好心情學堂 The Kat Lai Happy Magic Channel

好心情學堂 The Kat Lai Happy Magic Channel The Kat Lai 好心情學堂
The Kat Lai Happy Magic Channel

Essential oils for therapeutic purposes There is a wide range of methods of using essential oils for therapeutic purpose...

Essential oils for therapeutic purposes There is a wide range of methods of using essential oils for therapeutic purposes, including external application, inhalation, oral ingestion, and suppositories. Their small molecular size means essential oils can be absorbed extremely easily and quickly. Methods used externally include body oils, compresses, gels, lotions, and baths — including hand and foot baths. Inhalation methods include diffusers, room sprays, vaporizers, and a whole range of other environmental methods, as well as simply inhaling directly from the bottle or from a tissue. Although the food and drink and drug industries add essential oils to products that are ingested orally, they are seldom used this way for medicinal purposes in the home unless under the direction of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

DK Aromatherapy in Central where qualified staff will provide you with guidance on the scent that is most suitable for your needs.The company stocks over 100 different essential oils that promote healing of various health problems, together with carrier oils, floral water, natural base products, scented candles, incense, incense holders, handmade oil burners, German handmade Smoking Man, ear candles, crystals, pendulums, New Age music CDs, herbal tea and aromatherapy books.

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use."

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use.

血清素可影響人的情緒 常常頭很痛,全身痠痛,疲倦,但不知道原因?可能是壓力太大了 !大腦會分泌「血清素」,它會影響身體和情緒的多種運作,缺乏了會衍生不同的身心症狀,例如:失眠、焦慮、沮喪、噁心感、慢性疼痛等。若要增加血清素分泌,最重要在飲食...

血清素可影響人的情緒 常常頭很痛,全身痠痛,疲倦,但不知道原因?可能是壓力太大了 !大腦會分泌「血清素」,它會影響身體和情緒的多種運作,缺乏了會衍生不同的身心症狀,例如:失眠、焦慮、沮喪、噁心感、慢性疼痛等。
若要增加血清素分泌,最重要在飲食上攝取和生活習慣, 早睡早起可以增加大腦血清素的含量。除了這些,更要配合 #香薰口罩貼,採用特別調配的香薰配方,天然香氣,有助令人平靜及快樂。

香薰抗菌囗罩貼,由香港著名大學中藥研發中心團隊及 Kat Lai Wellness 合作研發,揉合天然香薰及中草藥配方,有效抑制新型冠狀病毒及殺滅金黃葡萄球菌。產品中的專利配方*,可以對新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)外殼上的刺突蛋白(Spike protein)產生抑制作用。天然香薰精油及中藥提取物進入呼吸道後,將遍佈於支氣管分支表層。當上呼吸道受到新冠病毒入侵及感染,其刺突蛋白將會被中藥提取物抑制,防止與人類受體中的血管緊張素轉化酶 2(ACE2)的結合,並有效抑制病毒活性,發揮天然有效的抗菌保護。本產品已獲本地中藥研發中心團隊實證,有效安全、適合成人使用。口罩貼上加有特別調配的香薰配方,天然香氣,有助令人平靜及快樂,可助你呼吸暢順, 讓你配戴口罩時有更舒適的體驗。

What roles does the essential oil play  Depending on the plant type and structure, essential oils may be found in differ...

What roles does the essential oil play Depending on the plant type and structure, essential oils may be found in different parts of a living plant. For example, in some plants, the essential oil can be found within the flowers, while other plants contain essential oils in the leaves or bark. Regardless of where an essential oil is found within a plant, essential oils are known to play an important role in plant life because they can perform many functions.

In many cases, essential oils give a plant its aroma. In addition to giving a plant a distinct smell, some essential oils have defensive properties that protect the plant by keeping insects and herbivores
away. Essential oils also play an important role in plant pollination and the reproductive processes of a plant, and can even help a plant heal itself when injured.

