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What's good FB & IG people!! This post is for all my Music people that need help Social Media Marketing for Musicians an...

What's good FB & IG people!! This post is for all my Music people that need help Social Media Marketing for Musicians and why it's important?

Your fans are likely to be glued to social media, irrespective of their age. In fact, Instagram recently passed a billion active users, whereas Facebook boasts of two billion daily active users. These numbers blow the likes of niche music portals like SoundCloud and Bandcamp.

Furthermore, did you know that YouTube is precisely the most popular music streaming portal right now, beating Apple Music and Spotify? Therefore, YouTube optimization becomes even more vital for your social media marketing strategy.

Making sure that you know how to promote music on social media especially YouTube can help guarantee your visibility on the best of channels. This is done by the proper usage of social media marketing strategies as well as various internet marketing strategies for musicians.

SMM or Social media marketing is well-defined by Tech Target as "a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach."
Why Social Media Marketing for Musicians is important?
Social media marketing for musicians is vital since it allows the permeability of direct feedback from potential and existing fans. With the click of a button, fans can reach out and connect with your music. Additionally, SMO also boosts its presence and online reputation in a wide array of digital communities.

When executed correctly, an SMM campaign can lead to the experience of a stronger brand presence and visibility, as well as improved brand retention among their target demographics. What’s more, it also increases the company’s trust rating as the brand is thereby recommended not only by paid endorsers but also by previous customers.
What are Social Media Marketing Key Elements?
The elements that unite to form social media are not just social handles like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. While social media in the music industry is a term that is used commonly used to mean “anything found on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram,” there are further valuable ways of looking at it.

For a profound understanding, let us as an alternative look at social media in terms of the activities that make social media tools particularly useful.

In this framework, social media is an assemblage of technologies that enable people to, listen, create, share, connect, amplify, and measure media content. This all generally happens in an environment free from the gatekeepers or approval processes, and platforms that require two- or multi-way communications.

As a result, five inter-related elements of social media have become available.

Content Marketing

Think of it this way: SEO puts your company on top of search engine results pages. SMO transforms your brand into a top-of-mind solution for your products, particularly when your target demographics are scouring social media for an answer.
Besides, if we think of social media through this lens, we can more clearly assess each site.

A proper social media marketing strategy for musicians will blend all five of the above elements into a workflow to make social media marketing as music artists effective and easy.

What is the process of Social Media Marketing as Music Artists in detail?
1. Creating an audience persona/fan persona
The first result of SMM as music artists is about speaking to a niche audience base with your social posts. Moreover, unless you have an innate idea of who your target fans are, you will need to create a fan persona.

These are an in-depth look at the demographics of your fans or audience, including their interests, needs, and online behavior. Having a good idea of who your audience is will help you choose your apt social media platform.

The most important social networks for teens and young adults (in order of usage) are, as follows:

YouTube – 85%
Instagram – 72%
Snapchat – 69%
Facebook – 51%
Twitter – 32%
Tumblr – 9%
2. Goal Setting and Objectives
Once you know who your audience is, you will then need to identify key goals for your SMM efforts. What do you hope to achieve with your strategy?

The top goals for all social media marketing programs are:

Brand awareness building – 74%
Getting website traffic – 53%
Lead generation – 41%

With your goals set, next, you need to fix, how much funds you can allot to your SMM strategy.

Your budget, allotted to SMM, will depend on many factors. You may need to get buy-in from higher-ups, or maybe your budget is limited because yours is a small start. Itemizing your potential expenses will show where all your funds go.

You will need enough funds to invest in your:

Campaign content
Paid social promotions.
Social media management tools
Community engagement efforts
Analytics Tools
4. Research
The process of searching and analyzing public opinions and shared content to recognize and understand trends. The most common way of doing this is by examining the news feed of sites or contemporaries to discover common trends.

Additionally, the following research bases are needed to fix your base for social music marketing for music artists.

Understand key social media monetary concepts, functions, and applications. See how they can be applied on to you.
Understand social media market and market trends:
Market dynamics
Tech innovations
Fan perceptions
Learn about various products, pricing, service plans, and free offers.
If you’re getting it done by a professional, then look for the vendor’s experience:
Music Artists/Clients serve
No. of years in SMM
Industry Focus/Niche
Company size
Study SMM tool coverage and key features. Questions to ask and factors to consider when selecting an SMM tool or services is also essential.
5. Content Marketing
Content marketing is the use of media, like written content, images, videos, etc., to gather attention and traffic. Organic content marketing for musicians is a great way for building a personal brand and increase their reach.

