
Cinergies Cinergies is a social cooperative whose purpose is to create and support narratives to foster equitable and sustainable pathways.

Cinergies is a Greek social cooperative founded in mid-2016 whose purpose is to create and support alternative narratives to foster equitable and sustainable pathways.

Αν ενδιαφέρεστε για τη   συμπληρώστε το παρακάτω survey για τη καινούργια πλατφόρμα που ετοιμάζουμε στα πλαίσια του Perm...

Αν ενδιαφέρεστε για τη συμπληρώστε το παρακάτω survey για τη καινούργια πλατφόρμα που ετοιμάζουμε στα πλαίσια του Permayouth Project!

Welcome to the Guided Survey on PERMA-YOUTH_Focus Group PERMACULTURE GAPS DETECTION. This survey is designed to delve into two critical areas: User Identification and Identification of Permaculture Needs. By participating in this survey, you contribute valuable insights that will aid in understandin...


SDR E+ project aimed to empower youth workers with crucial skills to navigate and counteract fake news and misinformation. We will present you what we learned that heightened media literacy, digital competence, and the capacity to disseminate positive online content by designing a dedicated VOD platform.

  E+ project aimed to empower youth workers with crucial skills to navigate and counteract fake news and misinformation....

E+ project aimed to empower youth workers with crucial skills to navigate and counteract fake news and misinformation. We explored ways to heightened media literacy, digital competence, and the capacity to disseminate positive online content by designing a dedicated VOD platform.


Με τους χρωματιστούς λογαριασμούς του ηλεκτρικού να είναι πλέον εδώ είμαστε περήφανοι που μαζί με το Heinrich Böll Stift...

Με τους χρωματιστούς λογαριασμούς του ηλεκτρικού να είναι πλέον εδώ είμαστε περήφανοι που μαζί με το Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece ολοκληρώσαμε τη παραγωγή ενός πραγματικά επίκαιρου podcast: «Το μέλλον της ενέργειας».

Με την απειλή της κλιματικής αλλαγής να γιγαντώνεται, η παγκόσμια κοινότητα κατευθύνεται σταδιακά προς την ενεργειακή μετάβαση, μαζί και η Ελλάδα. Ο δημοσιογράφος Romanos Gkotzos, με την υποστήριξη του Γραφείου του Ιδρύματος Χάινριχ Μπελ στην Ελλάδα και σε παραγωγή της Cinergies Co-Op, εξετάζει τις σημαντικότερες εξελίξεις της ενεργειακής μετάβασης στη χώρα μας με τη βοήθεια ειδικών επιστημόνων, πρωτεργατών του κλιματικού κινήματος αλλά και απλών πολιτών που προσπαθούν μέσα από τη δράση τους να προσφέρουν θετικά παραδείγματα λύσεων. Θα καταφέρει η Ελλάδα να αφήσει πίσω της τα ορυκτά καύσιμα και να εμπλέξει τους πολίτες στον μετασχηματισμό που έρχεται;

#ενέργεια #ΑΠΕ #λιγνίτης #εξοικονόμηση #κινητικότητα

Apple podcasts:

Today is the 4th day of our Erasmus+ Project "Decoupage" and the participants were called to come up with a script for a...

Today is the 4th day of our Erasmus+ Project "Decoupage" and the participants were called to come up with a script for a podcast and livestream tutorial!

Using the knowledge of the past days, our teams work hard, in order to create the perfect story!

Do you want to learn how to create a podcast or a livestream video?
Well, stay tuned, because the tutorials are coming soon!😉


On Day 3 of our Erasmus+ Project "Decoupage", we discussed about fake news and created a podcast based on it.Our partici...

On Day 3 of our Erasmus+ Project "Decoupage", we discussed about fake news and created a podcast based on it.

Our participants got familiar with the equipment and made something great out of it! A lot of interesting ideas and thoughts got to share with the group!

We're super excited on what's coming next!
Are you?

On day 2 of our Erasmus+ Project we introduced to our participants the basics of storytelling writing methodology.We als...

On day 2 of our Erasmus+ Project we introduced to our participants the basics of storytelling writing methodology.