Keep in mind that not all plants produce essential oils, and not all essential oils found in plant parts will hold meaningful benefits. Similar to companies like DK Aromatherapy offers a solution to happiness and better health for everyone in this world. With 26 years of experience, DK is proudest of its utilization of aromatherapy with modern technologies including BioTech involving Chinese medicines and FinTech under ESG consideration.

KATLAI的品牌故事 Kat Lai Wellness 品牌由2006年創立,名稱與創辦人Kat Lai同名。Kat擁有25年擔任商界企業家、香薰治療專家和催眠療法導師的經驗。建立的15年間,我們立志通過嶄新科學性的香薰治療產品和其服務,...

KATLAI的品牌故事 Kat Lai Wellness 品牌由2006年創立,名稱與創辦人Kat Lai同名。Kat擁有25年擔任商界企業家、香薰治療專家和催眠療法導師的經驗。建立的15年間,我們立志通過嶄新科學性的香薰治療產品和其服務,讓香港人感受天然植物帶來的療效。在專業認證下,我們希望透過科技專利產品照顧情緒問題和平衡身心狀態,獲得接受和融合的全面裨益。


通過 DK Aromatherapy 發現天然健康 在 DK Aromatherapy,我們相信推廣營銷芳香療法、教育和健康的概念,以接觸大眾市場。 我們經驗豐富的香薰治療師提供專業建議和量身定制的治療,以確保每位客人都能獲得滿足其個人需求...

通過 DK Aromatherapy 發現天然健康 在 DK Aromatherapy,我們相信推廣營銷芳香療法、教育和健康的概念,以接觸大眾市場。 我們經驗豐富的香薰治療師提供專業建議和量身定制的治療,以確保每位客人都能獲得滿足其個人需求的最佳護理。

DK Aromatherapy 的獨特之處之一是我們對健康和保健的整體方法。 我們的服務範圍不僅包括芳香療法,還包括催眠療法和其他天然健康療法。 我們對教育的承諾在我們的芳香療法課程中顯而易見,這些課程為個人提供在日常生活中使用芳香療法的知識和技能,以改善他們的整體健康和福祉。

通過 DK Aromatherapy 可以發現大自然的治愈力量。 我們的天然保健中心提供一系列獨特的產品和服務,以滿足尋求天然替代品以促進健康和福祉的客人。 憑藉我們經驗豐富的治療師和對教育的承諾,DK Aromatherapy 是任何希望通過自然方式改善整體健康和福祉的人的完美選擇。

About KATLAI Wellness Kat Lai Wellness is one of KATLAI DK Aromatherpy’s brands that aim to create a harmonious world an...

About KATLAI Wellness Kat Lai Wellness is one of KATLAI DK Aromatherpy’s brands that aim to create a harmonious world and help people find their inner balance through aromatherapy. Kai Lai Wellness was established in 2006 to invent revolutionary products and solutions to fulfil the public’s needs. Kai Lai Wellness offers unique products to various countries, helping people develop holistic wellness to have complete mental and social well-being. Kat Lai Wellness Academy provides a variety of online and offline courses to let everyone learn more about aromatherapy and improve their wellness.

DK香薰x科學 在急速、喧鬧而不斷變化的世界中聆聽自己內心的聲音,尋找喘息空間和治癒感。由改善自己出發來關懷身邊人,循序漸進以生命影響生命,共同創造和諧世界。香薰療法與醫療科學並非處於對立面,我們相信兩者中存有求同存異的空間。香薰治療 (A...

