Imagine fighting a huge forest fire with a small glass of water. What would everyone tell you? That's not enough!
Each and every day, the world sees a "tiny cup" of God's love from the church. You and I know that God's love is bigger than any of us can imagine. So why do they only see the cup?? We are talking about that today!
#compassion #compassionate #thatsnotenough #loveeveryone #loweryourself #love #itsnotaboutme #notmykingdom #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod #myresponse
Are you GHOSTING the Holy Ghost??
Are we GHOSTING the Holy Ghost? We are all familiar with Ghosting-
~Cutting off communication with someone without warning or notice~
BUT how many of us realize we do this to God each and every week? We are talking about on Part 2 of Spiritual ADD, with Andrew.
#spiritualadd #add #stay #pray #focus #attention #attentiondeficit #GhostingGod #ghosting #Godonly #Hiskingdom #notmykingdom #videoseries #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope
Do you have SPIRITUAL ADD??
What if I went to the gym and went from one machine to another and only did ONE rep on each machine? We know that sounds crazy and counterproductive, BUT we do this every week with our walk with God.
We hop from one study to another, from one sermon to another, from one podcast to another, hardly ever letting God work in one area long enough to see change in our lives.
Today we talk about 2 things that can change that IMMEDIATELY. Lets talk about it...
#spiritualadd #add #stay #pray #focus #attention #attentiondeficit #itsnotaboutme #Godonly #Hiskingdom #notmykingdom #videoseries #stillsmallvoice #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod
You want me to do WHAT?!?!
You want me to do WHAT!?!?
Love...Love...LOVE!!! How many times are we told to love??? Go in your world and love. Love them, love your friends, love your enemies. Its a lot and for most its overwhelming. When things get overwhelming, we just tend to dismiss this command altogether. Let's talk about the answer by looking at the WHO and the HOW.
#loveeveryone #humility #humble #loweryourself #respond #love #itsnotaboutme #Godonly #Hiskingdom #notmykingdom #noise #noisy #videoseries #stillsmallvoice #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod #myresponse
In a world full of negativity, unrest, division, and anger, how should we as Christians respond? What should we do? What should we say?
Its a big topic and the answer as always is found in God's Word.
NOISE : Episode 12 airs today! LIKE, SHARE, and FOLLOW US!!!!
#respond #love #itsnotaboutme #Godonly #Hiskingdom #notmykingdom #noise #noisy #videoseries #stillsmallvoice #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod #myresponse
are you SELFISH??
NOISE Episode 11 - ARE YOU SELFISH?? Do you bring a self absorbed attitude to your relationship with God?
In 1 Kings 19, we see a SELFISH Elijah. Woe is me... God what are you going to do for me? Is this our attitude in our prayers to God? It can't be this way. It's about Him and His kingdom. Not me and my kingdom. There must be shift from it being about us to it being about Him.
Let's talk about this attitude on today's episode of NOISE...
#selfishattitude #itsnotaboutme #Godonly #selfish #Hiskingdom #notmykingdom #noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #thelineup #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod
Today we take a break from our normal series and focus on the transformation that Jesus has done in my life and in the life of so many others. HE has truly changed my life and is CHANGING my life. I want you to know HIM. Do you?
#Jesuschangedmylife #gabctyler #whoiwouldbecome #nothingwithoutHim #grace #mercy #changing #changed #change #Jesus #gospel #gospelmessage #gospelchange #withoutHim #Iamnothing #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod #withoutGodIamnothing #withoutJesusiamnothing
NOISE Episode 10 - ARE YOU DESPERATE?? Desperate to hear from God in your life?
In 1 Kings 19, we see a desperate Elijah. He has no where to turn and has lost all hope. So we ask ourselves... are we desperate?? OR are the things of this world pushing God out of the way?
#noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #thelineup #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutGodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod #desperate #desperateforGod #nohope #lostallhope #turntoGod
'What are you doing here?' God says this to Elijah after NOISE has cause a massive out of control spiral. God had done amazing things in Elijah's life. But the obnoxious NOISE invaded, and Elijah followed.
Is God asking you, 'What are you doing here?' Have you let the NOISE of life invade?
#noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #thelineup #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutgodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament #whoami #WhoisGod
NOISE : Episode 8
NOISE : Episode 8!
THE 'WHO' FILTER - We turn to 1 Kings 17-19 and see the 'obnoxious noise' and the 'negative background noise' in Elijah's life and how it affected him. We must filter everything in our lives with 3 things. Lets talk about those in the video...
Can you share this video for us?
#noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #thelineup #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutgodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen #elijah #1kings #oldtestament
NOISE : Episode 7!
THE LINEUP : We’ve all seen the movies. We’ve seen the individuals come out one by one and the victim proceeds to identify who did it. That’s what we need. The lineup of noise...
#noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #thelineup #lineup #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutgodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen
THE GOOD BAD : Can something that is SO good for us end up being bad for us? What a question! Today we are looking at the typical spiritual overdose that a lot of Christians fall into each and every week.
#noise #noisy #videoseries #obnoxiousnoise #stillsmallvoice #tickingclock #thegoodbad #goodbad #new #newepisode #newepisodes #newepisodealert #whoiwouldbecome #withoutchristiamnothing #withoutgodimnothing #whowouldihavebeen