不加鎖舞踊館《手丨足丨聲》 #非關舞蹈系列
【友好分享 Friendly Recommendation】
【藝術總監王榮祿專訪〈從非關舞蹈 實踐人人皆可舞動〉】:https://bit.ly/2JgeWL4
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【舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 22-1 | 友好分享 Friendly Recommendation】
【舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 22-1 | 友好分享 Friendly Recommendation】
今期訪問手語哥哥時,有幸體驗他授課的手語舞班,並以鏡頭捕捉他為《Creo En Mi》所創作的手語舞舞步。對手語舞有興趣的朋友,可以追蹤 黃耀邦 Jason Wong - Deaf Hong Kong Dancer及 Fun Forest 知道更多有關課堂資訊。
During our interview with Sign Language Gor Gor this issue, we were grateful to have experienced his sign language dance class in person and to have captured the choreography he has created for Creo En Mi under our lens. For any of you who are interested in sign language dance, please follow 黃耀邦 Jason Wong - Deaf Hong Kong Dancer and Fun Forest to learn more about information.
手語舞班詳情 Details of Sign Language Dance Class: https://bit.ly/2IhLct3
===今期焦點文章Focus Articles of this issue===
▼[中][ENG]聾人的聲音就是舞蹈 — 談黃耀邦的「舞語」與共融
The voice of the deaf is a dance -- Jason Wong’s language of dance and inclusion
鬈毛妃 Tomcatt
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【節目回顧 Programme Throwback】 賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《舞•師》 JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power – Contempo Lion Dance
【節目回顧 Programme Throwback】
賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《舞•師》
JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power – Contempo Lion Dance
獅吼飛越虎豹別墅!去年11月,本地資深舞蹈家楊春江聯同郭氏功夫金龍醒獅團,為傳統舞獅藝術注入新生命,結合當代舞蹈、南音、極限運動「飛躍道」,重新編排簽名式作品 《舞•師》,突破舞台界限,即興遊走古蹟建築及戶外環境,隨着舞獅的精彩步法,舞出傳統與當代交錯的流動風景。
A roaring lion flew over the Haw Par Mansion! Joining hands again to inject new life into the traditional art of lion dance, veteran local dancer Daniel Yeung and Kwok’s Lion Kung-Fu & Dragon Lion Dance Team combined contemporary dance, Nanyin (Cantonese Narrative Singing) and Parkour to re-choreograph their signature multimedia performance Contempo Lion Dance in November 2019, which breaks the boundaries surrounding theatre. As it roamed around the historic building and the outdoors, its movements lifelike and highly styled, the dancing lion has created a flowing landscape where the tradition and the contemporary are beautifully interlaced.
延伸閲讀Extended Reading:
▼解拆與重建 — 當醒獅遇上虎豹
更多資訊 More information︰https://bit.ly/2FV3HlX & New Arts Power
【舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 21-6】
今期封面故事邀請台灣舞蹈家周書毅,談論他眼中的香港,細數與香港舞蹈藝術圈的相遇和故事。「總監主場」請來郭偉傑分享創立R&T的經歷。陳瑋鑫在今期專題解構舞蹈與實踐研究;Francis John 則一一縷述作爲香港藝術家,在維也納經歷的不同片刻。另外,林喜兒就《舞・師》剖析傳統文化的解拆與重建;盧偉力就《奏動觸捔》評論當中的光影佈局和接觸即興互動 。
We have the Taiwan Dance Artist Chou Shu-yi to share Hong Kong in his eyes, where he breakdown encounters and stories he have with the HK dance and art circle. Ken Kwok shares his experience in founding R&T in the Artistic Director’s Home. In the feature articles, William Chan deconstruct the relationship between dance and Practice as Research, where Francis John states fragments of what constitute his experience in Vienna as a Hong Kong artist. On top, Venus Lam analyse the disassembling and reconstruction of traditional culture via Contempo Lion Dance; while Dr. Lo Wai Luk review on the lighting arrangement and contact improvisation in Wrestle of Senses.
