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Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister JACK MWIIMBU says the purported list of opposition PF office bearers allegedly from the Registrar of Societies is flawed.

And the Minister says the Registrar of Societies has not been fired but reassigned to other duties contrary to information circulating on social media.

Speaking at a media briefing in LUSAKA today, Mr. MWIIMBU said the purported list shows former President EDGAR LUNGU having been registered as PF President in 2002 and yet he was a member of the UPND at the time.

Mr. MWIIMBU said that late President MICHAEL SATA was PF President as of 2002 contrary to indications by the purported list making rounds on social media.

The Minister said the list was also purported to have been issued to PF Lawyer MAKEBI ZULU by the Registrar of Societies on the premise of a court order and yet there is only a subpoena for presentation of the list in court.

He said the Registrar of Societies is not in order to issue any list without consultation with the Attorney General who is a lawyer for the government.

And Mr. MWIIMBU confirmed that the Registrar of Societies advised parliament on the changes on the names of PF office bearers hence the move by the Speaker of the National

Assembly to take note of the changes.
The Minister noted that he has been compelled to comment on the matter despite it being in court because of so many speculations around it.


Mail and Gaurdian Newspaper 27/10/ 2023.Zambia’s economy is controlled by foreignersBy staff writer:A recent 1,900-mile ...

Mail and Gaurdian Newspaper 27/10/ 2023.
Zambia’s economy is controlled by foreigners
By staff writer:
A recent 1,900-mile journey from mines in Congo and Zambia shows how, a century after commercial mining began here, the worlds hunger for copper is again reshaping the region. Photographer: Zinyange Auntony/Bloomberg via Getty Images.
The story of Zambia after 59 years of independence is a sad tale, though not unique to this landlocked country; it’s similar to that of many post-independence African states.

Zambia, which has great potential, is surrounded by eight countries. Unfortunately, the mineral wealth, water resources and the arable land does not in any way benefit the people directly. The problem for Zambia, like that of most of the continent, is the problem of ownership of the means of production. Strategic sectors of this country’s economy are not in the hands of Zambians.

The Republic of Zambia, which came into being on 24 October 1968, promised innovation and adequate resource mobilisation, including state ownership of all relevant sectors of the economy, with research and development being at the heart of nation building. The future of Zambia was as bright as a rising star. The kwacha was on par with the British pound and competed with other major currencies for the best years of post-independence.

But a few years later the performance of the currency became unstable, with a negative trajectory of other economic indicators such as inflation and unemployment. And in light of this observation, Zambia is worse off now after more than five decades of self-rule simply because the masses do not control economic activities that contribute to the GDP.

Zambian leaders’ lack of patriotism is shocking. Nation building does not only require sacrifice by the people. For almost six decades Zambians have been complacent when it comes to what matters the most in terms of fundamental change. Forget about the “today here gone tomorrow” politicians and their promises. Zambians should wake up to the reality that collectively they do not own anything in this country which is their birthright. These people have had the privilege of changing governments a few times, something which is unattainable in other African countries. Despite Zambia being a democracy and a great example for peace in the region, many people still wallow in poverty.

Here are a few things Zambians should consider to bring about the kind of change they need. They must recognise the problems for what they are — that the economy is predominantly in the hands of foreign investors. Government policies since the early 1990s are more favourable for foreign direct investment at the expense of local entrepreneurs and innovators.

For example, many industries are heavily controlled if not owned by non-Zambian corporations. Let us consider the construction sector; all road works and other government contracts or tender, are mostly in the hands of the Chinese. There is nothing wrong with having foreign investors as equal partners in development as a nation but what we are faced with is not an equal partnership, because none of the monies obtained go to the Zambian treasury. Another example is the mining sector. Not one operational and profitable mine is owned by a Zambian individual or corporation. Today the leading mining companies such as First Quantum Minerals, Vedanta and GlenCore are all foreign companies enjoying huge tax holidays from the Zambian government, while making exponential profits year in and year out. Truth be told, Zambia needs a serious leadership that will fix this problem once and for all.

We should consider another vital sector of the economy, the retail industry, which has been taken over by the likes of Shoprite, Pep and Pick n Pay which are in all the major cities and towns in Zambia. These powerful retail chain stores are all South African companies, and no Zambian company comes close. This means all the profits and paid dividends quietly escape Zambia into the hands of the owners. Again, none of such monies goes to the Zambian treasury, because some of these companies have tax breaks from the Zambian government for a certain period of time.