DK香薰x科學 在急速、喧鬧而不斷變化的世界中聆聽自己內心的聲音,尋找喘息空間和治癒感。由改善自己出發來關懷身邊人,循序漸進以生命影響生命,共同創造和諧世界。

香薰療法與醫療科學並非處於對立面,我們相信兩者中存有求同存異的空間。香薰治療 (Aromatherapy) 是由兩個概念組成:來自植物萃取物的香氣 (Aroma) 、和從身心配合的治療方案 (Therapy)。探討微觀世界,植物在根、莖、葉、木、花、果各部份均由不同類型的天然成份構成,各展其特性。


精油治療的不同方法 精油為我們提供了一個芬芳的藥房,為我們生活的各個方面提供了藥物和樂趣。這是一個非同尋常的事實。我們已經知道地球為我們提供了食物和水,但也意識到大自然為我們提供了種類繁多的植物精華,能夠解決如此多的問題,同時也給我們帶來如...

精油治療的不同方法 精油為我們提供了一個芬芳的藥房,為我們生活的各個方面提供了藥物和樂趣。這是一個非同尋常的事實。我們已經知道地球為我們提供了食物和水,但也意識到大自然為我們提供了種類繁多的植物精華,能夠解決如此多的問題,同時也給我們帶來如此多的快樂——這是一件值得慶幸的事情。


DK 是當今健康愛好者的一站式商店,提供香薰全身治療、香薰護膚治療、顱骶療法、印度頭部按摩、耳燭治療、塔羅牌閱讀、心理/健康運動學療法、情緒釋放療法、芳香運動學和太陽星座占星術。 DK 還舉辦各種主題的研討會,包括香薰按摩、耳燭、整體護膚、定制混合、寵物芳香、塔羅牌閱讀、鐘擺的使用、占星術。 DK Aromatherapy 是一家天然保健中心。

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use."

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use.

Natural Therapy is popular  Aromatherapy has always been regarded as the power of natural healing. Using pure natural ar...

Natural Therapy is popular Aromatherapy has always been regarded as the power of natural healing. Using pure natural aromatherapy oil to massage the body has become one of the natural remedies with a long history. DK Aromatherapy is the first industry leader to introduce aromatherapy concepts and products in Hong Kong.

Aromatherapy and medical science are not opposites, and we believe there is room for common ground while seeing the differences. Aromatherapy is composed of two concepts: aroma derived from plant extracts (Aroma), and a treatment plan from the body and mind (Therapy). Explore the microscopic world. Plants are composed of different types of natural ingredients in roots, stems, leaves, wood, flowers, and fruits, each exhibiting its own characteristics. We hope to understand the chemical structure of plants and herbs through scientific research, and conduct experiments to find feasible application directions, including protecting the upper respiratory tract, strengthening the immune system, and stimulating sympathetic nerves. Through the scientificization of the concept of aromatherapy, one is to eliminate everyone's ambiguity about aromatherapy, and the other is to verify the extracted substances, insisting on objective analysis and guaranteeing product safety and the users' health.

DK Aromatherapy is a diversified natural health and wellness center with holistic aromatherapy therapists providing professional advice and tailor-made treatments. You can try chic products and unique services, including more than 100 types of aromatherapy oils, aromatherapy burners, ear candling treatments, etc., as well as hypnotherapy, aromatherapy courses and other services. You can find their own inner balance after using aromatherapy related products and services, and achieve a harmonious state of body, mind and spirit.

ESG與DK Aromatherapy DK Aromatherapy 是一家具有環保意識的公司,致力於支持環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 原則。 我們致力於為客戶提供可持續的解決方案,包括部分產品使用天然、可生物降解的成分和可回收的包裝材料...

ESG與DK Aromatherapy DK Aromatherapy 是一家具有環保意識的公司,致力於支持環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 原則。 我們致力於為客戶提供可持續的解決方案,包括部分產品使用天然、可生物降解的成分和可回收的包裝材料。

我們優先考慮道德採購實踐,包括與與我們共同致力於可持續發展的供應商合作,以及定期評估我們對環境的影響,以減少我們的碳足跡。 此外,我們努力通過參與企業社會責任倡議來承擔社會責任,例如向慈善機構捐款、支持教育和促進員工福祉。

在 DK Aromatherapy,我們熱衷於幫助我們的客戶創造更健康、更環保的環境,同時仍然提供卓越的產品和服務。

芳香療法帶來的幫助 香薰治療是指透過由植物所提取的精華油保持及改善身、心、靈三方面的健康,香薰一字源於法文”Aromatherapie”,它不僅是透過芬芳氣味的治療方式,植物精華油在身體上更可發揮藥理、生理及心理上的功效;香薰治療講求的是整...