We also presented the importance of sound in multimedia storytelling!

All of the above, helped, in order to practice on podcast and video live-streaming production.

What's coming next? Stay tuned!

First day of our Erasmus+ training seminar "Decoupage".Today we got to meet everyone and we couldn't be more excited abo...

First day of our Erasmus+ training seminar "Decoupage".
Today we got to meet everyone and we couldn't be more excited about it.
Our first step into this educational journey is to share between us our personal stories!
A lot of great storytellers among us!

We can't wait to see what's going to emerge from it in the following days!


25η Νοεμβρίου, η παγκόσμια μέρα της εξάλειψης της βίας κατά των γυναικώνΣήμερα πρέπει να υπενθυμίσουμε ότι η αξιοπρέπεια...

25η Νοεμβρίου, η παγκόσμια μέρα της εξάλειψης της βίας κατά των γυναικών

Σήμερα πρέπει να υπενθυμίσουμε ότι η αξιοπρέπεια και η αυτοδιάθεση είναι θεμελιώδη ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.

Ευχαριστούμε την Κατερίνα Soap Up Project που μας εμπιστεύτηκε με το όραμά της για να δημιουργήσουμε το σποτ κοινωνικού σκοπού “Καμία μόνη”.

Όσοι μπορούμε ας στηρίξουμε απόψε με την παρουσία μας την εκδήλωση του Soap Up Project στο Santo Belto (Αγίας Ζώνη 21, Κυψέλη). Από τις 19:00 έως τις 23:00 τα έσοδα από τα σαπούνια με τη στάμπα “Καμία Μόνη” θα διατίθενται για να στηρίξουν τις δράσεις του Κέντρου Κέντρο Διοτίμα / Diotima Centre

Το βίντεο πλαισιώνει την δράση "ΚΑΜΙΑ ΜΟΝΗ" κατά την οποία στηρίζεται ο οργανισμός ΔΙΟΤΙΜΑ, μέσα από την πωλήση σαπουνιών με σήμανση "ΚΑΜΙΑ ΜΟΝΗ". Το σύνολο ...

Είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι για τη προβολή και online πρεμιέρα του ντοκιμαντέρ "Daylighting" σε σκηνοθεσία του John Koutouzi...

Είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι για τη προβολή και online πρεμιέρα του ντοκιμαντέρ "Daylighting" σε σκηνοθεσία του John Koutouzis που έγινε το προηγούμενο Σάββατο στη CoLab House.

Ευχαριστούμε θερμά όσους ήλθατε στη προβολή και στο περίπατο που προηγήθηκε στη Ρεματιά Χαλανδρίου με τον Dimitrios Theodossopoulos της Γεωμυθική, στο πλαίσιο της ταινίας που εξερευνά τις προσπάθειες πολιτών για τη προστασία των ελάχιστων ανοιχτών υδάτινων δρόμων της Αττικής.
Δείτε το ντοκιμαντέρ στο


Our project IP2C, has explored the basic elements and the theory behind along with tools and processes needed to increase their ability to find and validate information.

Participants had the chance to learn the basics on structuring their own strategy based on the TOC model, understand how to use information in order to set and achieve goals, design a change path, implement various advocacy tools (Targeted comms, Awareness raising, Systemic and social alliances and also evaluate and redesign their efforts.

Follow our livestream session to discover how they designed interventions and actions to turn Europe from a fortress to a shelter.

Taking action is the second pillar of the   project that involves strategy and contributes to building democratic values...

Taking action is the second pillar of the project that involves strategy and contributes to building democratic values and civic engagement. Our participants choose to implement the Theory of Change framework to convert Europe from fortress to a shelter for migrants and refugees.

You can check what they designed in the special livestream session we are preparing for tomorrow at 19:00 Greek time.

For this day of our seminar in CoLab House, in Athens participants four partner organisations (Maghweb - Italy, Via Brachy - France, Innoved Lietuva - Lithuania, EUducate - Spain and Cinergies - Greece) have gone through the planning process that can make use of the information they acquired, validated and organized. That planning process is based on the TOC (Theory of Change) Model that provides us with the pathway to set a goal, design a process to use the information we gathered and curated in order to achieve our goal and evaluate our intervention results.
Stay tuned for our posts from the next days and our livestream session!
Supported by Greece National Agency
Erasmus+ Youth Greece

In order to achieve change in our societies we have to be able to validate, evaluate, and categorize information in comb...

