Our Story
P & J 音樂出版社,成立二十多年,多年來致力於出版音樂教育書籍、參考資料及樂譜等,廣受讀者支持。由 P & J 出版的《樂理練習》系列及《聽覺測驗》系列,針對英國皇家音樂學院課程而設計,對有志應考英國皇家音樂學院考試者尤其合適,是音樂教師及學習音樂的讀者的理想教材。由 P & J 出版的 P & J’s Piano Library 鋼琴樂譜系列,也獲選為香港學校音樂節以及其他音樂比賽的指定用譜。
P & J Music, dedicated to producing educational, reference and performance materials for more than twenty years, is well known among music lovers. Our series Exercises on Theory of Music and Training for Aural Tests, focused on the ABRSM exam syllabus, are particularly suitable for ABRSM candidates, and are ideal educational materials for music teachers and students. Editions of sheet music from our series P & J’s Piano Library are selected as designated publications for music competitions including the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.