Content marketing as music artists is most fruitful when focused on providing valuable information to the target audience for music artists, i.e., their fanbase.

Content can either be created or curated from around the web. Content creators, freelancers or otherwise, if budget permits, can be hired for a professional outlook.

6. Engagement
Engagement is the process of directly connecting with fans, with a blend of listening, content marketing, and dialog skills to build trust and loyalty. It is also imperative to address the queries made to you.

The trademark trait of engaged community management is responsive communication.

7. Promotion and Advertising
It is imperative to prioritize relevant outreach opportunities and activities. Promotion is, typically an activity, generally paid, that magnifies content or solicit feedback or response about a product, service, website, or marketplace.

Additionally, offline promotional activities such as business cards, posters, or online activities such as display advertisements, social media ads, paid search campaigns, influencer marketing, or experiential marketing, play an essential role.

8. Measurement and Analytics
Measurement and analytics cover activities related to the capture and analysis of data from your fans. This can include fan interest data, interactions, and impressions for advertisements, website traffic, and behavior, or any activity that generates data.

Besides, analytics must be applied to understand and improve the effectiveness of each activity.

Now, you have a new framework, but what’s next in your platter?

Once you understand that these elements of social media management, you can commence combining each element into your strategy to help you achieve your goal.

Sadly, many artists take shortcuts by buying unreliable and fake likes and fans.
We have incredible Social Media Managers and Online Reputation Managers (Groove Connoisseurs) who will willingly take on the challenges to make a profound difference in your social media prominence.

How to revamp the look and feel of your social handles for effective social media marketing as music artists?
Now, all said and done, what if you don’t want to hire an outside source, or maybe your budget won’t allow? Here’s how to revamp the total look and feel of your social media platforms.

Look and Tone of Your Brand

First and foremost, comes your logo. Get your logo designed by a professional, or if you have an ideal design in your mind, you can make it yourself on your phone or laptop. There are several apps available in the market to assist you in doing the same.

Brand Color

Secondly, comes the colors you’re using. It is advised to keep the color scheme of your logo and website similar. Today, monochromatic accounts garner more hits.


Similarly, if you’re using graphics in your profile pictures, including your Facebook and Twitter cover images, it should be consistent. That is, it should be the same across channels and not ranging in colors or design. This makes it easily identifiable to fans. Be sure of the size you’re using.

The perfect display picture size is 1080 × 1080. The ideal size for the cover image on Facebook is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktops and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones.

Furthermore, posting inspirational music quotes or previewing lyrics are great content ideas. Make sure they coincide with the messaging of your brand.


Next, what fonts are you using on your socials? Handles like Facebook and Instagram do not give you font options. However, for your website, it is essential that you keep your font family and font size the same. Pay ample attention to the font case you’re using. Be consistent.

Having different fonts on your page can be visually unappealing, and make your brand look disorganized. Matching these fonts with the font from your website is a great idea as well.

What is the best time to post on Facebook for music artists?
To learn how to promote your music effectively, musicians should know what the best time is to post on social media platforms.

• Facebook users are usually active during work hours. Having a video that captures the viewer in the first 20 seconds is the key, or else you’ll lose their interest.

• The perfect time to post on Facebook is as follow-

According to HubSpot, Thursdays and Fridays from 1 PM to 3 PM are the best times to post on Facebook.
12 PM and 3 PM on Mondays is ideal.
According to TrackMaven, it is Thursday at 8 PM
On weekends it would be around 1 PM – 4 PM, says CoSchedule
What is the best time to post on Twitter for music artists?
Twitter is the fastest moving social channel, in fact, the average lifespan of a tweet is about 15 minutes, so go ahead and post more often on that platform.
Good times to tweet average around 8 AM – 10 AM, as well as 6 PM – 9 PM, which makes sense, given that it correlates with both morning and evening commutes.
If your goal is to maximize retweets and clickthrough, aim for noon or 5 PM – 6 PM.
What is the best time to post on Instagram for music artists?
Instagram users have been described as nocturnal, so schedule your IG posts any time after 9 PM every day.
According to HubSpot, on average, the best time to post on Instagram is between 2 PM and 3 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time).
However, engagement can dramatically change depending on what day of the week you post.
The best day to post on Instagram is Thursday, not just at 3 PM, but at 5 AM, 11 AM, and 4 PM as well.
On weekends, post on a Saturday around 11 AM CDT, when people are brunching or hanging out.
What are the pros of social media marketing for music artists?
Social media allows you to be more visible.
With social media, you can reach a wider audience. While traditional marketing media helps audience engagement with your brand, social media for musicians can help in increasing their visibility. This means if someone finds out about you and they get interested in your songs, they can easily find out more about you on your social media handles.