All banks in Zambia are foreign owned, with the exception of the Zambia National Commercial Bank (Zanaco) and Invest Trust Bank. But these two banks are not the major players in this sector, because Absa, FNB, Standard Chartered, Citi Bank, Stanbic and others dominate the industry.

Zambia needs a government that will boost local direct investment and champion the spirit of entrepreneurship among the people. This should be done in practice rather than in rhetoric, by awarding road works and other construction contracts to local engineers and contractors who in return partners with foreign experts. In simple terms, Zambians should be the owners of this industry. Instead of building shopping malls countrywide, the government of Zambia must invest money in building factories and agriculture facilities that will create lasting jobs. Goods produced in these factories can be exported, thereby earning forex for the country, and improving the currency.

A cashier at Pick n Pay makes K4 380 (about R3 838) a month. This is pathetic by any standards, because these people deserve a decent living wage for them to pay for housing or rent, put food on the table and take their children to school.

After 59 years of independence Zambia needs real change. But to achieve meaningful change, Zambia will have to answer the question of ownership and control of its means of production. Taking back the economy from the hands of foreigners and investing in the people is the only option to keep the money in terms of profits in the country and so contribute to the GDP growth. There is no major country in the world that has attained the status of a fully developed or industrialised nation with an economy dominated by foreign ownership.
Tags: ABSA, China, Citi Bank, Economy, First Quantum Minerals, FNB, Glencore, Pick N Pay, Shoprite, Stanbic, Standard Chartered, Vedanta, Zambia


Police in Chililabombwe have arrested and detained Why Me.

Police in Chililabombwe have arrested and detained Why Me.

October 2, 2023-The Zambia Police Service is deeply concerned about the recent incident of mob justice that has occurred...

October 2, 2023-The Zambia Police Service is deeply concerned about the recent incident of mob justice that has occurred in Mulimba Village of Shibuyunji District where two persons have been burnt to death on allegations of cattle rustling. Brief facts of this matter are that Police received a report of suspected murder in which two people named Remy Mwiinga aged 45 and Benny Ngwiliza aged 29 were murdered by a mob in Mulimba village. This occurred today, October 2, 2023 at around 02:00 hours,when a group of people came across a truck loaded with cattle they suspected to have been stolen, with four suspects on board in Mulimba village of Shibuyunji. Immediately, the suspects noticed the group of people they decided to run away from the scene abandoning the vehicle. Two suspects were caught in the process and burnt to death. The two survivors both of Chilanda Village namely Enerst Siziba aged 43, the owner of the Volvo truck registration number CAA 5837 and Isaac Paraza aged 28 a driver for the truck are in police custody. Police have instituted investigations into the matter.
Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, refers to the act of individuals or groups taking the law into their own hands to administer punishment to alleged wrongdoers without due process. While we understand the frustration and anger that can result from criminal activities, we want to emphasize that mob justice is not only illegal but also poses serious risks to the safety and well-being of our residents.
Our commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all is unwavering. We believe that every individual is entitled to a fair and impartial trial, and that the justice system is the appropriate avenue for addressing alleged crimes. Mob justice not only violates the principles of due process but can also lead to innocent people being wrongly accused and harmed.
We urge residents of Mulimba Village and the general public to refrain from engaging in mob justice and instead report suspected criminal activities to the nearest Police station or other relevant law enforcement agencies. We are here to serve and protect, and we will investigate all reported incidents thoroughly, ensuring that justice is served in accordance with the law.
The dangers of mob justice are numerous, including the risk of violence, injury, and even loss of life as has been in this incident. Furthermore, it undermines the credibility and effectiveness of our criminal justice system, making it harder to achieve justice for all.
We are committed to working closely with community leaders, organizations, and citizenry to address the underlying issues that may contribute to mob justice, such as concerns about crime and safety. Together, we can create a safer and more just community for everyone.
In conclusion, we reiterate that mob justice has no place in our society. We call on all residents to collaborate with us in upholding the law and ensuring that justice is served through legal means. We remain dedicated to our mandate of protecting and serving the community, and we are always ready to respond to your concerns.
For further information or to report suspicious activities, please report to the nearest Police Station in your jurisdiction.
Rae Hamoonga


BREAKING: Former President Donald Trump says he will make a rare trip to court for the start of a civil trial over his business dealings. “I’m going to Court tomorrow morning to fight for my name and reputation,” he wrote on his Truth Social platform.