In order to achieve change in our societies we have to be able to validate, evaluate, and categorize information in combination with having a strategy and a set of processes to use this information in a constructive and results oriented way. This is the first of two main pillars of the project.

For this day of our seminar in CoLab House , Athens participants four partner organisations (Maghweb - Italy, Via Brachy - France, Innoved Lietuva - Lithuania, EUducate - Spain and Cinergies - Greece) have gained knowledge of tools and processes to validate evaluate and categorize information using the (Opens Source Intelligence) framework.

Stay tuned for our posts from the next days!
Supported by Greece National Agency
Erasmus+ Youth Greece

We live in a time of information and the ability to understand, validate, categorize and use information in order to tak...

We live in a time of information and the ability to understand, validate, categorize and use information in order to take decisions and achieve change is explored in our new Erasmus+ project called

Set in CoLab House , Athens participants four partner organisations (Maghweb - Italy, Via Brachy - France, Innoved Lietuva - Lithuania, EUducate - Spain and Cinergies - Greece) met at the premises of CoLab House yesterday, to get to know each other and find pathways to change.

After talking about the current issues we face in our countries, we started designing our interventions to achieve change in different aspects of our society. focused on what it is that we want to learn or improve and, above all, we had a lot of fun!
Stay tuned for our posts from the next days!

Supported by Greece National Agency
Erasmus+ Youth Greece

Το Σάββατο αυτό είχαμε ένα ιδιαίτερο γύρισμα!Συνεργαστήκαμε για πρώτη φορά με την Κατερίνα από το Soap Up Project με σκο...

Το Σάββατο αυτό είχαμε ένα ιδιαίτερο γύρισμα!

Συνεργαστήκαμε για πρώτη φορά με την Κατερίνα από το Soap Up Project με σκοπό να δημιουργήσουμε ένα μήνυμα για ένα φλέγον κοινωνικό θέμα, την έμφυλη βία.

Ο ενθουσιασμός και η αφοσίωση από όλους τους συντελεστές μας συνεπήρε και αυτό θα φανεί σίγουρα στο αποτέλεσμα!

Ευχαριστούμε θερμά την CoLab House για την φιλοξενία και όλους όσους βοήθησαν!

Φωτό by: Salina Sorrentino

Μείνετε συντονισμένοι!


CommunicAction TC Closing Event

Continuing with the tradition to have our participants write the posts that are related to our training called "Communic...

Continuing with the tradition to have our participants write the posts that are related to our training called "CommunicAction", here's what happened during the previous days, according to them:

"This week of hard work 💪🏻 during our training is coming to an end tonight and we still can’t believe it, you can feel it in the air! 😢

On Wednesday the weather got sunnier, something that boosted our energy to finish what we started in CoLab House!
The Podcast team finished recording everything they needed and did a bit of editing✂️
The Live-Stream team finally completed the script and read it all together, to see if there was something to change. Luckily, it was just perfect 🤓

On Thursday, we made history!!!
We were the first international group ever to be hosted by the Municipality of Ilioupoli (Δήμος Ηλιούπολης) in Athens! In the morning we met with Apostolis Stasinopoulos, one the Deputy Mayors of Ilioupoli and one of the youngest locally elected representatives in Greece!

He gave us the legal context concerning women's rights in Greece, starting from the '80s until today and he presened to us the communication campaign that the Municipality of Ilioupoli is undergoing, in order to raise awareness on femicides. Moreover, he described the Municipality's efforts to support women who are victims of violence (local hotline, psychological & financial support etc), with the view to protect them and eventually eliminate gender inequalitites.

We were surprised to discover that, until a few years ago, this was not a subject of public discussion in Greece. Raising awareness, however, has now become a priority thanks to the movement and all the work that has been done, in terms of laws,as well as private and public initiatives.

We have to admit we ’re very sad that all of this is coming to an end tonight, but we're super exited that we are going to present to you (😉) what this project was all about!