You can build loyalty and relationships with your audience.
With social media, you can present your audience with different facets of you that will make them love you more. Social media is a great way to interact with your audience and their own content to show them that you care about them, get feedback and complaints, and foster loyalty.

You can reach more people with social media.
Social media revolves around sharing content that you like or news that you want. The best way to reach other audiences is through social media marketing. Let’s take Facebook as an example: when a fan of yours shares one of your video clips on Facebook, another friend who has never heard of you sees it, enjoys it, and then shares it to an Acapella Facebook group she’s part of while she goes ahead and buys your album. That way, you’ve reached a diverse audience within a short time.

Scope for improvement is always there.
Social media is an open window of communication where you can speak to your audience, and your audience can speak back, and give you feedback about what you’re doing right or wrong. Apart from your fan feedback, you can improve by watching how other accomplished artists use their social media accounts to increase their fanbase and keep them engaged. Always remember that networking is the key and why not use these mediums effectively for faster fan interactions.

What are the cons of social media marketing for music artists?
Prone to security breaches
Security breaches make up for a significant risk of using social media for musicians. There is always the fear of losing on privacy and personal information. This can cause irrevocable damage to your brand image. Plus, there is the additional risk of unwanted or inapt behavior, including bullying and harassment on social networks for artists. Furthermore, there is the risk of negative publicity or loss of control over handles.

There is no immediate ROI
Although you can get customers to buy quality wares and influence sales of products provided by your brand, it might take some time before you can build your online reputation, your influence as a musician, and a long-term loyal fan base.

This means that although you’ll be investing much time, effort, and even money, it is unlikely for you to shoot up the ranks overnight. In fact, no social media marketing strategy can make you famous overnight, which means you must keep your professional social media marketing game up.

Needs immediate and daily monitoring
Keeping it simple, no active presence equals no real benefits.

It can be expensive
Social media for musicians is a free marketing tool where you can post for free and reach many people at no cost or little costs (with ads). However, a musician cannot spend the amount of time you will need to spend on social media,
so most times, it would be hard for you to market with social media. This means you must either hire a freelancer, agency, or a social media director, none of which will be cheap.

Social media marketing is time-consuming
Social media for musicians can prove to be time consuming, time that could be used for much more productive things. Well-known best essay writing service experts who are conversant with social marketing always say that you need to create great shareable content, listen for mentions of your name, respond to comments, update regularly, engage with your audience, etc. to properly engage your audience.

Social media can be distracting
There are many things on social media that can distract your audience, making it challenging to engage them.

On Facebook, there are ads, Facebook groups, pages, friends and family, and many other things to distract your audience. It could be difficult to get a high social media engagement and CTR (Click Through Rate) on Twitter, as well, for similar reasons.

What are the tips to a successful social media marketing strategy for music artists?
Choose the right social media platform for your act. Don’t just create a mediocre account on all the social media platforms, create one or two with which you can connect with your fans and potential fans.
Understand your target audience and their interactions with different social media platforms and optimize your social media marketing to fit your knowledge of them.
Use analytics. Different social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram have analytics. You need to make use of these separate analytics to know where you stand with your targeted audience, how are they interacting with your content, what strategies are working out, etc.
Find more ways to engage your fans. Interact with them and their content, share behind-the-scenes, personal and backstage photos or videos, and host giveaways.
Link all your different social media accounts together. Don’t just have social media accounts all over that are not linked together. In fact, your best bet would be to use the same name on all social media accounts you use, as this will make it easier for fans to find you.
If used smartly, these social media strategy tips can be the start of a wonderful and impressive social media engagement for any musician.

Just remember that all fans now expect an active engagement with you through your socials.