Violent patient kills witchdoctorAn 83-YEAR-OLD witchdoctor of Itezhi-Tezhi, Southern Province, has been hacked to death...

Violent patient kills witchdoctor

An 83-YEAR-OLD witchdoctor of Itezhi-Tezhi, Southern Province, has been hacked to death with an axe by the patient he was treating for mental illness.
Southern Province police commanding officer Auxensio Daka named the witchdoctor as Malolo Kamunga, of Wire Farming Block.
Mr Daka said Kamunga was killed shortly after midnight on Thursday by his patient, identified as Rody Chipango, 27, who is also his grandson.
The patient’s mother, Anna Shayile, reported to the police that his son murdered her uncle, who is his grandfather, under the influence of a mental illness.
“Facts as given by the mother of the suspect are that in this month of September, her son suddenly developed a mental illness,” he said. “She took him for prayers but nothing changed.
Later on September 24, 2023, she took the suspect to the deceased, who was a witchdoctor, so that he could also help to treat him.”
Mr Daka said unfortunately, the illness violently erupted on the suspect and he hacked the grandfather to death using an axe. He said the suspect has been arrested but is very violent, hence he has been taken to Itezhi-Tezhi Hospital for a jab to calm him down.


Triple M shares:Looking from where  I come from,the struggle to get were I am today. The effort and Hard work, I must sa...

Triple M shares:

Looking from where I come from,the struggle to get were I am today. The effort and Hard work, I must say am humbled for this recognition. Thank you Zambia for the vote,this is the win for all my fans, you made it possible. Lesa tafilwapo 💪🏿❤️🙏

Suit by Yuzzo fashion designer



A father and his two sons have died in the Zambezi river. The trio went for a picnic as a family only to meet their fate at the river stream after a failed swim attempt.

The father and son died after they attempted to rescue their son who dived into the river and failed to swim near Zambezi Bridge river stream.

The only person who survived was the pregnant wife of the deceased who was left crying for help at the river banks.

The bodies were retrieved by local Fishermen. An official statement is yet to be availed.

Credit: Lilayi Radio


Zambian Gospel Musicians vs Secular Musicians

From anonymous

It is sad to see in our Country's secular musicians are the ones that are more like Gospel musicians, gospel musicians are so selfish and want to keep small circles, when upcoming secular artists release new songs, you can even see how well the industry receives them and how they get to involve them in activities. While Gospel musicians are still behaving like the choir leaders in the praise team who only want the same people to always lead in Church. Secular musicians are embracing everyone coming in their industry. They embrace them with open arms,Gospel musicians learn something if you intend for Gods Kingdom to grow.
Don’t just say I am here because I pushed , maybe the times have changed learn to push others , when you see a new artist share their song make time to contact them and see how they can be helped. Everything is not about money.
While Secular music is going international, they are incorporating the upcoming artists in their programs and activities, the Gospel music industry only has the same people doing shows, and always the same names, without the involvement of new comers. Their are many upcoming artists that sing even better, but they are not embraced.

Singer Yo Maps writes  I Wanna Thank Me For Believing In Me I Wanna Thank Me For Doing All This Hard Work I Wanna Thank ...

Singer Yo Maps writes

I Wanna Thank Me For Believing In Me
I Wanna Thank Me For Doing All This Hard Work
I Wanna Thank Me For Not Giving Up
I Wanna Thank Me For Having No Days Off
I Wanna Thank Me For Just Being Me At All Times 💪

Lesa Wamaka🙏🙏

Land cruiser 20 shani shani Pa Olios Kingdom 💃🏾💃🏾

Congratulations To Olios 💪💪🙏🙏


A LUSAKA MAN DROWNS ON HIS BIRTHDAYOctober 1, 2023 - A 26-year-old man of Jack compound in Lusaka drowned in a swimming ...

October 1, 2023 - A 26-year-old man of Jack compound in Lusaka drowned in a swimming pool at one of the lodges in Kamwala South area.

The incident happened on September 30, 2023 around 13:00 hours.

Police preliminary investigations revealed that Misheck Mutelo Lwendo who was celebrating his birthday with two of his friends, decided to swim after taking some beer.

