Sweetener
-Quantum Satis 鹽 Salt
-Quantum Satis 黑胡椒 Black Pepper

1. 用水沖洗蒟蒻寬粉去除腥味
2. 混合韓式辣醬、辣椒粉、醬油、蒜末、茄汁和代糖備用
3. 熱鍋中加入洋蔥和大蝦,加入鹽和黑胡椒調味
4. 大蝦熟後加入牛奶,煮沸後再加入辣醬並攪勻
5. 加入蒟蒻寬粉和芝士片並攪勻,收一下汁後就可上碟(可加入一些澱粉有助收汁)

1. Rinse the konjac Chinese glass noodle to remove its fishy smell
2. Mix Gochujang, chili powder, soy sauce, minced garlic, ketchup and sweetener for later use
3. Add onion and prawn to hot pan, season them with salt and black pepper
4. After the prawns are cooked, add milk. After the milk is boiled, add in the chilli mixture, stir well
5. Add konjac Chinese glass noodle and cheese slices, mix well and cook until the sauce is thickened (you can add some starch to help thickening the sauce)

#食譜 #煮食 #低卡 #低熱量 #健康 #減肥 #高蛋白 #生酮 #辣奶油 #寬粉


大家好! 馬上就到端午節了, 心心想念粽子的我這次做了生酮香菇雞肉粽, 整個粽子的熱量只有約200 kcal, 而且蛋白質含量高, 食幾個也不會有罪惡感哈哈! 這次是我第一次包粽子, 所以做得不太好看, 也建議大家看看其他影片去學如何正確地包粽子. 但在味道方面, 我肯定這一定不輸一般的粽子! 雖然做粽子的工序多, 但這絕對是值得的, 推薦大家做做看, 也可試試放其他配料進去!

Hi guys! The Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner. I miss Zongzi so much, so this time I have made keto mushroom chicken Zongzi. The whole Zongzi is only about 200 kcal and high in protein, so you won't feel guilty even if you eat more than one haha! This time is actually my first time making Zongzi, so it doesn't look very good and I suggest you watch other tutorial to learn how to wrap a Zongzi properly. But in terms of taste, I am confident that my recipe is definitely as good as regular Zongzi! Although it took so many preparation to make Zongzi, it's totally worth it, I highly recommend everyone to try it out, you can also try putting other ingredients in it!

🍃生酮香菇雞肉粽 Keto Mushroom Chicken Zongzi🍃
198 kcal - C 9g | P 21g | F 9g (per serving)


Please watch the video in my YouTube Channel or see my previous post for ingredients and directions🍳

#食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #減肥 #高蛋白 #生酮 #粽子 #生酮粽子 #端午節 #먹방 #咀嚼音 #健康飲食

🍃生酮香菇雞肉粽 Keto Mushroom Chicken Zongzi🍃198 kcal - C 9g | P 21g | F 9g (per serving)材料見圖二,詳細做法可參考我YouTube上的影片🍽Please see t...

🍃生酮香菇雞肉粽 Keto Mushroom Chicken Zongzi🍃
198 kcal - C 9g | P 21g | F 9g (per serving)


Please see the ingredients in Photo two. For detailed cooking directions, please check out my YouTube Video!

#食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #減肥 #高蛋白 #生酮 #粽子 #生酮粽子 #端午節 #먹방 #咀嚼音 #健康


大家好! 這次我做了吞拿魚薄脆, 這是一個我常去的日本餐廳的前菜. 吞拿魚蓉的熱量(每188kcal/100g)比我想像中少, 而米餅的熱量(27 kcal/piece)以它的大小來說也是十分低. 所以這個小食既健康又好食, 最重要的是只是材料和做法也十分容易, 大家一定要試試!

Hi guys! This time I have made Minced Tuna Cracker, which is an appetizer of a Japanese restaurant I often go to. The calorie of the minced tuna (188kcal/100g) is less than I thought, while the calorie of rice cracker (27 kcal /piece) is also very low in terms of its size. This snack is both healthy and delicious, the most important thing is that the ingredients and steps are very easy, you guys must try it out!

🐟吞拿魚薄脆 Minced Tuna Cracker (1 人份/serving)🐟
121 kcal - C 7g | P 10g | F 5g


Please watch the video in my YouTube Channel for ingredients and directions🍳

tuna #食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #吞拿魚 #吞拿魚蓉 #金槍魚 #金槍魚蓉 #먹방 #咀嚼音 #健康


大家好! 這次我做了一個低脂版的流心芝士脆雞, 滿足了我對炸雞的慾望哈哈! 這個脆雞的做法十分簡單, 大家一定要試試!

Hello! This time I have made a lower fat version of Crispy Cheesy Chicken to satisfy my crave for fried chicken haha! This crispy chicken is very easy to make, you guys must try it out!

🧀低脂流心芝士脆雞 Low Fat Crispy Cheesy Chicken (1 份/serving)🧀
549 kcal - C 20g | P 87g | F 11g


Please watch the video in my YouTube Channel for ingredients and directions🍽

#食譜 #煮食 #吃播 #低卡 #低熱量 #高蛋白 #脆雞 #炸雞 #流心芝士 #低脂 #健康 #먹방 #咀嚼音



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