The Live Straming will take place tonight at 8pm here:

Stay tuned for the Podcast publishing information!"

Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG


"Practice" is our middle name and once again we let the participants create today's post on what happened yesterday duri...

"Practice" is our middle name and once again we let the participants create today's post on what happened yesterday during our training in CoLab House:

"We're happy to see that you 're still in the loop because our CommunicAction project is taking an amazing form that we 're very proud of! 😊

Luckily, the 🌞 is back, giving us fuel for even more creativity, as you can see in the photos and the outputs of our projects! 👇

The Podcast team was on fire 🔥🔥🔥 and, even though they just started recording yesterday, they had almost finished by dinner. The significant theme/title of this project is "Why are young people leaving?" sharing some super interesting ideas on youth immigration, as we hope to shed some light on this topic and clear a few things out for the troubled youth of the three countries (Croatia, Italy, Greece).

The Live-Stream team on the other hand, after completing the setup of the area, moved on to shooting 🎬 The theme/title of the project is "Mind the Gap" and we will be discussing in a very cozy manner the most important aspects of the Generation Gaps. Through interviews of guest from different generations, we will be exploring this subject, as well as its effects on young people's lives throughout time.

Will these young and inspired heroes be able to guide us through these tricky topics? 💪

Stay tuned and we will see you all on Friday for our live streaming and podcast transmition!"

Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG


Don't you ever wonder what the actual participants have to say about the trainings they take part to? Well, this post is...

Don't you ever wonder what the actual participants have to say about the trainings they take part to? Well, this post is 100% written by them and here's what they had to say about the training we organise these days and is called "CommunicAction" 📣

"With gloomy weather following our every step yesterday, brainstorming was the only way to go! 🌪️

Our day started with Antonis, who gave us a very useful audio engineering class! Fueled by Italian coffee, we went on to brainstorm on our very first podcast, as well as a live stream show, both of which you will be able to listen to on Friday!
It goes without saying you should stay in the loop!!! 🙃

After a few deep research sessions, which were enhanced by the help of our dear CoLab House and Cinergies hosts, we rounded the day off with some incredible homemade Italian pasta and lemon cake 🍲🥧🍷

The atmosphere is more prolific than ever and we have some incredible pics to prove it!"

Maghweb and VoxFeminae, this partnership has been pure pleasure! 😃

Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG


What did we learn during our training called "CommunicAction" this weekend?That the best way to learn is hands-on practi...

What did we learn during our training called "CommunicAction" this weekend?
That the best way to learn is hands-on practice! 🤓

Our Saturday was dedicated to the importance of media literacy in the digital age and, even though we did not exhaust the matter, we understood how it affects our everyday life, our views and decisions. By playing an interactive fun game, we quickly realised how easy it is to circulate fake news and, consequently, we acknowledged the significance of critical thinking. 🤔

We spent Sunday out in the sun 🌞 divided in two groups, one focused on video-making and one in photography.

Our chosen theme of both workshops was sustainability and the necessity of caring for nature 🌱 The video group shot a short film at CoLab House, raising awareness on water waste and what we can do to prevent it, while the photography team told a story through pictures about the dangers fallen tree branches could pose.

Take a look at our awesome photos and let us know how you find them!

Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them" and we can definitely tell you a lot of stories about how our new Eras...

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them" and we can definitely tell you a lot of stories about how our new Erasmus+ project called "CommunicAction" unfolded during its first day!

Despite the snow (😲) of Athens, participants from three partner organisations (Maghweb - Italy, VoxFeminae - Croatia and Cinergies - Greece) met at the premises of CoLab House yesterday, to get to know each other and talk about this tricky little thing, called communication 🙄

After talking about the current issues we face in our countries, we dug deep into the notion of storytelling, its methods and its context, before we finally shared our own stories, with trust and empathy. We focused on what it is that we want to learn or improve and, above all, we had a lot of fun!

Stay tuned for our snowy (or maybe not so snowy) posts from the next days!

PS: tag yoursleves you pretty faces!!! 😎

Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG


Cinergies Cooperative presents and shares the outcomes of this very interesting training course on Communication for youth workers



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