After noticing that he was not coming out of the water, the two friends alerted the security guard and immediately a search was conducted. The body was discovered in the deep end of the swimming pool.

Police officers who rushed to the scene suspected no foul play. The body was deposited in UTH mortuary awaiting postmortem and burial.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer


Petrol increased from K29.42 to K29.98, diesel from K26.88 to K29.98 &
JET A1 from K26.42 to K29.29.

September 30, 2023 - Police are looking for a woman of Chirundu District only identified as 'bamake Linos' in connection...

September 30, 2023 - Police are looking for a woman of Chirundu District only identified as 'bamake Linos' in connection with the death of an eight-month-old child.

The woman is said to have caused the death of the child identified as Emmanuel Siabasimbi after she performed a procedure of cutting the inner lining of the tongue.

The child is suspected to have died from bleeding after the failed procedure.

The incident occurred on September 29, 2023 around 06:00 hours in Apollo compound in Chirundu District.

Police preliminary investigations indicate that the couple (Mr and Mrs Siabasimbi) agreed to take their child to the named woman after they discovered that their child had an inborn disease known as tongue tie locally known as 'kalimba'.

The woman conducted the procedure and in the process the baby bled profusely. The baby was later rushed to Mtendere Mission Hospital where it was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The body is in the same Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Meanwhile, Police arrested 48 people for Loitering during a night operation conducted in Lusaka's Central Business District.

The clean-up operation was conducted between September 29, 2023 around 22:00 hours and September 30, 2023 at 01:30 hours.

Some suspects were found in possession of property believed to have been stolen while others were found in possession of suspected psychotropic substances.

The suspects, all males aged between 13 and 38, are detained in custody waiting to be formally charged.

And Police in Chadiza District received a report of drowning in which a 32- year-old man identified as Muntunduwata Phiri was reported to have drowned in Nsadzu Dam.

Polic officers and Fire fighters rushed to the scene to search for the body but it was not retrieved as it was not seen.

Police heard that the man was seen swimming in the dam by other fishermen and later he was heard shouting for help when he was already in the deep area of the dam.

This occurred on September 29, 2023 around 13:00 hours.

The Searching is ongoing.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer

STATEMENT FROM U.S. EMBASSY ZAMBIA:Corruption undermines public services, national cohesion, and economic development.  ...


Corruption undermines public services, national cohesion, and economic development. No organization is immune. It is precisely because the United States is also challenged by the scourge of corruption that the U.S. Embassy takes such an active and robust role fighting corruption in Zambia. We know that only by tackling current corruption, among our own teams – sometimes even among our favorite colleagues – that we will succeed in eradicating this cancer from our societies.

Today, the U.S. Embassy fired ten of our staff members for fraud, misconduct, and corruption. Today’s actions double the number of American and Zambian staff whose employment has been terminated by the U.S. Government over the past 18 months for fraud or corrupt practices.

We urge all institutions – public or private – to join us in enforcing tangible accountability to end corruption.





POSTMORTEM WAS DONE AND THE BODY HAS BEEN TAKEN TO LUSAKA The body of the late Brenda Banda a Clinical officer from mpul...


The body of the late Brenda Banda a Clinical officer from mpulungu urban clinic who was found de@d in her house has been taken to Lusaka for burial. The vehicle carrying her body left Mpulungu last night.

Postmortem was done yesterday by pathologists and the cause of de@th was 'electrocution', she was electrocuted by a live electricity cable of an adaptor which is believed she was trying to repair.

MANYINGA MAN BUILDS HYDRO POWER STATIONA 29-year-old man of Manyinga District in Northwestern Province has built a mini ...


A 29-year-old man of Manyinga District in Northwestern Province has built a mini hydro Power station on the Manyinga River that is capable of producing electricity that can connect 10 houses.

ABEL MUBANGA started working on the mini hydro station in 2021 and is currently producing electricity and supplying his house.

Mr. MUBANGA called for more investments in his innovation as it will help with electricity provision in his area.

Mr MUBANGA was speaking when a delegation from the Rural Electrification Authority – REA led by Chief Executive Officer, LINUS CHANDA inspected his mini hydro.

And, Mr. CHANDA said the authority is keen on making partnerships with locals that have solutions to increasing electricity connectivity in rural areas.