Now, by contrast, let’s say you were launching new music in a new genre. While listening is always important, whether your music is doing well or not is heavily dependent on the content you produce around it, and of course, its promotion.

In the new market, no one knows who you are; there’s no built-in audience. Hence, there’s no engagement. So, you must promote your content and music alongside. As you do this, regularly look at your analytic results. See what is working out, and what is not.

Likewise, analyze for trends in the fan feedback. Watch for comments on your organic posts. When people offer supplementary comments or feedback, engage them in a conversation. Get closer. Nurture a relationship.

Finally, spend some real-time getting to understand your fans better, so that you can serve them better. Because, in the end, it is they, who matter the most.
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Social media has completely transformed the business landscape. Today, it is paramount for every startup to have an onli...

Social media has completely transformed the business landscape. Today, it is paramount for every startup to have an online presence. Many Social Media Managing Companies offers immediate access to the target audience at very little cost, making it one of the best marketing strategies. So take your business where you can find 3 billion users around the clock and across the world, that is, on social media sites. Read on to gain from expert insights into the Social Media Marketing Services and Its Benefits.
Helps You to Engage with Your Target Audience:
Social media helps you establish a connection with potential customers and interacting with them. This can be done by posting interesting content, giving information about the latest offers and discounts, and replying to user comments and messages. Such online interactions are a good way to establish a rapport with potential customers and build a loyal following.
There are many Social Media Marketing Services that are on hand to boost your sales. One way of doing it is by using effective CTAs (call-to-action) in your posts, which may inspire users to participate. This can be made interesting and fun for the users, by providing a good offer in return for an email address or contact number or sending newsletters regularly. Bringing users to follow your website or social media page increases the probability of them becoming future customers.
Helps You to Build a Community of Ambassadors:
Having a community of loyal supporters goes a long way in establishing a business. This is where the Importance of Social Media for Startups showcases itself. A startup can begin this process right at home by using the help of friends and family to build a devoted circle. Similarly, employees can also be roped into this process by getting everyone on the team to get involved in the marketing process through their individual social networks.
Starting with a community of ambassadors who are eager about the company is great for marketing and doesn’t require any expenditure. Such a community can enhance visibility and outreach by sharing information about the startup on their social media accounts like on Instagram or Facebook, which have millions of users. This may attract other potential customers to know more about the company.
Helps You to Direct Social Media Traffic:
Social media can be a tool for directing traffic to your website and to your business. A larger social media presence and following ensure a greater and steadier flow of traffic to your website. This increase in social media traffic is possible only if you interact with users on social media. After identifying which social media platform would suit your business type, set up a schedule for posting text, audio, or video content. Stick to your schedule, else your followers will move on. Moreover, make sure your posts are fresh and engaging so that they strike a chord with your audience. This will ensure that they share your post in their circle.
For example, if you choose Instagram, compile a bunch of images accompanied by great quotes, stack them all up, and post them one each day. Take out time to create more of such posts so that the regularity and consistency are not broken. The same holds true for your website. Post fresh content regularly on your homepage to engage and entertain your visitors in the right way this is the main advantage of Social Media Marketing Services and Its Benefits.
Social Media Marketing Services Can Help You Go From Local to Global:
If your business operation is limited to a particular region, social media platforms can prove to be significantly lucrative for you to reach a larger audience beyond your regional boundaries. Social media allow you to interact with a global audience and open the avenue to market your products and services across the globe. Social media interactions allow you to reach your audience and extend your valuable offerings in a different time zone beyond your local business location. So your local business can go global and can achieve phenomenal success with the help of social media in no time.
So you see how social media is a great way to engage your existing and probable customers. However, it is very important that you have a plan in place to deal with social media" bashing."An angry, unsatisfied customer or someone offended by any of your posts might post something negative about you. You will have to fix this immediately. Do not, in any case, let it hang out there without a positive and helpful response.
Social media marketing involves a lot of effort and strategies. A lot of work goes into getting things started, and a Social Media Management Company can help your startup see a paradigm growth in its business. But the benefits it offers are huge. A great social media presence is of significance today to stay ahead of competitors and to make yourself stand out. A social media optimization company can lead your startup to make the optimum use of social media by creating a distinct voice to captivate the target audience.
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Get Your Social Account's Followers And Likes At One Place, Instantly
Save time managing your social account in one panel. Where people buy SMM services such as Facebook ads management, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Soundcloud, Website ads and many more!




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