網上版 Online Version: https://bit.ly/2rWOzBo
===編輯推介Editor’s Highlights===
▼封面故事 Cover Story:周書毅眼中的香港 Hong Kong in the eyes of Chou Shu-yi
錯位的相遇 共時的閱讀 Encounters from the Outside Readings from the Inside
文:尉瑋Wei Wei
▼總監主場 Artistic Director's Home
今期嘉賓 Guest of the Issue: 郭偉傑 R&T創團人/藝術總監
Ken Kwok, R&T Founder & Art Director
▼ 踏出實踐研究第一步 從「中國舞蹈與中國武術之交互研究與成果呈現」項目階段展演說起
▼I did more than sneeze in Vienna
By: Franci John from Ghost and John
▼解拆與重建 — 當醒獅遇上虎豹
【節目介紹 Recommended Programme】賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《緣起敦煌》JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power – Dunhuang Reflections
【節目介紹 Recommended Programme】
賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《緣起敦煌》
JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power – Dunhuang Reflections
Inspired by the Dunhuang mural paintings, the choreography weaves the artistic vision of Hong Kong into the Dunhuang Reflections in the light of contemporary aesthetics. Postures of “apsaras (celestial maidens) playing musical instruments” and “playing the pipa behind the back” that appear in the realm of Dunhuang are presented in front of the audience through the dance, dancers’ bodies and countenances, fusing with stage effects and flamboyant costumes. All these combine to achieve a grand dancing poetry that emphasizes both aesthetics and visual pleasure. While the audience will be amused by the fusion of present and past derived from the aesthetics of Dunhuang, they will also share with the dancers a philosophical inspiration about life.
元朗劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Yuen Long Theatre
21-22*/12 (3pm)
*演出後設座談會 With Post-show Talk
To enjoy 30% off on all standard tickets, readers of dance journal/hk can simply quote the promotional code “NAPJENG30” at URBTIX outlets or by online purchase.
更多資訊 More information︰www.newartspower.hk/en/programme/dunhuang-reflections/ & New Arts Power
【節目介紹 Recommended Programme】 賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《So Low》 JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power - So Low
【節目介紹 Recommended Programme】
賽馬會藝壇新勢力 - 《So Low》
JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power - So Low
「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」將於十二月帶來一系列精采舞蹈作品,其中《So Low》獨舞演出將於十二月六及七日登場。《So Low》為獨立編舞家黎德威於 2017年首次創出的個人獨舞作品,以時間為題,呈現人在時間狹縫中各種跌宕。面對生活的壓迫、時間的重擔,渺小的個體往往身不由己。舞台運用特別設計的空間及錄像互動,刻劃出生命流動的波紋。
This December, JCNAP features a series of spectacular dance performances, including So Low on 6-7 December. The solo work is first debuted by independent choreographer Lai Tai Wai in 2017. With the theme of time, So Low shows us all kinds of hardship and burden one could face in life, how small one could be when encountering suppressions in life and burdens in time. With designed space and interactive video on stage, Lai embodies traces of the flow of life.
香港兆基創意書院多媒體劇場Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
6/12* (8pm); 7/12 (3pm)
*演出後設座談會 With Post-show Talk
To enjoy 30% off on all standard tickets, readers of dance journal/hk can simply quote the promotional code “NAPJENG30” at URBTIX outlets or by online purchase.
更多資訊 More information︰www.newartspower.hk/programme/so-low/ & New Arts Power
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 曾景輝《無眼睇》編舞
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 曾景輝《無眼睇》編舞
舞蹈新鮮人: 曾景輝在《無眼睇》中,以舞蹈探索身體的真實性,借此端量權力和性別的界限。
Terry Tsing explores the authenticity of body in his choreography Mo Ngaan Tai, from which he explores ways of seeing power and gender.