Kabwata cop dies minutes after falling ill while on duty!Kabwata Police Station in Lusaka is mourning a young and dedica...

Kabwata cop dies minutes after falling ill while on duty!

Kabwata Police Station in Lusaka is mourning a young and dedicated Police officer who died while on duty on Tuesday evening.

According to his workmates, Constable Ezra Tembo aged 26 years reported for his nightshift duties at 18:00 but complained of being breathless around 21:00 hours before he began bleeding and vomiting.

Noticing how quickly Constable Tembo seemed to have been deteriorating, his colleagues rushed him to Kabwata Clinic just across the the road but unfortunately he did not make the short trip.

Constable Tembo was pronounced dead on arrival at the clinic, less than 10 minutes after falling ill.

He will be buried in Kafue tomorrow, the place where he grew up.

Last December, a video of Constable Tembo who has served the Zambia Police Service for five years went viral as he gave chase to one Ben Lombe after he escaped from police custody.


Driver who killed Lusaka pupils was drunk, had no license - Police THE DRIVER who bashed and killed four people includin...

Driver who killed Lusaka pupils was drunk, had no license - Police

THE DRIVER who bashed and killed four people including three pupils in Lusaka's Ibex Hill area was under the influence of alcohol and had no license, according to police findings.

Mulemwa Akamani has been formally charged and was found to be under the influence of alcohol while operating an unfit vehicle.

The tragic incident occurred at 06:30 hours in the Ibex Hill area of Lusaka on Wednesday.

Deputy police public relations officer Danny Mwale confirmed that Akamani has been charged with four counts of causing death by dangerous driving.

The victims of the accident include three young pupils from Family Legacy School in Ibex Hill: James Phiri aged 13, Felix Mwansa aged 14, and Richard Mapulanga aged 15.

Another adult victim remains unidentified, while 13-year-old Samson Ngoma, also a pupil at Family Legacy School, survived but suffered injuries and is currently undergoing treatment at the University Teaching Hospitals.

The preliminary police investigation revealed that Akamani, behind the wheel of a Toyota Camry with registration number BAL 5830, lost control of the vehicle due to excessive speed. The car struck five pedestrians who were walking on the opposite side of the road near Saint Agnes Health Clinic before overturning.

According to reports, Akamani was driving under the influence of alcohol, impairing his judgment and endangering the lives of others on the road.

"Police are also investigating offences of driving a motor vehicle without Road Tax, uninsured motor vehicle and that of unlicensed driver," Mwale added.

Akamani now awaits his court appearance while in police custody.

Comedienne Bana Mumbi trying to sell Umumbu to former President Edgar Lungu pa Kapiri

Comedienne Bana Mumbi trying to sell Umumbu to former President Edgar Lungu pa Kapiri

GOLD-GATE SUSPECT SHADRECK KASANDA DENIED BAILThe Lusaka High Court has denied gold-scam suspect Shadreck Kasanda bail, ...


The Lusaka High Court has denied gold-scam suspect Shadreck Kasanda bail, pending trial.

The court has agreed with the submissions by the State that granting Kasanda bail might prejudice the State.

The court further states that granting Kasanda bail will be an academic exercise as he is facing one count of Espionage.

In this matter, Kasanda is jointly charged with four others for disposal of property suspected to be proceeds of crime and Espionage contrary to section 3(a) of the State Security Act.

Meanwhile, The Drug Enforcement Commission is yet to disclose the lesser charges slapped on two Egyptian nationals connected to the case after discharging 7 foreign suspects from the case.

The five Zambian suspects were detained at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport where they allegedly tried to sell fake gold to Egyptian nationals.

Diamobd TV

Police investigate death of two University students!Two people only identified as George Mumbi aged 24 of kasama Distric...

Police investigate death of two University students!

Two people only identified as George Mumbi aged 24 of kasama District and Hilda Bupe Mumba aged 21 of Luanshya District both students at Rockview University in Lusaka died in what the Police suapect to be a Murder and a Su***de case.

The two students were found unconscious in a room at Green Grass Lodges Boarding house in Lusaka and were rushed to Matero Level One Hospital where they were both pronounced dead.

The incident is reported to have occurred between 08:00 hours and 15:00 hours on September 6, 2023 but Police received the report
of the incident around 15:45 hours and rushed to the scene at the Boarding house located along Mungule Road in 10 miles area.