芳香療法帶來的幫助 香薰治療是指透過由植物所提取的精華油保持及改善身、心、靈三方面的健康,香薰一字源於法文”Aromatherapie”,它不僅是透過芬芳氣味的治療方式,植物精華油在身體上更可發揮藥理、生理及心理上的功效;香薰治療講求的是整全性、針對性及全面性的身心治療。

2001年,DK Aromathrapy 開始教授香薰按摩。多年來,我們教育了很多學生,他們來自各行各業。不管日間工作有多辛勞,下班後仍然堅持來上課。他們細心聆聽導師的講解,並且很認真地練習。大家都很熱心地學習,亦非常享受上課的樂趣。很高興看到香薰按摩愈來愈受到公眾歡迎,並且知道它的作用並不止於鬆弛,同時還有其他治療功效。


Serotonin can affect one's emotions  Do you know that “Serotonin" can make people feel happy? Serotonin can affect peopl...

Serotonin can affect one's emotions Do you know that “Serotonin" can make people feel happy? Serotonin can affect people’s emotions. Therefore, without enough Serotonin will lead to many physical and mental symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, nausea, chronic pain, etc. It is like having breathing difficulty and headaches when people are under stress.

Diet and living habits are factors affecting the secretion of Serotonin. For example, going to bed and getting up early can increase the level of Serotonin in our brain. And, of course, you can use our with unique aroma formula to have a peaceful and happy mood.

Brand Story of KATLAI The Kat Lai Wellness brand was founded in 2006 with the same name as founder Kat Lai. Kat has 26 y...

Brand Story of KATLAI The Kat Lai Wellness brand was founded in 2006 with the same name as founder Kat Lai. Kat has 26 years of experience as a business entrepreneur, aromatherapy specialist and hypnotherapy instructor. In the 15 years since our establishment, we are determined to let Hong Kong people feel the curative effect of natural plants through new scientific aromatherapy products and services. Under the professional certification, we hope to take care of emotional problems and balance the physical and mental state through technology-patented products to obtain the full benefits of acceptance and integration.

We also further promote the message of community health, aiming to make every user become an influencer and pass their joy to the life circle through actions. Listen to your inner voice and find breathing space and a sense of healing in a fast, noisy, ever-changing world. Start by improving yourself to care for the people around you, and gradually influence life with life to create a harmonious world together.

精油作為治療 多種使用精油用於治療目的的方法,包括外用、吸入、口服和栓劑。它們的小分子尺寸意味著精油可以非常容易和快速地被吸收。外部使用的方法包括身體油、敷布、凝膠、乳液和沐浴——包括手浴和足浴。吸入方法包括擴散器、室內噴霧、蒸發器和一系列...

精油作為治療 多種使用精油用於治療目的的方法,包括外用、吸入、口服和栓劑。它們的小分子尺寸意味著精油可以非常容易和快速地被吸收。外部使用的方法包括身體油、敷布、凝膠、乳液和沐浴——包括手浴和足浴。吸入方法包括擴散器、室內噴霧、蒸發器和一系列其他環境方法,以及直接從瓶子或紙巾中吸入。儘管食品、飲料和藥品行業在口服產品中添加精油,但除非在合格的醫療保健從業者的指導下,否則很少以這種方式在家中用於藥用目的。

位於中環的 DK Aromatherapy ,合格的員工將為您提供最適合您需求的香味指導。公司備有超過 100 種不同的精油,可促進各種健康問題的治愈,包括載體油、花水、天然基礎產品, 香燭, 熏香, 香台, 手工油爐, 德國手工吸煙人, 耳燭, 水晶, 擺錘, 新時代音樂CD, 花草茶和香薰書籍。

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use."