▼ 訪談文章 Interview Article
這次Terry希望仔細雕琢每一個動作編排,所以目前離完成還有頗大距離。而另一個挑戰則來自舞者之間如何成功建立一個共同體。一來Terry以前是「Hip Hop」舞者,並不擅長處理群舞,而Terry 提到日本人很常會運用這一種表演方式,但他們社會本來就有很強的集體主義意識,所以表演時的力量很多。但香港文化裡沒有這種概念,編舞現時仍在探索的,是讓他們舞動之間彼此聯繫、共通的動力。
▼節目詳情 Program Details
‘New Force in Motion’ Series: Joseph Lee, Terry Tsang, Tsang Wing Fai
日期 Date: 13* – 14. 9. 2019 (8pm); 14 – 15*.9.2019 (3pm)
地點Venue: 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
*設演後藝人談 with post-performance talks
票價 Tickets: $180 (不設劃位 Free Seating)
The programme contains nudity scenes. Recommended for ages 12 or above.
限時優先購買8折門票 Limited Time 20% off tickets:
詳情 Details:
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 曾詠暉《合十》編舞
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 曾詠暉《合十》編舞
Tsing Wing Fai, the choreographer of Infiltrated, explores the movement of folding palms together, and the inevitable raft in between; thus contemplates the limitations and states being born as human.
▼ 訪談文章 Interview Article
▼節目詳情 Program Details
‘New Force in Motion’ Series: Joseph Lee, Terry Tsang, Tsang Wing Fai
日期 Date: 13* – 14. 9. 2019 (8pm); 14 – 15*.9.2019 (3pm)
地點Venue: 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
*設演後藝人談 with post-performance talks
票價 Tickets: $180 (不設劃位 Free Seating)
The programme contains nudity scenes. Recommended for ages 12 or above.
限時優先購買8折門票 Limited Time 20% off tickets:
詳情 Details:
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 李偉能《出竅》編舞
【舞蹈手札dance journal/hk】訪問舞蹈新鮮人-- 李偉能《出竅》編舞
舞蹈新鮮人: 李偉能在《出竅》中探討「虛擬」與「現實」之間的界綫,以及如何呈現其中渾合的狀態。
In Drifting, Joseph Lee explores the boundary between ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’, thus how this state of convergence within could be articulated.
▼ 訪談文章 Interview Article
▼節目詳情 Program Details
‘New Force in Motion’ Series: Joseph Lee, Terry Tsang, Tsang Wing Fai
日期 Date: 13* – 14. 9. 2019 (8pm); 14 – 15*.9.2019 (3pm)
地點Venue: 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
*設演後藝人談 with post-performance talks
票價 Tickets: $180 (不設劃位 Free Seating)
The programme contains nudity scenes. Recommended for ages 12 or above.
限時優先購買8折門票 Limited Time 20% off tickets:
詳情 Details:
【舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 21-4 人物 People】 與燕、宇、春、徽談場地空間與創作 Yin, Yu, Chun and Fai on Space and Choreography
【舞蹈手札 dance journal/hk 21-4 人物 People】
Yin, Yu, Chun and Fai on Space and Choreography
聞一浩 Daisy Chu
Hong Kong Cultural Centre (HKCC) is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Four experienced local dance artists -- Mui Cheuk Yin, Yuri Ng, Daniel Yeung and Dick Wong -- were invited to choreograph and direct in the celebratory programme, Yin Yu Chun Fai (each word taken from an artist’s Chinese name). This will be the first time for the four artists of different backgrounds to work on the same stage, each with their individual pieces. They have experienced the Hong Kong dance scene and its development through many years and each has valuable perspectives to share. This article focuses on discussing the relationship between space and choreography.//
===最新文章 Latest Articles===
▼[中] 年輕編舞人的不安和野心-記錄「舞蹈新鮮人」李偉能、曾景輝、曾詠暉與黃大徽對談
▼[中] 政治的距離 - 記《我舞嘢講》的生成
文:藍嘉穎、羅妙妍、 李海燕
▼[中][ENG] 總監主場 Artistic Director's Home
今期嘉賓 Guest of the Issue: 韓錦濤 Studiodanz 創辦人兼總監
Angela Hang, Founder and Director of Studiodanz
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