Initial investigations revealed the two students were in a relationship and recently the female student was suspecting her boyfriend of being in another relationship with unknown female at the Boarding house.

According to the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage, the female student was seen going to the room of the male student where she was seen knocking but got no response. They later met outside and both went into the male's room.

Around 08:00 hours, the male student was seen exiting his room and locking it and later left the premises of the Boarding house. A while later, he emerged with a parcel in one hand and jumped over the wire fence into the premises of the Boarding house and went back into the room.

After a while, a caretaker and other students alleged that they heard screams calling for help coming from the room. The Caretaker and other students managed to force the door open and the female student was found laying unconsciously on one of the beds while the male student was battling for his life in the bathroom with an unknown white substance poured and smelling within the room.

They were rushed to Matero Level One Hospital where they were both pronounced dead upon arrival.

Police observed that the female student sustained bruises around the neck and a cut on the left leg while the male student's body was intact. A cup suspected to have been used to take the unknown substance and a pillow with vomits on it were picked to assist with further investigations.

The two bodies were deposited in the University Teaching Hospitals mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Deputy Police Public Relations Officer in a statement made available to NKANI said Police have opened an inquiry file into the incident.

©️Kazizi September 7, 2023

ANDYFORD BANDA (PAC PRESIDENT) WRITES President Edgar Lungu and family...Disclaimer: I have never ever met H.E. ECL on o...

President Edgar Lungu and family...

Disclaimer: I have never ever met H.E. ECL on one on one basis for personal discussion. I have never ever met former first lady Esther Lungu in my life. I don't have any personal relationship with any member of the family. I have never been a member of PF and never worked with them. I have a little note though and these are my earnest feelings.

Former first lady Madam Esther Lungu has been formally charged and arrested on among others counts the notorious theft of Motor Vehicle. I can't imagine what's going on in the Lungu family. A wife, a woman is the pillar of the house. The question is did she really steal the vehicle or the flawed laws are being used for imingalato?

Look people empathy is important. No one should be exempted from the law. But our laws are flawed in most cases and in politics these laws are being used to punish people. Why would Madam Esther Lungu stage a robbery to steal a car when her husband a former President is entitled to vehicles for the rest of his life? This is the same things I have said before, we are not different from the colonialists or apartheid regime leaders who created laws to punish people. Now I am not saying these laws have been created now. But why behave like everyone using flawed laws to punish people? No, this is not right. Charge her with other things not theft of motor vehicle. No people. No this is not right.

Esther Lungu despite whatever the Lungu family has done right or wrong has been our mother. The only close association she has to politics is supporting her husband. No people. I am so touched that a former first lady like a reserved mother like Esther Lungu can be subjected to sleeping in cells on things that could have been discussed and resolved.

Look why can't we learn from the past that power is not permanent. Why is it that almost everyone who comes to power thinks that they can do as they wish because they feel they will be in power forever through them or their surrogates ? Like I said before if any leader does not focus on alleviating problems or poverty in the country, Zambia will vote them out no matter how many people they arrest. We have seen this before. Learn from it. At the moment Zambians are more focused on dealing with economic issues. They also want corruption to be dealt with not just in the past but even in the current.

I am so sorry mum Esther Lungu that you are being subjected to this. Its not difficult for anyone to tell that the only crime you have committed in Zambia is being married to former President H.E. Edgar Lungu. I am so sorry that our country is still being led like we are in colonialism. May God grant you the strength and fortitude you need in this trying time.

Sorry 😭😭😭

Police in Lusaka have detained former Presidential Political Advisor in Patriotic Front administration, CHRIS ZIMBA.Poli...

Police in Lusaka have detained former Presidential Political Advisor in Patriotic Front administration, CHRIS ZIMBA.

Police Spokesperson RAE HAMOONGA has confirmed the detention of Dr. ZIMBA


TAZAMA Pipeline Damaged by Accident

A grader machine from the Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency( TARURA) working on a rural road in Mbeya Region, caused an accident and damaged the Tanzania-Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) Pipeline underneath carrying diesel and caused a dangerous huge spillage.

However, Regional TAZAMA authorities have since provided emergency repairs to the pipeline and plugged the leakage.

The biggest risk to the pieline carrying finished products is sabotage. TAZAMA must assure the public how they are handling or their preparedness to handle such threats or incidences.



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