You can use the exact number of drops shown, or multiply all the components in the formula by the same rate. In this way you get a larger volume of the synergistic blend for future use.

香薰按摩 如果您正尋找一種更自然的健康和幸福方法,專家路易絲·羅賓遜 創造了 40 多種定制療法、混合療法和儀式來改變您的身心——這是日常生活壓力的完美解決方法。芳香療法不僅是來自精油的美麗氣味。精心的調配、療法和實踐集合向您展示如何在家進...

香薰按摩 如果您正尋找一種更自然的健康和幸福方法,專家路易絲·羅賓遜 創造了 40 多種定制療法、混合療法和儀式來改變您的身心——這是日常生活壓力的完美解決方法。



About DK Cuppa Tea DK Cuppa Tea hosts a range of events, such as workshops, corporate events, and bespoke parties, which...

About DK Cuppa Tea DK Cuppa Tea hosts a range of events, such as workshops, corporate events, and bespoke parties, which are tailored to meet the specific needs of each guest. These events provide guests with unique and learning experiences。

What sets DK Cuppa Tea apart from other dining experiences is its focus on healing. The brand's organic tea products are made with carefully sourced natural ingredients, providing a unique and flavorful experience that is not only delicious but also has a healing effect on the body and mind.

DK Cuppa Tea provides a unique and healing dining experience that caters to individuals looking for a relaxed and peaceful environment. The brand's focus on natural and organic products provides guests with a healthy and enjoyable experience. Whether you are looking for a place to unwind or host an event, DK Cuppa Tea is the perfect choice for a unique and pleasant dining experience.

What aromatherapy can help  Aromatherapy refers to maintaining and improving the health of the body, mind and spirit thr...

What aromatherapy can help Aromatherapy refers to maintaining and improving the health of the body, mind and spirit through the essential oils extracted from plants. The word aromatherapy comes from the French "Aromatherapie". It can also exert pharmacological, physiological and psychological effects; aromatherapy emphasizes holistic, targeted and comprehensive physical and mental treatment.

In 2001, DK Aromathrapy started teaching aromatherapy massage. Over the years, we have educated many students from all walks of life. No matter how hard the day work is, he still insists on coming to class after get off work. They listened carefully to the instructor's explanation and practiced very seriously. Everyone was eager to learn and enjoyed the class very much. It's great to see aromatherapy massage becoming more popular with the public and to know that it's not just relaxation, but also has other therapeutic benefits.

Aromatherapy massage emphasizes the care and overall health of the recipient, which is a holistic treatment that includes body and mind. It utilizes different massage techniques including acupressure, lymphatic massage, neuromuscular massage, neurolymphatic reflex points, neurovascular reflex points, magnetic field therapy, reflexology, superficial reflex techniques, Swedish massage, trigger points. These massages involve the health of various systems of the body, such as the automatic nervous system, lymphatic system, circulation, chi, muscles, etc.

DK Aromatherapy產品與環境保護 香薰 DIY 產品是幫助保護環境的好方法。 DK Aromatherapy 提供的許多產品都是有機、純天然和環保的。 這些產品不含刺激性化學物質,未在動物身上進行測試,並且來自可持續供應商。 這...

DK Aromatherapy產品與環境保護 香薰 DIY 產品是幫助保護環境的好方法。 DK Aromatherapy 提供的許多產品都是有機、純天然和環保的。 這些產品不含刺激性化學物質,未在動物身上進行測試,並且來自可持續供應商。 這意味著與市場上的許多其他產品相比,它們對環境的危害更小。 此外,DK Aromatherapy 提供的許多 DIY 產品可讓您發揮您的創造力。 您可以混合搭配精油和成分,打造獨特的香薰產品,滿足您的個人需求。 通過使用這些 DIY 產品,您可以幫助減少碳足跡並支持環保企業。


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Hong Kong


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